Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1792: Xiantian 8 Hexagrams

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The ice and snow here are desperate, how can there be ancient vines?

The more Pei Junlin went into the depths of the glacier, the more unusual it felt, that this place was deadly silent without any breath of life.

In the icy and snowy world, in addition to the grandeur, it is covered by cold and snow.

"Is there really ancient congenital vines here? How do I feel that there is no breath of life in this place?" The more he penetrates here, Pei Junlin has gradually lost confidence.

But looking back at Chen Jianghai, the look of expectation was always on his face, and there was even a trace of hot light in his eyes. After asking Pei Junlin's remarks, Chen Jianghai was taken aback for a moment, and soon laughed.

"I thought you had discovered it a long time ago. Who knows you haven't seen anything. Look at the place ahead." Chen Jianghai pointed to the place ahead which seemed like a large garden of ice and snow.

It is indeed beautiful from a distance, but Pei Junlin knows that it has been eroded by wind and snow for many years, and it is not surprising what kind of imagery appears.

After all, some natural landscapes of nature can be beyond imagination and give people a pleasant and beautiful experience.

The innate things in the legend existed before the birth of the universe, which is related to the origin and the first secret of this world. So Pei Junlin has always come to this icefield with a mentality of pilgrimage, but after walking around here, Pei Junlin is also gradually desperate. Now that he heard Chen Jianghai’s perfunctory words, Pei Junlin instinctively thought it was Flicker.

Pei Junlin no longer asked Chen Jiang because he was too ignorant of asking too much. His eyes flashed out, and suddenly Pei Junlin felt that the sky and the earth changed color, and the sky was no longer blue but a kind of The rays of the sun.

The earth is no longer the edge of ice and snow, and the things Pei Junlin sees are completely different everywhere. The feeling of dead silence was completely gone, and instead made Pei Junlin feel that the entire ice sheet was a huge life body, and it seemed that the pulse of life was beating here.

It's not that Pei Junlin has never seen the huge life body. He once included a planet directly into the world of Chaos Jindou, but it is a pity that the new world of Chaos is completely closed, and Jin Ye fell into a deep sleep.

Because of the clothes left by the ancient gods, the collective was directly collected by Pei Junlin into the Chaos Golden Fight, so even if the entire ice field is a huge living body, Pei Junlin is not surprised.

Pei Junlin is now sure that this icefield definitely has treasures, and looking at the breath of life, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an ancient congenital vine.

What's more, what Pei Junlin's eyes are seeing now is completely different from before. This golden-eyed magical power is really powerful. In Pei Junlin's eyes, there are strange patterns on the ground, and the entire ice field is like a huge blooming flower.

The patterns on the ground are like strange runes. According to Pei Junlin’s memory, some of the runes in the runes of the early days should be somewhat similar to these runes, but they are far from being more rustic and more Simple.

The early runes were the mysterious runes born in the early days of the birth of heaven and earth, but the runes here should be called innate runes, which are more appropriate.

Even if you can't find any treasures on this icefield, you can't find the innate vines, these ancient inborn rich men alone are enough for Pei Junlin to develop, this is simply an inexhaustible treasure house.

Obviously, these innate runes are not artificially portrayed, but the supernatural craftsmanship of nature, or the natural patterns born in the evolution of the universe are like mountains and rivers flowing, and those natural and your traces are unfair. , Heaven and Earth were born naturally.

But these things often reveal a kind of unspeakable mystery. A simple symbol can often represent endless meanings, revealing the profound truth of the natural birth and death of heaven and earth.

If these runes are transferred into the formation, it will be the most powerful formation between the birth of the world, and even the legendary good fortune formation. However, Pei Junlin’s current formation skills cannot be fully utilized. , Or control these runes.

Some of these runes can reveal the simplest truths of the movement between heaven and earth, and some contain terrifying energy, just like a volcanic eruption. If Pei Junlin is allowed to control these runes now, he is likely to encounter backlash.

So what Pei Junlin is doing now is to put these runes, which I may have to remember recently, to seal them in his mind, and to study them word by word and develop them when I have time in the future.

"What secret did you find? How come your look is completely different from before?" Chen Jianghai looked at Pei Junlin in surprise.

When his eyes fell on Pei Junlin's pair of eyes, a look of surprise appeared on his face, because Pei Junlin's eyeballs turned into two golden rays of gold at this time, which was intriguing.

