Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1783: Awakening

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Now that Pei Junlin thinks about this incident, he is a little scared, because he never thought that Jianzhong would have such a change.

"This time, the Dragon Emperor Daochang sent a ship of people to bring the power-level master to awakening. If you dare to go rashly, it may become the other party's snack." Princess Long 13 was a little worried. , Looking at Pei Junlin's expression somewhat rejoiced.

Pei Junlin nodded, and after pondering for a while, he suddenly said: "The Dragon Emperor Dojo has incurred such a large loss. Soon someone should come to this sea area to check it out. We may not be safe to hide here by then. , But it’s a pity to leave now. It’s better to just lie in ambush and hit him by surprise again. After the wave of Yuan Ping is knocked out, it’s not too late for us to fly far."

In fact, I have already calculated in my heart. The loss suffered by the Dragon Emperor Dojo this time, but it will never react too fast. The loss of a core disciple may make the Dragon Emperor Dojo anger, but it will definitely not send a large number of top elite personnel. Come and check in this area.

According to Pei Junlin's estimation, people from the Dragon Emperor Dojo will soon come to check it out, but the strength will definitely not be too strong. If another wave is ambush, it is likely to cause damage to the Dragon Emperor Dojo again.

At this time, in the Dragon Emperor Dojo, the upper and lower levels had become a mess. The recent good news and bad news came one after another, which caused some power in the Dragon Emperor Dojo to be really burnt.

At this time, a man wearing a silver robe, a saint-level strong man, was standing in the hall, and under the steps of the hall were kneeling men with scars on their faces.

A man had just escaped from the sea, still in shock, holding a photo-taking crystal in his hand, which recorded the scene of an accident at sea.

"Let you bring that mighty awakening, what did you do? Do the people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo dare to be intercepted halfway? Could it be that some demon kings in that sea area are so restless? Dare to come? Tai Sui breaks the ground, don't they want to live anymore?" This saint-level powerhouse spoke like thunder, with terrifying roars.

The two Dragon Emperor Dojo masters who were lucky enough to escape on the ground were kneeling on the ground. At this time, they were afraid to let out the atmosphere. The sweat on their foreheads dripped downward like spring water.

The two of them also knew the strength of the Dragon Emperor Dojo. Even if they fled to the end of the world, they would not be able to escape the fate of being captured, so it is better to return to the sect to hold the letter, perhaps there is still a chance.

Obviously this is just the extravagant hope of the two of them. Now seeing the anger of this saint-level powerhouse, the two of them deeply feel that there is no way to survive this time.

"The first adult is really not the two of me who flee, but the situation at sea is too messy. If the two of them don't come back to report, I am afraid they will all die there." One of them argued boldly.


The saint-level powerhouse wearing silver robes has calmed down at this time, and he reached out his hand to point to the memory crystal floating in the air, and returned to the palm of the saint-level.

When a mana was input, a picture immediately appeared. Everyone in the entire hall was watching this picture. In the picture, the big ship belonging to the Dragon Emperor Dojo was being blocked by countless sand groups. The monk died tragically in this area.

The picture clearly records all the entire incident, and even the death of the core disciple is clearly recorded.

"Who is that woman? Is it a monster in the sea? And this man who appeared suddenly, who is he? There is no evil spirit on her body." There was a lot of discussion in the whole hall, except for the first adult. People are full of righteous indignation, gearing up one by one.

There are also some young masters who come out to ask Ying, to go to this sea area to sweep away, and the monsters who have entered there will avenge some masters in the Dragon Emperor Dojo.

"Recently, there have been a series of incidents. First, some people borrowed money to our Dragon Emperor Dojo in the name of the young master, causing huge losses, and now some people dare to rob our big ship. "A core disciple jumped out and said.

This core disciple has a name called Long Dajiang, his figure is thin, but his whole person is extremely imposing, but his appearance is a little weird.

The first seat stared at Long Dajiang coldly for a while, and then suddenly said: "The spread of what happened in a row has caused immeasurable loss to the voiceprint of our Dragon Emperor Dojo, so this time only success is allowed without failure. Long Dajiang, you will lead ten core disciples to that sea area and slaughter all the monsters there and all the creatures there. Remember to leave no pieces of armor."

The first adult in a silver robe didn't even blink his eyes when he spoke, but what he said was extremely cold-blooded.

There are hundreds of millions of creatures in this sea area, but with a single word, he drove the fate of all the creatures in this sea area into the eighteenth hell.

