Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1780: White ape goes to sea

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"You, I think you are stupid, I am indeed a demon, this is not fake, but that little Taoist fooled you, do you know?" This handsome young man in white actually looked at Pei Junlin with pity .

Pei Junlin is not a person who will be fooled by the other party in a few words. He carefully looked at the white-clothed boy in front of him. He was indeed handsome and extraordinary. If he was a monster, he could not tell. Except for Pei Junlin who could see that this person was enveloped in a faint demon, there was nothing unusual about other people.

"There is a truth to what he said. Did you see that? He didn't have any murderous intent on his body, which means he has never killed anyone." Chen Jianghai said in help.

Pei Junlin naturally discovered this problem a long time ago, but he still has a lot of doubts in his mind, such as why this ape would go ashore and dress up like such a human son.

"To tell you the truth, that little Taoist priest is just like me, he is an alien. You were really deceived by him. I am not a bad person at all, and I have never harmed you humans, so you don’t have to treat me. It's so fierce." The young man was free and confident in his speech, and he did not have any hostility towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless, but he didn't expect that it would be such a situation when he came here with a big fanfare and wanted to touch it. It was completely fooled, otherwise he was fooled, and he also gave the other party a sword.

"Don't rush to get angry, the little Taoist who lied to you is not a bad person." The young man in white saw the angry expression on Pei Junlin's face and hurriedly persuaded him.

Pei Junlin suppressed his anger a little, and said calmly, "Isn't the thing that lied to me considered a bad person? Of course I gave it voluntarily, but now I regret it."

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, the young man's face became serious. After looking at Pei Junlin for a while, he said in an imploring tone: "Don't be angry. If there is any loss, I am willing to bear it, but don't The little Taoist priest is not a bad person, I can take you to find him."

Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai did not panic and force each other to continue holding their noses, because they had already suffered a loss, Pei Junlin didn't want to deceive themselves by hearing the other party's words again.

In any case, this time you must clarify the matter and ask someone clearly and thoroughly before taking the next step.

"Is it a water ape in this sea?" Pei Junlin said coldly, staring at the young man.

The young man seemed to feel the killing intent in Pei Junlin's heart, with a look of fear on his face, only to see a cloud of mist around him, and then the whole person became a two-meter-high white ape.

The apes are born with a pair of eyes like turquoise gems, covered in white hair, looks sturdy and handsome.

"I am indeed an ape in the water, but I think I have never harmed people, and when some other drugs in the water wanted to hurt people, I tried desperately to stop them." When the ape spoke, his face was righteous. A look of a clear conscience.

Pei Junlin's eyes released golden light, and after searching back and forth on the ape, there was a clear look in his eyes.

Although this ape is also the strength of the true king realm, it is vulnerable to Pei Junlin, because this medicine has no magical powers at all, and it is commonplace.

In this world, the demon does not rely on acquired supernatural powers and so on, but relies on innate supernatural powers. Every drug will inevitably depend on an innate supernatural power to survive in this world, such as the ape in front of us. , His innate supernatural power is in the water.

Once in the water, the fighting power of this ape will increase exponentially. If he is familiar with water, it will be very difficult to deal with.

"I happen to be going to sea this time. If you promise to follow us along the way, I can give you something." Pei Junlin said very tactfully.

This time I went to Jianzhong to go through a vast sea area. Rumors say that this sea area is extremely insecure. There are various top monsters living in the sea. Pei Junlin does not actually have much confidence.

If there is such an ape following by his side, it would be very easy to deal with if something goes wrong on the sea.

When the monkey heard Pei Junlin say this, he knelt on the ground, kowtow to Pei Junlin, and uttered many thanks. Pei Junlin was satisfied, and took the momentum of his whole body. In an instant, the ape felt the shackles of his whole body as if it had been removed, instantly refreshed and relaxed.

Just now Pei Junlin released a pressure, so that the ape didn't even have a chance to breathe. This made the ape docile and dare not defy Pei Junlin a little bit.

"That little Taoist who lied to me, what is his identity?" Pei Junlin frowned and asked.

"Now that the Taoist temple has become a fine crane, there is no bad thought, but I usually like to joke with people." The ape hurriedly knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

Pei Junlin heard that it was a crane that had become a spirit, so he didn't mean to pursue it anymore. After all, a sword was just a drizzle for Pei Junlin, and he couldn't remember to pursue it again.

