Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1762: Silver emblem

"What are you in a hurry? Don't you want to find your two wives?" Yang Hai wasn't in a hurry. He didn't take a bath every day, or he played with these girls.

Looking at Chen Jianghai from Pei Junlin's eyes, this guy is a hungry ghost who came here. This top-level beauty can enjoy it casually. This is definitely not the temptation that ordinary men can resist.

"Give you three days to come up with a result, otherwise I will strangle you myself." Pei Junlin's eyes showed a fierce light.

It's not that Pei Junlin really did something to Chen Jianghai. The brothers had a murderous heart, but a joke between the two, but Pei Junlin's inner irritation was real, and he felt cheated.

When Jiang Hai saw that Pei Junlin was really anxious, he also felt a little dull. After sending a few women away, they put on bathrobes and walked into the room. He quickly changed into a outfit and walked out again.

"I wanted to take you to play for two days, but I didn't know that you don't know how to enjoy, so let's go now." Chen Jianghai looked at Pei Junlin with disgust and said.

His palm turned over, and a silver-colored metal token appeared in his palm. Such a token, Pei Junlin had seen exactly the same before, but that token appeared before.

But now Chen Jianghai has found such a token again, making Pei Junlin a little confused, what is the use of this kind of thing?

"Don't underestimate these things. When we started to establish these organizations, we spent the boss's strength. And this kind of token has absolute authority. If we don't abide by the original promise, even their descendants will suffer. The backlash of the curse." Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Pei Junlin shook his head and didn't say too much. Soon Chen Jiang got enough attention with this silver badge.

In a super luxurious room on the top floor, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghua received a grand welcome and reception. The one who received Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai was a strange man wearing a bronze mask.

The man in the bronze mask was petite and exquisite, and he was obviously a woman.

"The person who can show up with the silver order must be the old deceased of the year. Let us recognize this token and tell us what you want." The woman wearing the bronze mask did not say too much nonsense, but said very politely.

Chen Jianghai showed a noncommittal look on his face, sitting there with a big thorn, playing with the silver badge in his hand: "It was agreed back then that a badge like this can require the organization to do one thing."

"Of course, no one would dare to break such a promise. Since you have taken out the badge, I will not ask your identity. I will only follow your instructions to do things for you. The medal will be destroyed automatically after the matter is over. . "The woman's tone didn't contain any emotion when she spoke, it seemed like mockery and respect.

Junlin stood aside and didn't speak, but he was a little surprised in his heart. This woman is really powerful, and the tone of her speech will make people feel different.

This ambiguity is not something ordinary people can grasp.

"Well, well, you are right, so now I will make my first request to help me find a woman named Yunyao." Chen Jianghai finally said the first request.

Pei Junlin was very pleased, because Chen Jianghua did say this according to his own requirements, and Pei Junlin was relieved.

But for this organization, Pei Junlin is a little worried about the so-called ability. Finding people, especially looking for a needle in a haystack, is indeed very difficult, not to mention an endless world like the Great Thousand World, it is simply impossible to find a person by just one name.

Not to mention that this organization is looking for people, even Pei Junlin himself feels a little vague.

"It's a trivial matter to find someone. If you can provide some information about this person, such as a piece of hair or something he has used, it will be easier." The woman said lightly, as if the matter was fundamental It's not that difficult.

Hearing the other party's tone, Pei Junlin frowned, and a cloud of hope suddenly rose in his heart.

Pei Junlin almost didn't think about it, and when his palm was turned on his palm, there was an extra jade pendant. This jade pendant was originally given to Pei Junlin by Yun Yao and asked Pei Junlin to pass it on to his mother.

But in the end, Yun Yao's mother returned the two jade pendants to Pei Junlin before leaving. Feeling the palm of his hand, there was still warm mutton jade, Pei Peijun suddenly felt unwilling to give up. It seemed that after sending this thing out, the connection between him and Yun Yao was cut off at the last point. .

"This jade pendant is good. If it is the owner, a beloved thing, it must have a lot of spirit from its original owner. We can use this jade pendant to find its original owner, at least roughly delimit an area, and then look for it." The woman wearing the bronze mask saw the mutton jade pendant in Pei Junlin's hand and her eyes lit up.

Although Pei Junlin was a little unwilling, he finally handed over this jade pendant. Compared to looking for Yunyao by himself, Pei Junlin believed in the strength of this mysterious organization.

