Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1795: Shadow Demon

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

"Then I am afraid that the last person will not be able to enter. There are only seven people who can enter the arena, and now you look at some of the changes in the surrounding rules, it is obvious that this place is completely closed." Chen Jianghai looked at the changes in the surrounding light and shadow. Pei Junlin said next to him.

If each person is limited to picking only one fruit, then one fruit will be wasted, but one more person enters here, which means one more danger, so there is actually no difference in the amount of comparison.

But at this moment, between the surrounding light and shadow, a cloud of black mist gradually condensed, and finally appeared a figure.

The figure is wearing a black cloak, and the whole person seems to be shrouded in a layer of light and shadow, without seeing the feet, only the upper body floating in the air looks like a person, but it is like a shadow.

"It's a member of the Shadow Demon Race." Chen Jianghai frowned slightly, and his tone was a little solemn.

Obviously, the people of the Shadow Demon Race are not easy to deal with, there must be some innate magical powers. On the bed, they were divided into three forces. There were three people on Pei Junlin's side, and the twin brothers on the other side, and the man in the cyan gown was fighting alone to overwhelm the audience.

The guy who came last, then which side is it going to be on?

The black shadow stood on the spot and looked around, his expression seemed a little cold, and finally walked to the other side and stood alone. Obviously, this Shadow Demon tribe is similar to the guys in the cyan gown before. They are the kind of lone rangers who like to fight alone, don't like teamwork, and don't like sharing the results of victory with others.

"This beauty, we'd better be able to survive. When picking the fruit later, don't let them first. The three of us will be the last. Just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight." Chen Jiang Haichao said Said the veiled woman.

Although the woman is covered with a veil and is also wearing clothes, the exposed skin is extremely white, like a baby, even with a faint light shrouded in light, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

There is no doubt that this is a beauty, and the temperament is fresh and elegant, not speaking, just standing there gives people an extremely beautiful feeling.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, the woman just nodded and did not say too much. Everyone stopped talking. Gradually, the atmosphere became a little tense, and the situation became tense.

The surrounding light and shadow changes have turned into a huge whirlpool. People are trapped in this square of innate gossip, and now they can’t go out at all. I am afraid that all the passages here will slowly open after the fruits are picked.

However, Pei Junlin knew that a life-and-death battle might soon be coming on this innate gossip square. There were a total of seven people here, but now they are divided into four forces. In the end, it is not known who will die.

At present, Pei Junlin came to judge that his side is actually not dominant, except that the strength of the masked woman is not clear, the strength that he and Chen Jianghua can continue to play is only the late stage of the real king.

Whether the twins with black and white evil spirits or the guy in the cyan robe, they are all semi-holy powerhouses. Especially the guy from the Shadow Demon Race was unfathomable, shrouded in black mist, and couldn't see his strength at all.

Everyone was staring at the Primordial Immortal Vine, any change on it would be noticed. The Primordial Immortal Vine fiddled with everyone's nerves, and the situation became volatile.

Pei Junlin also noticed the light and shadow flowing on the Immortal Vine of the Beginning, and there was a light that was completely different from before, and even Pei Junlin could smell a fragrant and fragrant smell, which should be the smell of the ripe fruit.

"Sure enough, it's about to mature soon, it seems that a battle between the dragons and the tiger is bound to be done. Remember that stealing treasures is not the most important thing, saving your life in this place is the first thing." Chen Jianghai was a little worried. Looking at Pei Junlin, after all, Pei Junlin's strength on the field belongs to the weak, even the weakest one.

Of course, Pei Junlin also has a customer for his own strength. In this case, his strength is indeed the weakest, but the combat effectiveness is not necessarily the worst, so Pei Junlin is not afraid of fighting.

"Have you seen it carefully? Although these seven fruits are the same in appearance, the aura on them is slightly different." When Pei Junlin was nervously preparing to fight, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

This voice is familiar and unfamiliar to Pei Junlin, not Chen Jianghai's voice, but Jin Ye's voice. Could it be that this year’s voice Pei Junlin almost fainted with excitement, because she didn’t expect Jin Ye to wake up at this time. You must know that Chaos Jindou is Pei Junlin’s natal treasure, this treasure and his soul are entwined together, Chaos Jin can give Pei Junlin a lot of help during the battle.

At this time, Jin Ye's awakening can almost give Pei Junlin a reassurance, so that Pei Junlin can fight without distraction.