"Then let's go out to sea now, as for the little Taoist priest, I don't want to spend more time." Pei Junlin said to the ape who was kneeling on the ground.

The three of them came to the beach again and stopped by the water of the ape. As expected, crossing the sea was a lot easier this time. Pei Junlin can fly in the air, but the wind and waves on the sea are bound to have unknown dangers, and flying in the air poses a great threat.

But after having this ape this time, Pei Junlin felt a lot easier. Below the surface of the sea, a huge bubble was born around the monkey, and there was a room the size of a room that completely enveloped Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai.

But in this bubble, Pei Junlin was like standing in the air, without any obstacles around him, even if he looked at the marine fish swimming around, he felt a novelty of 10 points.

"Master is seated, let's move on now." The monkey turned his head and said to Pei Junlin.

Then Pei Junlin felt the bubbles accelerate in the water, as if walking on the ground, more than a big ship. Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai looked at each other with surprises in their eyes, but in this way, they still did not go to the safety of those iron armored ships. After all, in the sea, if you cross the sea like this, you don't know how many demons you will encounter.

Just like the fighting power of this ape in the water, at least it can rely on the land, which makes Pei Junlin rest assured, at least the fighting power in the water will not decay, then it is safe to protect itself.

Soon I came to an island, this island is a ferry, many big ships are docked here. A few days later, the three apes and Chen Jianghai brought by Junlin Pei boarded an iron-clad ship. The destination of the iron-clad ship was not the sword tomb, but it passed through that area.

This has several advantages for Pei Junlin. The first is that he does not reveal his whereabouts and does not let people know his true purpose. The second is that the area can be free to disembark until that time, at least completely safe.

The days of sailing on the sea are not very boring, because Pei Junlin stands on the deck every day and observes the ups and downs on the sea.

In the first few days, Pei Junlin was also very interested, but later he became more and more boring. Instead of being on the plywood, he entered the cabin for training. This big ship is very big, almost like a floating island. There are tens of thousands of passengers on board.

Pei Junlin lived in the high first-class cabin, and the environment was naturally beautiful. Moreover, there are many defensive devices on this big ship, which is also reassuring. Pei Junlin saw no less than 00 energy cannons on the deck.

Pei Junlin secretly compared these energy cannons with the No. 7 aircraft inside his chaotic golden bucket space. In contrast, the energy cannons here are simply pediatrics, and they are somewhat certain to deal with monsters below the Tianjun level. Dealing with the top monsters is like tickles.

Living on such a big boat, he bumps in the waves every but Pei Junlin is calm as water. What Pei Junlin imagines every day is not cultivation, but how to find trouble.

The sword tomb was originally the property of the Dragon Emperor, and this time he had planned how to destroy the sword tomb, of course after he used it.

Although Pei Junlin here is leisurely and leisurely, like a sightseeing tour, but the interior of the Dragon Emperor Dojo has already been messed up. Pei Junlin borrowed money from the name of the Dragon Emperor Dojo and borrowed huge debts.

Even for the Dragon Emperor’s presence, this money is also the key to considerable wealth and expenditure. This matter has made some people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo feel unhappy. For example, the Dragon Big Fish was so angry that his face was blue all day. Not even women play anymore.

In order to find the person Pei Junlin, or the Dragon Emperor, even without knowing who their opponent is, the entire Dragon Emperor Dojo was fully operational, and a lot of manpower and material resources were spent on finding someone.

But Pei Junlin has long been good at retrograde, and the mysterious earthen jar concealing it can isolate all auras, even a powerhouse of the saint level, can not capture the aura in the rules.

Therefore, this time Pei Junlin had come and gone without a trace, leaving no message for the Dragon Emperor to be there.

Some young masters in the Dragon Emperor Dojo, Zhengri went everywhere looking for Pei Junlin’s whereabouts, but recently they have fallen into madness, because they don’t know who their opponents are, just like a group of hornets that have been stabbed in a hornet’s nest, they are going crazy everywhere. Bite.

Pei Junlin observed all this secretly and sneered.

The enemy Zaiming I can do it whenever I want to in the dark Pei Junlin. The Dragon Emperor Dojo is like a huge elephant, and Pei Junlin is like a blood-sucking mosquito. He can choose where to go anytime and anywhere. Mouth, and you can travel thousands of miles away if you miss it. ?

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