After all these days Pei Junlin eats and lives here, and the degree of luxury here has far exceeded Pei Junlin's imagination. And there are many saint-level powerhouses at the top level who are enjoying here, indicating that this mysterious organization is still very powerful.

When the mutton white jade reached the bronze mask woman's hand, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly became a little nervous. The woman's palm was white and delicate, and she carefully fumbled with this piece of mutton fat white jade, as if thoughtful.

A pair of eyes stared at Pei Junlin straight, looking at Pei Junlin a little uncomfortable, but soon Pei Junlin straightened his chest and looked back fiercely.

Feeling the emotions in Pei Junlin's heart, the woman chuckled and put away the mutton white jade.

"Okay, okay, our transaction has been completed." The woman did not say too much, and directly ordered the eviction.

When I was leaving, the woman with the bronze mask suddenly said something weird, causing Pei Jun to walk into the clouds and mist, and only listen to the woman with the bronze mask saying to Chen Jianghai: "I hope you can still remember the promise. rule."

After hearing these words, Pei Junlin clearly saw Chen Jianghai's facial muscles twitch, but he quickly recovered his calm. This time Chen Jianghai's palm turned over and five identical gold badges appeared directly.

When these five golden badges appeared, the atmosphere in the whole room was almost suffocated. The woman with the bronze mask stared at Chen Jianghai, as if she was a ghost.

"I want to ask you five things this time. These five gold badges will be handed over to you now." Chen Jianghai flipped his palm, and the five gold badges actually floated into the air, towards the woman with the bronze mask. Suspended over.

"The first thing helps me find the reincarnation of Fairy Qingming." Chen Jianghai stared at the woman in the bronze mask and said.

Pei Junlin could clearly feel that the woman wearing the bronze mask was on the verge of an enemy, and the muscles around her body were slowly touching, as if she was ready to take action at any time.

"The second thing is to help find someone, the first villain in prehistoric times." Chen Jianghai continued.

Before he finished his words, he heard the woman wearing the bronze mask say in a hoarse voice: "I can't answer you this question, because that person is already dead, and the dead cannot be found."

Jiang Hai seemed to have a lonely expression on his face. He wanted to speak again, and listened to the woman in the bronze mask saying: "Three questions have been raised. You can't ask me for help anymore. Three runes are returned to you."

The three runes returned to Chen Jianghai's palm, but what puzzled Pei Junlin was that Chen Jiang also raised the third question, which was clearly unresolved. Then why did the woman in the bronze mask take the badge back?

Maybe it has something to do with the rules of the year. Pei Junlin is already inconvenient to inquire. Chen Jianghai turned to Pei Junlin to die, and the two walked out of the room.

Just after walking out of the room, Pei Junlin saw Chen Jianghai and said two words.

There was no sound, but Pei Junlin could clearly feel that the two words Chen Jianghai said should be run away.

The two were a little nervous, Pei Junlin followed Chen Jianghai all the way to the downstairs, and then went directly out of the city. The two went directly to the desert outside the city, and Pei Junlin took a breath.

"What the **** is going on? Why are you running away?" Pei Junlin said angrily.

After finally seeing some signs of finding Yunyao, Pei Junlin is about to propose that the woman wearing the bronze mask help him find the Prince of Love Qiong, but now all this seems to have been disturbed.

"The rules laid down back then are like The two of us must escape the sophisticated assassination of this organization before they can let them do things for us, or you think, just rely on these few broken coppers. The bad iron brand made people work for him. How can there be such a simple thing in this world?" Chen Jianghai had a strange expression on his face.

When Pei Junlin heard Chen Jianghai’s words, her eyes were a little speechless. She didn’t expect Chen Jianghai’s so-called doing things for herself, but she actually did something like this for herself. This is what a stupid pig would do. If you ask someone to do something, you have to be chased down by the other party first. Where does this happen in the world.

"How is the strength of this organization? I am not afraid to send two or three kittens." Pei Junlin said coldly.

Hatred was already growing in his heart, part of it was anger at the outskirts of the city for not doing things well, and the other part was anger at the woman wearing the bronze mask.

"How is the strength of this organization? You shouldn't ask me, you should experience it yourself, I only tell you that they killed the mighty back then." Chen Jianghai's tone even carried a smirk.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's utterance of the word great energy, Pei Junlin inhaled a breath of cold air, and a whitish sweat formed all over his body. _

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