Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1778: Ancient Artifacts

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The refining technique of this ancient **** clan is too easy to use. Pei Junlin's eyes are red with excitement. After half a month, Pei Junlin has completely completed the preliminary work, and then only needs to be in the sword grave. By absorbing the sharp energy there, the two flying swords can be refined.

It has been half a year since entering the cave, Pei Junlin felt that the ups and downs outside may have passed. After discussing with Chen Jianghai, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai finally decided to leave here.

After staying in this cave for so long, Pei Junlin’s benefits are countless. Two of the chalcedony has brought incredible benefits to Pei Junlin’s body. After absorbing the two chalcedony, Pei Junlin’s body looks It is completely different from the rest of the time.

Pei Junlin’s skin was originally wheat-colored, looking very healthy and manly, but after two rains of soaking, Pei Junlin’s skin was white and delicate, almost as tender as a baby, not only that Pei Junlin’s whole person It looks more than ten times more handsome than before.

Of course, the change in appearance is not what Pei Junlin is pursuing. This rain brings many benefits to Pei Junlin. For example, Pei Junlin's bones are now jade.

Now Pei Junlin's bones are indestructible and indestructible, even if there is a fierce battle, they will not worry about breaking.

"It's better for the two to be careful and change their faces, otherwise they will be easily discovered when they enter the city." Chen Jiang didn't know why, he became cautious after he came to the world. The world has produced unparalleled power of awe.

Pei Junlin didn't care, because he was not afraid of those people who were present at the dragon emperor. After all, he did the things and was not afraid of being held accountable at all, but those chambers of commerce were a little troublesome.

But in any case, there is no inevitable relationship between this matter and Pei Junlin. The five major chambers of commerce will only seek debts from the people who are present at the Dragon Emperor, and will not go to Pei Junlin.

Now that after entering a city, Pei Junlin found that there were notices posted everywhere in the city, but it was strange that these were not high, the patterns painted on them were not Pei Junlin himself, but the appearance of a dragon big fish.

Even the people who are present at the Dragon Emperor don’t even know what Pei Junlin looks like now. At the center of the city’s main entrance, Pei Junlin saw another wanted order, that is, the wanted order issued by the Dragon Emperor. But this The image on the wanted order surprised Pei Junlin, because the pattern above should be the guy in the cloak.

"It seems that the people who are here this time are really frustrated. Otherwise, they won't find such a high reward to find you." Chen Jianghai secretly laughed.

Pei Junlin was also refreshed, and she was able to cause such a big trouble to the Dragon Emperor. Her mood was much more relaxed, but when she thought of her parents' experience, her heart was once again clouded with a haze.

The parents' voices and smiles still appeared in front of Pei Junlin, but they were separated forever. Thinking of those times that have been spent, Pei Junlin’s heart is like a knife cut, and those friends who used to be, they may have already died under the butcher knife of the Dragon Emperor Dojo. If you don’t figure out the reason for revenge, Pei Junlin will not have a day. Peace of mind.

So Pei Junlin, who had just been happy just now, his face became gloomy again. On the other side, Chen Jianghai saw Pei Junlin's gloomy look, and the two who stopped talking after wandering around the city, after making sure that they were safe, walked in the direction of Jianzhong.

Specifically, the location of Jianzhong was not inside the Longdi Daochang, but in a corner of the southern border. To reach the sword mound, you must cross the ocean and cross the inland sea of ​​land.

However, these are not problems for Pei Junlin, as long as he is on the road, does not cause trouble without attracting the attention of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, and sneaks into the sword grave quietly.

He bypassed the desert and entered a green grassland. After crossing this grassland, he entered the range of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, which is the southern border.

After entering the grassland, Pei Junlin discovered that the entire Big Thousand World is actually quite different from the original small experimental world. For example, there are not countless stars in the sky above this world.

Although there are stars, Pei Junlin knows that those are not stars, nor ordinary planets, but the fate stars in the connection between heaven and man.

Every person who has cultivated to the level of the emperor can lead the life stars and form his own unique stars in the sky. It's just like figures above the emperor level can reflect the past and the present, leaving their place in the long river of time and space.

Some powerful characters, even if their lives are gone, the stars will not necessarily fall.

The characters contrasted by the sky full of stars are not necessarily all alive, some of them are old and dead.

These suspended stars in the mid-air are exactly the same as the usual journey, and the light they emit can also be absorbed by Pei Junlin's celestial body and strengthen his body.

