Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1784: 10 core

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Now that the much fancied ship passed by, it naturally aroused everyone's vigilance, and the major demon kings quickly entered the formation to perform their duties and control the formation.

When the time comes, these masters of the Dragon Emperor Dojo walked into the formation and launched a large formation to tell him whether he would go or not. This time, Junlin Pei was more cautious than usual. This time Junlin Pei did not immediately activate the formation, but was observing the big ship.

Now that Pei Junlin found some clues, what this big ship carried was not the core figure of the Dragon Emperor Dojo at all, but just some ordinary masters, which counted as a bait.

If Junlin Pei rashly launches the formation, it has been discovered by the opponent, and this trap will naturally not come in, but now Junlin Pei is sinking and letting go, the ship skimmed over the sea, and the ten core disciples finally Showed up.

"Say don't worry, what minds do these monsters in the sea have? That is the core disciple of the Dragon Emperor Dojo. They are walking sideways throughout the world. The creatures in this sea area are simply looking for death." A core disciple smiled. Said.

The core disciples of the brothers' dojo all have a strong aura, and they are basically in the semi-sacred realm. These disciples are shining all over their bodies, and they can't see their looks. They are suspended in the air, like gods. same.

Groups of dazzling light hovered on the sea, almost illuminating most of the night sky.

"I heard that there is a beautiful woman named Jinsha in this sea area. This time, I might as well leave this woman and let me take it back to be a lady or a little maid." A chubby girl The core disciple showed a greedy look on his face.

The golden light on his body faded, revealing the fat body, but a fierce light gleamed in the triangular eyes.

The ten core disciples were all like wolves and tigers, and their eyes were like eagles and falcons, emitting light to illuminate the entire sea area. Those people looked fierce and wicked, it was as if they were about to tear off this piece of heaven and earth and eat it, but Pei Junlin in the dark was watching all this coldly.

The demon kings had already brought their nets to see the rampant appearance of these people, all of them gritted their teeth with hatred, and looked at Pei Junlin one by one, waiting for Pei Junlin to issue orders for the final attack.

However, Pei Junlin was still calm and calm. He was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the opportunity for these people to do something. Now these people are just like frightened rabbits. Once they notice any disturbance, they will immediately act abnormally, so it is not suitable to do it at this time.

"Should I go out and stir up with them?" Pei Junlin's combat experience is very rich, but Chen Jianghai is not bad, he has long seen Pei Junlin's mind.

If it is a core disciple Pei Junlin, I can rest assured, but it is still a problem whether Chen Jianghai, a full ten core disciple, can guarantee safety when going out at this time, so Pei Junlin hesitated.

But Chen Jianghai didn't understand Pei Junlin's decision. The black coffin glowed instantly, and he broke through the sea and rushed into the sky with a swish.

The huge movement attracted the ten core disciples, everyone's eyes, Chen Jianghai became a thorn in the eyes of these people for a while, stabbed in the flesh, self-righteous, and a fish caught the bait. The ten masters of the Dragon Emperor Dojo made their moves, like A large net encircled Chen Jianghai tightly.

The pitch-black coffin was suspended in the void, exuding an astonishing suffocation, but the top ten masters did not put Pei Junlin in their eyes for a while, and the sky full of magical powers weaves into a delicate net, which The dark coffin was completely covered.

However, these magical powers and lights fell on this dark coffin, and they were all swallowed, like a clay cow entering the sea, without any movement.

This black coffin is like a peerless treasure, which can shield all attacks, while Chen Jianghai hiding in the coffin is leisurely and constantly attracting the attention of these people.

The coffin banged with a bang, and a core disciple of the Dragon Emperor Dojo was accidentally hit on his chest in an instant.

However, this core disciple was also a ruthless man. He was slammed into his chest and was safe. There was a fierce light in his eyes, and a huge beast-shaped shadow appeared on his head instantly.

The shadow swallowed and bit on the dark coffin with a click, but this time Chen Jianghai was still intact, but the shadow seemed to have suffered a huge force to split instantly.

At this time, the ten core disciples of the Dragon Emperor Dojo finally felt a little weird. They looked at the black coffin, and their eyes showed different expressions.

What Pei Junlin wanted was this opportunity. He launched a large formation in an instant, and this formation instantly blocked the entire sea area of ​​the ten core disciples. They felt the four weeks of shaking the sky, but everything was too late.

