Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1794: 7 fruits

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

"Will there be a lot of people here today?" Pei Junlin felt a little anxious. After all, these people who came were all masters. For example, the guy wearing the cyan gown just now had a semi-holy level of strength.

If there are too many people coming, there will be more wolves and less meat. Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai are not dominant. It is very likely that they will not even be able to drink soup at that time, so Pei Junlin is also very anxious. Makes sense.

Chen Jianghai naturally saw what Pei Junlin was thinking. He shook his head and said: "For a certain period of time, the supreme masters will be deposited, and they will not be able to find this place. That is, there are very few top powers that know some of the secrets here. According to my estimation, no more than five people can come here."

The look on Chen Jianghai's face was very confident, which also made Pei Junlin feel much better. He is now sitting on the ground like the guy in the cyan gown and began to regenerate, and even took out some pills and started taking it.

The next battle is bound to be a fierce battle, so Pei Junlin must prepare in advance, even he has already begun to study the runes around him, and secretly began to arrange the formation.

Inability to play a decisive role in battle, because the formation can mobilize the heavens and the earth, instead of fully using one's own power, it is equivalent to saying that it can play an unexpected effect.

While arranging the formation in secret, Pei Junlin did not forget to check his own weapons. In addition to the magic spear, Pei Junlin has another secret weapon that is the soul umbrella.

The Soul Umbrella contained countless devil-level demon demons, whose strength was extremely powerful. Moreover, Mo Lao Wu was extremely loyal to Pei Junlin that day, presided over the great formation of the Soul Umbrella, and was able to exert 50% of the power of this superb magic weapon.

Although the Hunshi Magic Spear has become very powerful after merging with the Promise Wolf King, it even surpasses the Hunshi Magic Spear in some aspects of the Soul Umbrella. The potential of the Soul Umbrella far exceeds that of any gun. Pei Junlin never denied it.

Primal Soul Umbrella Pei Junlin rarely uses it for the purpose of turning the tide of the battle at a critical moment. The Primal Soul Umbrella can not only attack people’s minds, but also has great defensive capabilities, even when encountering saints. The master soul umbrella can also help Pei Junlin share some pressure.

Not long after Pei Junlin was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he was secretly arranging the formations. Suddenly, in another direction not far from Pei Junlin, a figure appeared again. This figure was dressed in black and black robe, and his face was covered with veil. She couldn't see her face, she was a graceful woman.

As soon as the woman appeared, her eyes swept across the audience, and she did not speak, but found a place to sit down.

The strength of this woman is very strong, and it is close to the level of a saint. According to her behavior, Junlin Pei judges that this woman should be a type of less ruthless people. As for the origin, she must be similar to the guy in the cyan gown. It should be from a certain supreme great teacher, and also a genius disciple.

Distance now can't help but envy those supreme greats, and teach that these supreme forces can send the disciples of the disciples to this secret opportunity at any time, it is simply unparalleled.

Knowing that this immortal vine was born at the beginning of the heavens and the earth, and even before the formation of the universe, the treasures on this can be described as the beauty of the treasures of nature and the heaven and the earth. Although they are far less than the first batch of innate treasures born in the beginning of the heavens and the earth, these Treasures are enough to shock the ancients and the world today.

But those big powers, those top supreme masters, can easily send the disciples of the sect to this kind of secret opportunity, which indeed shows that their strength and precipitation are not comparable to ordinary strength.

The Dragon Emperor’s presence is a thousand miles away from this supreme master, because the Dragon Emperor’s presence can only be regarded as a medium power. According to Jin Ye’s calculation, the Dragon Emperor’s presence is at most a six. Level forces.

While arranging the formation in secret, Junlin Pei opened his eyes from time to time to look at the other two people. In addition, Junlin Pei also separated a part of the gods, which covered the Immortal Pond. Once anyone has any changes, Junlin Pei can Be aware of it for the first time.

On the other side, Chen Jianghai was not idle either. He stood there like a wooden stake, his eyes seemed to be open and closed, and the expression on his face seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but Pei Junlin knew that Chen Jianghai should be running. Some kind of mystery is keeping a low profile and preparing for a big battle.

The gossip patterns on the ground gave Pei Junlin a lot of inspiration. Pei Junlin even integrated some of the early runes on the ground into his own formation. He is creating his own school of formations, so when setting up the formation, Pei Junlin I often add some of my own ideas, some modifications and so on.

