Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1763: Organizational rules

If this organization is really such a powerful one, then he is really dead in disaster this time. Pei Junlin suddenly rushed over and strangled Chen Jianghai's neck: "Why don't you say things clearly beforehand? I will do it right now. Go back and get Lao Tzu's piece of mutton jade."

Pei Junlin was furious, and turned around to walk towards the city.

"You must be a dead end when you go back now. Even if you find your close friend, I am afraid it will become my close friend." Chen Jianghai said lazily, standing behind him.

After walking two steps, he stopped, suddenly turned around and gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Jianghai for a while, the look on his face was uncertain. Judging from Chen Jianghai’s various performances, Pei Junlin can be sure that what Chen Jianghai said should be the truth, and Pei Junlin has already felt a murderous intent, locked himself, and even the strong murderous intent, made Pei Junlin’s eyebrows. All in pain.

"Hurry up." Chen Jianghai grabbed Pei Junlin, and the two rose into the air, running wildly in the desert.

Everything was too late, and twelve murderous auras gathered from all directions.

Pei Junlin pushed Chen Jianghai away, holding the Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand, and staring at the surroundings coldly.

"It's better to fight them back now to escape, at least let them know that we are not easy to mess with." Pei Junlin stared around coldly.

These assassins have their own strengths, but in general their strengths are basically above and below the realm of the real king, which does not constitute a substantial threat to Pei Junlin.

"You are right. What this organization likes most is to kill some rebellious opponents. Let's beat them so much that they will be very excited." Chen Jianghai flipped his palm and the mini coffin appeared in his The palm of his hand suddenly pushed forward, the pitch-black coffin moved towards full suppression, and a killer was instantly smashed into flesh.

Today, I didn't expect Chen Jianghai to say that he would turn his face and kill an opponent's killer as soon as he shot. A blood mist rose up, and the other assassins were furious, and all kinds of sword light treasures smashed towards Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai.

Pei Junlin didn't dare to neglect, the Hunshi Demon Spear in the picture suddenly evolved the tricks of Tianyun Thirteen Swords. At this moment, Pei Junlin became extremely sharp. The sunshine boy who laughed and cursed instantly turned into a cannibal tiger.

Although it seems that Pei Junlin is just a weak-crowned boy now, a pressure is directly and invisibly diffused. When you were in contact with Pei Junlin, there was a look of surprise on your face, because no one thought that this young man was too courageous to single out more than 6 killers at the same time.

We must know that the reason why a killer can become a killer is that one person at the same level can assassinate at least three masters of the same level. That is to say, although these assassins are only masters in the realm of true kings, some of their top-notch existences can even assassinate saints.

The strength of the famous assassins must be at least three times their own strength, which means that the strength of these assassins is extremely powerful, and none of them are vegetarian.

This Pei Junlin now went to pack and hit half of the assassins, which made the faces of these black assassins show an unacceptable look.

Ling Pei Junlin now looks like a teenage boy, with stiff and cold lines, which also means that he is not afraid of tigers when he is born.

"Youth, it's really sad to die as a teenager." An old assassin showed an unbearable look on his face.

Pei Junlin also did not expect that things would develop in this way.

The old assassin revealed a pity, but his men were not weak.

After all, this is the assassin's heart, in fact it is cold, there will be such a trace of compassion tonight, but it will soon be pinched by the assassin himself.

The assassin's long sword gleamed with a dazzling light, and Pei Junlin felt a form of falling in front of his eyes, a sharp aura, sweeping directly toward the throat.

In addition to this old assassin, the other five assassins also shot at the same time, and various sharp attacks almost rounded out all the weaknesses of Pei Junlin's body.

It is the characteristic of an assassin, specifically attacking the opponent's weakness, without wasting a bit of strength, and never head-on with people.

Seeing Pei Junlin fell into the strangulation, the situation looked precarious. On the other side, compared to Pei Junlin's side, it is much more relaxed. Chen Jianghai's gestures are extremely heavy and heavy, and every move and every style is very cunning, all showing the strategy of an old fried dough stick.

One is that Chen Jianghai's coffin is almost everywhere, omnipotent, capable of blocking and attacking, seeing Pei Junlin dazzled, but in the blink of an eye there are three assassins killed under the dark coffin.

And Pei Junlin here seems to be in danger, but Pei Junlin did not show weakness, the mixed world magic spear in his hand burst out with amazing assassination power. That day, the cloud thirteen sword Pei Junlin only tasted a little fur, but The fierce murderousness is not weaker than these assassins.

