Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1791: Congenital Vines

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

"So this shoe will definitely not be that powerful person, because the powerful body is a sheep. The boots are exquisite and delicate, with a fragrant fragrance that should be worn by women." Chen Jianghai smiled. Said.

When Pei Junlin was speechless for a while, he saw Chen Jianghai took off his shoes and put on these boots.

The moment Chen Jianghai put on her boots, she seemed to have a slight change in her whole person. The rules around him seemed to be distorted. Then Pei Junlin was shocked to see Chen Jianghai walked like a flight and jumped more than ten meters.

"Haha, I read it wrong before. It turns out that these boots should be something that breaks the rules and restrictions here. I didn't expect to have such a delicate object. I put on these shoes and ran a lot faster." Chen Jianghai couldn't put it down, and used The boots under the feet are very satisfied.

Pei Junlin was also envied for a while, he didn't expect that there would be such an ingenious thing to break through the rules and restrictions here. Seeing Chen Jianghai walking like flying, Pei Junlin also looked forward to finding a treasure soon, but the two of them walked along the way for two days and did not find anything. Instead, they found a few fires nearby, which should be those. Something left by the person who entered here first.

A group of people have already entered here first. This is what Pei Junlin knew, but where did this vast grassland look for the treasure that might leave behind? Pei Junlin has no clue now.

If you continue to search in this way, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. It is not certain when the benefits will be found, and even how to leave here now makes Pei Junlin wonder.

Chen Jianghai seemed to have seen what Pei Junlin was thinking, and he reached out and patted Pei Junlin's shoulder and said: "Since I brought you here, I have confidence in my heart. I didn't tell you before, so I can tell you now. There will be some special things condensed in the place where the power has fallen. And I've been to this place before, I've been familiar with the road, and you can just follow me."

What Chen Jianghai said completely deceived Pei Junlin. He didn't expect Chen Jianghai to hide in such a deep place, he would have come.

Pei Junlin felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He didn't expect that in the end he would be fooled by the old blind man and would be fooled by Chen Jianghai. These two guys were full of ghost ideas in their hearts.

"There is one more thing I haven't explained to you. I have been here before, but I didn't enter here from the entrance of the tomb. I told you before. This should be a secret world. I used to The eldest brother brought me here." Chen Jiang wanted to explain things clearly, but he said more and more, but the clues were so messy that even he himself was a little confused.

"Just tell me what good things are here, and quickly take me there." Pei Junlin shook his head, and didn't want to talk to Chen Jianghai too much.

Chen Jianghai also seemed to see the irritability in Pei Junlin’s emotions. After thinking about it for a while, he changed his direction and took Pei Junlin towards a nearby deep mountain, and after letting people cross the gorge, in front of him There was another scene.

The vast desert, with strong winds, was almost shrouded in a layer of yellow sandstorm.

"Passing through the other end of the desert, there is what we are looking for. There is a section of congenital vines. I have been here tens of thousands of years ago. The vines were condensed with fruits, but at that time It's far from mature, so I didn't pick it. I think it's time to be mature." Chen Jianghai finally confessed to Pei Junlin and said the matter.

The treasure left by the mighty grave is nothing compared to this innate vine. Pei Junlin now finally understands why Chen Jianghai must enter here, because that innate thing is very rare, and that kind of thing is hard to find.

For example, Pei Junlin refines Feijian's Innate Gengjin Essence. This kind of thing is something that existed before the creation of the universe. It is so powerful that you can even ignore all the rules. When Chen Jiang also mentioned the innate vines, Pei Junlin almost immediately thought of some innate treasures.

Every congenital spirit treasure is a shimmering thing that can be passed down forever. It is necessary to obtain one of those things. The great opportunity just made Pei Junlin think that there is a piece of innate vines in this place, which is indeed incredible.

Although the desert in front of him seemed to contain endless dangers, when he thought of the good things condensed on the innate vines, Pei Junlin almost forgot all the risks, and the two plunged into the sandstorm.

The howling wind is everywhere, and the dust that is rolled up is like an all-pervasive insect, which penetrates every position of the human body. Fortunately, Pei Junlin forms a gas shield around it to shield the dust.

However, being so in the sandstorm still caused great troubles for Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai. After all, the strength of the two was suppressed severely here. When they entered the sandstorm, they were oppressed by the squalls here all the time.

