Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1771: Descendants of the Dragon Emperor

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In the busy city where people go, Pei Junlin is drinking dull wine. Since Tantai Jingxuan's mouth learned the news of her parents and relatives, Pei Junlin has not been emotionally high every day.

The hatred grows in his heart day by day, making Pei Junlin look like a red-eyed rabbit every day, looking for someone to do it.

Across the street is a huge lake, and a group of young girls are rowing in the lake. These people are all outstanding young talents.

Pei Junlin looked up at the lake from time to time and looked at the young men and women who were playing.

These are the children of the Dragon Emperor's line, with Dragon Emperor's blood flowing on them. Although King's face was expressionless, the murderous spirit in his heart had already steamed the wine in his glass.

Chen Jianghai on the side saw all this in his eyes, and he couldn't help but sighed. He understood that the Dragon Emperor's accident was probably a problem in Pei Junlin's heart.

If this hatred is not reported, I am afraid that Jun Pei will not do much in the realm of cultivation. At the same time, Chen Jianghai also understood that the strength of the Dragon Emperor's current development was too amazing, and the entire southern border was almost entirely within the Dragon's sphere of influence.

It was another group of people fighting horses from the street market, and these people went on a rampage, without any scruples about the ordinary people and some low-level cultivators in the street market.

He was holding a whip in his hand, and whenever someone raised his hand in the way, it was blood dripping from a whip and someone was drawn, and some were physically incomplete, and the whole market was full of screams and wailing.

These young people ignored them, went straight to the lake, jumped off their horses, and joked with the boys and girls in the lake.

This is the disciple of the Dragon Emperor who is here. Their style and behavior are extremely rough and cruel, and they don't care about the feelings of ordinary people.

"Have you heard of it lately? A guy pretending to be our young master Long Dayu, who was here, borrowed money everywhere, and promised to repay the debt ten times." A man in a cyan gown on the shore turned his hands toward a man on the boat. Said the woman in the pink dress.

The young girls on the boat nodded one after another, with murderous intent on their faces.

"It's also time for us to go out and practice. It's always in this ivory tower. It's not interesting to be a prince of peace. We have to use the troubled times to sharpen ourselves and water ourselves with blood." A group of teenagers are full of longing for the future. But he was holding a murderous sword in his hands, and his eyes were full of murderousness, like a group of wolf pups waiting to get out of the nest.

Chen Jianghai lowered his head and put his chopsticks on the table, and said in a low voice to Pei Junlin, "Have you heard? They seem to be talking about you."

Pei Junlin snorted coldly, drank the wine in the glass, and his eyes were murderous.

Each of these young talents will be the main training target for the Dragon Emperor Dojo in the future. Hearing these people's conversations with pride revealed a sense of loftyness, which made Pei Junlin extremely angry and uncomfortable.

"After you go out, don't lose face to the teacher's door. When the Dragon Emperor is here, we naturally have to establish a supreme reputation in this world. You can kill anyone who is not pleasing to the eye. Just don't be scruples. , No longer have all the forces in this area." A young man in his twenties was sitting there, and Da Ma Jin Dao seemed to be the brother of these people.

"Of course, of course, cultivation should be in the first place, but the reputation of our Longdi Daochang should also be placed on the first acquaintance who does not lose, and cannot fall into the name of the teacher. By the way, after we go out. Be sure to find out who the person pretending to be the dragon big fish is. Once caught, don’t kill him first, but keep alive.” Another young man stood up and said.

The boys and girls were all listening. At least the few seniors who came over were talking together, their eyes filled with yearning.

These people talked and talked about the problems of practice, and they were all gearing up.

"Today is the meeting, why don't you let Brother Yin Xu show us a hand?" The boy snarled.

The man named Senior Brother Yin Xu was a man with a faint blue stubble on his face, and his eyes were sunken and he looked like a cruel character.

Hearing the booing of these young girls, Brother Yin Xu was not welcome. With a single palm erected towards the lake, the water of the lake was automatically separated.

That's not even counted, the lake surface actually began to turn back and forth, and finally a deep dragon character appeared on the lake surface.

When a group of teenagers saw this amazing sight, they clapped and cheered one by one, some were envious, others gritted their teeth.

"In the future, like Senior Brother Yin Xu, I will be among the top 100 on the local list!" A look of pride was revealed in the eyes of a young man.

There are also many young people around him who are strong and fierce, one by one clenched their fists, and their eyes are filled with a look of arousing words.

