Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1754: Boundless territory

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pei Junlin waved his hand, and a woman appeared beside him. This woman was not someone else, but Pei Junlin's apprentice Geng Pin.

As soon as Geng Pin appeared, he began to look around. When his eyes fell on Princess Long Shisan, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of this woman in black.

"This is a friend of mine, the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan, her name is Yang Chan." Pei Junlin quickly introduced to Geng Pin.

The two girls glanced at each other, the atmosphere in the air was a bit embarrassing, and Pei Junlin could feel that Princess Long Shisan seemed a little depressed at this moment.

"Unexpectedly, this is the Big Thousand World. Then the Little Thousand World we were in was just a head. Is it a nihil world?" Princess Long 13 said to him, but her tone was a little confused. It was obvious that his heart was already Messed up.

Pei Junlin did not expect that Princess Long Shisan would have such a big reaction after seeing Geng Pin. He quickly introduced to Princess Long Shisan: "This is one of my apprentices named Geng Pin."

Hearing that Geng Pin was just a friend of Pei Junlin, Princess Long Shisan seemed to have restored some of her expression. But when I thought that Geng Pin had been living in the small world of Pei Junlin's Chaos Jindou, Princess Long Shisan felt a little sour, because it was originally his territory.

"The so-called Little Thousand World is not a world of nothingness. The projection actually has a very deep meaning, and now we can't understand it, even I don't know what it means." Pei Junlin shook his head, his eyes also Somewhat at a loss.

When he first arrived and suddenly came to this great world, Pei Junlin had no clue. Pei Junlin has a feeling that there seems to be a thought in the dark that he is telling himself that his beloved wife, Prince Qiong, is in this world, and even former friends and relatives may have come to this world.

So overall, Pei Junlin's mood is fairly smooth.

"We don't know anything about this great world, so let's find a place to find out as soon as possible, don't say more here." Pei Junlin said toward Geng Pin and Princess Long 13.

Princess Dragon 13 didn't speak, nor made any comments. Instead, Geng Pin had a look of surprise and joy on his face. She looked at the bright sunshine around her and the falling petals, feeling extremely comfortable, and she had even walked out of the sadness of losing her brother.

Pei Junlin gradually discovered that this great world is actually very big and big, and the impulse here cannot be easily opened at all. It is simply unrealistic to make a long-distance leap.

Pei Junlin drove the UFO community and flew over this vast land for half a month. According to Pei Junlin's estimation, he would have to fly at least one star field distance, but Pei Junlin did not even see a human town along the way. .

Not only that, Pei Junlin even saw many powerful monsters along the way, these monsters are extremely powerful.

I don't know how long it has passed, or how long it took to trek, and finally the first human town appeared in front of Junlin Pei. When Pei Junlin and others entered the city, they discovered how prosperous and powerful this town is, and there are as many monks as clouds.

However, there are ordinary people and monks in this city, and the boundary between ordinary people and monks is not very clear. Monks will not bully others, let alone bully ordinary people. Although ordinary people respect monks, they are not insurmountable.

All this surprised Pei Junlin, because the cultural heritage of this world is simply unfathomable. This is what makes Pei Junlin really feel a little strange.

After inquiring about it, Pei Junlin quickly bought a book about the introduction of the Great Thousand World. After reading this book, Pei Junlin fell into deep thought.

This Great Thousand World is not like other worlds. The Great Thousand World, which has countless planets, is composed of a whole boundless continent.

This world is sleeping with countless ancient powers, and each power has incredible strength. And there are many forbidden places, mysterious places and so on in the great world.

If the Little Thousand World where Pei Junlin originally lived on the earth is a chaotic, complex and colorful world, then the Big Thousand World is a world that cannot be described in words.

It's vast, Pei Junlin can only use this word to describe it.

"Could this be the fairy in the legend?" Geng Pin suddenly asked this question.

But this question was quickly denied by Pei Junlin. He could be sure that the Great Thousand World has nothing to do with the legendary Immortal Realm, and there is no record of the Immortal Realm in this Great Thousand World.

In other words, people in the Great Thousand World may not know that there is a fairy world.

"This world is vast and boundless. What are we going to do in this world? I was a little at a loss for a while." Princess Long Shisan looked at the huge city with people coming and going, and fell into contemplation for a while.

