Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1813: Lingyun Taoist Temple

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

In the evening, a man and a woman finally came back. When he saw the man and woman walking by, Pei Junlin almost thought he was dreaming.

The man was already a lot low-key compared to the day, and he didn't even dare to look at Pei Junlin. It was the girl who was generous, came to Pei Junlin and the others, and talked cordially with Chen Jianghai, and she was still secretly teasing between her eyebrows.

Seeing all this, Pei Junlin was a little speechless. He really didn't expect Chen Jianghai to be a master pick-up girl, taking the woman in a few words, and even risking his life to come back.

"We have agreed to take us to your Lingyun Taoist Temple, you will not break your promise, will you?" Chen Jianghai said half-truth.

Cultivating the world as a home, there is really no shortage of places to stay. For Pei Junlin, a cave can be built anywhere, so there is no need for a house to cover the body.

It's just that why Chen Jianghai insisted on going his own way and must go to the Lingyun Road to take a look, which also made Pei Junlin feel a lot of doubts in his heart.

Either Chen Jianghai really fell in love with this woman, or he had another plan, maybe there are some secrets in the Lingyun Taoist temple.

When the night was over, Pei Junlin discovered that this sky was actually a little different from the night sky of Nanyabu Island. First of all, the stars above this sky were denser.

Before Pei Junlin had heard Chen Jianghai say that the stars in this great world are not planets in the universe, but the real fate. They are not completely actual things, but a kind of nothingness.

The master who cultivated the fate star echoes the fate star in the sky, and can induce the fate star to bombard the opponent. In other words, after some masters have cultivated life stars, they will have a lesson in the sky that corresponds to them.

This is a very mysterious phenomenon, even Pei Junlin can't explain the mystery clearly, only knowing that some rules in the Great Thousand World are indeed like this.

Chen Jianghai and the woman named Qing Wan walked together. The two were very close to each other, but the greasy brother was a little lonely, and some dared not speak.

Lingyun Taoist Temple is not far from the woods where Pei Junlin and others settled. Everyone only trudged for a while, and they reached this area after crossing a few mountains. The so-called Lingyun Taoist Temple actually looked like a few on the mountainside, and it was a little broken. room.

"The temple here is a bit simple and simple, please don't dislike it." Qing Wan said with a smile and beckoned to everyone.

Pei Junlin said that there was nothing, after all, he was cultivating and sleeping in the air, which was not a problem for him.

There is also an old man in the ruined temple, it is the first one of this Lingyun Taoist Hall, blinded one eye, the whole person looks a little weird.

However, the strength of this old Taoist priest is not weak, he has the strength of a semi-holy level. When guests came from the Taoist temple, the blind old Taoist priest did not come out to receive them, but sat in the house sullenly chanting scriptures.

Pei Junlin couldn't understand the content of the chanting scriptures, but some of the words and phrases in it even faintly matched the Tao Te Ching, which shocked Pei Junlin a bit.

However, the two brothers and sisters were very enthusiastic, especially after knowing the powerful strength of Pei Junlin and the others, the oil head brother was very respectful, and only had to confess that Pei Junlin and others would be grandfathers.

Perhaps it was to make up for the pain of being taken away by the younger sister, this Youtou Senior Brother unexpectedly picked up the idea of ​​Geng Pin, his character is not bad, and he has a unique temperament by Pei Junlin's side.

Brother Youtou wet from time to time looked for opportunities to come over to show courtesy, but Geng Pin had a cold face, and didn't even look at the senior brother Youtou in his eyes.

Of course, Pei Junlin saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. These vulgar things were becoming more and more vague about Pei Junlin. He was concerned about many things in his heart now.

In this vast world, Pei Junlin has two major goals, one is to find his deceased wife, Wang Ziqiong, and those friends, and the other is to heal his apprentice An Tie.

Of course, this is only a short-term goal, and there are many long-term goals for Pei Junlin, such as finding the exquisite fairy of his previous life, exploring some of the mysteries of this world, and so on.

After experiencing many things, Pei Junlin discovered that people are prone to burnout at certain stages, but some things have to be done, such as finding old people, and figuring out the truth about the earth. They are all things Pei Junlin needs to do, and he is absolutely responsible.

There was a barbecue on the bonfire, which was operated by Pei Junlin himself, and the smell of the smell shocked everyone in the courtyard.

