Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1757: Parting gift

"Sister Xinyu, are the things in that box for me?" Pei Junlin opened his mouth and showed white teeth.

The maid who jumped from the crane had a complicated look. She hurried to Pei Junlin's side, threw the box towards the carriage, and glanced at the black coffin under Pei Junlin's buttocks: "You will leave when you leave. Yes, but you must be careful on the road. If you pass by here next time, you must come back to see that this is also your home."

Hearing this, you said so, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly became a bit sour, after all, this place is a new starting point for his life, and coming to the Great Thousand World represents a new beginning.

In some respects, Qingshu Immortal Palace is indeed Pei Junlin's second home. The carriage began to slowly die into the desert, and Pei Junlin's heart gradually calmed down as he watched the palaces and buildings far away.

A man's home is not in a fixed place, but always on the road. This is the fate of a man. Perhaps coming to this strange world cannot stop Pei Junlin from pursuing the truth.

The scenes of what happened to the earth that year were deeply burned in Pei Junlin's heart, and everything lingered. None of the secrets Pei Junlin has been pursuing over the years has not been solved. This prevents Pei Junlin from staying quiet in one place for too long. He must always remind himself on the road that there are still many things to do.

Whether they are friends, relatives or beloved wives, these people are scattered all over the world, and Pei Junlin wants to find them again.

"Where are we going here? Did I go with you?" Chen Jianghai said in the coffin endlessly.

With a backhand, Pei Junlin hit the dark coffin fiercely: "No more nonsense, I will tear down your coffin and scatter your ashes."

Pei Junlin pretended to be angry and said, the Hunshi Demon Wall in his hand slammed on the top of the coffin fiercely, and an astonishing flame emerged.

Pei Junlin did not do it unintentionally, but deliberately because the magic spear in his hand had reached the level of a magic weapon, and he smashed the coffin fiercely without leaving a trace.

However, there was a small paint peeling off in one place. After Pei Junlin took a closer look, his face showed a look of shock and surprise.

"Unbelievable, is your coffin made of legendary black gold?" Pei Junlin was surprised and happy.

The so-called mystery is actually a metal recorded in the Great Thousand World Motor. It is not a specific metal substance, but a collective name for top refining materials.

Only metal that can refine treasures above the sacred artifact can be called mysterious gold. Chen Jianghai's official materials far exceeded Pei Junlin's imagination, so he could conclude that the material of the coffin should be of great value.

Chen Jianghai was taken aback for a moment, and then he yelled: "What kind of shit, don't talk nonsense. I don't even want that thing thrown in front of me. I don't want to make a chamber pot for me."

However, after Chen Jianghai's words were finished, he regretted it in his heart, because it revealed a message that the material used to build this coffin turned out to be far more precious than black gold.

After hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Pei Junlin was surprised and delighted in his heart. What is shocking is that this guy who used to make coffins is so wonderful and precious. Unfortunately, if this metal is really as precious as Chen Jianghai said, it is simply invaluable.

Now Jin Ye's strength has not yet recovered, and many of Pei Junlin's original inventory assets have been imprisoned and cannot be taken out. Even this period of time, Pei Junlin and Gengpin can't communicate.

In other words, the current Pei Junlin is completely a pauper, with no long objects. Apart from the magic spear in his hand, Pei Junlin has nothing else.

"I can warn you, don't make my mind." Chen Jianghai seemed to see Pei Junlin's bad intentions.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin waved the Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand and severely chopped it towards a corner of the coffin. But when Pei Junlin's magic spear fell, the entire coffin was not damaged.

"Don't waste your efforts. Can you move this thing? Even if I give it to you, will it be useful?" Chen Jianghai's gloating voice came.

Pei Junlin hummed and stopped talking. He rode on the carriage and began to sing his own song.

This world is so big that Pei Junlin can't imagine it. The entire world of the Great Thousand World simply surpassed Pei Junlin’s imagination. He traveled through countless worlds with Linglong Fairy in his previous life, but after coming to this Great Thousand World, Pei Junlin discovered No matter what all the worlds are compared to this vast world, they are not as good as a grain of dust.

The Great Thousand World is worthy of being the core of the entire universe, and the most important area of ​​this world.

It is said that the ancestors of human beings were born in the great world. Whether it is the thousands of orthodoxy, or those cultural characters, they all spread from the great world.

The Great Thousand World is the ancestor of ten thousand ways, and it contains endless secrets.

