Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1812: Temple of Heaven

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

That junior sister was also very generous, naturally nodded towards Pei Junlin again and again, but the senior brother who was very hard before, said nothing at this time, and his face was full of vegetables, which made people a bit disgusted.

Pei Junlin and others did not put the battle between the two saints in the air in their eyes. It is a pity that these two saint-level powerhouses have already begun to do it, especially the man who spoke softly before, but did it. Come but really cruel and merciless.

The fighting between the two was restrained, only within a small range. Because Pei Junlin and others were directly below the battlefield, they received the most shock waves.

Perhaps it was to show off his strength in front of the beauty, Cheng Jianghai, reached out his hand and pointed at the dark coffin board and flew up high, directly enveloping everyone, the coffin board directly became bigger, completely shielding the shock wave of the sky battle .

As for the battle between the two saints in the sky, the result was quickly resolved. In the end, the man was injured, and the middle-aged beauty was unscathed.

"Forget it, I can't stop you, let's go." The man's mouth was dripping with blood, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

Obviously, this man was merciful and deliberately released the water to let him go. However, this is understandable in Pei Junlin's opinion. After all, this man is also a normal person. Not only is he very strong, but also has an unparalleled temperament. I feel pity.

There was no expression on that face, it seemed that he turned a blind eye to the man deliberately letting the water go, and he quickly disappeared into the air when he turned around.

The back view that the injured man saw gradually disappeared, and there was a look of nostalgia and pain in his eyes. After he was gone, he withdrew his eyes, but at this time his eyes had become gloomy.

His gaze was fixed on a few mice under the woods, that is, Pei Junlin and the others. Everyone under the saint is ants. In the eyes of this saint-level powerhouse, Pei Junlin and others are nothing at all.

Even if Pei Junlin and others are masters in the realm of true kings, in the eyes of this saint-level powerhouse, Pei Junlin and others are still not enough.

"Is it time to stage a murderous show?" Pei Junlin took a sip of the fragrant tea that Geng Pin had prepared for him, with a hint of playfulness on his face.

At that time, the smile on Chen Jianghai's face disappeared. He said that the name of Meilan was whispering and drizzling behind him, and he seemed to be talking about something. He asked Pei Junlin to turn his head back: "This person is very strong. , Don't be careless, you stop him."

Pei Junlin was a little speechless, Chen Jianghai took the lead in picking up girls, but now he is going to do dirty work.

"You guys were very happy watching the excitement just now." The middle-aged man fell on the ground with a gloomy face, staring coldly at Pei Junlin and the others.

When his gaze fell on the floating coffin board behind Chen Jianghai, a strange light appeared in his eyes, but the light soon turned into greed.

He stretched out his hand to grab the coffin board, but it was a pity that he couldn't shake it with a huge force. Pei Junlin stood up, and there seemed to be a force between the world and the earth to move in an instant. The middle-aged saint's face changed slightly, and he looked at Pei Junlin with some uncertainty.

"Your strength is very strong, and you have killed a lot of powerful saints." The murderous intent in the eyes of the middle-aged man gradually faded.

Sometimes strength is his best passport, Pei Junlin doesn't need to speak at all, as long as he shows his strength, he can let the other party retreat.

"Then let's go our own way." Pei Junlin didn't bother to care about too much with others.

The middle-aged man smiled at Pei Junlin and turned around, and Yin disappeared. Seeing this middle-aged man leave, everyone sighed slightly and was present. Apart from Pei Junlin's special relaxation, even Chen Jianghai's body was tense.

Just now, the situation was on the verge of breaking out, and everyone on the scene knew that once the life and death were unpredictable, even if Pei Junlin could survive in the end, other people would probably become cannon fodder.

"Oh, you are waiting here. Senior brother and I will come back soon after we buy us. Then, please come to our Lingyun Taoist Temple to be guests." The senior sister among the pair of senior brothers and sisters actually stood up to face Said to everyone.

This girl is generous and elegant, and she knows how to advance and retreat and etiquette. She is a very good girl. The brother with oily noodles had been shocked by the incident just now, and his face was pale at this time, and he couldn't even say a word.

I had the courage to challenge Pei Junlin just now, but in the blink of an eye I saw Pei Junlin confront a sage-level strong man, and in the end it turned out that the monk-level strong man retreated, which made his head wet and chest scared. , He didn't even have the guts to look at Pei Junlin.

"That's right, you go and come back quickly, we are here waiting for you." Pei Junlin did not refuse.

Seeing this were the two siblings leaving, Geng Pin stood beside Pei Junlin and said in a low voice: "Aren't they gone forever?"