The spices carried by Junlin Pei were still prepared on the earth in the past, and they will not decay at all in the storage space, let alone degenerate, so no matter when they are taken out, they will always be amazing.

Perhaps the scent was too tempting, and the old blind man who was hiding in the house chanting even came out with one eye open. The old way walked up to the fire without speaking, and directly took out a roasted rabbit, and began to eat like no one else.

"You have something in your body, you must be careful. It is the portal of Unicom's demon world. Once you open this portal, demons will continue to flow out. Unless you have the ability to control these demons, you will surely encounter backlash. "The old Taoist priest ate and drank enough, then wiped his greasy hands on the ground, and raised one eye to look at Pei Junlin and said.

Pei Junlin's heart was a little turbulent, but his face was silent. There was a set of marks of the Devil's Gate in his eyebrows. Pei Junlin knew this. As long as the marks of the Devil's Gate were opened, he could communicate with the mysterious demon. The world, summon demons.

This is what Pei Junlin has some doubts about how the other party sees it. Although this is a semi-holy powerhouse, it seems that he is sick and does not match his strength.

Regarding the words of the blind old man, Pei Junlin just laughed and did not deny or admit it. Seeing Pei Junlin's smile, the old Taoist stopped talking and closed his eyes, as if he was full and wanted to sleep.

"Have I prepared what you prepared? Take it out." The old Taoist suddenly turned around and said to the pair of apprentices behind him.

Whether it was the Qingwan girl or the Youtou brother, they were a little surprised when they heard what the old Taoist said. Thinking of what the old Taoist priest asked them to prepare, the two of them looked a little ugly, especially the girl was a little red.

"The master's thing is a bit unlucky, we monks don't need to prepare those things at all." The girl came to the old Taoist priest and said in a low voice.

The old Taoist shook his head again and again, and the loose skin on his face began to swing back and forth as she shook his head. It was only at this time last year that the old Taoist priest was found to be very old. Few cultivators were able to mature like this, because the body of the cultivator was fully nourished by the spiritual energy and would not be so decayed.

"I have lived enough for my life to come. Tonight is my day to live. Have you seen the fateful star in the sky? His dim light will fall as I return west." The old Taoist suddenly stretched out his finger. Pointing to a dim fate star in the sky and said.

At first, Pei Junlin thought that this old fellow was confused, and was joking. Now that he saw the serious look of the old Taoist priest, it also made Pei Junlin curious. He raised his head and found that there was a huge life star with a little dim light. Somewhat erratic.

"When you and your eldest brother came to Luzhou in Beiju, I met you. At that time, you weren't what you are now." The old Taoist suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Jianghai.

This shocked Chen Jianghai. How many years has it been since he was alive to the present? Who can live from that era to the present? Unless it is a powerful person, is this blind old Taoist a powerful person?

But if the other party didn't brag, then the news was shocking enough, so even Chen Jianghai's usual arrogance had to bend down and leaned over to observe the aging Taoist priest carefully.

The two looked at the old Taoist priest opened his Some teeth leaked, but the laughter was like an old broken bellows.

" wouldn't be the proud Heavenly Sovereign back then?" Chen Jiang Haideng stepped back a few steps, his face full of shock.

When Pei Junlin heard the conversation between the two, his face gradually became serious. The person who can live from that era to the present is definitely an outstanding person.

After so many years, I was able to see each other again. There was definitely a fateful connection among them, so Pei Junlin also had to be cautious. This old Taoist priest might have something to do with his destiny in the future.

"It's me. I've been waiting for you for many years. Actually, I have lived enough." Aoran Tianzun's old words seemed to be filled with endless boundlessness, and his dim eyes didn't carry any love for life.

Like what he said, he really lived enough, he had lived enough, and he didn't have any sentimental feelings for this world.

The greatest wish of many cultivators throughout their lives is to be able to live for a long time in this world, the most basic and fundamental mystery of life.

This is the first time that Pei Junlin has seen someone like this who has completely lost love for this world. Perhaps in the long years, it can really make people feel tired of the world.

It was a long time before Chen Jianghai seemed to calm down from the shock. His eyes were full of words, unbelievable.

But now Chen Jianghai has put away that arrogant emotion, on the contrary, he has become extremely respectful, and he has also become cautious in speaking, standing in front of the old Taoist priest like a schoolboy.

Although the two are people of the same era, Tianzun Aoran seemed to be great people in that era. People who can be called Tianzun are absolutely extraordinary. ?

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