Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1811: Hanging Mountain

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The two were put into the world of Chaos Golden Fight by Junlin Pei. They had no concept of time and space at all. They just walked out of it and saw the colorful world outside, thinking it was a dream.

"How do I feel that the rules of the world around me are a little different? Isn't this the boundary of Nanfangbuzhou anymore?" The Jinsha girl looked around and looked strange.

The Dragon Thirteen Princess wanted to be more calm. He closed his eyes and carefully comprehended the rules around him. He raised his head unexpectedly, looked at Pei Junlin and said, "What happened? We came to Beiju Luzhou. "

Yang Chan always makes amazing things. Pei Junlin is not surprised at this. After all, this little girl has always been a high IQ. When Yang Chan was on the earth, he was just as good as himself.

When Princess Long Shisan said that this was Luzhou in Beiju, the Jinsha girl grew her mouth. Born as a native of this vast world, she naturally knows that the distance between the two continents is infinite.

If you want to reach Beiju Luzhou from the waters of the Nanfangbuzhou, you will not be able to reach it in 30 years. .

Although the two continents know each other and have records in the literature, few people can cross this distance, unless some top cultivators.

"Could it be that some kind of fast flying magic weapon was borrowed?" Long 13 princess Yang Chan stared at Pei Junlin with a strange expression in her eyes.

After Pei Junlin's female apprentice Geng Pin came out, she began to pour tea for Pei Junlin and even brought a set of tableware, tables and chairs with her.

"Don't guess. We came to this area through an ancient portal. Actually, I didn't know that the portal was here." Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and scratched his hair, his face revealed. Fan helpless expression.

When Pei Junlin said so, the Jinsha girl and Yang Chan no longer guess, but the Jinsha girl showed a clear look on their faces.

"As far as I know, the ancient portal in the Throat of the Abyss did exist as a remote portal in ancient times, but at that time, the remote portal had a high mortality rate and a high probability of failure. So it was gradually eliminated later." When the Jinsha girl said this information, her eyes stared at Pei Junlin suspiciously, as if she wanted to get some answers from Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't want to talk anymore, he was too tired, but Chen Jianghai would explain it as appropriate anyway.

"If we come, we will be at ease. No matter where we come, we are actually the same." Chen Jianghai is an optimist.

Anyway, he can go anywhere, he doesn't care where he goes, but Pei Junlin frowned. She didn't come to this great world to travel around.

When he came here, his first purpose was to find his love prince Qiong and other relatives and friends, etc. Now these relatives and friends have not been whereabouts, which makes Pei Junlin extremely impatient.

Another person is his mentor, Linglong fairy.

At the beginning, the Linglong fairy sent a message to Pei Junlin through the red dust, saying that she had come to the great world. The mood and emotions of this past mentor Pei Junlin were very complicated. He knew that the Linglong fairy was in this great world, but wanted to find This illusory master is a bit difficult for Pei Junlin.

"Senior brother, there seems to be some people over there." There were footsteps in the woods in the distance, and two people walked around behind a big tree, a man and a woman.

Whether it is a man or a woman, they both dressed very clean and tidy, especially the woman is very beautiful, but compared to Yang Chan or Jinsha girl, it is much inferior.

The man also had an oily face, but his eyes were a bit unable to move after seeing Yang Chan and the Jinsha girl, and there was a greedy look in his eyes.

Pei Junlin just slaughtered five powerful men of the Great Sage level and swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger. Seeing this man with a greasy face and a ghostly look, he felt a little unhappy.

The young man was a little hostile towards Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai. After all, beauties like Xiangyangcheng and Jinsha, everyone saw it and wanted to take it for themselves.

"The people over there will be named soon." The man was holding a sword, majestic.

Pei Junlin sat lazily on the chair and didn't move, and Geng Pin squatted beside Pei Junlin, helping him to pinch his legs easily, looking like a caring little maid.

He and Jiang Hai simply closed their eyes and dozed off, and turned a deaf ear to the other's inquiry. As for Yang Chen and Miss Jinsha, they looked at each other and smiled and walked aside, began to talk about some secrets in the boudoir, and simply ignored the inquiry about the house!

The man ate a closed door. Li Ji was a little angry. She pulled out her sword, pointed at Pei Junlin and others and said angrily: "You thieves know that this is the boundary of my Xuankong Mountain. The first time I came to our Xuankong Mountain. If he didn't take the initiative to report his name, is he looking for death?"