Moreover, different star rays have different effects, allowing Pei Junlin to feel an extraordinary energy.

There is also a moon in the sky at night, but the light of the moon is different than usual.

What is the difference between the Big Thousand World and the Little Thousand World? Until now, Jun Pei hasn't understood why it's just a projection, but it actually exists. Isn't the Little Thousand World just a projection?

After crossing the grassland and entering the white snowfield, the sky is full of ice and snow. After arriving at the ancient ferry, in a snowstorm, Pei Junlin saw several awning boats.

This sea area is not something ordinary people can pass, and it is far from being able to pass this dangerous sea area on these awning boats. That is a powerful person at the saint level, and it may not be able to survive in this chaotic sea of ​​stars.

There will be countless monsters in this sea area, giant beasts in the sea. The ocean is the starting point of all life and the most mysterious place on the entire ancient planet. Therefore, people here are often very cautious when crossing this sea area. They will not choose this small awning boat, but will Choose to take some big boats.

The boat couldn't get to the shore on the shallows, it was easy to run aground, so you need to take a awning boat to take a big boat on one of the islands. Pei Junlin and now Chen Jianghai took these awning boats to go to the Gufengling Ferry, where they took the big boat and sailed to the island area where the Jianzhong was located.

Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai were sitting on the bow of the awning. The beautiful woman was holding the poles of the boat and singing songs, very comfortable. There is also a veteran who is wearing a quilt, sitting on the bow of the boat with his back to Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai, and is quietly fishing.

When Pei Junlin discovered that the boat was moving, the fishing rod in the old hand did not seem to move, and the fishing area seemed to be moving with the entire boat, which attracted Pei Junlin's attention.

"The two guests must do well. This boat is not very peaceful, and each person will not be owed credit for one hundred best spirit stones." The beauty said to Pei Junlin while shaking the oars.

This is just a mere snack, which is nothing to Pei Junlin, so Pei Junlin took out some top-quality spirit stones and sent them over.

On the contrary, Chen Jianghai seemed to have discovered something, constantly winking at Pei Junlin. At this time, a group of people came on the shore, the head of which was a swordsman in a silver robe.

People shot one on the shore, and this one split the entire surface of the water, almost splitting the ship on which Pei Junlin was sitting in half from the middle.

At the moment the boat was destroyed, the boat girl who was paddling the oars and the fishing mouse flew out of the boat at the same time, and slaughtered them towards Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai.

With a smile on Pei Junlin's faces, the two of them had long been weird, and the monster aura on them couldn't be hidden. The reason why Pei Junlin has not been exposed is because there is no big plan for him, but now that the two monsters dare to take the initiative, Pei Junlin is not welcome.

Junlin stretched out his hand, and the spread was like a heavy blow, and his body fell directly into the water from mid-air like a rabbit with an arrow.

When the old fishing man turned around, Pei Junlin discovered that the old fishing man was an old man. UU Reading is completely a fish head monster, and the fish head covered under the clothes turned out to be a human fish head. Guy.

The fish head monster turned the fishing rod in his hand, only to hear the whining sound, and the rain wire was wrapped around Pei Junlin instantly like an iron chain.

The silver fishing line is extremely sharp. Pei Junlin didn't dare to reach out to pick it up, and watched the fishing line wind up towards him, but at this moment, the mixed world magic spear appeared in Pei Junlin's hand.

What kind of gun distorted the surrounding space at a point in the air, and it was not easy to cut the space at the moment the fishing line was entangled, and the magic gun in the hands of Pei Junlin was entangled in an instant. The fishing line was torn off.

The fish head monster saw that the shot was resolved by Pei Junlin, with a panic expression on his face and wanted to escape into the sea. Unfortunately, the young man in the silver robe on the shore had already stepped on the water and rushed over, and the long sword in his hand split instantly. An amazing light.

The fish head monster had no room for resistance, and its body split in half instantly, leaving a pool of red blood on the sea.

"The monsters here are frequent, and the two of you must be careful." The young man looked at Pei Junlin's extraordinary actions and admired him very much, so he was naturally very polite.

Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai both stepped on the ground in the rolling waves, but the young man with the sword that he saw in this song was staring.

This chivalrous young man is actually only in the realm of true gods. It was more than enough to deal with the two fish monsters with strength, but the fishing line on the fish head monster was very powerful. If it wasn't for Pei Junlin's move just now, I'm afraid this young man of action and righteousness is going to die, being entangled by the fishing line on the spot, I am afraid the body will be divided into several sections. ?

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