Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1781: Whales

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There was a lot of waves on the vast ocean, and the sky was full of thunder and rain. The passengers on the ship were a little uneasy, because such weather heralded some bad signs.

Sure enough, the waves rolled quickly, and a large number of whales appeared around. These whales are not ordinary whales, but whales resembling sharks, with silver backs and extremely fierce.

The passengers on the ship began to panic, some were ready to resist, and some even prepared to abandon the ship and escape. Pei Junlin is very calm, he sees you like an ape.

The apes acted very confidently, saying that they were fully capable of escape under the siege of this shark group. This is also equivalent to letting Pei Junlin take a pill in his heart, as long as it is safe in this sea area, then it is a matter of time to reach Jianzhong.

Countless densely packed mahjong mahjong levy ships surrounded it, and all the places in sight were crowded whale groups. These whales are huge, with silver backs, and their scales shimmer in the moonlight, and Bai Sensen's teeth are even more shocking at night.

If it's an ordinary fish, then the passengers on the ship don't need to be afraid, but these whales are powerful but very powerful.

It didn't take long for the boat to start shaking, and a large number of whales began to hit the hull. The energy bulletin on the ship had begun to fire, and a large number of energy projectiles fell into the sea, causing huge damage to the surrounding whales.

Over time, the entire sea area was stained blood red, and a large amount of flesh and blood attracted more whales and sharks, making this area almost a slaughterhouse.

When Pei Junlin saw this situation, he knew that something was broken. If he didn't fire the gun, then these drugs without **** bodies might gradually disperse, but now the situation is completely different, and these fish have begun to go completely crazy.

With the first crack in the big ship, gradually the whole ship split into two halves from the center. The hull on the other side began to sink and was flooded.

Pei Junlin was completely dumbfounded, and soon there was a sneer on his face.

Because this big ship Pei Junlin had already inquired about before, most of the people belonged to the disciples of the Dragon Emperor. On this ship, there is also a core disciple of the Dragon Emperor's line.

Now encountering such a catastrophe, then the strength of the Dragon Emperor line will be greatly lost, and Pei Junlin is naturally happy. Since knowing that his parents had died in the hands of the Dragon Emperor, Pei Junlin had gone crazy and had already gone crazy. As long as it can cause lethality to these people in the Dragon Emperor's line, Pei Junlin will do almost any price.

Watching the big ship break into two quarters in Haidong, Pei Junlin, the first thought was not panic but excitement. Seeing these people was unlucky, her heart was extremely happy, because in Pei Junlin’s eyes, each of these people was evil. of.

The surroundings had long been stained red with blood, and before long a large number of monks escaped, they were bitten by fish flying into the air on the sea.

Those fish are extraordinary, and some sharks can fly to the clouds. And there is a strange fish in the sea that will spit out a big net to catch these monks.

Pei Junlin found that some low-level monks were not in danger. These fish seemed to have no interest in those low-level monks. On the contrary, they were some monks above the true monarch level, and they could hardly escape in this sea area.

"Listen to the demon king of this sea, I am the core disciple of the Dragon Emperor's line. Now the edict retreats quickly. If you don't retreat and make a big mistake, my Dragon Emperor's line will surely slaughter this sea area in the future. , The chickens and dogs do not stay." A strong man in the silver light wrapped in his body rose into the air, making a buzzing sound.

This person is the core disciple of the Dragon Emperor's line, named Long Kun. All the core disciples of the Dragon Emperor's line will be given the surname Long even if they are not named Long.

For example, in Longkun, Pei Junlin inquired about him, and his surname was not Long by nature.

As the core disciple's voice fell, there was no response in the surrounding waters, and the whales who were in the native monks were still hunting frantically.

The core disciple of the Dragon Emperor Dojo finally couldn't stand it any longer. When a weapon similar to the magic pestle fell suddenly from the air, it instantly fell into the sea.

The golden magic pestle exploded in the sea, and instantly a golden light spread in the sea. A roar of thunder mingled dullly in the sea, and then the entire sea erupted like a submarine volcano.

The entire sea area completely turned blood red, and the big ship split into two halves, which was completely sunk to the bottom of the sea. A large number of monks began to escape, but no one was able to escape the sea.

Pei Junlin was not nervous, as he was sitting in the boat. Although this ship has been completed, as long as there is this white ape, it can’t get in again. Pei Junlin’s living here is still the same as usual, but at this time Pei Junlin is watching the outside world. all.

Although the core disciple who was present at the Dragon Emperor slaughtered the Quartet, he began to slaughter the whales in this area. But Junlin Pei could feel that there was still a part of unstable power in this sea area.

