Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1825: Standings

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Someone started to distribute things with a tray, Pei Junlin also got one, something similar to a USB flash drive, but with his own name engraved on it.

Looking at this Yao Pei with her own name engraved, Jun Lin's eyes were a little strange, because she could sense this waist card, and some of the formations contained in it were extremely complicated.

As for the usefulness of this thing, there are some speculations in the drama, but it is still not sure.

Except for Pei Junlin, almost all of the disciples who participated in the trial got some important points. These people looked very excited, each holding a waist card, and seemed to have obtained the key to the treasure.

"This thing is the waist card to record our points. As long as we kill a demon in hell, we will add some points to it. If we kill the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Palace, the increased points will be a hundred times." Some well-informed people have already begun to talk.

When Pei Junlin heard the news, his brows stretched out. It seems that this time he is indeed going to enter the mysterious trial place, but where is the trial place? Pei Junlin is not sure yet.

Is there really **** in this world? Maybe only God knows the current realm and level of King Yi Pei, and may never be able to access this kind of information, maybe Jin Ye knows, but Jin Ye will not say.

What is certain this time is that the trial site should be an area infested by demonic energy. According to Pei Junlin's estimation, it should be around the dark hell. As for the degree of danger, Pei Junlin can't estimate now. He picked up the jade card in his hand and frowned.

There is a demon mark on Pei Junlin's eyebrows, so for that **** demon, Pei Junlin is not terrible.

What you are worried about right now is how high the area around the dark **** is infested by demon energy. If it is Infernal Purgatory or a higher level of demon energy, it will be very difficult to deal with then.

"Now all the disciples, take out your waist cards." A person above said in a high voice.

This is a middle-aged man, but without a beard, the whole person looks extremely weird. Not far behind this person stood a weirder person. At this time, the whole body was wrapped in bandages. The whole person was like a bandaged person, with no eyes or nose, and no skin at all. .

This person is very strange, Pei Junlin can feel that this person should be a projection instead of a real body by exploring the past with God's Sense, but the surrounding breath allows Pei Junlin to feel that this should be a forbidden person.

The reason Pei Junlin dared to be so sure was because he had come into contact with things close up, such as the mysterious earthen jar, and the wildfire!

In short, this bandaged guy makes people shudder at the first glance.

But at this moment, the guy covered in bandages suddenly turned his head and seemed to be looking at Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin instantly felt horrified, and seemed to be stared at by something.

"What does this guy say when standing alone on the stage? What does he mean by asking us to take out a deck of cards?" There were whispering voices around.

Hearing this sound, Pei Junlin suddenly felt that his hair was about to stand up, and he whispered to a disciple beside him: "How many people are standing on that platform, can you see clearly?"

Pei Junlin grabbed the disciple with his hand and showed a weird look. After looking at Pei Junlin coldly for a while, he said in a nasty tone: "When is this? Are you still thinking about joking? There must be a person standing on the stage, that is our Xuankong Mountain Dao Outer Gate Butler. Besides him, who is qualified to stand there?"

Jun Pei was stunned, because he clearly saw a bandage man standing on the stage besides the sissy guy. But everyone around seemed to turn a blind eye to this bandaged guy, only Pei Junlin could see it.

Pei Junlin retracted his gaze and did not dare to stare at the leader. He was soaked in sweat because Pei Junlin discovered that this bandaged guy must have come from the forbidden area.

Pei Junlin couldn't be sure that the creatures coming out of the forbidden land were the same thing. He was afraid that he would be stared at by the opponent and could not get out.

"After taking out your waist card, put a drop of blood on it." The shrill voice continued to spread.

Pei Junlin saw Patriarch Xuantian standing on a high platform in the distance. The Xuantian School was shrouded in light, like a god, sacred and inviolable. He didn't say a word when he came here, but no one dared to make a second in the entire field.

Everyone around was following the order, dripping a drop of blood on this waist card. This is because Pei Junlin has a bad feeling, as if this kind of action would ruin his life.

A huge golden plaque appeared at the top. There were countless names on the golden plaque. After the blood dripped up, the name would automatically appear on the list.

This golden plaque is extremely mysterious, like something condensed in the void, there is no entity in this world, it is a projection.

