Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1761: Flowers reopen

"Isn't it because the dog's eyes are low? Do you understand that I have money? How much money are you here for a day? I have all the money." I don't know if it is because of Pei Junlin's body. There have been some subtle changes in mentality and personality, such as being particularly impulsive when doing things, just like when he was a teenager.

Hearing Pei Junlin's rich and wealthy local tyrant's remarks, the several waiters not only did not cast admiration and admiration toward Pei Junlin, but showed contempt one by one.

Jiang Hai pulled Pei Junlin out of the hotel lobby between the tie-bars. After walking out, Chen Jiang still whispered: "Brother, you must remember that your little money is nothing here. In the entire South Central region, the consumption here is at the top and the highest. Only some powerful people above the sage level have the ability to consume here. And consumption here does not mean that you have money, but you must have Do you know your identity? You can't even get in without an identity."

Pei Junlin looked depressed. He didn't expect that there were so many roads here. He was also in the dust and wanted to find a place to be comfortable and comfortable. He would rest for a few days, but he didn't expect to be stopped like this.

"What to do? Change another place, another place where you can enjoy it without an ID card and spending money." Pei Junlin said impatiently.

I didn't know that Chen Jianghai denied Pei Junlin's proposal again. He took Pei Junlin to a bustling street market Pei Junlin, only to realize that most of the shops on this street were selling some clothes.

Even if it is the silk of the Ten Thousand Years God, the clothes made here are also inferior. And the colorful clothes, all kinds of quotations are popular here, and it is majestic to wear.

Distance even saw clothes like Transformers in a room, which made Pei Junlin's eyes stunned. Someone would wear such clothes on the street.

"This dress is good, it's very cool, you can't try it on." Chen Jianghai pointed to a pair of blue armor and said to Pei Junlin.

There was a noble light gleaming all over this blue armor, especially at the place of the two shoulders, where there were two vortices condensing there, and wind elements were constantly gathering there.

Pei Junlin took a look at the shape of the armor and felt a bit ridiculous. He refused to drop it because it didn't fit his body. However, Chen Jianghai's eyes were fixed on a piece of golden armor next to him. This golden armor was golden all over his body, especially with golden lightning flowing on it, which looked extremely mysterious.

"How much is this dress? I want it." Chen Jianghai stretched out his hand and grabbed the treasure in his hand. Chen Jianghai put on the golden armor only when Guanghua flashed.

Looking at the bright and colorful Chengjianghai, there are some doubts in Pei Junlin, but this treasure armor is really majestic when it is put on, and it looks like it is crazy and cool.

"Soon, the waiter in the store put forward the price. This simple piece of clothing actually costs 900 million top-quality spirit stones." This is not a very simple thing for Pei Junlin, it is a fortune. The huge amount of wealth, especially the wealth of Pei Junlin's current chaotic golden battle time, is completely frozen.

"Why are you still paying for it?" Chen Jianghai glared at Pei Junlin.

The distance was speechless. I didn’t expect this guy to buy this dress so lavishly and eventually have to pay for it himself, but Pei Junlin is not a stingy person, he also knows that Chen Jianghe just jumped out of the coffin, it may be penniless .

Junlin bought the dress for Chen Jianghai, and turned it around in the store. Soon Pei Junlin fell in love with a dress that looked very clever and unworkable, and looked simple and simple.

But simplicity and simplicity are only relative. In fact, this dress is also very cool, similar to the windbreaker on the earth, but the shape is extremely magical, and the body is covered with a faint gray mist.

Pei Junlin bought this piece of clothing, but when asked about the price, some of Pei Junlin's price was that the price of this piece of clothing was even more expensive than that of Chen Jianghai's golden armor, which was as much as 10 billion.

The two newly renovated people walking on the street quickly attracted the surprised eyes of passers-by, because even ordinary passers-by in this city, few people can wear such expensive clothes, so the two of them wore such clothes. It is very respected on the road, and even some people passing by have to bow to them.

"Now I understand, what is meant by human clothing, Buddha relying on gold clothing, this is it." Chen Jianghai stretched out his hand and patted it, and Pei Junlin pulled Pei Junlin back toward the hotel that was high into the clouds.

