Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1826: Underground magic cave

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The fanatics around Pei Junlin were a little speechless, and I am afraid that most of these people will die by then.

But at this time, Pei Junlin was not in the mood to persuade these people. After all, he had to enter there together, but Pei Junlin did not have much fear of those demons. With his strength, it was really impossible to deal with those demons. can.

"Of course there are some more dangerous creatures, such as some fear demon kings, abyss demon masters, etc. These terrifying creatures, you must quickly stay away after seeing these terrifying creatures." Patriarch Xuantian seemed to have discovered it with his conscience, and started to warn the following. These fanatical disciples.

None of the following fanatics could hear these words into their ears, and began to roar wildly. Xuantian was very satisfied with this scene.

At this moment, Pei Junlin saw another strange scene, that is, the long-missing bandage man suddenly appeared again. The bandaged man's hands seemed to be performing some mysterious ritual.

The bandage man is like a primitive dancing god. Standing in the ring, he began to beating constantly, twisting his body, and with the ripples around his body, Pei Junlin could feel that the bandage man seemed to be opening a certain void. The door of the spirit.

At this moment, a purple portal appeared out of thin air, and Patriarch Xuantian saw this scene, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Well, young geniuses, the future is yours, and the entire Xuankong Mountain will also be yours in the future. You are on your journey today, and when the triumphant song is played in the future, I will personally pick up the wind for you." Xuantian The Patriarch started the last wave of action.

Otherwise, when the ordinary disciples heard Xuantianzong say this, they all embraced with passion and their faces were flushed. You must know that characters like Xuantianzong are very difficult for ordinary people to see, even many geniuses. It was also the first time that the disciple saw Xuan Tianzong as a figure of this level.

So at this time, Xuan Tianzong only touched the hearts of these people with just a few words. They were full of fierceness, and they couldn't wait to pounce on them one by one, fighting those monsters to death and death.

After the portal was opened, the first group of disciples began to enter Pei Junlin one after another, hiding in the crowd, their expressions unchanged, and a dull expression.

That Patriarch Xuantian's gaze seemed to be looking for Pei Junlin. After he locked on Pei Junlin, he even smiled in the direction of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's face was a bit ugly, because this smile made him shudder, but Pei Junlin was still polite, cut his head towards Xuan Tianzong and walked into the portal.

When Pei Junlin entered the portal, he felt the powerful aura from the ordinary disciples around him. These were masters in the realm of True Kings, and each of them was even a top master.

Among these masters, Pei Junlin felt the aura of several saint-level powerhouses, these auras were extremely hidden, but Pei Junlin could feel it.

As soon as he entered the portal, Pei Junlin felt that a purple halo appeared in front of him. This seemed to be a passage of flowing light. After entering here, he would not reach the destination immediately, but would follow this flowing light quickly. Forward.

When Pei Junlin walked along the passage more and more, he could feel that the emptiness around him seemed to decrease quickly, and a vast underground world appeared in front of him.

This place should be the periphery of the dark hell, that is the dark **** created by the first villain in the legend.

The surrounding soil was dark and heavy, emitting a black mist. The pure magical energy in it was shocking. Some disciples accidentally contaminated it, and the skin behind it would immediately grow scales.

These ordinary disciples are not ordinary, they are all masters in the realm of true kings. These small strands of devil energy invade the body, they will be immediately removed by them, and the body will return to its original state.

There were a large number of Xuankong Mountain disciples all around. These disciples had just entered here, and all of them showed a fresh look. Seeing the surrounding demonic energy like a doomsday hell, they all yearned for it.

Pei Junlin was originally hidden in the crowd, but he knew that such a large crowd gathered together is still very dangerous, if an enemy master attacks it, I am afraid that it will be a waste of life in the blink of an eye.

So at this time, Pei Junlin chose to leave him quickly, and the whole person let out a long howl, and his body was suddenly very high in the sky, as quickly as a big bird drowned in the black mist.

Pei Junlin's actions caused a burst of exclamation from the people around him, because Pei Junlin's speed was too fast, and Pei Junlin was a completely inconspicuous character because he didn't show up.

It was the powerful power that burst out in Zhou Sheng just now that surprised everyone, and the power of Buddhism in Pei Junlin’s body has a natural power to restrain the demons. After Pei Junlin came here, he was like a fish in the water, not at all. The rules here are suppressed.

