Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1814: One-eyed Taoist

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

"It's true that I don't want to hide it from me. It's just because I feel that death is like nothing, and there is a call in the dark, I decided to come to Lingyun Taoist Temple to take a look. I didn't expect it to be a wave in the long river of fate." Jiang Hai sighed.

The old Taoist has a vast look in his eyes, one eye is as deep as a universe, where the sun and the moon rotate, and mountains and rivers flow.

Pei Junlin has a little bit of confusion in his eyes. After all, what the old man said to him before seemed to be meaningful, but Pei Junlin was quite cold before, and he seemed to ignore it, and now he took the initiative to post it and felt embarrassed. .

The one-eyed old Taoist seemed to see what Pei Junlin was thinking in his heart. This was a smile. At this time, the two apprentices had already moved the things out. Only then did Pei Junlin realize that what he had prepared was a coffin.

"The heavens and the earth are boundless, the sun and the moon are flowing, and they are above the gods..." the old Taoist chanted in a low voice. Later, the voice became smaller and smaller, and Pei Junlin could hardly hear it.

There was a shocked look on Pei Junlin's face. He thought that the old Taoist priest was going to die, which made Pei Junlin's heart an unspeakable taste.

Is it true that monks are really empty in the end?

"Xianlu will eventually become empty at the end." Old Dao suddenly opened his one eye and sighed.

The light in his eyes is extremely hot, like that firework, and the whole person is full of red light and looks alive, not like a dying person at all.

"I have waited for you here for so many years, and you finally returned. Go, today I will take you to take a look, and it will be considered as fulfilling my promise to you." The old Taoist suddenly stared at Pei Junlin with one eye and looked at Pei. King's Landing was shocked.

Suddenly the old Taoist stood up, his back straightened, and he walked lightly like a young man. A mysterious portal appeared in front of him. Before Pei Junlin could react, he was caught by the old Taoist. Into the portal.

There was vast darkness in front of him, without any light, a lifeless breath enveloped the earth.

The sudden occurrence of this change also caught Pei Junlin by surprise, but the old Taoist priest standing behind him wanted a little more comfort in Pei Junlin's heart.

"Senior, what is this place? Why are you taking me here?" Jun Lin looked up at the sky and the sky was dark and without a single star, and there was not even a little light around it.

The veteran Taoist did not speak, and went straight past Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin had no choice but to follow closely. The two walked one after another in the darkness.

The humble Pei Junlin realized that he didn't seem to be able to keep up with the other party's pace, which made Pei Junlin feel a little anxious, because the darkness in front was so dark that he could not even hear the footsteps of the old Taoist priest.

In desperation, a candle appeared in the palm of Chief Pei Junlin's palm, and the wild fire on the candle began to burn, illuminating the surrounding space.

The old Taoist turned his head and saw the candle in Pei Junlin's hand, and his eyes were a little surprised and clear, as if he was not surprised that Pei Junlin could take out such a thing.

"You don't need to be afraid. Since I brought you here, there is naturally a way to bring you back. There is no danger, but you must be careful." The old Taoist did not have a tenth degree of confidence in his words, which made Pei Junlin feel even more in his heart. Some are inaccurate.

At this time, Jun Pei looked and saw that there was a huge passage on both sides, and there seemed to be some sludge-like things on the walls on both sides, and the phantom of human faces in the sludge flickered in it from time to time.

Dense blood oozes from the cracks in the wall, and the **** smell of the blood makes people creepy, and even the wall has a slight vibration.

Pei Junlin listened carefully, and there were faint voices coming from the gap in the wall. These sounds were like countless howling Pei Junlin's bones were a little cold.

What is this place? The old Taoist priest couldn't know without mentioning Pei Junlin, but he could feel that the yin qi here was heavy, and it seemed to be somewhere mysterious and gloomy.

The dark breath enveloped this world, making Pei Junlin feel powerless to resist. Even in the Great Thousand World, Pei Junlin still has a sense of self-confidence. When he meets a saint-level powerhouse, he does not shrink at all, but in this mysterious world, Pei Junlin can feel like an ant.

As the footsteps continued to advance, the feeling of lack of confidence in Pei Junlin's heart became heavier and heavier, and the whole person shrank, relying on the light brought by the wild fire in his hands.

Going forward, I walked through the passage and came to a huge cavity, which seemed to be a huge valley. Pei Junlin saw a dark chain beside him, but a huge skeleton was bound to the chain.

The price is tens of meters high, like human bones, but not like human bones. Especially after the stock price, Pei Junlin saw the two-wing skeletal style. In the position of the head, Pei Junlin saw the position of the human head and the oral cavity. Many established teeth were born in it.

