Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1810: Ancient Portal

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The woman stretched out her hand and grabbed the air, and there were strands of information in the air. These information formed a picture in front of him, but although these pictures were a bit vague, it was still possible to see what happened.

This time Pei Junlin did not use the mysterious crock to hide his aura, so his appearance was clearly seen by the woman, even in the end Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai jumped into the portal. They were all caught by this woman.

But when this woman came to the portal, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere of the world around her was a bit disordered.

She frowned, and before she had time to dodge, she saw a dazzling white light coming from the portal followed by a huge shock wave, which swept towards her.

Faced with such a massive explosion, almost all the energy of the entire city was consumed, but the woman did not even frown her brows, her face was as usual, the shock waves around him seemed to cause any damage to him, and the wild air currents were all around. Pass his body.

"After all, I let you run, but next time I should not be so lucky." The woman muttered to herself, staring at Pei Junlin in the fuzzy picture.

He seemed to imprint Pei Junlin's face deeply into his mind, and he seemed to want to remember Pei Junlin thoroughly to chase him to the end of the world.

But at this time, Pei Junlin suddenly sneezed in another article, and his face was a little ugly.

"I have a hunch that we should be targeted." Pei Junlin said with some chagrin.

Hearing what Pei Junlin said, Chen Jianghai shook his head: "It's not that we were targeted by others, okay, but you were targeted by others. This is because the Liangzi who was here by the Dragon Emperor of Henan is completely settled. When will we? If you want to return to Nanfangbuzhou, you will face the risk of being hunted everywhere."

For Pei Junlin, in this great world, whether it is Nanfang Buzhou or Beiju Luzhou, it doesn't delay her practice anywhere. It's just that Pei Junlin is still worried about one thing, that is the mysterious organization looking for the whereabouts of Yun Yao and Wang Ziqiong.

At the time, Chen Jianghai had blown up that mysterious organization. It seemed that there should only be a mysterious organization in the sky. There is nothing in this world that they can't do.

So later Pei Junlin had great expectations for this mysterious organization. He wanted this mysterious organization to help him successfully find Yunyao and Wang Ziqiong.

It’s just that the Northern Ju Luzhou is more than thousands of miles away from the southern part of the continent. Even a figure of the emperor’s level, it will take thousands of years to fly across the void. This vast world is really astonishingly large. Just like a universe.

So what Pei Junlin is worried about now is that the mysterious organization found Wang Ziqiong or Yunyao ahead of time, so what should I do if he is not there now?

"By the way, Old Chen, what was the name of the mysterious organization you founded back then? Why haven't you even told me the name until now?" Pei Junlin looked at Chen Jianghai with some curiosity.

I once asked Chen Jianghai specifically about this question, but Chen Jianghai's words flickered every time, and he was either evasive, or just prevarication about him.

But this time Pei Junlin is determined to ask for information about the mysterious organization from Chen Jianghaikou, because he is eager to get first-hand information about Yun Yao or Wang Ziqiong from the hands of this mysterious organization.

"There is no name, why must there be a name? When I sang the mysterious organization with my elder brother back then, I didn't even think about naming it." Chen Jianghai said innocently.

Pei Junlin was speechless for a while, and it turned out to be an extraordinary person, and Chen Jianghai really couldn't reason about extraordinary things, so who was the eldest brother in his mouth?

Under Pei Junlin's inquiry, this time Chen Jianghai didn't cover up, and he directly blew the big brother in his mind that the sky was falling. There is no one before and after, and it seems to be the master of the entire world.

"You must know that when my elder brother was screaming, people at the emperor level had to take off my elder brother's boots. What kind of power level was only rationed for my elder brother to pour wine." Chen Jianghai was blowing the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon were dark , Pei Junlin just smiled bitterly.

The emperor-level characters take off their boots and let the powerful-level characters pour wine. This is simply a dream. How could a character of that level bow down to serve others?

"What happened just now?" It's just that in the portal area of ​​the city, a man with the appearance of a leader finally came to the teleportation formation. Looking at the mess around, the man's face changed drastically.

"Report to the caravan leader. Just now two people rushed out forcibly. These two people came from weird sources. They don't seem to be teleported from our teleportation point." Several of his men hurriedly reported to the leader.

