Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1776: Crazy borrowing

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"Why are we staying here?" Chen Jianghai didn't understand Pei Junlin.

Because he found that for the past two days, Pei Junlin took him every day to drink flowers and wine in various places with loud dogs and horses, but he never touched the women there.

This caused Chen Jianghai to have enough doubts about what medicine Pei Junlin's gourd was selling.

"People have taken pictures, and wild gooses have left. The dragon and big fish have stayed here for so long, it is impossible not to leave any clues." Pei Junlin smiled.

Spreading out his palm, a mysterious dragon-shaped jade pendant appeared in the palm of his hand. The dragon-shaped jade Peiqi was very special. After Pei Junlin took it out, the whole room was illuminated by golden light.

There is a wave-like pattern on the top, and a dragon soul is actually sealed in this jade pendant, and a pair of eyes swims in it and stares at Pei Junlin coldly.

"Not bad, this should be Long Dayu's personal token. With this thing, you can pretend to be him, and it's more realistic." Chen Jianghai smiled, seeming to understand the reason Pei Jun is staying here.

Pei Junlin nodded, his body unexpectedly began to undergo a special change. In the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin changed into a look, forced by the handsome boy, but there was some wretched expression between his eyebrows.

This person was pale, obviously hollowed out by the wine, and his eyes were full of various provocative emotions.

"This is what the dragon big fish is like, it's somewhat similar to you." Chen Jianghai touched his chin, a little surprised.

"It just happens that I still lack some money, and I haven't got enough materials for the two flying swords." Pei Junlin smiled, and he had a plan in his heart.

Pretending to be Dragon Big Fish will naturally not give up. Pei Junlin will always use Dragon Big Fish's identity to borrow money, which will create a bad reputation for the entire Dragon Emperor Dojo.

"No, you used the identity of Long Dayu to borrow some money last time, and you have already aroused alertness. Do you want to repeat the same trick this time? Don't get caught." Chen Jianghai was a little worried.

But soon he knew that all his worries were superfluous, because Pei Junlin's performance of that dragon and big fish was so vivid.

At this time, Chen Jianghai understood why Pei Junlin took him with him these days and lingered in those sensual and dog-like hooklan yards. It turned out to be in order to inquire about the news and integrate the information he heard, and he almost understood the person Long Dayu thoroughly. of.

His every move, figure and appearance were all made clear by Pei Junlin, and even the way of speaking and tone and voice were simulated by Pei Junlin.

Soon they walked into one of the largest chambers of commerce. According to Chen Jianghai's memory, the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce already existed at a very early time, and even had a large scale in the era when it existed.

In other words, this chamber of commerce is very large and powerful, and even the Dragon Emperor can't afford to offend it. Therefore, Pei Junlin chose this top chamber of commerce with a purpose. He wanted to use this chamber of commerce to cause some trouble for the Dragon Emperor.

Seeing Pei Junlin coming in, the faces of several shop assistants showed shocked expressions, because Pei Junlin's appearance was obviously like Dragon Big Fish.

This is a regular customer. Long Dayu has mortgaged a lot of things in this chamber of commerce. A few folks didn't know what Long Dayu would do when he came to the Chamber of Commerce.

"Call your big shopkeeper here, I have something important to discuss with him." Pei Junlin said so loudly that he didn't even look at these shop assistants.

However, this was in line with Long Dayu's usual character, and did not arouse the suspicion of several shop assistants. Soon, the shopkeeper came down to receive Pei Junlin personally and took Pei Junlin into an upstairs lounge.

"Young Master Long, I don't know what's going on in our visit to the Chamber of Commerce this time? We, the Jinhui Chamber of Commerce, can do things for you, we will never refuse." The eyes of this shopkeeper have clearly illuminated the Dragon Emperor Dojo. The little boy is considered a fat sheep.

There was a signboard that was as big as the Dragon Emperor's presence, and he was not afraid that he would fall back on it. Moreover, although this dragon fish is usually reckless, he always speaks out his words and is absolutely unambiguous in paying back the money.

"What else can I do? I have a tight hand recently and need a large amount of money and a large amount of materials." Pei Jun was sitting there with Dama Jindao, but his eyes were aimed at a maid next to him.

Pei Junlin pretended to be anxious, but it made the smile on the face of the shopkeeper even more intense: "It's just a small matter, but you have to trouble here yourself. How much do you need? Just order, as long as you sign. Contract, I will prepare it for you right away."

"This time the amount is huge, don't you really think about it carefully, of course I will mortgage some things here." Pei Junlin said pretentiously.

When the shopkeeper heard Pei Junlin say that the amount was relatively large, he was a little surprised but quickly, and a smile appeared on his face.

When Pei Junlin took out the dragon-shaped jade pendant, the shopkeeper's smile became even more ambiguous.

"I need one hundred billion superb spirit stones, and another five hundred tons of Midossa, ten thousand tons of gold per day..." Pei Junlin listed the top materials in a series.

