Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 183: Pei Junlin's ambition!

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Looking at the group of hungry wolves who had been hungry for many years, they encountered a pile of delicious fat, their eyes were green, hunger and thirsty, and on the edge of the crowd, Pei Junlin couldn't help but feel a bit stunned.

Although he already knew that in today's martial arts world, the elixir of alchemy and alchemy, the scene of boiling like a vegetable market in front of him still exceeded his expectations.

With Pei Junlin's eyesight, I can see at a glance that the so-called Dan Dingzi on the platform is just a small person who has reached the peak of monasticism. Such a person is dead and is not as good as the martial arts master Jiupin. Not much.

However, the popular situation of Dan Dingzi does not know how many times the martial arts power of the master of the same level has been improved. This situation of being surrounded and flattered by hundreds of martial arts powers is still at the level of martial arts powers. Very rare.

It can be seen that the dignity and nobility of an alchemist is also set off in disguise, and now the alchemist is scarce.

"If you can create such a force like Danzong yourself, or if you control such a powerful force, the benefit will be an astronomical figure!"

Pei Junlin couldn't help but come up with such a thought. Although he never cared about the so-called secular money, he couldn't help but care about all kinds of cherished herbs and strange treasures. If he could create or control Danzong A powerful force, and the various cultivation resources he will need in the future, can really have countless shortcuts!

At that time, as long as he gives out an order casually, thousands of warriors and forces in the world will look for cultivation resources for him, and all he needs to do is to refining a few furnaces of elixir only in his free time!

This is definitely a business that earns no money!

After being reborn on the earth, Pei Junlin first became enthusiastic about something and talked about alchemy techniques. He asked himself that there are only a handful of people in the world who can match him. In theory, he is the youngest in the century. Congenital strong, martial arts double repair, true dragon, real person double title!

As long as he is given time, he will surely reach the top of the entire world. In terms of asset strength, his Majesty is now sitting on tens of billions of King's Land International. He will make gold every day, and it will reach a billion-dollar international company within two years. .

In terms of status, he is the uncrowned king of the entire Jiangbei region. Even if the country is very polite to him, he has been repeatedly invited to become the owner of a certain medicine base in the Yanhuang organization, but he was rejected!

All of this was acquired by Pei Junlin after reincarnation in just over half a year. Who in this world can compare!

Now that he has such a large power now, why can't he create a large power that can truly affect martial arts and even the world!

Although Junlin International now enjoys a great reputation overseas, it is a worldly force. What Pei Junlin has to do now is to be a super gate that can sufficiently affect the entire Chinese martial arts world and the world!

This is like the Linglong Pavilion where he once stayed in thousands of worlds, sitting on one side of the world, His Majesty controlled multiple planetary forces, worshipped by millions, and the rituals received each year alone are an astronomical figure.

Just do it, and Pei Junlin glanced at the lively scenes like the vegetable market. Among them, he saw Dan Zong's children proudly facing the warriors one by one, and in contrast, those warriors, some of them great masters, But in the face of the strengths of Dan Zong's children who were only able to reach the early stages of monasticism, they were extremely flattering, full of smiles, and there was no so-called grand master field.

Suddenly, he turned to Julia next to him and said, "Julia, I need some herbs, can you help me?"

Julia, who was watching the bustling momentarily, immediately froze. Although she didn't know what Pei Junlin needed to do well, she did not hesitate to say: "Of course, no problem, Mr. Pei, what medicine do you need, though!"

"Let's go!"

Pei Junlin said. Soon, the three returned to the A-size villa. Pei Junlin quickly picked up the pen and paper, and listed a large row of medicinal materials. There were hundreds of species, and each required a very large amount. Large, some of which are expensive old medicines.

Julia looked shocked: "Mr. Pei, what do you need so many medicinal herbs suddenly? And it's too much!"

Li Chaoran was also shocked: "Boss, shouldn't you want to practice alchemy?"

He had seen Pei Junlin's alchemy technique with his own eyes, so, in a word.

Pei Junlin nodded. Without concealing his ambition, he directly stated the grand goal in his heart.

After Li Chaoran and Julia heard the idea of ​​Pei Junlin, they both stayed still, stagnantly standing there, motionless.

Especially when Pei Junlin's mouth spit out the horrible ambitions to change the Chinese martial arts world and even the elixir market around the world, the sky was filled with waves.

"Li Chaoran, it's your turn to show your ability!"

Pei Junlin ignored the shock of the two and stared directly at Li Chaoran, "Wouldn't you just like to be a prodigal son?" You have the qualifications, the background, and the strength. If you can do this Well, even in your so-called top circle, I am afraid few people can compare! "

"At that time, you and Julia will be the biggest heroes in the forces I create, and few of them can compare their status!"

