Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 184: Snatch!

Ziding Manor House, the elixir exchange meeting in the front yard is in full swing.

Almost all the people in Zhongzhou and even here are gathered here. The atmosphere in the large mansion is lively every day. When Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran and Julia came here, even at 8 o'clock in the morning, the courtyard It was already crowded and the atmosphere was noisy.

As far as I can see, many stalls have already been started around the yard. Some are selling rune paper, magical instruments, and elixir. Some people also sell all kinds of centuries-old medicines, millennia-old medicines, and even people buy them by banner. Rune paper, magic instruments, elixir, century-old medicine and so on.

Of course, Dan Zong ’s booth is the most widely used. Almost every morning, Dan Zong ’s people are still in the future. Dan Zong ’s booth is surrounded by black crowds. Everyone, whether they are male or female, young or old, is full of eyes. Expectation and desire.

That situation is just like the hospitals in the secular world today. Even if each patient's family knows that they will be slaughtered, they will spend a lot of money, but they still scramble to step forward to consume, and only ask the hospital to give the most appropriate medicine.

There is no way, who can make nothing in this world comparable to the major issue of their own health problems!

At this moment, the elixir conference is almost similar. I do n’t know how many rich and famous people, pregnant with rare treasures, banknotes and dollars, are willing to spend a lot of money, just for a treasure!

"Aloof, go! Hang our brand!"

Seeing such a lively situation in the early morning medicine exchange meeting, Pei Junlin ordered Li Chaoran beside him.

"Success! Boss!"

Li Chaoran grinned with excitement, like a spirit ape, a few of them stood up, jumped to an empty corner of the corner, then took out a red banner from his arms, hung on the wall, and wrote By: Selling primary, intermediate and advanced elixir can be traded for barter, or can be bought and sold alone!

Julia put a clean white cloth already prepared on the ground, and then placed a bottle of elixir already prepared in her backpack on the white cloth. As for Pei Junlin, she sat cross-kneely In the center of the booth, he plays the role of the owner of the booth.

"Come on! Come on! Take a look at passing by!"

"Sale three kinds of elixir of primary, intermediate and advanced!"

"Quality Assurance, Tong Tong is not bullying, Miss Zhu Jialia came in person to witness the scene!"

"Fake one and lose ten, the effect is outstanding! Hanging various elixir of the same level, the price is good for the people, conscience trading!"

The booth had just begun, and Li Chaoran's loud voice sounded throughout the courtyard. Everyone heard it and looked over with a pair of eyes.

Many people have gathered when they heard that there are three types of elixir for beginners, intermediates, and seniors. After all, the demand for elixir is always the largest in the entire estate. It is heard that some people sell three, three Every kind of elixir was pouring in.

Especially among them, Pei Junlin's grim appearance, dusty temperament, Li Chaoran's unrestrained and unrestrained appearance, and Julia's charming and glamorous appearance, further heightened this humble booth.

The handsome men and women are always outdated, and soon the four levels of the stall are full of people.

In the first place of the paving, Pei Jun, sitting cross-legged, stayed in good health, opened three porcelain bottles, and poured out three elixir of different colors.

The color of the primary elixir is turquoise, the color of the intermediate elixir is reddish yellow, and the color of the advanced elixir is vermilion, which is very distinguishable. When the three elixirs were poured out, everyone's eyes were Gather tightly on it.

Everyone, you smell it. I sniff. Some people just reach out and scratch it with a knife as thin as a cicada and put it in their mouths to try. Some people use silver needles to detect it. In short, the methods are different. The real medicinal properties of the medicine.

"This is ... the elixir that is really good for the martial arts to quench the essence of blood! The effect is surprisingly good, and it is much stronger than any kind of quenched body that the old man has seen!"

A middle-aged man with a magnificent appearance and a domineering appearance, took a small knife and scraped a little elixir powder to give it a try, then exclaimed.

"Really fake? Shouldn't you be a trust?" Someone couldn't help doubting it.

The middle-aged man with a domineering face snorted coldly: "I am the Northwest Wolf King Langshen River. How many people in this world can you please me as a trustee?"

As soon as this word came to an end, the crowd could not help whispering, apparently being calmed by the name reported by the middle-aged man!

The Northwest Wolf King is definitely one of the notable figures in the martial arts world. Many people have heard of it, and they never expected to appear here.

Even Pei Junlin was slightly surprised, but then quickly nodded. The so-called Northwest Wolf King is now up to seven masters, and can indeed be called a strong one!

"My northwest wolf king guarantees his reputation. If the quenched body here is so effective, it is definitely the gospel of bright and dark warriors. Taking this medicine for a long time can make a warrior repair faster. To enter the realm of Grand Master! "


When the Northwest Wolf King's words fell, the crowd shook, apparently shocked by the content of the words.