"Last time I swallowed that small cauldron, his materials are a bit strange, and I have recovered some. Now I can enter the world of Chaos Golden Dou. Although some formations have not fully recovered their abilities, they are almost there. "Jin Ye seemed to know what Pei Junlin was thinking, and said to Pei Junlin.

Hearing the good news from Jin Ye, Pei Junlin was so excited that he almost fainted. This is good news, a great news, and it brings a boost to Pei Junlin.

According to Jin Ye's guidance, Pei Junlin looked at the seven fruits on the tree. On the surface, these fruits seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere.

But the breath and the breath are not the same as the strong breath, and some are relatively weaker, but they are engraved with Qianqiu.

You finally aim at a seemingly inconspicuous fruit. Although the brilliance of this fruit looks a little dim, it is surrounded by a chaotic atmosphere, which gives Pei Junlin a strange feeling.

"That should be the seed of a tree of life. If you have to combine this seed with your unintentional tree of life, it will form an incredible power." Jin Ye spoke to Pei in an urgent tone. King's Landing said.

On the other side, the aura on the Immortal Vine of the Beginning was also becoming confused, a burst of brilliance flickered, Pei Junlin unexpectedly heard another burst of immortal words in his ear.

This kind of music is like being passed from the fairy palace, making people feel very comfortable after listening to it, the pores of the whole body are open, and they can't wait to dance.

And the entire space has become clouded and misty, and there are even countless flowers in the mid-air. The strange sight shocked everyone present. Of course, only one person was very calm. That person was Chen Jianghai. Maybe he had seen such a sight before.

"Be careful, the fruits are about to mature, and a battle for grabbing will begin soon. Naturally, you don't have to keep your hands at that time. Let the three evil dogs fight with each other first. Let's take the shot later." Jin Ye said again. .


At this moment, there was a buzzing sound in the air, which seemed to arouse a big resonance. At this moment, Pei Junlin seemed to feel that time and space and all the rules were combined.

This is a very mysterious feeling. It is impossible to say it in words at all, but it can only be felt in an instant.

At this moment, Pei Junlin knew from his heart that the fruit should not be ripe enough to survive, the man of the Shadow Demon Race, the black and white double evil spirits and the man in the blue robe, these four people did not hesitate, and went directly to Flew over with the fairy vine.

These four people are all top masters, their shot speed is very fast, almost leaving a shadow, and soon came under the tree. But to Pei Junlin's surprise, these four people weren't going to pick the fruit, but at the same time attacked the people beside them.

The black and white double evil spirits are almost inseparable, as if there is an invisible rope binding the two together. The silhouettes of these two people were spinning, one holding a mourning stick, the other holding a chain, and the attack was extremely sharp as the body rotated back and forth.

Especially when the crying stick attacks again, UU read www.ukanshu. com Pei Junlin can feel a permeating resentment in the space. Once this resentment is clear to the human kidneys, it will make people conscious and comatose, and they will completely lose their minds.

And the black one is the iron chain in his hand binding the opponent, making a whining sound in the air, and even Pei Jun can see the chaotic atmosphere and the dark flame burning on the chain.

"The flame should be the legendary night fire. Once it is burned, the whole body's karma burns, I am afraid it will not be extinguished even with the galaxy water." Chen Jianghai saw the flame on the chain, and his expression was a little frightened.

On the other side, the man of the Shadow Demon Race was extraordinary. A huge black shadow appeared behind him, holding a giant sickle in his hand, and a large black atmosphere enveloped the swing of the sickle.

In addition to these three, there is also the man in the cyan gown. The weapon in the man's hand is even more peculiar. It was a lamp, and the lantern glowed with a misty light to illuminate the surroundings. In the direction illuminated by the light, Pei Junlin could feel a lonely lamp in the dark night and the feeling of sleepless night.

The four masters are caught in a melee, and no one has the first time to pick the fruit. Maybe this is a kind of tacit understanding. They have to decide the winner under this tree.

Soon Pei Junlin discovered that the fighting of these four people was just stop-and-stop, so try each other out. The first battle ended quickly. The Xianqin had the black and white double evil spirits. The two jumped out of the battle group almost at the same time and flew towards the fairy vine, and the man in the blue robe and the man from the Demon Clan also Stop at the same time.

Black and white Shuangsha came under the tree without any hesitation, the two of them shot the remaining two fruits almost at the same time. The difference between the ripe fruit is that there is no need to touch it with your hands at all. Just as the two of them stretched out their hands, the fruit naturally fell off and flew into the palms of the two. ?

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