"Even I promise you, you can help you advance to the innate realm you want to dream!"


When Pei Junlin's last sentence came down, Li Chaoran was beating upset, and immediately exploded. Two horrible light rays were sprayed into his eyes, and his voice was urgent: "Boss, are you serious?"

Pei Junlin smiled proudly: "It's just a congenital one, in my eyes, it's never been taken seriously!"

"Pretty! I did that!"

Li Chaoran took a direct decision to decide his idea. Then he took Julia, who was still in a daze, and strode out of the villa, vowing, "Give me one day ... no, half a day, all these medicines will be in place!"

"Yes, where are you going to make alchemy, boss?"

Pei Junlin bowed her head and groaned. After a while, her voice sank: "It's in this Ziding Manor!"

He needs to let some people see his alchemy ability in order to better control in hand!

After Li Chaoran and Julia left, Pei Junlin sat silently on the sofa of the villa. Under that handsome face, a pair of lacquered black eyes flashed with a strange light!

Li Chaoran and Julia are very capable. In the evening, a transport vehicle has entered the door of the villa in Ziding Manor. The car is filled with a variety of medicinal materials, each of which is Pei Junlin. What you need for alchemy.

On the second floor of the villa, in a quiet room, Pei Jun was sitting cross-legged, and a large amount of medicinal materials were stacked in front of him. As for what kind of elixir to be refined, Pei Junlin had already prepared.

Just like the elixir that Danzong is equipped with this time, the elixir that Pei Junlin has refined this time is also divided into three levels: primary elixir, intermediate elixir, and advanced elixir.

Because these three kinds of elixir are currently the three most demanded elixir in martial arts, the daily consumption is an extremely scary number. After all, in the current environment of lack of aura, a warrior or monk wants In order to achieve rapid progress, elixir has become the most demanding product.

Pei Junlin does not need to refine these elixirs. It is enough that each elixir is more effective than the three elixirs sold by Danzong!

The effect is strong on three points, this is already a very horrible proportion, the ordinary alchemist can not do this step at all!


The blazing flames ignited. In the second-floor room of the quiet villa, Pei Junlin sat quietly on the ground with her knees crossed. In front of his eyes was the silver-soldering and domineering alchemy furnace. Mana was set around it. This prevents others from snooping or breaking in.

Different from the past, this time, alchemy Pei Junlin directly used the three layers of the alchemy furnace, which means that the results of his one-time refining of the elixir were three times!

Seeing Pei Jun's swift refining and fusion of medicinal materials, all movements are full of special charm. Outside of the mana restriction, Li Chaoran and Julia's eyes are full of awe and expectation.

Today, the two of them were really shocked by Pei Junlin's huge vision and ambition. If it is really as Pei Junlin envisioned, then they will really become famous!

Especially Julia, she sat directly on the floor and learned Pei Junlin's alchemy moves and various skills.

Li Chaoran looked at Julia's skillful alchemy posture and couldn't help but be surprised: "You will also be alchemy?"

Julia smiled, charming and charming: "I am a member of the Zhu family, alchemy belongs to the basic skills! However, it has been abandoned for a while ..."

Time is passing by like a white horse. The whole night has passed, and a new day has come.

Today's Ziding Manor is more lively three points than yesterday. Perhaps the news of the arrival of the people of Danzong, more and more martial arts powers, wealthy families, and celebrities and wealthy rushed from Tiannan Haibei to get one. Pleasant elixir!

In the front yard of Ziding Manor, there are many people and men in front of the various stalls. Among them, Dan Zong is on the high platform where he stands out.

Every day, as long as Danzong's children appear ~ ~, then it will be immediately surrounded by enthusiastic crowds. Many rich celebrities, holding banknotes in their hands, shouting loudly, praying that people in Danzong can give alms medicine!

And in such a lively process, three days passed in a flash!

In these three days, the elixir exchange of Ziding Manor will become more and more grand with more and more people. The number of people who come in and out every day is huge.

Not only are Danzong's people making a lot of money, many stall owners have also earned flowers and smiles, and many have got what they need.

However, more people are still pouring in traffic, carrying precious treasures, banknotes, and US dollars ... They are willing to spend a lot of money to get a treasure!

And just in the early morning of the fourth day, a handsome young man in the backyard of Ziding Manor's backyard villa with a man and a woman walked out of the villa with his eyes on the front yard!

Everyone's eyes are full of ambitious ambitions!

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