Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1772: Dragon fire fire

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The scene looked extremely bloody, and the people on the whole street were frightened and fleeing frantically. Only those who were present at the Dragon Emperor surrounded Pei Junlin one by one, especially those young masters gearing their hands, like a group of wolf cubs.

Not only are these people not afraid to see the blood, but they also want to rush to fight Pei Junlin at any time.

"Don't do anything, go back and report to the core disciple." Yin Xu naturally knows the depth.

He knew that if he dared to bargain with Pei Jun at this time, everyone present might die. But those young geniuses don't think so. They are fledgling and pretentious. Now they see Yin Xu's shameful eyes with sarcasm, and no one sympathizes.

Could it be that two young people wanted to sneak attack from behind Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin noticed it early, and slapped them in the air.

Pei Junlin did not kill him, because these young people are not worth his kill, and the hatred between the two parties has not reached the point of irreconcilability. What Pei Junlin hates is only the core characters of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, not these peripheral little ones. Bastard.

"Right now while I'm in a good mood, or you'll kill all of you little beasts." Pei Junlin glanced at it, and there was a fragrance wafting from the back kitchen.

On the second floor of the restaurant sits a female boss. The boss is not afraid to see the fighting outside, sipping melon seeds and watching the excitement.

Pei Junlin dragged down two dragon claws one after another. It was the boss's instruction that the buddy dared to touch the back kitchen.

It seems that this boss is not only courageous but also very hard at the backstage. If this is not the case, he would not dare to offend these people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

"Who on earth are you, dare to pretend to be the little son of our Dragon Emperor Dojo, Long Dayu, to borrow money everywhere?" Although Na Yin Xu lost two arms, his expression was still normal.

The wound had stopped the blood and looked a little embarrassed.

"There is nothing to pretend to be, it's just a creditor who came to collect some debts." Pei Junlin picked up the wine glass and didn't even look at Yin Xu.

In Pei Junlin's eyes, these people are completely miscellaneous fish, and they are not worth his hands. However, after putting down the wine glass, a fiery red light shone from the sky Pei Junlin was looking at.

A strong momentum swept through most of the city, Pei Junlin knew that there should be a master coming. Sure enough, a fireball appeared on the horizon, and suddenly exploded when it came to the sky above the restaurant.

This is a weird man with fluttering wings. Its wings are composed of flames full of paint, and there is a flame mark on the center of the eyebrows.

"Senior Brother Longhuohuo, he is here." The peripheral disciples of the Dragon Emperor Dojo all exclaimed, all with extremely excited expressions.

The reinforcements finally came, making these people very excited, looking at Pei Junlin's eyes as if looking at the dead. Pei Junlin was also looking at this dragon fire. This person's dress was a little hard to say, but the natural vision was indeed dazzling.

Especially the steel ring on this person's neck, shining with a silver light, making Pei Junlin feel the pressure. This is not a simple thing but a holy artifact.

"Go." Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, only called Yiduo to take Chen Jianghai into the sky.

Everything came off guard, Pei Junlin suddenly wanted to leave, no one stopped him, and it blew into the sea like a breeze.

"That person is very mysterious. It should have been a killing just now. Could it be against you?" After a long time, the two appeared in a desert.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Pei Junlin shook his head. It was indeed a predicament just now, but Pei Junlin didn't think it was against him.

Obviously this is a way to invite the monarch to enter the urn, but Pei Junlin didn't think that this ancient town was prepared for himself, because he had just come to this great world, and his reputation was not obvious, and it was not worthwhile to sell himself in the Dragon Emperor.

So who knows that the people who were sold for the Dragon Emperor's charity show a lot of fanfare, and there is even a core disciple who is sitting there?

Countless questions arose in Pei Junlin's heart, which finally made him feel uneasy and decided to go back and take a look.

The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. Pei Junlin feels that the person the Dragon Emperor wants to deal with is naturally his friend, even if he doesn't know him, he will help the market.

"Did you find out? When we wanted to leave just now, the core disciple named Longhuo didn't even have the intention to keep the two of us. Guessed that they should have a bigger goal, so they gave up on the pursuit of the two of us. "Chen Jianghai followed Pei Junlin through the desert quickly while analyzing.

Pei Junlin nodded, what Chen Jianghai said was basically the same as what he had thought in his heart. Then there must be a big fish for success. The dragon emperor has to wait for him, and it is likely that he has been preparing for a long time.

