Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1760: People in the arena

At this time, Pei Junlin was counting money in Pi Dian Pi Dian. He came to this great world for the first time unaccompanied, and all the wealth in the Chaos Golden Dou was instantly frozen.

"How can people have no money in the arena?" Pei Junlin's face was full of pride.

In fact, from the very beginning, Pei Junlin was aware of these so-called noble children, all of them were cool people. When he entered the banquet before, especially the woman in the purple dress threatened to kill Pei Junlin. Treat it as fertilizer.

At that moment, Pei Junlin knew that none of the people who participated in the meeting in this courtyard had humanity, and Pei Junlin had no guilt at all for deceiving these people.

"Where are we going next?" Chen Jianghai said endlessly.

There was a cloud of chaos in Pei Junlin's mind and she really didn't think about where to go. She wanted to go back to the place where he had just arrived in this world to find some clues about Yun Yao.

But when Pei Junlin told Chen Jianghai of this idea, he immediately got a ridicule from Chen Jianghai. It seems that Pei Junlin's method of finding someone in a haystack makes Chen Jiang feel bored.

"Do you know that this method of finding someone by yourself is stupid?" Chen Jianghai said towards Pei Junlin.

Next time, Pei Junlin will be a little speechless. Is there really something he doesn't know?

"Forget it, just walk along this road. Not far away should be Feiyun City in the north! I will take you there to meet some old friends, find some organizations, you spend some money, and then let them Help you find someone." Chen Jianghai said in a very relaxed tone.

This time it was Pei Junlin's turn to be dumbfounded. He didn't expect Chen Jianghai to know so much about the great world.

Pei Junlin clearly remembered, why did he meet Chen Jianghai in the Three Youth World? Did he have lived in the Great Thousand World before?

"I said, Lao Chen, did you live in this great world before? You seem to be familiar with everything here." Pei Junlin finally couldn't help asking.

In fact, after asking this question, Pei Junlin knew that he was asking very stupidly. This is a very obvious question. Chen Jianghai must have lived in the big world before, otherwise he would not take the initiative to harass Fairy Qingshu and be used. The chain is tied there.

This guy had already entered the coffin and was buried in the soil. He was still thinking about teasing his sister, and he even hit the famous Fairy Qingshu.

"Aren't you bullshit? It's okay to follow my brother, I won't cheat you." Chen Jianghai's tone was very proud.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly found that a few mysterious signs were falling in the air. These brands seemed to be thrown out of the coffin by Chen Jianghai, but Pei Junlin saw that the lid of the coffin had not been opened at all. These brands seemed to appear out of thin air.

Fortunately, Pei Junlin had already been surprised. When she copied these brands in her hand, she found that the brand was carved with weird patterns, and the brand looked very old and the material, but Pei Junlin had never seen it before. A very mysterious and precious metal.

"What is this? Is it a token?" Pei Junlin curiously grabbed these brands in his hands.

"Do you really just talk nonsense if you have any nonsense, is this something unclear? These tokens are enough to allow you to find that organization and let them do a lot of things for you." Chen Jiang was proud of his tone, and his tone was full of confidence.

Pei Junlin took these brands in his hand and looked at them over and over again. The more I look at them, the more they feel that the design of this brand is intricate and unworkable. It looks extremely simple, but the shape is extremely beautiful, especially the patterns and text on it. Pei Junlin was full of praise.

"Even the people who designed this brand are probably ingenious, otherwise they wouldn't be able to design such a beautiful brand." Pei Junlin exclaimed again and again.

"Of course. It doesn't matter who designed this brand. Now, as long as you get this brand and go to that mysterious organization, they will definitely treat you as an ancestor who enshrines you and can be satisfied. "Chen Jiang said triumphantly.

Pei Junlin curled his lips, took the sign directly into his arms, looked at Chen Jianghai hiding in the dark coffin, and said silently: "If you don't brag for a day, you will die. You will hide in the coffin all day long. Crooked, believe it or not, I will just bury you."

Pei Junlin was also joking. I didn't know that the lid of the coffin flew away suddenly, and a figure flew out of it in an instant, which shocked Pei Junlin.

"What's the matter? You scam the corpse." Pei Junlin stepped back in shock, looking at the lid of the flying coffin and the person standing on the carriage with a horrified expression.

This is a young man with a handsome appearance, but with a very evil expression on his face.

The man stared at Pei Junlin with a real smile, and his mouth turned out to be Chen Jianghai's voice.