Now there is no need for Chen Jianghai to ask in person, Pei Junlin's appearance has already shown her that Pei Junlin is using some magical power to spy on her own secrets.

"You kid, no wonder the old blind man said that you are the product of heaven and earth luck. The luck is amazing. I really didn't expect you to get even this magical power. You know what the magical power of this eye is. Can humans own it? Only the three emperors and five emperors of the ancient times, those with great fortune, or recognized sages, can possess this kind of magical eye power." Chen Jianghai's tone could not hide the envy.

But Pei Junlin didn't say a word now. She was immersed in her own world and gradually developed the mystery of this source of troops.

The Big Thousand World may be the closest and the most real place in this universe. The Little Thousand World where the earth that Pei Junlin has experienced before and that person, the forged world of Sanqing, these events can make Pei Junlin feel The rules there are not rainy and meticulous.

If we turn this world into a book, then Big Thousand World is like a meticulous, meticulous, encyclopedic dictionary that records the most mysterious and most comprehensive in the whole world, then Little Thousand World is like a pirated book. There are typos and omissions.

The World of Sanqing is basically a copy of the four different books. Although there are few typos and errors, it is not so perfect and has many loopholes.

"Don't look anymore. Take a look at the place ahead. There is a vine growing between the sky and the earth, and it bears innate fruits. We are really making a fortune." Chen Jianghai's tone of excitement was trembling. The body is shaking slightly, and it seems to be unstable.

Pei Junlin only then returned to his position. He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Sure enough, he found a thick vine stretching on the island and rooting the entire island.

This vine gave Pei Junlin a feeling of more ancient existence. It seemed to be connected to the heaven and the earth, and it was a pillar between the heaven and the earth, but the many branches gave Pei Junlin a feeling of not being alone.

This is not a simple tree, the whole tree is born with streamers in all qualities, and all kinds of splendor are shrouded in it. Pei Junlin observed carefully, there were many fruits on the vine and counted carefully, there were seven in total.

As for why there are seven fruits, Pei Junlin doesn't know. He always feels that the mystery above has something to do with the numbers.

In addition to these seven mature fruits, there are also many dim light spots, which should be some immature fruits, and it takes time and years and the power of rules to be bred.

The seven mature fruits looked hazy in Pei Junlin's eyes, and he couldn't see its body. From the outside, it looked like a cloud of mist, and it was impossible to see what it was.

However, the gleaming light on these fruits made Pei Junlin salivate, because this kind of light has far surpassed ordinary sacred artifacts. You must know that this is the fruit of the tree.

Without any man-made sacrifices and training, it is completely the product of nature's extraordinary craftsmanship, and it is also a kind of divine object formed naturally by the rules of the birth of heaven and earth.

"Since coming here is fate, but you have to think that everyone has only one chance to choose. Although there are seven ripe fruits here, everyone can only pick once. Of course, if you have the ability, UU看书www. can also **** fruits from others, so you can have two or more." Chen Jianghai stared at the seven dim rays of light on the innate vine, and his saliva almost flowed to the ground.

"What are these fruits? Are they something that can be swallowed? After eating, they will live forever, or strengthen their body, or increase their wisdom and bones?" Pei Junlin's face was full of confusion, because he I don't know anything about this innate vine, and I don't understand why Chen Jianghuai showed such an expression.

Chen Jiang also heard Pei Junlin’s question and almost laughed. After her patient explanation, Pei Junlin realized that it’s not strange that anything appeared on this tree with the magical craftsmanship of nature, and even said that a person would walk out of the fruit. It is possible.

According to legend, someone plucked a fruit from this innate vine, and it naturally formed a very powerful thing, which was extremely powerful as a fairy.

Someone once picked a fruit, and that fruit naturally gave birth to a world. There was also a scholar in junior high school. He did not have a wife. After plucking a fruit, he walked out of it a wonderful woman...

"These are just hearsay, can you take it seriously?" Pei Junlin was a little speechless, and quickly let Chen Jiang stop.

People stand far away, and there is still some distance from the innate vines. The area where the innate vines are located is like a huge garden surrounded by a variety of beautiful ice sculptures.

If Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai wanted to pick fruits from the vine, they had to enter this place similar to a huge square. Gen Pei Junlin carefully observed everything around this square, only to find that it was a huge congenital gossip, but the acquired gossip was completely different. This should be the most primitive and primitive congenital gossip recorded in Heluo books. ?

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