Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1815: Dark hell

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

This year's statement is somewhat different from the one-eyed old Taoist priest. Jin Ye's statement is that the layout here is like an ancient hell. One is dark hell, and the other is called true hell. What is the difference between the two?

Pei Junlin can't tell whether he can only make his mood as calm as possible on the stable boat he is sitting in now.

The black waves in the entire abyss are like sea water in the sea, dragging the boat forward steadily. People are turbulent in the black fog, but Pei Junlin feels that the boat is very stable, not even a trace of fluctuation.

Pei Junlin looked into the distance with his eyes, but it was a pity that there was darkness all around, and he couldn't see clearly, but gradually Pei Junlin discovered that there seemed to be dots of light above the abyss. It was a strange bug, much like a bee. , But it can emit a light at the tail.

If there is only one such insect, the range of illumination is very limited, but it is different thousands of times, Pei Junlin can see the distant scene.

This scene makes Pei Junlin feel very strange, because these creatures have never been seen before. The appearance of these bees, although Pei Junlin did not look carefully before, when he saw it clearly, he was very surprised, because these bees were actually With human faces.

There are also bees whose upper bodies are mini humans, just like human beauties, all of them are very handsome.

Even in the black fog, flowers can grow, and the vines that these flowers are climbing protrude from the black waves.

In the black waves in the distance, Pei Junlin saw a big fish. This big fish was full of bones, without a trace of flesh and blood, but it was swimming back and forth in the black mist, seeming to be very happy.

Pei Junlin appreciated all the dark things, and his heart gradually calmed down, and Pei Junlin found that the speed of the ship seemed to start to slow down, and it should be about to reach the other side.

When the boat slowly drew ashore, Pei Junlin saw that on the hillside on the opposite bank, there seemed to be a building with a bright light inside that building.

In this dark abyss, there is such a magnificent place, this is a palace, which looks golden, giving people a holy, noble, clean, and bright feeling.

It was astonishing that a fragrant flower could grow out of the filthy smelly feces, even Pei Junlin was a little overwhelmed by the contrast.

This palace looks magnificent. When Pei Junlin followed the one-eyed Taoist into this palace, Pei Junlin was able to see many furnishings in this palace, but everything here seems to have something that makes Pei Junlin familiar feel.

Pei Junlin couldn't tell why this feeling was, but it might be an illusion.

The woman enshrined in the main hall made Pei Junlin feel a little different, because this woman was born with a very beautiful appearance, her skin was like fat, lifelike, and she stood there like a real person.

"Go to Zhuxiang," said the Taoist standing behind Pei Jun.

Pei Junlin did not refuse to walk forward quickly and saw some joss sticks on the table, still not decayed, Pei Junlin lit into the incense burner.

"Senior, what is the matter with you bringing me here?" Pei Junlin finally said his doubts.

This sentence has been held in Pei Junlin's mouth for a long time. He didn't vomit, and Pei Junlin didn't want to be so confused forever. He wanted to figure out what was wrong.

"I am not sure about some things now, nor can I tell you casually. Here are some things for you, you can see for yourself." The old Taoist pointed to an iron box on the table next to it.

When I came in just now, Pei Junlin clearly noticed that the table was empty and there was nothing, why suddenly there was an iron box? What is inside this iron box?

Pei Junlin walked over and instinctively wanted to open the box, but the old Taoist rejected the idea of ​​Pei Junlin.

"It can't be opened now, nor is it the time to open it, wait until I leave, you can open it again, let's leave here now and go back." The old Taoist looked up and down.

Pei Junlin carefully observed the one-eyed old Taoist priest, only to find that the blush on the face of this guy seemed to disappear, from the previous ruddy to a bluish white.

When the old Taoist's voice fell, Pei Junlin seemed to wake up from a dream. He opened his eyes and realized that he was still sitting next to the fire. Everything just now seemed to have not happened.

Looking around again, Chen Jianghai was holding the girl named Frog in his arms. The two of them seemed to be talking about love each other.

And not far away, Senior Brother Youtou was standing under a tree, biting grass roots in his mouth, with an annoyed look on his face. Only Geng Pin stood beside Pei Junlin, his face full of concern.

"What happened just now? Am I asleep?" Pei Junlin said in confusion.

Geng Pin nodded and pointed at the old Taoist sitting next to the fire and said, "Not long after the senior arrived, you fell asleep strangely, Master."