Pei Junlin's eyes were shining sharply and smoothly, because he came here with a goal. After all, Pei Junlin had seen two scenes in that Wangxiang before.

What can be determined in the two images is that whether it is Wang Ziqiong or Yun Yao, the two women that Pei Junlin cares about and care about are actually in this big world.

Pei Junlin tried to recall the scene at the time and wanted to find the exact location of these two places, but Pei Junlin also knew that to find two people in a big world was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Even the clicks on this great world did not indicate the specific boundaries of this world, which means that the entire great world is boundless, or simply vast.

Perhaps only those saints or top-level mighty figures will understand how big the boundaries of the entire world are, and where they are.

"Master, look over there." Geng Pin said suddenly, pointing to a group of people on the street.

Pei Junlin glanced at the past and suddenly frowned, because these people wore silver robes, which were too similar to those of the Tianyun Sect before.

Those people who think of Tianyunzong and Yunyao again shocked Pei Junlin's spirit!

Is there really such a coincidence in the world? Having just arrived in this world, he unexpectedly found some clues to Yun Yao. Pei Junlin originally thought that it would take a lot of time and energy to find Yun Yao, but he did not expect that this world was such a coincidence, and the arrangement of fate did not seem to make people breathe at all.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate and jumped directly from the second floor. After inquiring on the street for a while, Pei Junlin finally understood that these people wearing silver robes actually came from a place called Liuyun Daochang.

Pei Junlin secretly wrote down the name, and next he was going to find out who is the sacred and power of Liuyun Daochang, it is likely to have something to do with Yun Yao.

For the next period of time, he spent an average of every day inquiring about the news, and gradually he also grasped something. In Liuyun Taoist Temple, although Pei Junlin had no evidence to prove that they had a relationship with the Tianyun Sect of the original Sanqing world, but Extremely suspicious.

Liuyun Daochang is a very large force, and there are millions of disciples under the family. The supreme power of Liuyun Taoist Temple's top level, this is a true emperor level figure.

Counting this vast land, it can be considered a top power.

Pei Junlin did not dare to enter such a top-level dojo easily, and even if he wanted to inquire about Yun Yao's news, he had to slow down.

"Pei Junlin, I plan to leave." Princess Long Shisan said seriously to Pei Junlin.

It was a matter of time for the thirteen principals to leave, and Pei Junlin had actually expected it. When everyone is together, in fact, there are many times when the atmosphere is embarrassing. Pei Junlin doesn't know why he would think of his days on the earth. At first, he and the thirteen princesses were not friends.

Thinking of capturing the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan for a lifetime and suppressing them, Pei Junlin felt that those things seemed to be in a dream.

Now the relationship between him and the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan is early and has become very delicate, not an enemy but a good friend, even one step closer than a friend, there is a sense of inexplicability.

Maybe the two are also from the earth, and they have the kind of feeling of sympathy. Maybe they have been together for too long, and they are in love for a long time. In short, Pei Junlin can't tell.

It is going to rain, and the mother is going to marry. Pei Junlin did not stop the thirteenth princess, but from the large amount of resources previously obtained from the Tianyunzong, he took a part and gave it to the long thirteenth princess.

Princess Dragon Thirteen did not reject Pei Junlin's gift, but took a deep look at Pei Junlin, and soon left. When she left, she didn't even leave a word.

After the thirteenth princess left, Geng Pin also returned to the world of Chaos Jindou, and suddenly Pei Junlin became solitary In this strange city, Pei Junlin became free. , And lonely.

The annual selection of Liuyun Dojo has finally begun, and Pei Junlin also wants to take this opportunity to enter the Liuyun Dojo to spy on some news and see if he can find some information about Yunyao.

At night, Pei Junlin sat in the room to practice alone, and at this moment a face with a pure golden mask appeared in her mind.

When he saw this face, Pei Junlin was stunned, because he was quite sure that the man with a faint golden glow on his face was one of the masters of the Sanqing world and the dignity of the will of the world.

When this face appeared in his mind, Pei Junlin blindfolded his head, and then he didn't know anything.

When he opened his eyes again, Pei Junlin realized that he had appeared in a wilderness. There were no plants or any breath of life in this wilderness, just like a barren desert.

"How could this be?" Pei Junlin was stunned.

He found that the strength of his whole body was almost lost, and the whole person was actually in a half-baby state. _

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