Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1782: Golden Sharon Palace

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"It's ancient witchcraft, my goodness..." Chen Jianghai was also stunned.

The witch-gu giant began to tear the formation on the entire sea surface. The moment he opened his big hand, the entire sea surface was torn apart by him like a rag, and a large number of whales perished in this sea area.

For a time, the battle between the two entered the peak period, and Pei Junlin finally found the right time.

Like a sharp sword, Pei Junlin's magic spear pierced the eye sockets of the core disciple that Dragon Emperor was present. This move was firm and ruthless, taking advantage of it, and unexpectedly, the proof of Dragon Emperor's presence and the new mechanism were completely defenseless.

Pei Junlin's move entered directly from his eye sockets and came out from the back of his head, almost exploding his entire head. But what makes Pei Junlin feel incredible is that even if he has suffered such a serious injury, even if the entire head is going to be broken, it proves that the core disciple is not dead, he is roaring and he is angry.

This core disciple still has a strong vitality. He sacrificed the treasure and killed Pei Junlin. He would fight back against Pei Junlin at all costs.

The strength of the core mechanism of the Dragon Emperor Dojo has reached the semi-sage level, but Pei Junlin did not expect the opponent to be so powerful. The opponent counterattacked so madly, but he did not place a bet on Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin almost reacted in a very short time.

With a flick of his wrist, the Demon God's claw was torn from the air, and the core disciple who proved the Dragon Emperor Daocheng instantly grabbed and tore off half of his body.

Pei Junlin's methods can't be unstable, it's not harsh! Between life and death, only a moment will see the difference.

A golden villain escaped from the core disciple's body, was grabbed by Pei Junlin's backhand, and instantly burst into a golden light, exploding with a bang.

The sharp screams, mixed unwillingness, and finally disappeared into the void, the proof of the Dragon Emperor's presence and the new machine finally died in the hands of Pei Junlin, who was surely killed by Pei Junlin.

At the moment when the core disciple of the Dragon Emperor Dojo died, the Witch Gu giant finally fell into madness, and there was no countless support that the Witch Gu giant began to fester.

The silver-robed woman standing on the boat was also dumbfounded. She did not expect to kill such a powerful character halfway through.

Pei Junlin didn't stop his hand. He had already killed the disciple who was there, and he actually killed the disciple who was there. Pei Jun had no reason to keep his hands. He turned over and killed the woman on the boat. .

Pei Junlin is now stunned, and he has a deep hatred for the dragons. When people calm down, Pei Junlin also knows that the dragons are not necessarily bad guys, but facing this woman, Pei Junlin has already killed his eyes.

The woman standing on the boat was obviously terrified. She didn't expect to encounter such a powerful opponent now. The moment Pei Junlin desperately slaughtered her, the woman had no effective resistance at all.

In the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin was in front of him, and the mixed world magic spear in his hand issued a dazzling cold light, and first swallowed the woman completely.

At this moment, a figure appeared in Pei Junlin's eyes. It was a woman wearing black clothes with fair skin, and the whole person revealed a wild and unruly emotion.

The woman is not someone else, but it is Pei Junlin, Yang Chan, the 13th princess of the dragon clan who has been separated for a long time.

Pei Junlin calmed down in an instant, and took back the mixed world magic spear in his hand, but Yang Chan's eyes looked a little surprised and strange when looking at Pei Junlin, and even a hint of anger was in it.

"Why are you here?" According to your tone, you were a little blunt, and you didn't seem to fully wake up from the killing.

Yang Chan didn’t say a word. He looked at Pei Junlin for a while, and shook his head for a while and said, “You didn’t kill innocent people who I knew before. Have you angered everyone in the Dragon Clan now because of that hatred? I do too. Half of the dragon's blood, otherwise you will kill me too."

Pei Junlin did not expect that the thirteenth princess Yang Chan would say such a thing. There is obviously some anger in this, which is a counterattack to Pei Junlin's indiscriminate killing of innocents.

Junlin stood there for a while and didn't know how to explain. He looked at the two women standing on the boat, one was Yangcheng, and the other was a beautiful woman in a silver robe.

The woman stood behind Yang Chan at this time, like a frightened rabbit. It was obvious that Pei Junlin's thunderbolt methods had already frightened the dragon girl.

The entire Great Thousand World is very big, but sometimes it is very small. Pei Junlin did not expect to see each other so soon after the last time he separated from the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan in his memory.

"Come with us." The thirteen princesses of the Dragon Clan waved directly to Pei Junlin without any other words, and as soon as they turned around, they drove the boat into the sea.

