Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1777: Time to get rich

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A pile of top-grade spirit stones and a large amount of materials are neatly coded in this storage bracelet. The space inside is like a giant storage warehouse, where the top-grade spirit stones and the top crafting materials needed by Pei Junlin, It's dazzling.

The money comes so fast, so simple, and it can get revenge. It is indeed an exciting thing, even Pei Junlin can't help but feel a little cheerful, and can't help but laugh.

But now that Pei Junlin succeeds, the first thing is naturally to run away. If you don't stay here, it won't be good to be found to be helpless.

Naturally, these big chambers of commerce are not easy to provoke. They also have top masters. If nothing else, the Jinhui Chamber of Commerce has a huge power, and he almost spans most of the world.

A chamber of commerce that doesn't seem to show off the mountains and dews is actually no less powerful in the dark than a top-level big teacher.

Pei Junlin hacked the money of these chambers of commerce, braving the name of Dragon Big Fish, to provoke anger everywhere in the Dragon Emperor Dojo. This is also the best way Pei Junlin can think of for revenge. Although it can't be done overnight and destroy the entire Dragon Emperor on the scene, but first withdraw a little interest, at least it can make Pei Junlin feel better.

Soon Pei Junlin took Chen Jianghai and the two to leave here, and this time Pei Junlin kept accumulating all the materials needed to refine two flying swords, and he also had a large number of top-quality spirit stones.

On a remote hill, Pei Junlin arranged a large hidden formation. And in a cave in this mountain, leading to thousands of kilometers underground.

This is a mysterious place. Only Chen Jianghai knows this hidden place. The reason why Pei Junlin chose such a hidden place is because he committed the answer this time, and he will definitely be turned upside down by the Dragon Emperor. Pursuing and killing two flying swords, Pei Junlin also needs a stable and safe environment.

In this way, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai hid in this underground cave, and Chen Jianghai fell into a deep sleep, because in this underground cave, the yin veins of the underground happened.

In this underground Yin vein, nourishing the body is what Chen Jianghai likes to do most. On the other side, Pei Junlin had no choice. He found several chalcedony in the underground cave.

Whoever in the prison is good for Pei Junlin’s recovery of his body, he originally cultivated the celestial body, the strength of his body is very high, but after absorbing these top chalcedony, he can make Pei Junlin’s body go further and refine it into mixed yuan gold body.

Pei Junlin was soaking in the rain again, studying the memorial method of two flying swords. These days, Pei Junlin gradually discovered that Jin Ye seemed to be awakening. After letting Jin Ye Tunxi the mysterious pill furnace last time, Jin Ye fell into a deep sleep, but recently Jun Pei can often feel Jin. Lord's spirit fluctuates.

So Pei Junlin was soaking his body in the rain while studying the memorial method of two flying swords. In the blink of an eye, another three months have passed, and this year still hasn't woken up. Pei Junlin can't wait any longer. He wants to find a way to practice this flying sword on his own.

"I have an ancient practice technique here, but this technique was left by my elder brother back then. It needs special energy to drive it. I will pass the formula to you now, you can try it." Chen After Jiang Hai discovered that Pei Junlin was scratching his head, he opened his eyes and told Pei Junlin about such a thing.

Not far from Jun Pei, a bottomless well appeared underground. The yin wind blew out from this well, and Chen Jianghai was lying on the yin wind, his body rising and falling back and forth.

At this time, Chen Jianghai opened his eyes and his hair stood up, and his entire face looked scary, but it made Pei Junlin very excited, because Chen Jianghai's words solved the biggest problem Pei Junlin had in mind for days.

"Is the ancient art of refining powerful? Your elder brother will definitely be better than you, right?" Pei Junlin tried to ask.

Pei Junlin just asked casually, unexpectedly attracted Chen Jianghai's eyes: "Who is my eldest brother, then I don’t need to tell you. In that ancient age, my eldest brother once found this territory turned upside down, even Some powerful-level figures were defeated by my elder brother. Many of them were younger brothers of my elder brother."

"It's so amazing, then you..." Pei Junlin seemed to think something was wrong, so he didn't go on.

But hearing the song and knowing the elegant meaning, Chen Jianghai naturally knows what Pei Junlin said: "The hero doesn't mention anything about Yong before, and I won't tell you more about it. How powerful is my elder brother's refining technique? I can't describe it to you. I can only tell you that my elder brother helped me refine this coffin. The materials in it are not ordinary things, but mysterious materials obtained in the forbidden land."

Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the pitch-black coffin. He had always thought that the pitch-black coffin was very searchable, and now it was finally confirmed in Chen Jianghai's mouth.

Chen Jianghai closed his eyes, and a ray of light shot from the center of his eyebrows, just in front of Pei Junlin, condensed into a blue light group.

"Leave it to you for me. As for whether you want to practice or not, it's up to you to choose. I'm going to put it first. If you don't have that mysterious power to drive it, you can't use this refiner at all. The art of refining tools has a name called the art of refining swords from the ancient gods. According to legend, the ancient gods in ancient times have some connections." Chen Jianghai closed his eyes after saying this.

When Pei Junlin heard Chen Jianghai's words, his heart was overwhelmed because Chen Jianghai's words referred to ancient gods. This made Pei Junlin a little surprised, but also some surprises, because this is the secretary of the ancient god, it means that you need to use the body to push, and every sentence of your eyebrows has such a hole that can drive the divine power.

He said that when he fell asleep, someone would send a pillow, and Pei Junlin didn't expect things to feel such a coincidence. Looking at the light group that appeared in front of him, Pei Junlin did not hesitate, stretched out a finger and pointed it on the blue light group.

At the moment when Pei Junlin's finger touched the blue light ball, a message entered Pei Junlin's mind. The ancient **** training technique, a mysterious text, was constantly compressed and refined in Pei Junlin's mind, and it was almost like a sea of ​​smoke.

At that moment, Pei Junlin even had an illusion that this text recorded an ultimate refining technique that could refine the universe and everything.

Although Chen Jianghai only briefly introduced a few words, Pei Junlin's feelings were completely different. What he felt in this refining technique was the changes in the universe and the universe.

And in many places, Pei Junlin could feel the vastness and incredibleness of this text, which seemed to be related to some mysteries when the world first opened.

Pei Junlin didn't delay any time, he immediately began to study the art of refining this weapon. In the blink of an eye, another few months passed. When Pei Junlin opened his eyes again, there was a little excitement in his eyes. And confused.

What excites is this ancient god's Qi training technique, unpredictable, it can be said to be an advanced training technique, which can refine everything in the world.

But there is one thing that makes Pei Junlin a headache, that is, the refining device needs top-level wildfire. It is that there is not much explanation for the aftermath of the Great Wilderness in this text. Pei Junlin only knows one name and does not know what the Great Wilderness Fire is.

The first thing that Pei Junlin thought of was the strange fire, but according to this refining technique, the current text began to spur a mysterious blue flame. Pei Junlin gradually realized that it was not working. Even after the divine power was injected, the flame would not happen. The change.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. If there is no suitable flame, the refining device will be just empty talk. Pei Junlin gradually calmed down from the excitement just now.

In addition to this mysterious blue flame, Pei Junlin has a flame on his body, that is, that mysterious candle comes from the forbidden area. UU reading

After thinking about it, Pei Junlin decided that the dead horse should be a living horse doctor. He used mysterious power to spur the flame on the mysterious candle. This time an accident happened. It was when Pei Junlin used the power to add, the art of refining After stimulating the formula, some changes have taken place in this mysterious candle.

Seeing that the flame in front of her turned into a constant shape according to her own thoughts, Pei Junlin's mouth was open, unable to close it for a long time, and her face also had an extremely shocked look. She did not expect that Qi refining technique. The fire of the great wilderness he needed was actually on his own body, which was the flame of this candle.

Before Pei Junlin only knew that this candle came from a mysterious forbidden place, and he didn't know anything else, but now seeing the flame on this candle, it can be completely peeled off, which surprised Pei Junlin.

After your mysterious wilderness, under Pei Junlin's control, you constantly change the shape, squash and round, and start to change according to Pei Junlin's imagination.

A long strip of sword embryo was trained by Pei Junlin. According to the shape of the flame, Pei Junlin began to forge the sword embryo of this sword.

If you want to thoroughly practice the two swords, you still need to go to the mysterious sword mound, but before Pei Jun goes there, he needs to stay here for a while. He now makes some preliminary preparations to melt all the materials.

It is worthy of the technique of refining tools of the ancient gods. It was discovered by King's Landing. Putting these materials into the fire of the wild, these materials will soon have a strong and incredible affinity, and they will stick to each other closely Together.

And many things can be done according to Pei Junlin's beliefs, and it is easy to do, many things as long as Pei Junlin's mind moves, they will often be completed according to their own minds. ?

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