One day passed, Pei Junlin was not fast on the carriage, and he did not pursue speed, Pei Junlin actually had no purpose.

At night, Pei Junlin set up a tent in the desert. The bonfire attracted the peep of a few coyotes, but these coyotes soon became Pei Junlin’s delicious food on the plate. The ribs were roasted on the fire by Pei Junlin. After sprinkling with spices, they became fragrant. The taste spreads.

Pei Junlin was chewing the delicious food while looking at the book in his hand under the reflection of the campfire. Before coming out of the Qingshu Immortal Palace this time, Pei Junlin also prepared a large number of books. These books are very precious, and the ones Pei Junlin took away were just manuscripts.

Books record some secret origins and backgrounds of the great world, etc. They contain all kinds of knowledge and can be described as encyclopedias.

Pei Junlin watched with gusto, and couldn't help but the night was late. He looked up to the sky, a moon hung high there, Pei Junlin stretched his body, and countless stars suddenly shrouded in light.

Hearing a burst of beans on Pei Junlin's body, his body increased a few centimeters in the blink of an eye.

Pei Junlin, who had stopped, returned to the side of the fire and found a brocade box from the luggage beside him. And this box was the parting gift given to him by Fairy Qing Shu, Pei Junlin had not opened it before, and now it was finally time to open it.

The box is exquisite, which can show that its owner is very careful when preparing it. Even the materials of this brocade box make Pei Junlin feel an inexplicable sense of luxury.

"This is Fairy Qingshu's thing, it actually gave you a Jinghe, quickly open it to see what is inside." Chen Jianghai can't wait.

Pei Junlin didn't pay attention to the fact that this guy started to touch his neck and the back of his neck. The texture was very strong, and Pei Junlin still couldn't guess what was in it.

"What are you doing in a daze? Just open it and watch it." Chen Jianghai was already in a hurry.

Pei Junlin backhanded the box away, and rolled his eyes in the direction where Chen Jianghai was. "Does this thing have anything to do with you? I can watch it whenever I want, and when I want to open it, I can. , Don’t be chirping by my side, can’t you do it, if you get anxious, I will just bury you on the spot."

Pei Junlin is still a vigorous young man, with a faint smile on his face when speaking, and a wild atmosphere is conveyed.

Although Chen Jianghai was angry, he didn't dare to speak back to Pei Junlin. After all, she was hiding in the coffin now, and it seemed that she couldn't come out completely.

The reason why Pei Junlin didn't open the jade box was actually some concerns. She was afraid that after opening this gift, the expectation in her heart would be completely broken, so Pei Junlin planned to keep this box.

And Pei Junlin also has an intuition that the things in this box are not simple, and may be able to change the purpose of his trip. But in any case, Pei Junlin is not like it is now. After all, there are many things to open this box. They are all due to chance. If you don't touch it, it won't be contaminated with karma.

Naturally, Chen Jianghai couldn't understand Pei Junlin's thoughts. He only knew that after Pei Junlin hid Le Jinhe again, he kept shaking in the coffin.

"What's the matter with you? Can you not hold down the coffin board? Would you like me to help you nail some more nails? I think you should untie your coffin board directly, and then pull you out and whip the corpse. It depends on what you are." Pei Junlin said very rudely.

In fact, the two of them have been bickering most of the time along the way, which does not affect the long-term relationship between the two. The two big men have stayed together for a long time. Naturally, they also have a subtle relationship. For example, between Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai, they have been susceptible to each other from the beginning and let go of their mutual suspicion. Those grudges.

"It's not easy. We've been away for half a year in the blink of an eye, and finally saw the crowds." Chen Jianghai's voice came from under Pei Junlin's ass.

Pei Junlin glanced at it, and pieces of exquisite buildings appeared in front of him, looking extremely delicate. From these elegant courtyards, Pei Junlin heard a burst of singing, and his voice was soft and clear and very sweet.

"I haven't seen anyone for so many days, let's go in and ask for a bowl of water." Pei Junlin jumped out of the carriage and pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

Just as Pei Junlin walked into the courtyard, he discovered that there were actually many people in the courtyard. As soon as Pei Junlin stepped into the swallow, dozens of pairs of eyes looked towards Pei Junlin.

There is a pavilion in the yard, and in the pavilion sits a woman in a purple dress. It is the woman in the purple dress who sings.

Because there are still many audiences, most of these audiences are beautifully dressed and beautiful in appearance. It seems that this place should be an upper-class gathering. _

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