Pei Junlin's magic spear was moving forward, and the killing array composed of these six assassins seemed to have been hit by Pei Junlin, and all the offensive was suddenly disintegrated.

A strange thing happened like this. The six assassins were all dumbfounded, but soon the old assassin sighed: "It seems that you not only have the courage to be born with a calf not afraid of tigers, but you also have the luck to go against the sky. By accident, we found our weakness."

When Pei Junlin heard the other party uttering the word misplay, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that these people really underestimated themselves. It seems that even these thousand-year-old assassins have time to relax their vigilance, and they are not too vigilant in their hearts about a young doll.

But how did they know that Pei Junlin's seemingly young tune shell actually hides a well-experienced soul.

Pei Junlin was holding the magic spear of the mixed world, and suddenly took an indomitable will toward the sky, almost swept away the murderous aura of these assassins.

The old assassin laughed and led the other five assassins towards Pei Junlin's siege. With a big wave of his hand, these six assassins instantly formed an astonishing array of killings, starting to cut towards Pei Junlin like a giant gear. come.

All kinds of magical magic talismans were twisted, and the sky was full of golden divine brilliance, and a gray air current surrounded Pei Junlin's body.

These old assassins didn't want to kill Pei Junlin on the spot, but wanted to suppress Pei Junlin.

It also quickly made these assassins feel that something horrible had happened, and the magic spear in Pei Junlin's hand was like the most exquisite weapon in the world.

When the old assassin was fighting with Pei Junlin's mixed world magic spear, the long sword in his hand was actually cut off by Pei Junlin's hand.

The old assassin who had gone to the weapon had no time to withdraw, so he was stabbed directly in the shoulder by Pei Junlin's magic spear.

Now Pei Junlin's demon spear suddenly twisted, half of the old assassin's arm flew directly, and it turned into blood mist after flying into the air.

And this was not over yet, the two young assassins had no time to react, and they were strung together by Pei Junlin's beautiful back carbine, which was fiercely strung and nailed to the ground.

Half of the opponent's opponent was abolished at once, and this Pei Junlin instantly became the core of the audience. Even Chen Jianghai had a strange look at Pei Junlin.

"Rewind." The thousand-year-old finally woke up at this moment. The teenage boy in front of him was not easy to provoke. Nowhere was this just a newborn calf, it was a fierce tiger.

But where would Pei Junlin give these assassins a chance to escape, and Chen Jianghai on the other side also reached out and pointed at the dark coffin and flew into the sky, instantly flying around with sand and rocks, and the surrounding area was completely blocked.

"Don't even think about leaving any of them. Let your organization take a good look at what the strength of the two of us is, so that they can turn back soon." Chen Jianghai laughed.

At this time, Pei Junlin did not keep his hands, only heard two puffs, two more assassins fell to the ground, and a blood hole appeared in the center of their eyebrows.

Only the teacher of the thousand-year-old assassin was alive, and he could look at Pei Junlin in horror, as if he was hell.

The genius in this world is very long, there are even the top genius, this old assassin has also seen it, and even personally killed it.

He really hadn’t seen an evildoer like Pei Junlin, or even heard of it. It seemed that he was only a teenager at a level of cruelty, even hundreds of times more than his thousand-year-old assassin.

So how does a young man practice such a cruel method?

The ghost knows!

"Death is the ultimate For our assassin business, we dance on the tip of the knife every day. In fact, when I was doing this business, I had already thought of today's end." The old assassin lost. He took an arm, half of his body was dripping with blood, and the whole face was extremely pale, but the eyes looking at Pei Junlin carried infinite appreciation.

"You are right. When you kill someone, you will think that one day you will be killed by someone else. But don't think about it. I let you go. There is no such good thing." Pei Junlin raised his eyebrows and said harshly. Discourse.

Pei Junlin actually knows when he can die and when he can be soft, but it is definitely not at this time. These assassins are absolutely inhuman. Although they are soft for a while, they don’t think that the other party’s heart will truly give up killing. meaning.

An assassin will never give up on assassinating the target at any time, even when he is on the verge of death. This is the reason why Pei Junlin did not relax.

"I really want to know how you have grown into such a powerful character in these short ten years. If you can tell me this, then I will die." The old assassin stared at Pei Junlin. His eyes were filled with helplessness. _

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