"Such a reckless past may be dangerous. After all, such a detailed net is arranged, and there are core disciples to watch the scene, we may go there..." Chen Jianghai was a little worried.

But Pei Junlin didn't even hear that he had a mysterious earthen jar in his hand, and he could go anywhere in the world. Coupled with Chen Jianghai's dark coffin, Pei Junlin felt that it would be fine even if he broke into the big formation.

The two went back and started again. When they reached the city, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai hid them. The mysterious earthen jar enveloped the aura of the two of them, and Pei Junlin found this formation, and the weakness of the breath emerged, hiding in a place that no one had thought of, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

"Wait a minute, don't just take it casually. I'll be cruel to him when the time is right." Chen Jianghai, who was afraid of wolves and tigers just now, had an expression of excitement on his face.

Pei Junlin didn't speak, his eyes stared at the entire city, a huge city with hundreds of millions of people, but at this time it was silent, almost all families were closed, and the whole street was deserted.

A gust of wind swept over, wind and sand filled the sky, fallen leaves glide along the street, making a rustling sound. It was a bleak autumn wind, which made people feel infinitely lonely.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin saw a person, a person wearing a black cloak. As soon as this person appeared, the surrounding formations began to move, and all the auras were locked with a person wearing a black cloak.

The battle started in an instant, Pei Junlin stared at the man wearing the cloak, he had a familiar feeling, but he couldn't tell who this man was.

The black robe on a mysterious man was hunting, and the surrounding was surrounded by a gray mist. The whole person looks mysterious, like the deepest black hole in the world.

Only a ball of fire fell from the sky and turned into a young man with a spear in hand. The young man was wrapped in flames, and he was the core disciple Long Huohuo of the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

The appearance of Long Huohuo is surprising. Although Pei Junlin has seen it once before, seeing it again still makes Pei Junlin feel a little surprised.

The strength of the Dragon Emperor Dojo is indeed extraordinary, and a core disciple has reached the level of semi-sage. The dragon fire is enveloped in a flame field, like a forbidden area. Anyone who is close to the dragon or within the range of the body will be incinerated into ashes by the high flame.

Only a saint can form a realm around the body, but in Longhuohuo, there is only a half-step saint's strength. But even so, this flame field is equally scary, almost equivalent to the real saint's field.

"Don't even think about leaving today, Pei Junlin, you die." That Long Huohuo even opened his mouth and cursed.

Pei Junlin was taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other with Chen Jianghai, not even knowing what was going on. Pei Junlin heard it very clearly just now, the name that the dragon fire shouted was Pei Junlin.

But Junlin Pei also knew that it was not himself that Longhuohuo shouted, but the guy in the black cloak.

Is it the same name and surname, after all, the world is so big, there is such a probability. But Junlin Pei always had a different feeling. It seemed that this guy named Junlin Pei knew him.

Longhuohuo is all fire, his punches and spears are all fire. On the other side, the guy named Pei Junlin wearing a black cloak is constantly evolving his boxing skills.

It's just that this punching technique makes Pei Junlin look but he can't remember what punching technique it is.

Groups of divine flames flooded the sky and died in the air, and the entire city was beaten to ruins. Just hitting hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin was also very excited.

Especially the guy wearing the black cloak, his tricks are extremely overwhelming, it can be called shameless, and although Longhuohuo is strong, his conspiracy is far inferior to others.

The guy in the black cloak flipped his palm, and a huge handprint fell from the sky. Pei Junlin is very surprised when he sees you, because the method used by this guy is like the big mudra he often uses.

The flame spear in the silhouette's hand suddenly stabs forward, and a large burst of flames instantly turns into a fire dragon, rushing into the air and starting a duel with the palm.


The palm of his hand shattered, but the fire dragon was also photographed into a sky full of fireworks and fell from mid-air. Hundreds of strokes have passed in a very short period of time, but they are comparable, and there is a faint sign that the black man has the upper hand.

At this time, Pei Junlin could clearly feel that Dragon Fire seemed a little irritable, and he took the shiny steel ring from his neck.

The metal ring shone extremely dazzling light in the sun, especially when the molten fire injected energy into it, Pei Junlin immediately felt that this treasure was extraordinary.

Sure enough, after the ring was excited by the dragon fire, there was a confused vortex in it that suddenly enveloped the guy in the black cloak.

Do you know why Pei Junlin was suddenly worried at this moment, she mentioned this guy in the black cloak again. Although I knew each other before, but the other's name and the other's position made Pei Junlin secretly stand on the side of this black cloak guy. ?

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