Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1756: Fairy

"Little young master, don't make you too dangerous." A servant girl panicked because Pei Junlin broke into the forbidden area.

There is a place in the back garden that Fairy Qingshu has explicitly forbidden to let other people enter. This time, Pei Junlin has grown into a bright young man, but he openly violated the dissuasion of several maids and entered this forbidden area.

It’s not that Pei Junlin deliberately wanted to have trouble with Fairy Qingshu. Fairy Qingshu saved his life. Pei Junlin is naturally very grateful. This is because he is actually an adult in his heart, so sometimes he wants to be free to do things. Advocate.

The reason why Pei Junlin dared to venture into this forbidden place now was because Fairy Qingshu was not in the palace this time.

And Pei Junlin said that he wanted to cut first and play later, even if he offended Fairy Qingshu, he would have to enter here because of his own reasons. Because Pei Junlin had been having the same dream for several days and heard a voice calling him, and this voice made Pei Junlin very familiar. It turned out to be the guy in the coffin he once got in the Sanqing world.

A stranger in another country, so Pei Junlin couldn't wait to break into this forbidden area. He really wanted to see why Chen Jianghai came to this great world and reunited with himself here.

After entering this forbidden area, Pei Junlin really found that there are some unusual places around. The other places are full of beautiful spring, colorful and full of flowers, but there is a cold and melancholy in this area, which makes people feel extremely Uncomfortable.

Going forward, Pei Junlin saw a huge shaft. There were steps leading down to this well. Pei Junlin didn’t hesitate and walked straight down the steps. Soon Pei Junlin saw the iron chain tied up. A mouthful of the dark coffin.

"How are you..." Chen Jianghai seemed to be unable to believe it.

Hearing a familiar voice from the coffin, Pei Junlin also blinded him, but he did not expect that he was really an old friend.

"Don't talk about me, why are you here?" Pei Junlin asked with a look of surprise.

Chen Jianghai yawned from the coffin, and then he heard Chen Jianghai lazily saying: "The child has no mother. It's a long story."

Pei Junlin was taken aback for a while and then there was a speechless look on her face. She looked towards the deep well below. The huge data seemed to be bottomless, and the steps stopped not far below.

"What's the matter with you calling me here? If it's okay, I will leave as soon as possible." Pei Junlin showed an impatient look on his face.

"Let me go, you won't be so unreasonable, watching your brother being hung here and suffering, you actually want to stand by and watch." Chen Jianghai said angrily, hiding in the coffin.

At the very mysterious origin of Chen Jianghai, Pei Junlin has always had an attitude of being close and respectful towards Chen Jiang, but at this time, after meeting Chen Jianghai here, Pei Junlin was actually excited in his heart.

"How can I help you? You are hung here with a few iron chains, are you really not taking off? Don't lie to me, you can break free yourself and let me help you." Pei Junlin said coldly.

Even in Pei Junlin's heart, at this moment, he was thinking about what Chen Jianghai had experienced, why he came to the Great Thousand World from that world, and even entered the back garden of Qingshu Palace.

It seemed that Fairy Qing Shu had imprisoned this guy here, which really surprised Pei Junlin.

"Although the famous flower has a master, I will loosen the soil. If the famous flower has no owner, I will be the master in the future." A song tactic came out from the coffin.

Although Pei Junlin had no brains to hear, but soon a thought flashed through his mind, and a look of contempt appeared on his face: "No, don't you think of Fairy Qingshu?"

Pei Junlin was still very shocked. After all, the old coffin like Chen Jianghai didn't know how many years he had lived, but he had old bones.

According to the information Pei Junlin knew, Fairy Qingshu was still very young. So in Pei Junlin's opinion, this matter is a bit weird. After all, the gap between Fairy Qingshu and the gloomy old shareholder Chen Jianghai is really too big.

"Hey, you don't understand after I told you. Do you know what the identity of Fairy Qingshu is? I have known him a lot, but he doesn't want to recognize me now." Chen Jianghai said without shame.

Pei Junlin's face was full of doubts, but there were even more doubts in his heart. After all, Chen Jianghai did not look like a lie.

At this moment, Pei Junlin saw a figure appear at the mouth of the well, dressed in a white shirt, with a beautiful face, but who else could Fairy Qingshu have?

Pei Junlin looked at Fairy Qingshu, and Fairy Qingshu also looked at Pei Junlin, but both of them looked strange. Pei Junlin tried to make his eyes look pure, naughty, and try to imitate the appearance of a young man. And Fairy Qingshu's eyes were full of kindness, and there was an awkward feeling in the heart of this companion.