"Didn't you call me out of this coffin all day? Now I am out." Chen Jianghai smiled and looked at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's face was horrified, and it took a long time before he patted his heart with his hands and said, "Are you a corpse?"

"You said it was a corpse fraud, right?" Chen Jianghai didn't care, he blew up with his mouth, and the hairs on his forehead fluttered.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the lid of the dark coffin was closed again, and there was a burst of light, and then the entire coffin shrank to the size of a palm, and flew to the palm of Chen Jianghai.

"Now this carriage shouldn't be used anymore, let me take you to Feiyun City for a stroll, so that you can see what the world of flowers is." Chen Jianghai said, patting his chest.

After losing the carriage, Pei Junlin, Chen Jiang and the other two were very fast. After some exchanges between the two along the way, Pei Junlin also became familiar with Chen Jianghai and gradually became familiar with the relationship between the two. So embarrassing.

"The two of us are brothers who burn incense and kowtow. Don't have two hearts in your heart. First of all, I will make it clear that I will not harm you." Chen Jianghai said seriously.

"What are you doing to harm me?" Pei Junlin rolled his eyes.

"I mean that in the future, the two of us will be real brothers, not just superficial brothers like before." Chen Jianghai said seriously.

"Oh, it turns out that you really don't fight yourself anymore. Before that, you always regarded me as a superficial brother." Pei Junlin rolled his eyes again.

Now it was Chen Jianghai’s turn to be a little speechless. He carefully looked at Pei Junlin for a while and then said: "Then why did you become like this now, I haven't had time to ask you before, now you tell me exactly what it is What's going on? Why did you change from a big man who squeezed your feet into a handsome boy now?"

The so-called flower blooming day, no one will be young again, even a top cultivator can at most touch his own appearance, but it is impossible to return to youth and reverse the bone age.

Therefore, Chen Jianghe was also very curious about the changes in Pei Junlin's body, and at the same time murmured in his heart.

It took him 10,000 years to enter this coffin from the beginning to the present appearance. Needless to say, the hardship involved, and Pei Junlin only reversed the meridian bone rebirth in just a few years. This is indeed An incredible thing.

But there was nothing to hide, Pei Junlin repeated what he had encountered in the first place. And Chen Jianghai listened to Pei Junlin's narration almost word by word, and gradually the expression on his face became more and more surprised.

After all, what Pei Junlin said was indeed a bit weird, but Chen Jiang Haiqing's expression became more and more serious.

"So I think you are a blessing in disguise. You should have been taken away by someone, but that person failed to take away the house. With the power of life's reincarnation, I will bring you back to those teenage years." After thinking about it, Chen Jianghai, Came to such a conclusion.

Pei Junlin listened without head and brain, but after hearing Chen Jiang's conclusion, Pei Junlin felt that what Chen Jianghai said was reasonable.

After all, the second child in the Sanqing World could not let him go unless the other party failed. This is clearly the will-dominant of a world, why did the seizure fail? Such a top-level character can cast even a world, so there is no way to press the bottom of the box, and it is so simple to receive a box of lunch, which really makes Pei Junlin somewhat incredible.

Could it be that his luck is so violent that even world-class masters have to get a box of lunch in front of him?

"This is not surprising. Failure to seize homes is also a common occurrence. Even if he is a character who is dominated by the will of heaven, he is the will of heaven in another world. When he comes to this world, he will naturally encounter strong suppression and resistance. Chen Jianghai came to this conclusion easily.

Pei Junlin felt that this conclusion was justified, and the two of them had arrived at Feiyun City in the blink of an eye. Both the layout and construction of this city far surpassed Pei Junlin's original swordsman, and the sheer size of it made Pei Junlin even more surprised.

After coming to this great world, Pei Junlin discovered that there are countless civilizations intermingled with each other. For example, technological civilization is not non-existent here, and there are some high-tech things in the operation of the entire city, such as all kinds of things. LCD screens can be seen everywhere.

There are also some steam civilization, cultivation, civilization, etc., all coexist in the whole world. However, in this place called Feiyun City, the cultivation civilization occupies the position of absolute dominance, while the technological civilization and some other civilizations only belong to some subcultures.

"Let’s go to the hotel first. It’s been a long time. Let’s go to Songsongbu Songda. It’s so comfortable and comfortable." Chen Jianghai, looking familiar with the road, pointed to a building towering into the clouds, with Pei King's Landing walked directly in.

However, the two of them were stopped as soon as they walked into the door, because the costumes of the two of them really did not match here. It was either high-ranking officials or handsome geniuses who could enter here, and there were really no people dressed up like Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghe. . _

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