"It's just a small formation, a small carving technique. What are we afraid of here to kill me and break this formation!" A core disciple sneered at the corner of his mouth, and did not arrange Pei Junlin at all. The formation is in sight.

The rest of the people also had the same attitude. They didn't pay attention to this formation at all. For a while, they sacrificed their treasures, and the sky was full of divine light, illuminating this sea area like daylight.

You can see that these core disciples each show their supernatural powers, and they are indomitable and upright, even if they take action at the same time, the space will be crushed and shattered by huge mana fluctuations.

According to Pei Junlin’s original formation, it might be really inadequate to trap these ten core disciples, but now there are various demon kings presiding over the formation, which doubles the power of the formation. These people are more than enough.

The surface of the sea began to erupt with rays of light, which sprayed out from the sea like ribbons, covering the world for 4 weeks.

The formations presided over by the demon kings absorbed sunflower water essence from the sea water and poured them into the formation, causing the entire formation to begin to rumbling, and a mighty force instantly suppressed it.

This place is in the sea, and the essence of sunflower water is inexhaustible. Pei Junlin uses this formation method. This is the reason. Although these four core disciples are very strong, they have very strong power. If he was facing up, Pei Junlin might be broken into pieces in one face.

But using this formation to trap these people is exactly what Pei Junlin is good at. Although these ten core disciples are extremely powerful, they are all moving mountains and filling the sea, which is unambiguous.

But at this time in the vast sea, the endless sunflower water essence of the demon kings from all directions presided over the formation was injected into the formation. Even if they were all like gods, they were full of magical powers, but they could not escape. Within the range of this formation.

At the beginning, the core disciples of the Dragon Emperor Dojo did not see the formation that Pei Junlin arranged in their eyes, but as time went on, some sensible people finally understood that this formation was completely a product of a routine. , A ring with a ring to use inexhaustible energy to firmly control them here.

"Hurry up, Feijian passes the book, and ask for help from the first seat!" Someone could not help but yelled after feeling the threat to their lives.

There are always a few core disciples who raised their hands with a flying sword and flew into the sky suddenly, exploding like fireworks, leaving behind a sparkling light, breaking through the gap of the 4-week formation, wanting to use this method To pass the message back.

Regarding these methods of communication, Pei Junlin did not intervene, because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and because of the rules of this great world, even the powerhouse of the saint level cannot open the wormhole for long-distance transmission, so Pei Junlin is not worried at all. Reinforcements will arrive here in a short time.

Those flying swords rose from the sea like streams of light, and flew towards the landing ground without hindrance. Seeing the information passed, the faces of these core disciples showed contradictions and complex expressions.

On the one hand, the news passed, the Dragon Emperor Dojo, if there is news, will soon send reinforcements to this sea area. But on the other hand, these people felt that their faces were dull. After all, this time ten core disciples came to encircle and suppress a small sea area, and they finally failed. Not only did they fall into the opponent's side. Trap, this is naturally extremely embarrassing.

That is to say, the core disciples of the Dragon Emperor Dojo were all proud and arrogant, and didn't put ordinary monks in their eyes at all, even the top demon king of this sea area was **** in their eyes.

However, they would never have thought that they were in an ambush when they first came to this sea area, trapped in a formation, and could not survive and die. This is the true portrayal of the contradictions in these people's hearts.

"You really think that someone will come to rescue you if you let the news out. That's not bad, someone will really come to rescue you. But it's still a question whether you can have time to collect your corpses." Pei Junlin was enveloped in a layer of gray mist. In the middle, people can't see its deity, but Pei Junlin's voice makes the hearts of these core disciples chill.

The ten core disciples looked at Pei Junlin at the same time. These rays of light were like torches, almost burning Pei Junlin, but when they encountered the gray mist around Pei Junlin, they were all isolated and shielded.

"Who are you, did you do all the things before? Why did you do it right with our Dragon Emperor Dojo? Don't you know? As long as you are seeking your own death?" A core disciple gritted his teeth with hatred, cold. Staring at Pei Junlin coldly, he can't wait to pounce on Pei Junlin a few bites.

Pei Junlin did not respond, and another core disciple looked at Pei Junlin and said: "Ordinary people will never dare to fight with the Dragon Emperor Dojo. If you are right, you should be a descendant of some big power. You want to provoke a dispute? If you If you do this, have you obtained the consent of the people within your power. Feel free to provoke a fight between the great religions, and you will probably be killed with ashes."?

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