Everyone in the world admires martial arts, but they do not know that martial arts cultivation is difficult, as difficult as heaven!

In this world, there are many strong people, but more people are still in that level of bright and dark strength. The reason why the worldly world is called a master is like a dragon is enough to prove the strong desire of the external power to enter the internal power.

If there is really a kind of quenching body Dan, can speed up the warrior martial arts master, it will definitely become the treasure of the world instantly, and be robbed by the world!

For a while, the people around him looked at the row of quenched body dan on Pei Junlin's booth, their eyes were full of hotness and greenness!

"This ... so strong medicine! I feel my vitality has become more active!"

Suddenly, at this moment, an excited voice came, and everyone's eyes fell on an old man with white hair, and they saw the old man holding a red-yellow elixir in his hands, shaking with excitement and tears. Orbit.

"Old Wu, how are you?"

Some people have recognized this gray-haired old man. This is a martial arts name in Zhongzhou, named Wu Changhao. He entered the guru's realm more than 20 years ago. It is an old name in Zhongzhou. The Wu family is also famous in this state.

It is a pity that this old Wu senior has exhausted his potential for more than two decades, and it seems that the cultivation has reached the bottleneck period, and there is no further advancement. As he gets older, this expectation becomes less and less.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it is as excited as a child, with tears in your eyes!

"Young man, how do you sell this elixir? I bought it!"

Wu Changhao ignored the warm greetings from the crowd around him, but just clutched the elixir in his hands, his eyes full of longing, staring at Pei Junlin's face.

With a pair of hot eyes watching, Pei Junlin calmly introduced: "This Dan is called Zengqi Dan, which belongs to intermediate elixir and is suitable for a master-class powerhouse. It sells for one 300,000! Or the same price item Exchange is also possible! "

"A 300,000 ?!"

When Pei Junlin's words fell, someone couldn't help but exclaim, but that look was not because the price was too expensive, but because it was too cheap!

In the current market of elixir, any one of elixir suitable for the great master class level, every one goes up to 300,000, some elixir sold by elixir is as high as five to six hundred thousand each, basically There is no panacea below 300,000.

All the way to practice, the wealthy and the wealthy, the wealth word occupies the first place, it is not unreasonable!

The guru is like a dragon. The natural ingredients of the elixir that are needed are more valuable, and each one needs the essence of various natural materials and treasures to be gathered. Therefore, one hundred thirty thousand is basically just enough threshold!

No one expected that the price of Zengqi Dan in Pei Junlin was so cheap!

"Young man, how much do you have, Qiqi Dan, I bought them all!"

Wu Changhaocai shouted roughly, his cultivation was stuck in the five masters of the Grand Master for many years. Seeing that he was desperate, he did not expect that the trees would bloom and the iron trees blossomed. Is there anything more exciting than this?

Who ever thought, Pei Junlin did not hesitate to refuse: "Sorry, the purchase of Zengqi Dan is limited. Each person can only buy one bottle at most, and each bottle contains five, even if the price is 10 million bottles. is also like this!"

Joke, is Pei Junlin a lack of money now?

He wouldn't care about the money. All he had to do today was to build his reputation for refining elixir and lay the foundation for future development.

"That's it! Senior Wu, you are too **** right, this elixir is not for you alone, why did you buy it all!"

"Young man, no matter what else, if you can say this, we will give you a big praise!"

"I want to buy a bottle of gas booster!"

"I also want!"

"Give me! Give me! I have exactly 1.5 million in this card!"

The noisy noise rang, and the crowds of the onlookers immediately boiled, one by one, the men and women looked excited, shouting to buy Zengqi Dan.

"Lady, you forgot to say, how does Queshi Dan sell?" Someone suddenly shouted.

Li Chaoran replied: "People who want to buy quenched body Dan buy it here. One quenched body 100,000, one bottle contains five, the price is 500,000! Also everyone is limited to one bottle!"

"I want it! I want it! Give me a bottle!"

"I also want!"

The roaring quarrel sounded again ~ ~ Many people waved banknotes and yelled to buy Quetan, the scene almost became out of control.

Looking at the crowd, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran are responsible for selling medicines, and Julia is responsible for receiving the money. The three are busy working in an orderly manner. With the sale of a bottle of elixir, the people around the booth not only have not decreased, Instead, more and more gathered.

It is really that the medicine exchange meeting is so big. Where can I hide any news? When people heard that a medicine sold at a stall was not only better than the medicine of Danzong, but also cheaper, people flocked.

Such an anomaly naturally shocked the people of the Zhu family and the people of Danzong. When they heard that some people sold such medicine, the people of Danzong and the Zhu family immediately reported the news.

Soon after, I saw Zhu Zhenzi coming with Dan Dingzi, who was an immortal spirit. Behind the two, they followed an aggressive group of people.

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