Pei Junlin took a closer look at the old Taoist priest, only to realize that the old Taoist priest had been dead for a long time. He had no breath and no breath of life. The whole person was like a piece of dry wood.

When Pei Junlin carefully recalled the previous events, he was sweating coldly all over his body, and a key appeared in the palm of his palm.

Recalling the huge iron box before, Junlin Pei was uneasy, but the key in his hand seemed to be able to explain something. Isn't it a dream before?

Pei Junlin called everyone in Chen Jianghai and was awakened. When they found that the old Taoist priest by the fire had gone first, the expressions of everyone were a little different.

The look of Chen Jianghai was also the focus of Pei Junlin's attention. He found that there was a blank look on Chen Jianghai's face, and there was also a hint of clarity. It seemed that he had expected these things a long time ago. As for the apprentices, they cried very sadly.

Pei Junlin recalled some things in the dreamland before, and couldn't help but become a little suspicious, true or false, true or false, is everything that happened before is true or illusory? Pei Junlin didn't know, but the key in his palm could explain something.

"All that just now was not a dream, but someone modified the timeline. In other words, just now, two parallel timelines appeared in this world, and you experienced them at the same time." Jin Ye's voice was in Pei Junlin's ears. Came.

Pei Junlin didn't speak, he knew that what Jin Ye said was absolutely reasonable, but who could change the time, it was really terrifying.

"People are coming." Pei Junlin suddenly raised his head.

Two rays of light appeared on the horizon, one was golden light, the other was purple, and two people stood in the two rays of light. In the golden light stood the one that Pei Junlin and others had encountered in the woods. A middle-aged man, is also a powerful saint.

The figure in the purple light was a woman who couldn't see her face, but she was probably no less powerful than a saint-level powerhouse.

Obviously, he came up to kill people again. What was not done during the day, I didn't expect that this night, taking advantage of the dark wind at night, he called for a helper and still had to proceed.

The two men are coming fiercely, and Pei Junlin also feels a bit tricky, because these two are not equivalent to those saint-level powerhouses in the Dragon Emperor Dojo, especially the middle-aged man wrapped in golden light, that is a veteran. The saint belongs to the later stage of the saint level.

If there is a real fight later, the outcome will be really hard to predict. Is it going to escape again this time?

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly found that he was sitting cross-legged next to the fire, and the lifeless old Taoist suddenly opened one eye, the only one with one eye, this kind of first was confused, and then it seemed to rise. One light.

"Is this Lingyun Taoist place where you go wild? What should you do for delaying the old man's involvement in reincarnation?" The one-eyed old Taoist spoke extremely domineering, and even came back to life and stood up from the ground.

The apprentice, who was crying so hard, suddenly found that the master was alive again, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak, and the tears on his face were not wiped dry.

The two saint-level powerhouses suddenly felt a powerful There was no time to hesitate, and they turned around to flee, but unfortunately, this one-eyed and old-fashioned method is really powerful. A huge force even directly captured these two saint-level powerhouses.

Both Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai could see that they were all hairy. They were two powerhouses at the level of great gods, and they were captured and suppressed in the blink of an eye.

Two powerful saints lying on the ground like dead dogs, the hairs on Pei Junlin's body stood up.

"Leave it to you what to do with them. This is the last time the old man can help you. This time the old man is really dead. By the way, after I die, I will bury my body under this Taoist temple." After it was over, he died directly again.

Pei Junlin carefully stared at the two saint-level powerhouses lying on the ground. These two people seemed to be sealed with some kind of meridian, so that these two saint-level powerhouses, like lambs to be slaughtered, did not have any areas to struggle and resist. .

Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai looked at each other, and there was a murderous look in their eyes.

Who will not offend me, I will not offend, that middle-aged man in the daytime, Pei Junlin had friction with the opponent, but the opponent, forced by Pei Junlin's strength, finally retreated.

How to solve a storm? So everyone was very happy, but didn't expect the other party to bring a helper this time, to come and wipe the roots. Thanks to this one-eyed old man, otherwise Pei Junlin and Chen Jianghai both feel a bit tricky. Even if they are not dead this time, they are likely to have peeling skin.

After Pei Junlin nodded and agreed, Chen Jianghai jumped off a little monkey. Without any extra action, the little monkey lay directly on the face of the middle-aged saint and sucked into his nostrils. The golden light was directly sucked out. ?

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