Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1790: Go first

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Can't reach the world or the ground, can't even see a trace of light, even those who are in this state of Pei Jun feel a depressed mood.

The power of the rules of this great world is complete, and the suppression of people is also very powerful. If it is in the original world, Pei Junlin can destroy the planet with the poems of the current lineup realm, but here, Pei Junlin’s strength in the real king realm Not even a mountain can be pushed, this is the power of rule suppression.

"The entrance is not far ahead. Let's be careful. Obviously someone has been here." The old blind man pointed to the footprints in front of him.

These footprints are very shallow, but they indicate that someone has come here not long ago, and it is a deep sea. There are no seabed creatures that can survive here. Except for some small fish, they are just like ribbons. Fish.

Pei Junlin naturally saw these footprints. According to his observations, these footprints should come from five people. When I thought that someone would have boarded here first, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghua looked at each other, and both felt a little lost.

"You two don’t need to care. Entering inside first does not mean that they will be able to get the treasure. This is not an ordinary tomb, but another world. We have to be careful when entering this. The rules inside may be extremely violent. It’s completely different from the rules of our Great Thousand World.” The old blind man seemed to foresee some secrets, but didn’t want to say more, he just revealed some information to Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai.

But people stopped talking and continued to dive. Soon Pei Junlin saw the surrounding area, and there seemed to be a building. The shapes of these buildings were very simple, and they were all made of black and hard stones.

The style of these buildings is extremely primitive. According to Pei Junlin's eyes, they are simple cone-shaped buildings, and some houses even don't even have windows.

Endless years have passed, making these houses sleep forever in the bottom of the sea. All traces here are completely wiped out because of time, and only these stone houses are preserved.

"Why is there a bridge in front?" Seeing the situation ahead, not only Pei Junlin, but even Chen Jianghai was surprised.

Here, the sea floor is full of seawater. Why does this place need a bridge? However, after everyone came to the bridge, they found that a special liquid was flowing under this strip, not sea water, but a silver metal.

This silver metal formed a big river, and it rolled down under the bridge.

The three cautiously walked across the bridge and saw a complex of buildings appearing on the opposite bank. One of the gates was concealed. The cracks in the gate were pushed open so much that it could accommodate one person to enter.

This should be the entrance to the tomb, but it made Pei Junlin feel unreal in his heart. Only a whistling wind can be heard through this crack, and there is nothing in it at all.

Pei Junlin pointed a ball of flames and shot inward, but the flames quickly extinguished. There was no sight at all for Pei Junlin to see through the gaps outside.

"This is the dividing line between the plane and the plane, how could you break through the eyes and divine things of the people who broke through it. It is impossible to detect it." The old blind man was also a little speechless about Pei Junlin's behavior.

Pei Junlin carefully inspected the material of the door and found that the door was covered with a thick layer of moss, which was the dirt that had been wrapped up under the seabed for many years.

When he peeled off the dirt with his hands, he saw the silvery-white metal inside. This kind of door should be a certain kind of alloy. Pei Junlin tried to fight hard with the magic gun in his hand, but the door didn't move.

"It's true that someone has already made the first step, let's go in quickly." Chen Jianghai didn't hesitate, and was the first to walk through the gate.

Pei Junlin watched Chen Jianghai's figure submerged into the darkness, and finally disappeared. He hesitated, but when he thought that Chen Jianghai could not move in, he did not hesitate. Pei Junlin gritted his teeth and followed in. .

It was as if it had penetrated a layer of dark viscous liquid that was cold and cold. When Pei Junlin came to the other side of the door, he felt that his eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out to be a passageway with candles lit on both sides.

Just as Pei Junlin stood firmly, he saw the old blind man behind him also come in. The old blind man looked around and nodded and said: "Yes, it's the same as when we came in, but these candles should have been people recently. Ignited."

Following the guidance of the old blind man, Pei Junlin and others did not take a detour, found the right path from these countless passages, and accurately found the door of blood.

The bloodline door has been opened, and there is a door to the new world. After entering this door, you can truly enter the tomb.

Before entering this door, everyone's emotions were both scared and expectant, but this time Chen Jianghai was the first to pass through this door with his teeth. After all, someone had already entered in advance, and even if there was danger, he should be waded over. Up.