Setting up a sect to charge fees is a standard operation of some large chambers of commerce, so the caravan owner heard several reports from his subordinates, but he didn’t feel anything. After all, there are often some monks who want to eat for nothing, and just go straight without paying Going out, such things are not rare.

"Write down the names of these two people, and the next time you encounter them, they will directly break their legs, abolish the cultivation base, and let them go to the mine as slaves." The caravan master spoke cleanly, without a trace of warmth in his eyes.

Obviously this is an iron-blooded tough figure who is used to dealing with such **** things. He is used to dealing with things with such violent thinking.

The most direct and simple way for this kind of thing is to destroy the other party with violence, and finally the other party's body and will directly let the other party use the flesh to pay off the debt.

In the past, this matter was just an understatement. As long as the people who broke through the barrier were recorded, if you must catch it after the next encounter, the matter will be settled.

After all, it is really not worth it to send someone to arrest two passers-bys, and it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

According to past practice, this kind of thing was handled in this way, and the deputy Ma didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but the two men were embarrassed at this time.

"What's the matter? Didn't you two hear me clearly? Don't hurry up to clean up this place and restore the operation of the portal." The deputy Ma's face was a little unhappy, and he yelled at the two men.

Obviously, there was something in the head of Deputy Ma, and he didn't want to waste time here. It was just a small episode and it was not worthy of his personal attention.

He scolded the two men and could only retreat. A turmoil has disappeared invisible like this, Pei Jun’s English is inconsistent, and the fault of the ancient portal is directly transmitted across the continent. This is indeed a rare event.

The current portal can no longer teleport at such a long distance. Only the ancient portal can do it, but the probability of an accident in the ancient portal is too high, and it was later replaced.

At this time, in a woods on the outskirts, Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai were sitting on the ground. The warm sunlight was shining on the green grass, and the flowers around them were fragrant. The birds chirping did make Pei Junlin feel that some people were relaxed.

Just experienced a life-and-death battle, it really made Pei Junlin feel a lot, and now he feels as if he has collapsed, not only because of mana consumption but also mental problems.

"Then what's wrong with the portal, it allows us to teleport such a long distance, even if we want to go back, I am afraid that it will not be completed in ten or eight years." Pei Junlin was a little bit distressed.

This is indeed the real situation, because the suppression of practitioners in the Great Thousand World is even stronger. If a master in the realm of the true king on earth can rule a star field, then the master in the realm of the king of the great world will have the strength It was completely suppressed, and it was difficult to even level off a mountain.

Although the masters of the real king of Yukong flying can do it, they can't hold the distance too far. With Pei Junlin's current strength, it is not a problem to run for several hundreds of kilometers in one breath, but the mana consumption will become more and more serious over That is to say, in the past, Pei Junlin only needed to describe an impulse. Things that can span thousands of kilometers or tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant no longer exist. If you want to portray a wormhole in the world of Great Thousand World, it is difficult to use Pei Junlin's current strength to open the wormhole at all.

"That is the ancient portal, that is, the two of us are lucky. You need to know the death rate of the ancient portal and it can reach 40%!" Pei Junlin of Chen Jiang Haichao stretched out four fingers with horror on his face Emoji

After hearing these words, Pei Junlin was stunned. He didn't expect the portal to be so simple in the ancient years, and the death rate was so high. In other words, whether he could come out alive after entering the portal was simply luck. According to Chen Jianghai According to the statement, at least 40% of people died in the turbulence of the void.

"The Great Thousand World is completely different from other worlds. This Great Thousand World is a real world rather than a projection, so the rules here are extremely real and delicate." Chen Jianghai shook his head, sighing.

Fortunately for you, he didn't expect to accidentally hit an ancient portal that entered the seabed by mistake. He could really survive and teleport over a long distance.

The two of them had nothing to do with the long-distance teleportation, it was really Amitabha, thank God for your blessing.

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly remembered the two of Long 13 Princess Yang Chan and the Jinsha girl. These two have been in the world of Chaos' End for so long, it is too boring to stay inside.

A dark whirlpool appeared in front of Pei Junlin, and soon three figures came out of it, including not only Yang Chan and Jinsha girl, but also Pei Junlin's female apprentice Geng Pin.

Seeing the unfamiliar surroundings, the thirteenth princess Yang Chan and the Jinsha girl were obviously surprised. ?

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