"There is a high probability, but it doesn't matter." Pei Junlin behaved very indifferently.

I was Chen Jianghai and shook his head, with a strange expression on his face: "We really want to take a look at this Lingyun Taoist Temple. After all, we have just arrived in this strange place and we need a place to stay."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Pei Junlin almost laughed out loud. It seems that this old man really fell in love with the younger sister this time.

Pei Junlin didn't refuse to go to the Lingyun Gymnasium to take a look, but to talk about the place to stay, this huge world can be occupied by a mountain with aura, can't it?

But at this time, Long 13 Princess Yang Chan actually brought the Jinsha girl over. The purpose of their coming was very simple. They said goodbye to Pei Junlin.

There is no permanent banquet in the world, and it is inconvenient for Pei Junlin to ask more about Yang Chan. The two have not been together for a long time, and they have some enthusiasm for each other.

So Pei Junlin didn't say much, but just gave Yang Chan and the Jinsha girl some spiritual stones and so on, and sent them away.

"No, I think you Yang Chan and you have a very good relationship. Are you going to be separated so soon?" Chen Jianghai was a little unsure.

Pei Junlin was speechless. He couldn't fully explain these things. He and the Long 13 Highway Yangchen were originally enemies, but after a long time, the two became friends with each other for a long time.

However, there is always such an inexplicable gap between each other. Although Pei Junlin knows very well that Princess Long 13 has no hostility to herself. The two can be called a friend in need and can be killed.

Sometimes the feeling between friends is so simple and complicated. If two people are together for a long time, they will have some embarrassment. After all, many unpleasant things happened when they were young.

"Let's just wait here, I don't think the senior brother and sister will come back again." Pei Junlin shook his head and stood up directly.

This wood is very insecure, the level of the saint who left before, the strong is likely to return at any time, because the other side left a meaningful look when he left, just like Pei Junlin has a sense of crisis.

The opponent is not simple and mysterious, and powerful, not an ordinary saint-level powerhouse. Pei Junlin didn't want to come to a strange place casually to offend the local snake here, that was not her Pei Junlin style.

When he and the Dragon Emperor came to the scene to die, it was because Pei Junlin had hatred in his heart, but if Pei Junlin were to fight with a roadside person for no reason, Pei Junlin would not want to fight.

It’s not a joke for a saint-level powerhouse to fight. It’s a life-and-death fight, and life is in danger at any time. Even if Pei Junlin is confident enough, things are still unpredictable. The so-called people are outsiders, there are people, there are , Pei Junlin will not look down on everyone.

"Don't leave yet. I said they will come back and they will definitely come back. Let's go to the Lingyun Taoist Temple. I have other things." Chen Jianghai insisted on staying here and waiting.

Pei Junlin had no choice but to sit down again, but Geng Pin was clever, and sat back next to Pei Junlin to help him start a bone loosening You asked about some things about the apprentice An Tie today, Geng Pin just said that there has been no change recently and he is still in a coma.

In this way, Pei Junlin had just recovered some mood, and he was immediately plunged into the haze. The matter of An Tie must be resolved. Now that he has come to this great world, Junlin Pei must find a way to heal his apprentice An Tie.

"By the way, Old Chen, do you know where there is a place to heal cultivators in Beiju Luzhou? The soul is injured." Pei Junlin asked Chen Jianghai.

This guy has lived for countless years, and it can be called a dictionary. For many things in this world, Chen Jianghai is like looking at patterns on his palm.

"There really is this Beiju Luzhou, there is a place where the cultivation of the soul is very advanced. If your apprentice is really traumatized by the soul, going to this place will just find the place." Chen Jianghai turned around. He passed away and said with great interest.

After some discussions with Chen Jianghai, Pei Junlin knew that the place was actually called the Heavenly Soul Hall. The so-called Heavenly Soul Palace belongs to the top Big Mac in Luzhou, the Supreme Master.

It has been handed down during the Primordial Age with a long accumulation of time, so the power of this Heavenly Soul Palace is very large, almost occupying a third of the power of Beiju Luzhou.

"As long as you can enter the Heavenly Soul Palace, and learn the core essence of the Rainbow Store, the Soul-Pricing Art may be able to heal your apprentice who has fallen into a coma." Chen Jianghai said half-jokingly.

Pei Junlin was speechless for a while. A giant force like the Heavenly Soul Palace wanted to learn their essence. It was easier said than done. Without hundreds of years of precipitation, it would never have been passed on to your essence.

However, Pei Junlin had an idea in his heart, he must go to the soul shop that day, maybe there is a chance to keep his land good. ?

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