Pei Junlin followed Chen Jianghai into the bloodline of the car. The moment the two entered, they were stunned by everything in front of them.

In Pei Junlin's concept, the tomb should be gloomy and low. But when he entered here and opened his eyes, Pei Junlin realized that he was completely wrong. It turned out that this place was completely different from what he had imagined. It turned out to be a verdant grassland, and there were several wild horses eating leisurely in the distance. Grass.

The picture is so harmonious that it makes Pei Junlin feel unreal. Even a rainbow hanging between two mountains in the distance makes Pei Junlin feel as if he was painted.

"It's broken, the old blind man didn't come in." Chen Jianghai suddenly jumped up as if the fire was burning to his ass.

Only then did Pei Junlin realize that he had made this mistake. He should have made the old blind man the advanced talent behind him, but now the old blind man has something in his heart.

"Is this old guy moving a row slower, let's wait for him for a while." Pei Junlin forcefully comforted himself in his heart.

This is when Chen Jianghai grabbed a lamb. After the two of them were roasted and eaten dry, they still didn't see any trace of the old blind man, not even the root hair.

"Forget it, when we get out of here, we must find this old blind man and pluck him out of his hair." Chen Jianghai pounced and pierced a roast lamb thigh bone into the soil.

Without the two old blind men, it is tantamount to losing the guide in this strange land. According to Chen Jianghai, in the ancient times, there was a powerful person who was so injured that he eventually fell in this area.

This is the place where Mighty fell. There must be something unknowable. The wealth that Mighty has accumulated throughout his life is absolutely amazing.

No matter how you look at Pei Junlin, he feels that he has come to a new world, but Chen Jianghai insists that this place is only a small secret realm, and there is absolutely no world as complete.

Pei Junlin carefully felt the power of the rules of this world, and gradually he realized that as expected, the rules of this world were incomplete, and even had big loopholes, and even said that the rules of the whole world were built randomly.

However, the power of rules here is another extreme. The suppression of cultivators has reached a heinous level. Even with the strength of Pei Junlin's current monarch realm, he can't fly in the air. Although the surrounding aura is very vigorous and abundant, But it is mixed with countless impurities.

His own spiritual energy was sucked into the body, not only was unable to run the sun, but it could even make people poisoned, so Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai have replenished their mana since they entered here, and they all rely on the medicine.

However, Pei Junlin also discovered a special thing along the way, that is, the creatures here grow very well, and some of the elixir medicinal materials here are of extremely high quality. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Pei Junlin was not idle along the way, and he picked some good-quality herbs directly.

"My God, I didn't read it wrong, right." Pei Jun looked at a waterfall in the distance, his mouth opened with an unbelievable look.

Chen Jianghai also looked at it, but the look on his face was quite ordinary. He curled his lips and said to Pei Junlin: "It is not particularly difficult to understand that the water here flows backwards, after all, the rules of this world are disordered."

It took a long time for Jun Pei to stabilize his mood. He knew that this was a chaotic world, and everything could happen here. For example, after the two entered here, their strength was suppressed so much. Masters in the realm of real kings. It can only be regarded as an ordinary person here.

You have to rely entirely on your legs to walk, and you can’t run faster, because that would be suppressed by the rules.

"What is that?" Pei Junlin saw a cloud of light in front of him, which seemed to be wrapped in something similar to a boot.

Chen Jianghai was also pleasantly surprised to see what was wrapped in the light group. Very two people ran over and took the boots wrapped in the light group into his hands.

"This should be something that a dead person passed through. It shouldn't be something thrown by that power-level expert?" Chen Jianghai saw that these delicate boots were obviously not ordinary things, they should be specially crafted treasures. , But when I thought that this was something the dead had used, I felt a little bit responsive.

But Chen Jianghai shook his head and shook his head like a rattle: "I forgot to tell you that the powerful evolutionary direction is a beast shape. He cultivated from a human shape and eventually became a sheep."

When Pei Junlin heard Chen Jianghai's words, he felt a little upside-down. How could humans evolve into beasts? It's not called evolution, it should be called degradation. ?

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