Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1793: Special civilization

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

In the past, Pei Junlin lived on the earth, and the civilization on the earth nurtured Pei Junlin, gave birth to Pei Junlin, and also gave Pei Junlin a lot of knowledge.

Later, with Pei Junlin, after Maxthon Universe, Pei Junlin also established a preliminary understanding of this world. But the more places he walks and the more things he sees, the more Pei Junlin feels that the uniqueness of earth civilization is almost unique in this universe.

It is not to say how many powerful people have gone out of the earth in the past, nor how powerful science and technology or the power of cultivation on the earth are, but the civilization of the earth has bred a unique culture in this universe.

For example, some myths and legends on the earth and some ancient civilization books have made Pei Junlin feel deeply that the earth seems to be related to the oldest origin of the universe, such as Xiantian gossip, Pei Junlin is anywhere else in any world. I have never seen such a thing recorded in any civilization.

Only in the civilization of the earth, the Qing Scriptures recorded the stories of Fuxi acting and painting gossip, and even the stories of Heluo Books, etc.

So the more I walked, the more I saw, and after reading Qianfan Pei Junlin, I felt the uniqueness and mystery of the earth. Pei Junlin sorted out his thoughts now, and he seemed to have caught a clue, that is, why did the Dragon Emperor Dojo invade Xiaoqian World? And why is it focused on the earth?

At the most critical moment, why did that mysterious golden carriage take the earth to leave and enter Guixu?

These are mysteries that no one can solve. Only by relying on Pei Junlin to go step by step can the ultimate secret be solved. One day he will bring the earth to recover, return with the earth king, and place the earth in its original place.

Stepping into this mysterious congenital gossip map, Pei Junlin immediately felt as if he had entered another wonderful world, the surrounding lights and shadows began to blur, and there seemed to be only this dojo between heaven and earth.

Everything in the surroundings is real and nothingness. What Pei Junlin can see is very similar to matter, but it is not matter. Everything here seems to be composed of streamers.

There were blue arcs on the ground constantly flickering, and the runes began to flicker, as if they had come to a mysterious and unknowable place. Pei Junlin looked towards the sky, and the sky turned into a white-blue black background.

"What is that?" Pei Junlin was surprised.

In the dark and deep space, Pei Junlin saw a huge body, unimaginably huge, like a big fish, but not a fish.

This vine is one, and this dojo is like floating in the center of an endless world, giving people an endless mystery, while the surrounding space is like an endless deep space, with mysterious creatures wandering in it.

Chen Jianghai followed Pei Junlin's gaze, and he could only see a vast body, not the full picture, but only a little bit made Chen Jianghai look surprised.

"It should be the legendary Kun!" Chen Jianghai said in a vague tone.

Pei Junlin suddenly realized that he had also received a drop of Kunpeng's true blood, but he did not expect to encounter the true body of this mysterious ancient beast.

In addition to this Kunpeng, Pei Junlin soon saw another creature that made him feel incredible, a bird bathed in flames.

Just as they were about to spread their wings, the entire world seemed to be covered by the raging fire, shining on the heavens and the earth, as if the sun, moon and stars, and the universe would be completely destroyed.

"This should be the legendary ancient divine beast Phoenix." Pei Junlin looked at this frightening divine beast and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Although these sacred beasts are majestic and shocking, they always feel unreal, as if the spy shadows left in time are not real.

"This is not a phoenix, this should be the ancient beast Bifang." Chen Jianghai corrected.

Pei Junlin nodded, he looked at the time and space around him as if distorted. The whole area is like a huge space-time lair, only this place has all the time revolving around this place, and everything is distorted.

Pei Junlin's gaze finally fell on the ancient fairy vine, which is the congenital vine. The vine is like nothingness, with radiance on it.

In addition to the seven dim fruits, there are countless stars gleaming on this vine. This vine does make Pei Junlin feel a sense of emptiness and reality. That feeling is extremely beautiful, but it is beyond description.

After enjoying the beautiful scenery, I can't explore the surroundings. Pei Junlin finally turned his attention to these fruits, because these fruits are the purpose of her coming here, and Pei Junlin is not a noble person who came here, of course it is for these fruits.

According to Chen Jianghai’s previous statement, these fruits conceive huge secrets, and what can be extracted from them is entirely based on luck. Heaven, earth, universe, sun, moon and stars, and even magic weapons are possible, and what Chen Jianghai said is a little mysterious, and can even be opened. Out beauties.