In the moonlight, a small boat came slowly over the sea. On the boat stood a woman in a silver dress, holding an emerald green jade flute in her hand.

With the sound of the woman playing the flute, the sharks became extremely manic. In the sea, there appeared a giant turtle like an island.

Accompanied by the woman's flute, the turtle spit out a pitch-black water ball into the air. The water ball slowly became smaller in the air, and finally hit the core disciple's chest fiercely.

The core disciple who was present at the Dragon Emperor spouted a mouthful of blood, and the surrounding silver light gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of a middle-aged man with a beard.

The man was sprinkled with blood, and he seemed to be seriously injured, and there was a cold atmosphere in the huge sea turtle rock.

Pei Junlin was also curious that all his attention stayed on the woman. This woman was very weird. Although she was surrounded by a faint monster, Pei Junlin could not see what kind of monster he was.

"You are also a monster, what kind of monster is this woman? Can you tell?" Pei Junlin asked towards the water ape.

Shui Yuan didn't dare to neglect Pei Junlin's post, and quickly knelt on the ground and said to Pei Junlin: "I haven't seen this woman, but he should have a dragon breath."

Hearing the look of disgust on the face of the dragon clan Pei Junlin, because the negative aspects of the earth back then were related to the dragon clan, and Pei Junlin did not have any favors with the dragon clan.

The so-called dog bites the dog’s mouth and hair, Pei Junlin naturally does not care about the battle outside. When the cool breeze comes, when both losers are injured, he will appear to clean up the mess, especially the core disciple of the Dragon Emperor who has become his in the eyes of Pei Junlin. Meal on the plate.

Naturally, the two people in the battle outside didn't know, and there was a third person watching them. Pei Junlin came because the water ape isolated all the fluctuations around him, and the mysterious earthen jar was originally able to isolate all information, which made Pei Junlin almost in a completely invisible state.

The battle between the two powers was full of joy on the sea. The core disciple of the Dragon Emperor Dojo was naturally not a vegetarian. Although he suffered a big loss at the beginning, he soon sacrificed his treasure and beat the sky darkly.

The woman summoned the giant tortoise from the bottom of the sea and the core disciple caused by the Dragon Emperor, but it was only a tie. Soon the giant tortoise was defeated by the Dragon Emperor Dojo. The core disciple was severely knocked on by the demonic pestle. In the turtle shell, a deep hole was punched in the back.

Seeing that the tortoise under her seat was injured, the woman's face finally showed an impatient look, and the tune played on the flute in her hand turned into a fierce one.

At first, Pei Junlin didn't know what the woman was doing to direct these whales, but gradually Pei Junlin's expression changed, because these whales actually formed a big formation under the command of this first cause.

What is not simple about this formation is that the power of these whales fits perfectly with the water elemental breath in the sea. And this big formation was very violent. At the moment of formation, a huge sea water vortex formed around it. Even the sunken ship where Pei Junlin was located was a bit unquiet. UU reading was caught by the vortex. Swept in.

A word of leadership did not expect that the city gate was on fire, causing Chi Yu himself, and An An Shengsheng’s theater was also involved, but Pei Junlin had been prepared for a long time, and the water ape was also clever, and he couldn’t condense one at the moment when Pei Junlin said hello. bubble.

Hiding in this bubble, although in the vortex, but with Pei Junlin's power to bless the bubble, it will not be entrapped in.

The two sides fought a war again, but this time the mysterious woman had the upper hand, and the core disciple of the Dragon Emperor's dojo retreated steadily, and it seemed that he suffered a lot.

"Sure enough, it's a monster who is rumoring and drinking blood. I don't understand what is called propriety, justice and shame. Then I will kill all the creatures in this sea area." The core disciple of the Dragon Emperor Dojo showed an evil expression on his face.

In the next second, a blood-colored vortex appeared in the sky, and then Pei Junlin saw large-scale figures falling from the sky. The faces of these figures were exactly the same as those who died just now, that is to say, they died in this catastrophe just now. People, their souls have actually reached the hands of this core disciple.

It is the first time that Pei Junlin has seen the formation method with a human soul. It seems that this person is proficient in the soul. The **** vortex that appeared in the sky was very strange, and a large number of people had painful expressions on their faces.

From the distant sea, a giant came over. This giant was covered with human faces. The faces of these people were extremely painful, but the giant opened his mouth and let out a sharp cry.

Pei Junlin saw his scalp numb, because he felt that the core disciple of the Dragon Emperor Dojo was not simple, and he used ancient witchcraft.

The ancient witchcraft is extremely evil, born in the darkest turbulent era of the ancient times, but it was unexpected that it would be passed on to the modern age. ?

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