Pei Junlin came to this tall building again, only to realize that this hotel was originally called Feiyun Hotel, and it was a hotel named after Feiyun City. It was indeed rich and well-deserved.

When the center walked into this hotel, the two waiters were already familiar with Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghaler. Seeing that they had gone and returned, and put on high-end clothes, there was a burst of surprise in their eyes.

But this time the attitude of the two waiters eased a lot, and there was a little more respect in their tone.

"I'm sorry, two gentlemen, we have a membership system here. If you don't have a membership card, no one can enter rashly." The two waiters said politely towards Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai reached out to stop Pei Junlin, took out a flashing faint bronze sign from his arms and handed it to the two waiters.

Seeing the sign flashing with bronze color, the expressions of the two waiters changed drastically. One of them left soon, as if to look for the last report, while the other was bowing his head and face. With a respectful look, he kept apologizing towards Pei Junlin.

Seeing the attitude of the waiter, Pei Junlin knew that the sign Chen Jianghai took out was definitely not easy. If it were not, the waiter would not be so respectful.

"Now you know your brother and my strength?" Chen Jiang still didn't know where he took out a carrot-thick cigar and stuffed it into his mouth.

Only then did Pei Junlin discover that the front desk of the hotel actually offered such a cigar, and Pei Junlin also took a sip, and it tasted surprisingly good.

At the time when the two of them were swallowing clouds and fog, a man dressed in luxurious clothes came here in a hurry. When he saw the gentle young people of Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai, he was also taken aback.

Because he had checked the information just now, this bronze jade medal had disappeared millions of years ago. In other words, this kind of old membership card has already expired, but the person who can have this first-generation membership card is the founder of this hotel, so the person in charge does not dare to neglect, and quickly come down to entertain Pei Junlin And Chen Jianghai.

"Excuse me, what do you mean?" The fat middle-aged man came to Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai and asked cautiously.

Yang Hai took a deep sip of his cigar, slowly spit out a piece of smoke, squinted at the middle-aged bald man from the corner of his eyes and said, "What do you mean? Didn't you read the regulations here? This brand is even gone. It is valid for as long as possible, and to come to you, you must be received with the highest level of specifications."

"This is the reason...but..." The manager was sweating profusely.

Chen Jianghai suddenly slapped the table, and pointed his finger at the opponent's nose and yelled, "What's wrong? But yes? They were all posted back then. If they don't admit the account, they will be cursed by blood. Even if the person involved is dead. Yes, but the curse will be passed down from generation to generation along the blood. If you violate the rules and regulations of the year, wouldn’t you be afraid of the curse?"

Chen Jianghai's contemptuous remarks made the manager's face black, and his face showed a look of trepidation. He quickly arranged for Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai to stay in, and opened two top-class rooms for them.

"What's the matter? There is nothing wrong with this kind of thing, right? We really don't need money for food and accommodation here. I said I really spent all my money on my clothes just now." Pei Junlin whispered towards Chen Jianghai Said.

Chen Jianghai disagreed, and said with a curled mouth: "Don't worry about it. Being a elder brother can make you hungry and enjoy yourself here. You can live for as long as you want. From now on, this will be our home."

The luxury of this hotel really exceeds Pei Junlin's imagination. First of all, it is the amazing decoration and decoration here. A large number of superb materials super gems are almost common here.

The food here also surprised Pei Junlin, some of the common ingredients seemed to have some sacred beast-level spirit beast flesh and blood.

And the cooking methods here are extremely high-end, so picky people like Pei Junlin feel a little surprised after eating. Next, I really enjoyed the one-stop service. What Pei Junlin enjoyed here is the enjoyment of the world of cultivation, which is really comfortable.

For example, a whole large lake is actually full of fine wines, and they are all top-quality jade liquor. For example, the service staff here are all top beauties, and they can greet them and drink, and even provide some indescribable services.

Although the cultivator does not care about the enjoyment of the body, but here is a small vault tailor-made for the cultivator, which is naturally aimed at the cultivator, and even Pei Junlin is amazed by some specific services.

"If we live here for a month, I'm afraid I will be completely lost here and completely lost fighting spirit." Pei Junlin sighed.

The past few days have been top enjoyment every day, so Pei Junlin has gradually felt a hint of crisis. _

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