The one hundred billion superb spirit stone was said by Pei Junlin, and the shopkeeper was also a little surprised, but after looking at the dragon-shaped jade pendant on the table, he was determined.

This amount of money is a lot, even for a Big Mac Chamber of Commerce like them, it is not a small sum, and the gathering of those top-level materials is also a fortune.

When all this encounters the dragon-shaped jade pendant in Pei Junlin's hands, it is not a problem, because this is the token of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, and only the sons of the Dragon Emperor will have this token.

A transaction was completed in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Soon Pei Junlin got a bracelet. This bracelet was a special gift from Jinhui Chamber of Commerce to Pei Junlin.

The storage space in this bracelet is large enough to store Pei Junlin, so many financial and refining materials are needed. That dragon-shaped jade pendant was directly pressed by Pei Junlin in this chamber of commerce.

After the two walked out of this chamber of commerce, Pei Junlin was a little happy, after all, he once again used Long Di to his name and received so much wealth.

The last time I received such a small amount of money, I am afraid that it will not cause any harm to the Dragon Emperor Dojo, but this time it is different. The hundreds of billions of wealth can definitely make the Dragon Emperor spit out blood.

And this kind of dragon-burial wall dojo can't rely on it at all, because the dragon-shaped jade pendant they pledged is a token of the Dragon Emperor's presence.

"You are too cruel. This sheep is trying to squeeze the wool, and getting so many part-time jobs this time is equivalent to cutting off one of the hands of the Dragon Emperor. Even if it is a master of Tianzun level, so much wealth is for him. It's also a lifetime savings." Chen Jianghai also glared his mouth, even though he scolded Pei Junlin for not knowing, but he rubbed his hands with excitement.

Pei Junlin shook his head and stared at Chen Jianghai as if looking at an idiot, and said, "You think it's just a little bit, it's not enough to bankrupt the Dragon Emperor Dojo. Wait, I have other ways. "

Pei Junlin smiled weirdly, and then led Chen Jianghai into the second chamber of commerce.

There are a total of five top chambers of commerce in this metropolis, which are like giants in the entire world. Pei Junlin then patronized all the four top chambers of commerce behind, of course, this time Pei Junlin had nothing to mortgage.

I thought it was the shopkeeper of the house and asked Pei Junlin that he could mortgage, when Pei Junlin actually took out a photo crystal. Among them, the appearance of Long Dayu, the son of the Long Family, with Chiguo appeared.

"What are you doing?" The four shopkeepers were a little surprised.

Pei Jun Linjiang and their four shopkeepers pulled together for a meeting, just to borrow a huge amount of wealth, which is also a big deal for them.

"Have you seen? This photo crystal has my unbearable influence, and what I hold in my hand is the token of the Dragon Emperor's presence, the dragon-shaped jade pendant. With this thing in hand, are you still afraid that I will fall back on the account?" King's Landing placed the four photo crystals in front of the four shopkeepers.

The four shopkeepers of these four major chambers of commerce are also a bit distressed. They have never accepted such collateral. This is also a very novel thing for them, beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The first thought of the four people was not to be surprised, but to look at Pei Junlin at the same time, that is, Pei Junlin is now disguised as a dragon big fish.

In addition to surprise, the four shopkeepers have praise, UU reading because they never thought that in this rumor, the sloppy young master of the Long Family, Long Dayu, had such business acumen.

But how did they know that this is simply pediatrics for Pei Junlin, which was already popular on the earth back then. Isn't it just going to borrow without clothes?

Of course, Pei Junlin didn't care, because the picture recorded by the photo crystal was the appearance of Dragon Big Fish, not his appearance.

Therefore, these big shopkeepers can believe that the picture of the crystal curtain in the photo is real because of the dragon-shaped jade pendant held by Pei Junlin.

A person's appearance and voice can be disguised, but the dragon-shaped jade pendant is definitely not possible, because it is a symbol of the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

So almost at the same time these four shopkeepers all agreed to Pei Junlin's loan request. With the content in this photo crystal, there is no fear of recklessness.

And because of huge loans like Pei Junlin, the interest is high and scary, these four chambers of commerce also agreed to Pei Junlin's reception request because of their huge interests.

When I walked out of these four firms, it was getting worse, but Pei Junlin's footsteps were exceptionally brisk. Chen Jianghai, who was just behind Pei Jun's presence, looked a bit stunned and shocked, as if he had been blinded up to now.

Pei Jun came to the money too quickly, and in the blink of an eye he scammed a huge amount of wealth from the five chambers of commerce, which was almost equivalent to all the wealth accumulated by an organization from the ancient years to the modern era.

In other words, Pei Junlin became a top-notch man in the blink of an eye, almost comparable to a small chamber of commerce.

In those four chambers of commerce, Pei Junlin borrowed 500 billion of the best spirit stones from each. With the addition of a large number of top-notch refining materials and rare things, Pei Junlin became rich overnight. ?

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