Hearing the words Xuankong Mountain, Pei Junlin opened his eyes and looked at Chen Jianghai. Chen Jianghai's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his face showed a sneer: "Why is Xuankong Mountain? Are you related to Xuankong Mountain? Look at your poor look, don't use the name of Xuankong Mountain to slander outside."

Chen Jianghai made a ruthless irony. The man's face changed drastically, his eyes were a little weird, and he was really hit by Chen Jianghai. This man was not from Xuankong Mountain at all, but by the name of Xuankong Mountain. Head, want to scare Pei Junlin and others.

The woman saw that things were a little too difficult to deal with, and Pei Junlin and others were not bullying at all, she was a little bit timid, and she stretched out her hand to hold the greasy-faced man and whispered, "Brother, the master will explain that we have to There is something, you must not delay going to the city to buy things, let's go quickly."

That was being carefully stared at Pei Junlin and others, for fear that Pei Junlin would suddenly violently kill. After all, Pei Junlin just slaughtered a figure of the Great Sage level, and it was even more arrogant. At this time, there was an amazing murderous overflow between the eyes.

The man with the oily face is too low to feel the threat of Pei Junlin at all, but the woman has a bit of spirituality, and feels that the few people in front of him are not easy to provoke, and want to drag the brother to leave quickly.

"Why are we going? Why are we not the characters of Xuankong Mountain? Eight hundred years ago, the Xuankong Mountain expanded its territory. Isn't our Lingyun Taoist temple just within the scope of Xuankong Mountain? Didn't the master also say that when we entered the door? Now, our Lingyun Taoist temple belongs to the peripheral industry of Xuankong Mountain. If something happens, Xuankong Mountain will send people to it." The guy with the oily face didn't want to lose his identity in front of the beautiful women, he just raised his cheeks and stood in place to make peace. Pei Junlin and the turnover went up and down.

When Pei Junlin heard him talk about the things that happened eight hundred years ago, it was so ridiculous that these things about Chen Zhizhi and rotten grains would be used by him to brag, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Just when the greasy-faced guy's mouth was stiff, suddenly there was a slight empty sound in the sky, Pei Junlin and others looked up, only to find two figures appeared in the sky. These two figures are another man and a woman, but the matter of these men and women looks a little bit of time.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless. It seems that this woods is a bit lively today. How come there are so many people, and they are all in pairs.

The pair that came before was a pair of senior brothers and sisters, but the pair that came now are more like enemies. Pei Junlin found that both of them appeared in the air, silent, and the man stared coldly. Woman, that woman is in a trance.

"Give me things, I can let you leave here." When the man spoke, there was a rare warmth in his tone.

Perhaps there was a dispute between the two because of something, but Pei Junlin and others who watched the show below watched it with gusto, because both of them have very good looks, especially the middle-aged woman. Called a stunning beauty.

At this time, the pair of brothers and sisters also disappeared. They also looked up at the sky. No one dared to speak loudly, because the two strong men in the sky were both strong men at the level of but caused With the attention of these two saint-level powerhouses, it is possible to destroy these miscellaneous people at will. Compared to Pei Junlin and the others' relaxation and comfort, the senior brothers and sisters were a little frightened, especially the greasy man who hid behind the junior sisters, shivering with fright.

"Junior sister, you said that we heard such hidden things, will we be killed by the murder?" The man hid behind the junior sister, and said with a trembling tone.

At this time, the woman calmed down instead. He looked at Pei Junlin and the others, whispered a few words towards the oily man, and then the two walked towards Pei Junlin and the others.

"This eldest brother was really a bit abrupt with my senior brother just now. Now I apologize for him. I hope that everyone will ignore the villain and don’t be familiar with us." The girl spoke very kindly and her tone was gentle, especially her eyes. Extremely aura.

In fact, Pei Junlin, as a person who came by, didn't need to think about it at all, he knew the purpose of these two people coming here. The most fundamental purpose is actually to seek asylum. Because I and Chen Jianghai are too relaxed, I am not afraid of the two people who are suspended in the air, so this junior girl has already spotted the opportunity, and then came over to apologize for nothing, stay Can't leave.

"In fact, there is nothing, the two will stay." Chen Jianghai said suddenly.

Pei Junlin looked suspiciously at Chen Jianghai only to find that this guy's eyes were staring at the younger sister. Although the appearance of this junior girl is not very outstanding, and it is not an overwhelming country, she is better than pure and unparalleled, with a kind of Xiaojiabiyu temperament.

"But we protect your safety, and you will ask us to be a guest at your house later." Pei Jun said with a smile. ?

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