Pei Junlin quickly greeted the ape, to keep up with the ape to control this bubble faster than that boat? In the sea before and after, it was like two bullets.

In this sea area, there are a lot of rare plants and some top elixir in the sea, but Pei Junlin is not in the mood to pick and follow Long Fashion Princess and the woman at this time. Pei Junlin has always come to the deep seabed, in the sea Pei Junlin found a dragon palace.

After entering the palace, Pei Junlin discovered that the layout here is very exquisite, and there are many pretty women in the dragon palace. From the eyes of Pei Junlin, it can be naturally seen that these pretty women are all monsters.

"Forgot to introduce to you, this is sister Jinsha. Soon after I met him, the two came to settle here, practice in this sea area, and support each other." The thirteenth princess of the Dragon clan introduced the dress to Pei Junlin. Woman in silver robe.

The woman is slim, graceful, and has a shy expression on her face. She is not as decisive as before, and her eyes are somewhat evasive when she sees Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin nodded apologetically to the woman. After all, she had almost killed the woman before. If Princess Long 13 hadn't come out to stop her at a critical moment, I'm afraid this woman would have already died.

The Dragon Palace is not big, but it doesn't feel very delicate. In the Dragon Palace, Pei Junlin was treated with kindness. After chatting, Pei Junlin knew that the attack was completely aimed at the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

The monks who had nothing to do with the Dragon Emperor Dojo had all been let go, and none of the dead monks were innocent. They were all the people of the Dragon Emperor.

"In fact, I have been understanding the situation outside, and I have grasped some of the situations. Recently, some things that appeared in the dragon emperor should be related to you." Although Princess Long 13 was a little cold, she said very much. Concerns.

But the other party's euphemistic expression, Pei Junlin also knows one thing, that is, this attack on the Dragon Emperor's presence is actually the Dragon 13 Princess who is revenge.

Princess Dragon Thirteen herself and Dragon Emperor did not have any hatred at the scene. The reason why they would do so, Pei Junlin actually understood and was moved a little.

"Where are you going this time? The people who came to the Dragon Emperor recently looked for you, but they were crazy, and many core disciples were searching everywhere." Princess Long 13 asked with some concern.

Pei Junlin laughed. Those who were present at the Dragon Emperor didn't have the slightest information about him, and Pei Junlin was not afraid of being tracked by these people. Even if the core disciples upset the sky, I am afraid that he would not find any clues about him.

"The place I'm going this time is an industry under the name of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, named Jian Tomb. I'm going to that place to forge two flying swords and destroy it completely by the way." Pei Junlin didn't hide anything. , Because of the relationship between him and Princess Long 13 makes him completely trust each other.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, the look on the face of the princess Long is somewhat different. He and the woman named Jinsha looked at each other and said in unison: "Never go."

Pei Junlin was a little surprised. I don't know why Princess Long 13 stopped him. Is there any change in the sword grave?

"There seems to be a huge energy fluctuation in the recent sword mound. According to some rumors in the city, it should be an ancient power in the Dragon Emperor Dojo who will recover in the near future. UU Reading" Ten The third princess said with a worried look.

There was no fluctuation in Pei Junlin's heart, and Chen Jianghai, who was sitting next to him, was shocked in a cold sweat. People of the ancient power level, their lives are endless, so there are many times in the long years, these people are in a state of sleep.

It's not so much a deep sleep as it is a retreat, it's just that these powerful-level figures can sleep for 100,000 years, which is simply unimaginable compared to ordinary monks.

And this dragon emperor who is about to wake up is said to be an ancient power-level figure. In that ancient era, he turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands as rain.

If Pei Junlin didn't know the news in advance, and rushed to the sword grave where the dragon emperor was present, he would probably hit the muzzle and be obliterated by this mighty figure.

"Once the powerful-level figures recover, it is likely to cause some power imbalances. It seems that there will be war in this area again." Chen Jianghai's expression was also a little excited.

Pei Junlin didn't understand at first, but after Long Yu's explanation, Pei Junlin finally understood that it turned out that it was a very important thing in this area of ​​the Great Thousand World.

The major forces are at the top, and the sects are competing for favorable territory. Enlarging one's own basic disk is equivalent to acquiring more resources, enabling the disciples under the sect to obtain better cultivation.

However, after countless years of conquests and conquests, the entire world has been overwhelmed by countless creatures, and finally a hidden rule has been formed.

Dividing the territory according to their respective strengths is often very fair, but the Dragon Emperor Dojo has awakened this time, and the power level figures will undoubtedly cause the imbalance of strength in this area, and even divide the territory again. ?

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