The arrangement of the formation method often needs to be adapted to local conditions, with the help of the surrounding heaven and earth aura, the rules of the heaven and the earth, and even the terrain of mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars.

Just in front of this place, no recruits, no shops at the back of the village, no ground, no reference, no power to rely on Pei Junlin, but he fancy the power of time in these surroundings, because it is surrounded by a layer of time mist Power, like a cocoon of time, here is like a void of time.

The formation requires the help of the power of heaven and earth around, but there is no power of heaven and earth in these surroundings. Pei Junlin aimed at the time power here, and used the time power here to use this underground rune to enter the formation and bless it. Among the formations, the formations arranged by Junlin Pei possess a mysterious power of time and space.

Of course, this is the first time for Pei Junlin to arrange this formation. Although I don’t know how effective it is, Pei Junlin can only bite the bullet. After all, this is not an ordinary formation and it won’t work at all, even if a lot of the best spirits are used. The stone came to urge the formation, and it would only be consumed in a moment.

There is no need to spend the battle of spirit stones, which is nothing for such a top opponent. Therefore, Pei Junlin simply arranged a large formation according to local conditions, which combined many new ideas of Pei Junlin, which can be described as unconventional, unprecedented and pioneering.

Pei Junlin can't feel the passage of time here, but he can always feel the slightest change on the immortal vine. The seven mature seeds are rushing toward the road to maturity, and every minute and every second no change.

Those misty rays of light are gradually becoming a little dazzling, indicating that the fruit on this primordial vine is not far from true maturity, and may even enter a mature state at any time.

With a flash of light, two men appeared this time. The two men looked exactly the same, but they wore black and white clothes. Pei Junlin did not expect that the two brothers who were late in the end turned out to be exactly the same, and at a glance they knew that the two should be twin brothers.

However, this situation made Pei Junlin a little worried, because there was a problem with the division of forces on the scene. The twin brothers must be on the same front as the same milk, and the other two sides are different.

For example, that graceful woman, he is independent from this battle and occupy a direction alone, and the man in the blue robe is so arrogant, it seems that he is unwilling to form an alliance with others.

"All of you, go back, pick the fruits on top and give them directly to me, so that I can let you go alive." The man in the blue robe saw that everyone was already there, so he stood up and faced everyone. Announced.

There was no threat in his tone, but the light and fluttering words made people angry. Pei Junlin had already learned it once, but this time Pei Junlin was much calmer.

For the first time the woman with a veil mask heard this, Emei frowned slightly, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes. As for the two brothers, they were black and white, and there was no expression on their faces.

The weapons of the two brothers are also a little weird. One of them is the man in black with a black chain, and the man in white is holding a crying stick in his hand, just like the legendary black and white impermanence.

As for the woman with a veil mask in her hands, she held a kind of circular weapon, which Pei Junlin felt was rare. UU reading

The reason why Pei Junlin observes these people's weapons is because they will inevitably work with these people later. Of course, after letting these people work with each other first, he and Chen Jianghai sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"The situation is a bit tricky. The forces on the whole scene are divided into four times and it is difficult to achieve a balance. I guess the woman with a veil mask should be on our side if he is smart enough." Chen Jianghai whispered. Pei Junlin said beside his ear.

Pei Junlin was a little confused, shouldn't the masked woman be the first time to find the guy in the cyan robe to form an alliance? But soon Pei Junlin understood the meaning of Chen Jianghai's words, because the guy in the blue robe was extremely domineering, and he would never ally with anyone if he wanted to eat alone.

If the masked woman wrapped in a light veil doesn't want to fight alone, then there is only one choice, which is to stand on the side of the black and white brother, or stand on the side of herself and Chen Jianghai.

Soon Pei Junlin discovered the fact that the masked woman was walking in the direction of herself and Chen Jianghai, which made Pei Junlin's heart a little complicated.

But what surprised Pei Junlin was that the woman just came to Pei Junlin's side gently, and did not speak. They exchanged eyes with Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai, during which there was no half-word exchange.

It was a tacit understanding between smart people. Pei Junlin knew the purpose of the other party, and the other party naturally knew the bottom line of Pei Junlin and others, so he came to Pei Junlin's side.

Now there are six people on the field, but there are only seven fruits on the tree. If each person can only pick once, it means that one fruit is going to be wasted.

When Pei Junlin was guessing whether there was another person who was going to continue coming, he suddenly found that the surrounding light curtains began to rotate, and then they changed color. ?

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