Moreover, this time the Dragon Emperor went to the factory to dispatch ten core disciples at once. This was definitely a big battle, and it also showed that the Dragon Emperor Dojo paid great attention to this provocation.

These days Pei Junlin has not been idle either. He arranges the formations in this sea area every day, waiting for the people waiting for the Dragon Emperor Dojo to come to the door and wipe them out.

Pei Junlin’s formation is called the Kuishui Southeast Wind and Cloud Great Array. You are a little different from Pei Junlin’s previous formations, because this formation includes two gods.

The two gods are the natural gods of the Great Thousand Worlds, namely the East, Antarctica and the Southern Siberian Crane. Of course, it was not that Pei Junlin invited the two gods, but the spiritual position of worshiping the two gods, with the help of their divine power.

It's not the difference between the Little Thousand World and the Great Thousand World. The Little Thousand World has no way to nurture creatures, but this Great Thousand World has real gods.

Its natural gods dominate some mysterious places in this world, and even some mysterious rules in this world. In the formation that Pei Junlin arranged for the power of the two gods, the characteristic power of the two gods can be used to bless the formation, which greatly increases the power of the entire formation.

"Miss Jinsha, you have lived in this sea area for so many years, are you feeling a little bit unwilling to leave now?" Pei Junlin said while looking at the silver-clothed woman standing beside him.

This girl is Jinsha, the owner of the Dragon Palace, and also a friend of Princess Dragon 13's best friend. Hearing this question by Pei Junlin, Jin Sha said with a shy look on her face, and said to Pei Junlin: "Since I dared to tear my face with those people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo to attack them, I was done. After the preliminary preparations, although I have lived in this area for a long time and have some feelings, it is good to go to meet the world more in other places."

Pei Junlin didn't speak any more, and concentrated on arranging the formation, while the golden sand dived to the bottom of the sea and used some magical powers to lift the dragon palace from the ground.

The Dragon Palace was actually not a real building built on the bottom of the sea, but a treasure. After being reduced to the size of a palm, it looked extremely delicate, like a crystal, exactly the same as the real Dragon Palace, but it was reduced in proportion.

On the other side, Princess Chen Jianghai and Dragon Thirteen were not idle, and Chen Jianghai was planning something. In addition to this formation arranged by Junlin Pei, a Yin vein on the seabed was introduced and directly connected to the formation to be blessed in this large formation.

And the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan on the other side are communicating with some demon kings in the nearby sea, and then ask those demon kings to come and help.

In just a few days, dozens of demon kings have gathered in this sea area, and these demon kings are all masters at the realm of true delusion, and there are even some semi-holy level experts.

From the fish scales, it can be seen that although Princess Dragon 13 has not been in this sea for a long time, the outing is very vast. As his dragon clan, she is very respected by these demon kings.

"This time against the Dragon Emperor Dojo, I'm afraid we will also migrate soon. This sea area is no longer inhabitable." A Demon King said.

This demon king is tall and tall, and his whole person is no different from ordinary human beings. UU Reading www. is just the beard on the chin, which has become the tentacles like an octopus. It showed that this demon king should be an octopus monster in the sea.

"There is no need to think about it at all. It is impossible for us to live in this sea area. With the character of the Dragon Emperor Dojo, this time, we must send top power to completely kill all the creatures in this sea area. Let’s start first to be strong and then suffer. Let’s now come to an encirclement to help, and after annihilating all the people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo, it’s not too late to escape.” Another Demon King said.

The Demon King is big and round, and the whole person looks majestic, but Pei Junlin's fiery eyes can see through its body, it should be a Shark Demon King.

The demon kings on the bottom of the sea did not cherish feathers as Pei Junlin imagined. On the contrary, these demon kings are militants. For the human race, there are also some cities, especially those who dominate this area. The Dragon Emperor Dojo makes these demon kings We scolded.

So this time Pei Junlin presided over the big formation to ambush the people in the Dragon Emperor Dojo, these demon kings came to help out, and they didn't count the rewards at all.

Except for the blessing of the Demon King, the power of the entire formation is more than twice as powerful as Pei Junlin expected. After all, these creatures growing in the sea have far more control over the aura of the water element than humans on land. With these demon kings controlling the formation, the power of the entire formation to mobilize the sea has doubled.

And it was another half month. The sea was calm on this day, and the demon kings were gathering in the sea, but soon a little demon came to report that a big ship had appeared.

Pei Junlin was the first to be vigilant, because almost no large ships have passed through this sea area recently. Since the last time the ship in the Longdi Dojo had an accident, this sea area has almost become a restricted area. ?

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