"Have you noticed? The person who walked just now is very mysterious. He has not communicated with the people around him, but his strength is very strong." There were also sharp-eyed people around seeing the direction Pei Junlin was leaving, and they were all surprised. Start talking with each other.

"I recognize this person. He should be the outer disciple named Pei Junlin who was recently accepted as an undergraduate by Patriarch Huang Jin. He is very strong, and he is the one appointed by Patriarch Xuantian to enter the trial this time." Someone around me remembered. The announcement of Pei Junlin's information at this time drew surprises from the surroundings.

However, in the crowd, it is not only the envy of Pei Junlin, but also a lot of jealous eyes. Some people have even quietly regarded Pei Junlin as an opponent.

After all, everyone who enters this trial wants to fight for a name and get rewards on the list. The top ten can get rich rewards, and they can directly enter the core disciple sequence!

"Hehe, what is this? You have to remember that no matter you kill the points belonging to the other party, you can directly plunder, that is to say, you can kill each other between the same door." A gloomy voice sounded from the crowd, They couldn't help but let these people around them all quietly and guard against each other.

Before this rule, everyone selectively ignored it, but after entering here, there was no supervision suddenly, so everyone became a little guilty.

If it is in the sect inside Xuankong Mountain, they will use gate rules to restrain these people, but when they get here, they have entered a lawless situation. Everyone can do whatever they want. Therefore, many people feel that they have let go of their hands and feet. Some people feel that they will fall into danger.

"Now you don't have to worry about this. After all, you don't have any points on your body, and you have not started to kill the devil. At this time, you are not worried that someone will attack you." There are also very optimistic analyses.

These people are masters in the realm of True Kings, and their wisdom is not low. Soon they began to spontaneously find some familiar people to team up. After all, if everyone forms an offensive and defensive alliance, it is much easier to deal with such emergencies.

"The strength of that Pei Junlin is indeed good, but he may end up here in the end when he fights alone." Someone has already begun to gloat.

But Pei Junlin couldn't hear these words anymore. After he passed through a few passages, a strange picture appeared in front of him.

According to Pei Junlin's calculations, this should be an underground world that is still some distance from the real dark hell, but in the underground world, it is really strange and fantastic.

Among other things, the landscape of this underground world alone is completely different from the landscape on the ground. It is like a huge cave in the ground, and it also looks like a huge vast world, and there are many places where Pei Junlin actually looks Go to some buildings.

In a mound not far away, Pei Junlin saw a place similar to an ant cave, but it was an enlarged version, where Pei Junlin felt some breath of life.

Pei Junlin deliberately made some movement, and immediately a few Rosas rushed out of the cave. Each of these Rosas looked ugly and scorched, as if people were burned into coke in a fire. Look like. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Several Luo belonged to the lowest-level monsters, and they didn't seem to have high intelligence, but their attack power was not low. Do not care about Pei Junlin's powerful strength? Anxiously, he rushed towards Pei Junlin.

"It just so happens that I practiced a treasure, this time it was like a fish in water." Pei Junlin smiled slyly on his face.

A small pagoda appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the tower of hell. This first card was originally the gate of hell, but after devouring a large number of demons, it evolved into its current form. What kind of power does this tower of **** have? There is a strong amount of pressure to suppress.

The devilish energy billowing around Pei Junlin looked like a spring breeze. He took a deep breath. After being washed and purified by the Tower of Hell, these devilish energy turned into pure energy and all entered Pei Junlin's body. During the inhalation, Pei Junlin felt his body became much stronger.


Pei Junlin just breathed out a sigh of relief, and a hurricane suddenly blew in front of him, and the dozen or so Rakshasa were blown to the ground in an instant.

Pei Junlin smiled, the Buddhism's big handprints suddenly patted towards Luosha's lair, only hearing a bang, the small mound was directly pressed into the ground by the Pei Junlin plaque, and I don’t know how many rakshas there were. Was suffocated at home instantly.

Pei Junlin took out his waist card and found that the number on the waist card had become three hundred and sixty-seven!

After a rough estimate, Pei Junlin estimated that such a Rakshasa can only provide one point, which is really weak.

Pei Junlin didn't have much interest in killing Rakshasa at all. As for the name of the list, Pei Junlin actually didn't want to deliberately do it. He came here just to explore, the dark hell. ?

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