"Don't focus on a small list of places. The entire world is vast. What can this list be? Even the sky list does not represent the strength of the entire world. For the entire world, Our southern border is just a small land." Senior Brother Yin Xu looked like a knowledgeable person.

Although this person's complexion was a little gloomy, but what he said was quite level.

"Our ordinary disciples will all go to the battlefield in the future, to sharpen themselves on the battlefield. In the future, if they can be seen on the field and promoted and appointed, that will be a bright thing for Everbright." Then Yin Xu continued to teach these juniors and sisters. , To explain some truth to them.

Those teenagers were full of fierce arms, and their eyes were filled with a wolfish look. Although they did not belong to the Long Family, they belonged to the disciples of the entire Dragon Emperor Dojo. Although they were disciples from the periphery, they should not be underestimated. Each of them was equally amazing.

"If we can become a core disciple in the future, then our Wang family's ancestral tomb will really be smoked. I am afraid that when I go home, my father will kneel down to pick me up." A chubby young man's eyes shone brightly.

The other teenagers didn't think there was anything wrong with what the teenager said, instead they all showed admiration.

"A bunch of rubbish, humming like flies here." Pei Junlin finally couldn't bear the anger in his heart. The mixed world magic spear in his hand wanted to sip the blood of Dragon Emperor.

Although Pei Junlin said these words lightly, and you were still in a lively street market, it was heard by Yin Xu on the other side of the river.

Na Yin Xu led a group of young disciples, and those teenagers jumped ashore one after another, and surrounded Pei Junlin, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"In our southern border, dare to say bad things about the Dragon Emperor Dojo, I think you are alive for years." Yin Xu showed a cruel smile, and his eyes stared at Pei Junlin like a falcon.

The young man took out a picture book from his arms and opened the picture. The picture turned out to be Pei Junlin's appearance, lifelike and vivid.

"It turns out that it is really him! Senior Brother Yin Xu must not let this person go today, it is the dragon fish he is posing as." The boy exclaimed.

Hearing a burst of exclamation from the surrounding teenagers, Senior Brother Yingxu also showed a look of surprise and surprise on her face. She geared her hands, staring at Pei Junlin with her eyes as if looking at a rare treasure.

"Unexpectedly, I deserved to continue to develop today. I will catch you today, and then I may be able to rise above the sky from now on." A look of ecstasy appeared on Yin Xu's face.

Pei Junlin couldn't do anything. When Yin Xu reached out to grab it, Pei Junlin still didn't move. When Yin Xu stretched his palm, it suddenly turned into a dragon claw, shining with pale golden light.

Pei Junlin raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that it was a dragon. He was a dragon incarnate in human form. No wonder Pei Junlin felt a little weird in Continuation before, but he did not expect this person to hide his demon aura so deeply.

"It turned out to be a dragon. I haven't tasted dragon meat for a long time." Pei Junlin suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand to grab it, and it happened to hit the dragon claw that came over.

Pei Junlin started as fast as lightning, and a layer of black mist appeared on her right Demon God's hand moved forward and instantly grabbed an arm that continued to glow with golden light.

Pulling the entire arm forcefully, Pei Junlin grabbed it directly. Maybe he lost an arm all at once and screamed in pain.

But Pei Junlin was holding Yin Xu's arm, and his eyes were a little surprised. This may be true of the dragon family, but it is also the more advanced colorful dragon among the dragon family.

This arm can no longer be transformed into a human form after being torn down by Pei Junlin, because it is not originally a human form. The reason why it looks like a person is actually the illusion he used. In fact, Yin Xu's body is still a dragon.

"Boss, I made this dragon claw. Remember to put less salt and more **** to get rid of the fishy smell." Pei Junlin threw the huge dragon claw on the table, scaring the diners all over the house crazy The escape.

Under Pei Junlin's gaze, these two guys dared not help but tremblingly carrying the huge dragon claws and walking towards the back kitchen.

Perhaps seeing this scene was so angry that he had a look of fear and anger on his face. Just now Pei Junlin tore off his entire arm with just one move, so even if the continuation is of poor intelligence, he knows that this person is not. It can handle it.

Watching that one of his arms was roasted and eaten, Yin Xu couldn't bear such humiliation. Although he knew he was invincible, he slaughtered Pei Junlin again.

This continued in Pei Junlin's eyes, but it was just a small character. He didn't want to do it, but couldn't help but ridicule. He didn't expect this person to be so greedy for merit and want to arrest himself.

Pei Junlin had a good temper, so he didn't bother to let this guy go, so he reached out and grabbed Yin Xu's other arm and tore it forcefully, and tore his other arm as well. ?

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