Just as the two were slowly moving forward in this frenzied sand, Pei Junlin also gradually felt that some unusual signs appeared around him.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai felt the same as him. He felt that there was some calm in the desert, and there seemed to be a mysterious creature peeping at the two in the darkness.

"We've been here since before, but there was a small bone dragon that formed the climate in this desert. But this bone dragon was nothing at all back then, I just don't know how far it has grown." Chen Jiang Hai frowned, as if thinking of some past events.

As the two of them were guessing what kind of creature they were staring at, they suddenly felt that the desert below their feet seemed to be unstable, as if it was boiling, and the sand was gurgling with bubbles like boiling water.

Pei Junlin held the magic spear in his hand and watched vigilantly at the airflow disorder in the surrounding desert. Pei Junlin could use the surrounding wind to easily float his body in the air.

With a bang, the desert beneath his feet exploded in an instant, and a huge head opened its mouth and bit towards Pei Junlin and Chen Jiangtai.

However, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai were well prepared, Chen Jiang still slipped, and the light from the shoes instantly made Chen Jianghai slip out hundreds of meters.

But Pei Junlin did not have such a crisp and neat body as Chen Jianghai, naturally staying in place without moving the magic spear in his hand, but pierced a light.

There was a white wolf head in this light, biting towards the shadow flying out of the desert, and there were bursts of roar between the two, as if they were biting at each other.

After seeing the mysterious creature clearly, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. This is a huge bone dragon, but its strength is not very strong. Even the strength of the magic spear can steadily give this skull dragon. Suppressed.

Seeing that Hunshi Demon enhanced white wolf, you firmly pressed the skull dragon, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief, it fell on the ground, just waiting to move on after the battle was over.

"Don't kill him. This thing is very useful for us. This dragon travels quickly in the desert. With it, we can save at least one year." Chen Jianghai hurriedly came to Pei Junlin's place. In front of him, to prevent Pei Junlin from taking action to kill this mysterious creature.

Pei Junlin wondered that the situation was indeed the case. He quickly reached out and recalled the Hunshi Demon Spear, and the ancient dragon was already scarred, and all the pieces he had bitten were scars, but it did not hurt the root.

This skull dragon is made up of Bai Sensen's bones, showing a dragon shape all over, but the whole body is wrapped in sand constantly rolling. A pair of eyes glowed clearly, staring at Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai indifferently.

"If you don't want to die, surrender, if you think you can run away, just run away." Pei Junlin said coldly towards the skull dragon.

Gu Long seemed a little melancholy. He wanted to go but didn't dare to go, and finally crawled towards Pei Junlin slowly. Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and patted the head of this mysterious creature, and took Chen Jianghai and the two people to sit on it.

Sure enough, as Chen Jianghai said, the bone dragon of UU Reading provided them with great convenience. Riding on the back of this skull dragon was like a huge desert boat.

But it was extremely stable and extremely fast, and even the damage caused by those storms in the desert to Pei Junlin was much reduced.

In less than two days, the two successfully traversed the desert. Pei Junlin waved at the ancient dragon, watching this mysterious creature dive into the desert, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief.

What appeared in front of me was another world, a world full of icebergs and snow and ice everywhere. Under this extremely cold temperature, even Pei Junlin felt a bit of cold.

"The innate vines are in the glacier in front, not far from here. Let's go there quickly, otherwise it won't be good for people to climb first." Chen Jianghai kept urging Pei Jun to come.

The two stepped onto an ice bridge, and formally entered the glacier along the ice bridge.

Now this iceberg Pei Junlin feels a cloud of purple gas, covering the sky, the sky has turned into lavender, and meteors pass by from time to time and enter this glacier, as if entering another fairy tale world .

This world gave Pei Junlin the feeling that it was pure and spotless, and it seemed to be a world of groundbreaking, let alone the emotions that had never been experienced by humans.

That pure feeling was not seen with the eyes, but felt with the heart, and there were some changes in the surrounding rules, and the suppression of power was not as serious as before.

The two of them don't have to walk in the glacier anymore, they can fly along the glacier. If you want to climb the glacier with your bare hands, then it is almost impossible for the two of you to complete the task, but now the rules are loose and the suppression is reduced, which indeed greatly reduces the pressure on Pei Junlin. ?

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