It looks like a human in size, but Pei Junlin can't understand the head and the wings behind him. He has a faint guess in his heart, is it the remains of a demon?

"This is the dark hell, some of the most sinful creatures in the world that were imprisoned in the world." The one-eyed Taoist finally spoke and explained the origin of the skeleton to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin had countless shocking emotions in her heart. She really didn't expect this place to be called the dark hell. Is it related to the legendary hell?

"Senior, do you know me? Why are you waiting for me here?" Pei Junlin suddenly remembered the crazy words of the old Taoist priest before, and raised some doubts in his heart.

When the two were getting along, Pei Junlin wanted to ask clearly, but it was a pity that the one-eyed old Taoist did not want to answer Pei Junlin's question. He just shook his head and couldn't even speak.

Pei Junlin couldn't guess the other party's purpose, and didn't know where he would be taken, even he came here without his consent at all. This old Taoist priest is completely self-assertive.

Pei Junlin even had a dark thought. Maybe this corridor was hostile to him, but it was just the thoughts in Pei Junlin's heart, and he didn't dare to show it.

"This will be your home in the future. I have a key for you so that you can come back here at any time." The one-eyed Taoist walking in front suddenly said.

Junlin Pei stopped, because he could feel that there was a cliff in front, and the whistling wind was blowing from below, let Junlin know that if he took a step further, he would fall into the cliff.

The two stood beside the cliff like this, looking at the endless darkness all around, Pei Junlin discovered at this moment that the wild fire in his hand had a sign of being extinguished, and the wind blowing from the abyss was extremely cold.

"This candle is very rare, and the fire in the wild is also very rare. If you don't want it to be destroyed, put it away quickly." The one-eyed old man reminded Pei Junlin rare.

Pei Junlin quickly put away the mysterious candle, only to find that the whirring wind seemed to have a bitter coldness, but the old Taoist priest exuded a misty gray breath, wrapping him and Pei Junlin both Lived, this made Pei Junlin not be blown to ashes by the wind.

The one-eyed Lao Dao suddenly opened his mouth and shouted a desolate voice. The desolate voice was like singing a special accent on the Loess Plateau, like a kind of ethnic minority folk song.

Accompanied by the desolate tone, from the dark wind of the abyss, from the endless dark waves, a ray of light came towards the position where Pei Junlin and the one-eyed old man stood.

After gradually approaching, Pei Junlin discovered that it was a very small boat, with a white cloaked creature standing on the bow.

This creature is very weird. It's all covered in a cloak, with only a pair of eyes exposed. There is a tree trunk-like thing on the bow of the ship. On the tree trunk, there are two small fruits that exude a misty light. Can illuminate the surrounding darkness.

The shape of the boat is very unique, which makes Pei Junlin have an unspeakable emotion, all of which makes her feel a familiar feeling.

The man in the cloak stared at Pei Junlin with deep Seeing Pei Junlin's hairy body, he could feel that this creature is not a human being, but as for what Pei Junlin is, you can't guess.

Otherwise, the old way didn't speak, and jumped on the ship muffledly, Pei Junlin could only bite the bullet and follow up and jumped on the ship.

The boat was very small, and it seemed a bit crowded to accommodate three people. After getting in the boat, the boat started to move smoothly. Only then did Pei Junlin discover that the small boat shrimp seedlings were not water but dark, like fog-like waves, rich. The transformation cannot be opened.

The boat swam towards the opposite shore quietly, and Pei Junlin was a little restless sitting on the boat. Old Zhuyuan simply closed the remaining poisonous eye, and did not make any form of eye contact with Pei Jun. Pei Junlin could only look around at a loss and secretly guard.

Pei Junlin has already thought about it clearly. If he wants to harm himself with the strength of a one-eyed veteran, I am afraid that he does not need to spend such a lot of time. The other party may have some purpose in bringing himself here.

Now Pei Junlin is completely in this passive situation, and he doesn't even have the means to protect himself. This makes Pei Junlin feel an unspeakable emotion, and can only secretly communicate with Jin Ye to relieve this emotion in his heart.

"This place is very mysterious, and the layout looks like an ancient hell." Jin Ye's voice came into Pei Junlin's ears.

Many times the heart has become very silent and will not express opinions at will, but this time Jin Ye’s voice revealed a kind of mood swing, but Pei Junlin can feel that Jin Ye seems to be suppressing this mood swing as much as possible. , Does not seem to want to be discovered.

Before Pei Junlin had heard the one-eyed Taoist say once, this place is called dark hell. In ancient times, it was used to imprison some heinous evils. ?

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