After all, this fairy Qingshu is like a girl, and the maternal love in your eyes makes Pei Junlin feel a little awkward.

"Why did you come here? Why didn't you tell me?" Fairy Qing Shu didn't even mean any blame in her tone.

Pei Junlin shook his head and walked over, and said to Fairy Qingshu: "I also walked in here when I got lost, but I didn't expect to be taken aback here. Why did I drop such a coffin here?"

Pei Junlin pretended to be ignorant, and even Fairy Qingshu had deceived, but Chen Jianghai in the coffin made a series of cold snorts, as if he wanted to break Pei Junlin at any time.

"This is a nasty guy, you must not talk to him too much, so as not to teach you badly." Fairy Qing Shu's eyes seemed to contain countless meanings.

Pei Junlin nodded and followed Fairy Qingshu to leave here. Before leaving, Pei Junlin glanced back, only to see that the coffin was constantly twitching...

"Actually, I know your identity is not simple, and I don't want to know your origin. We have such a fate. Just tell me when you want to leave. I have a gift for you here." Fairy Qingshu Said suddenly.

The two of them walked side by side with Pei Junlin, and now they were already as tall as Fairy Qingshu, and they even felt like a talented girl when they walked together.

Just now, Pei Junlin was wandering to think about Chen Jianghai, when he suddenly heard what Fairy Qing Shu said, he was also stunned.

He didn't expect Fairy Qingshu to reveal his origins in one bite. Perhaps in the eyes of Fairy Qingshu, everything is not a secret.

"I should have left after running for so long, but before I leave, I want to take that nasty guy away." Pei Junlin suddenly said towards Fairy Qingshu.

Fairy Qingshu nodded, without any expression on her face, but when she was walking, Fairy Qingshu suddenly turned around, looked at Pei Junlin very seriously and said, "Can't you call me sister?"

Pei Junlin was also stunned. She didn't expect Fairy Qingshu to have such a human side, because in Pei Junlin's cognition, Fairy Qingshu seemed to be always covered with a veil of mystery.

Pei Junlin hesitated for a long time before he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice: "Sister..."

"Don't tell me when you leave, just take her away when you leave. Your gift I gave you, I'll send it to you." Fairy Qingshu started faintly. It became transparent, and a petal fell.

Fairy Qing Shu has disappeared, Pei Junlin can only smell a tempting fragrance on the tip of his nose. Seeing the direction the fairy was leaving, Pei Junlin was a little confused.

In retrospect, he turned into a baby body and was left in the desert. Without Fairy Qingshu, Pei Junlin knew that it would be difficult for him to live until now.

So this Fairy Qingshu could not be overstated as Pei Junlin's second mother, but Pei Junlin was still a little awkward towards such a beautiful woman.

"How is it? Are you reluctant? If you want to stay here, of course, you can." Jin Ye's voice came over.

For such a long period of time, Pei Junlin's body has not fully recovered. In fact, this period of physical growth of Pei Junlin is also a symbol of his strength recovery.

I want to return to the original level, so it needs Pei Junlin's body to return to its original state, but now Pei Junlin's body has recovered about 80%.

What has always worried Junlin Pei is that although Lord Jin has recovered part of his strength, there is still a long time before he can fully recover.

"I really want to go out and make a break and find some materials to recover for you." Pei Junlin nodded, his eyes a little firm and said.

If Jin Ye wants to recover, UU reading must have a lot of top-level materials, even if Pei Junlin had benefited a lot from the battle of Tianyunzong, he obtained a lot of top-level materials, but these materials were used Repair experience is far from enough.

The current strength of the Chaos Golden Fight has actually far surpassed the ordinary Chaos Lingbao. As for how strong Jin Ye's strength is now, Pei Junlin will be able to understand only after Jin Ye is fully restored.

During this period of time in the fairy palace, Pei Junlin seemed to be dreaming, and the little maids were a little reluctant when they were parting.

Although the time is not long, Pei Junlin was brought up by these little maids. Watching Pei Junlin grow from a child to a young man, these maids were also a little bit sad.

Just like a few older sisters, watching the figure of Pei Jun going away, the maids wept bitterly. Soon a crane landed from the air, and a maid in a pink shirt jumped off the crane, carrying a box in her hand.

You can sit on the carriage, and there is a dark coffin on the carriage, which is Chen Jianghai. The girl Pei Junlin's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he knew that what was in the box should be a parting gift from Fairy Qingshu. _

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