Although these light groups were misty, Pei Junlin felt that these things seemed to be at hand, and the distance seemed infinitely far away from him.

How to pick these things now is a huge problem, because Pei Junlin feels this kind of distress, it is not something ordinary people can approach at all, once they get close, they will feel a chaotic force.

Only a few steps closer to King's Landing, he felt that his body's strength was about to be emptied, his body felt a tremendous squeezing force, and even his soul was eroded by a force.

Of course, this kind of power is not an evil power, but a kind of pressure, a kind of chaotic power of heaven and earth.

"Don't get close to the mistakes on the immortal vines of the beginning, and you can't just pick them." Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, as if he felt that Pei Junlin could not bear it.

Pei Junlin looked around again, the original ice and snow resources had completely disappeared, and the surroundings became a stream of light world. If he wanted to leave here, he couldn't even find the exit, so Junlin was very confused.

This is an external channel, you can enter here by chance, but it is also very simple to want to leave here, do you see the power of those rules and chaos? There are countless passages in it. If you want to leave here, you only need to find a passage to go out, and these passages will look for the original world based on the breath of our body.

"In other words, all worlds, all planes, all people are likely to come here?" Pei Junlin was shocked.

Chen Jianghai nodded, pointing to the fruit on the fairy vine and said: "Although the fruit on this congenital vine is about to mature, there is still a slight gap between true maturity. When I came here that year, The fruits on this vine have just begun to emit a misty red light, but now that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, I did not expect that such a huge change has occurred. Almost all the fruits on this can be picked."

While the two were talking, suddenly a black shadow appeared on the light curtain in the distance. This black shadow gradually changed from nothingness to solid, showing a young man in a cyan gown.

Pei Junlin didn't expect such a situation to happen. Someone came here, but Chen Jianghai was not surprised to see that the young man in the cyan gown, Chen Jianghai's face changed slightly.

"The identity of a person is not simple, we should not provoke it easily." Chen Jianghai warned Pei Junlin in a low voice.

When someone came to grab it, Pei Junlin was naturally unhappy. Although each person could only pick one of these fruits, an outsider came for no reason, which was really unpleasant.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's introduction, Pei Junlin's heart became more responsive. He looked at the man in the cyan gown, and the two eyes met in midair.

Coincidentally, the other party was also observing Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin saw that the other party's eyes were different from ordinary people, and the other party's eyes showed a lake blue color.

There was a wolfish coldness in this person's eyes, and he seemed to be extremely disdainful of both Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai.

"I will pick the fruit and give it to me later, otherwise you two cannot get out of here. UU Reading" The man snorted coldly, took a word and walked to the side, sitting on the ground. Start practicing on your own.

Hearing these words, Pei Junlin almost burst his lungs, and came here with all his hardships, isn't it just for a fruit on this tree? How come this guy has a louder tone than a toad, and he will take away others' chances with one mouth?

Pei Junlin is not stupid. Since this man can come here, it means that someone will come here in the future. It seems that these seven fruits can only be grabbed by ability. Now it is not worth the gains to work with this man. After all, there will be more people waiting for a while. After that, let people sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Pei Junlin resisted the anger in his heart and didn't do anything immediately. Instead, he coldly glanced at the man in the cyan gown and stopped talking.

"It is also supreme that they often know where some chances are. For example, there should be many top immortal disciples here. Then try not to dispute with them. Let them be better with each other. Wait until In the end, we may be able to grab something by chance." Chen Jianghai asked Pei Junlin for the first time, as if he was afraid that Pei Junlin would cause trouble again.

The man in the cyan gown had a flame pattern on his brows, and his whole body was enveloped in a layer of streamer. This man knew from a single glance that he had an extraordinary origin. Because the arrogance that ordinary people can't learn.

Pei Junlin was thinking about Supreme Master in his heart, and taught him that there are many top forces in the Great Thousand World, and their strength is even comparable to some figures in the fairy world. The geniuses cultivated by these Supreme Masters can shake the world and shake the ancients at every turn. Shuo Jin.

For example, a person of the power level is purely a hundred thousand years or even millions of years at a time. The accumulation of strength from generations to generations of characters cultivated by this supreme great teaching is still very terrifying. ?

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