Pei Junlin was hesitating whether to drip his own essence and blood. At this moment, Lord Jin suddenly said: "Don't drip your own essence and blood. If that happens, you will be finished. This is a contract. Form, if you drop your own essence and blood on it, it means that you have signed a contract, and you will have no control over your life and death."

"Is it equivalent to making a deal with the devil, and everything is involuntary? But if you don't do this, wouldn't it be impossible to enter the trial?" Pei Junlin said with some worry.

He somewhat regretted why he had to agree to his request from Patriarch Xuantian. If he refused on the spot, there would be no problems, so that he was now in a dilemma.

"Then what to do? What can I do now?" Pei Junlin looked embarrassed all over his face.

If Grand Master Xuantian really saw a clue, he would turn his face in an instant, I am afraid that he would not even have a small life this time.

"This matter is easy to handle, I'll help you." Jin Ye smiled.

Pei Junlin saw a drop of blood appearing in front of him out of thin air. After this drop of blood dripped on the waist card in his hand, the waist card suddenly lit up, and the name was already displayed on the huge plaque in the distance.

Pei Junlin was ecstatic in his heart but there was no expression on his face. While he was curious about what method Jin Ye used to steal the day, he was also secretly calculating the reason for this method.

"This time the essence is simulated, and it has nothing to do with your own essence. So even if there are any conspiracies and tricks in it, it won't be able to entangle you, you can rest assured." Jin Ye whispered Comfort Pei Junlin.

At this moment, when Pei Junlin looked up, he suddenly found that the bandage man on the stage had disappeared, and only the guy with the drake voice was standing there.

"If you kill a demon in that **** Meitu, you will get corresponding points, and you will be projected on this list through your menstrual blood. Killing the soul temple that day can also get points, and it is a hundred times Of course, there are exceptions. Ordinary demon points are very low, but some top-level demon points are as good as your opponent humans." At this time Patriarch Xuantian came over, he was surrounded by smoke, and he looked like a fairy. With the wind.

As soon as Grandmaster Xuantian spoke, the whole scene fell silent, and almost no one dared to speak. This was the coercion of the top powerhouse.

"Is the place where I need to go to the trial this time, really the **** in the legend? Is there really a **** in our world?" A disciple stood up and asked boldly towards Grand Master Xuantian.

Ming Jizi was dressed in a white shirt and was very energetic. Obviously, he should be the leader of the outer disciples. Although he was also the late True King Realm, his age was very young, only in his twenties.

People like this can be called the top genius, even Pei Junlin had to obey it. It took twenty years to finish the path that others have followed for thousands of years.

"The so-called **** is not a real hell, UU reading As for whether there is a real **** in this world, you will know in the future. This so-called **** should be called the dark hell. Very bad person, the place he established. But the location of this trial is only around the dark area, not at the core of the dark hell. Your role is to clean out the demons around you." Patriarch Xuantian's face was amiable. His expression, but a pair of eyes revealed a cold breath.

Without waiting for someone to answer this time, Patriarch Xuantian took the initiative to explain to everyone: "Although the dark **** is not a real hell, there are many kinds of demons. You can discover these demons after you go there. It's awesome, so you must be careful. In that hell, Rosa Asura, flying zombies are ordinary monsters, there will be a kind of flame demon, naga and so on on the Internet!"

Hearing that Patriarch Xuantian disassembled on the top, with a smile on his face, the audience below was full of passion, gearing up one by one, ready to do a lot, strive to make contributions in this trial and make a name for themselves.

But Pei Junlin frowned. It was hidden in the crowd and not obvious, but it collected all the information into his mind.

Let Xuan Tianzong be like what I just said, the ordinary demon Pei Junlin such as Shura Yeluosha can wipe out a large piece by raising his hand.

Perhaps there are even more terrifying demon creatures, that Grandmaster Xuantian did not say, such as the flame demon with huge wings.

The low-level flame demon Pei Junlin can sharpen the devil’s gate, and can summon the demon belonging to the low-level. In the high-level demons, such as some abyss lords, doomsday guards, etc., these are top demons. Anyone can knock the world down. ?

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