Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1829: Heavenly Soul Palace Zhang Lei

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

This mysterious Heavenly Soul Palace master, his methods are very strange, Pei Junlin has seen with his own eyes, if this person also shoots together, then this time, even if he wants to run away, it will be very troublesome.

"Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, killing you is of no benefit to me. The little points on you are nothing to me. Killing a lord-level demon will earn it back." The expert actually seemed to see through Pei Junlin's mind and said lazily.

The breath of the saint is getting closer and closer, and it will almost be felt in a moment that Junlin Pei must make a decision. At this time, Junlin Pei, for the sake of his own life, can only temporarily agree.

"Our two previous agreements are now open. I promise all your requests and help me deal with these three people." Pei Junlin said almost without thinking.

The person monitoring these Xuankong Mountains is not human, so no wonder he is unjust, Pei Junlin has no psychological burden at this time, and reached an agreement with this person.

"Yes, yes, you remember that my name is Zhang Lei." The man in black smiled lightly at Pei Junlin, his face showing a bit of hideousness.

At this moment, Pei Junlin saw a phantom behind Zhang Lei, who needed to wear a black robe. Fulong was in the black fog, but his face was extremely pale, as if he was carrying a piece of white snow. Mask.

"Don't be afraid, this is my spirit." Zhang Lei explained towards Pei Junlin.

At this time, three figures appeared in another section of the canyon. As soon as these three figures appeared, all the retreats of Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei were blocked.

"Okay, I'm Junlin Pei, you actually colluded with the people of the Heavenly Soul Palace, you really are a gangster and a spy." Among them is a saint-level powerhouse, carrying his hands on his back, like a high spirit, and arrogantly confronting Junlin Pei. Proceed to trial.

The other two sage-level powerhouses, although they did not speak, exuded astonishing killing intent, it was clear that the three had reached some kind of agreement before to destroy Pei Junlin together.

At this time, it would be too stupid to spend more words to explain, so Pei Junlin didn't speak, and when he flipped the dagger in his palm, he was the hand of the demon god, and instantly grabbed a powerful saint.

Pei Junlin shot fast, like Thunder did not think about it, it can be described as resolute and decisive. And Zhang Lei, who was standing not far from Pei Junlin, saw Pei Junlin’s thunderbolt methods, and his eyes showed a look of appreciation, especially when he saw Pei Junlin’s devilish energy countless times, Zhang Lei’s eyes were a little weird. .

The head of the demon **** was refined by Pei Junlin, a palm of a demon **** in the demon world. The palm of the Demon God is almost incomparably powerful in the palm of Pei Junlin's own palm. In order to have the power of the Demon God's body in one body, he can simply tear the void and collide with the powerful person of the saint level without losing the wind.

Pei Junlin's first shot was not to talk about the depth of the other party. He was not the first time he played against a saint-level powerhouse, so when Pei Junlin shot it was a thunderbolt, and instantly caught one of the saint-level powerhouses. His weakness was caught off guard.

On the other side, Zhang Wei has obviously been on the battlefield and has become a human being. Seeing Pei Junlin's move, Zhang Lei didn't hesitate, and suddenly he shot. The co-operation between the two of them caused tremendous pressure.

Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei joined forces, especially when they both used thunderbolt means at the same time, you can use your demon god's hand to instantly envelop one of the saint-level powerhouses.

On the other side, Zhang Lei’s methods were also amazing. The spirit behind the palm of his hand suddenly flew up like a kite, and a cold airflow blowing down his mouth. Pei Junlin felt that the flesh and blood of his body seemed to be destroyed. Blow away.

What is this method?

Pei Junlin felt a little frightened that Zhang Lei's methods were simply indiscriminate attacks. Almost everyone present could feel this deep flavor.

The battle broke out for a moment, and he opened his posture, and Pei Junlin moved his left and right hands, especially the hand of the demon **** who stirred up the wind and rain on the field, directly suppressing the two powerful saints.

On the other side, Zhang Lei was naturally unwilling to show weakness. He used mysterious martial arts methods, and countless black shadows appeared in the void. This black shadow was exactly the same as Zhang Lei’s deity, but the attack power was extremely powerful, and countless shadows entangled. One of the powerful saints.

Pei Junlin's demon hand suddenly grabbed, and the saint-level powerhouse dodged in an instant that was not allowed. And Pei Junlin's methods are also a bit different from ordinary people. The devil's claws are like steel and iron bones. They grabbed the gloomy and hard rock like tofu, and directly dug down half of the hill.

At the moment of the power of the demon god's gesture, Pei Junlin instantly stretched out a little golden big Buddha finger, which contained the supreme Buddhist brilliance, and instantly suppressed the powerful saint again.

It was still a gloomy magic method just now, but in the blink of an eye, the shot was extremely holy, and the breath of Buddhism opened up mysterious lotus flowers in the air.

When our methods are extremely inconsistent with the scene in hell, Pei Junlin, the whole person is like a Buddha from the sky, holy and mighty, invincible.

However, the Ming Sage level powerhouse is also very powerful, but seeing Jun Pei Linhe, Zhang Lei's methods are also a bit dumbfounded, where these two people are ordinary ordinary outer disciples, it is simply a shocking method.

Whether it is Pei Junlin or Zhang Lei, they are qualified to stabilize the core disciples in their respective sects with this method, but the two people hide very deeply, especially Pei Junlin in the entire Xuankong Mountain is only one Outer disciple only.

When Pei Junlin came back to his senses, he looked at the mountain bag next to him and couldn't help being a little surprised, because after the mountain was accidentally split open by him, a bright vein was revealed.

This mineral vein is inlaid with crystals, and these blue crystals exude amazing spiritual energy, making Pei Junlin feel a shock.

This mineral vein is not an ordinary thing, but a legendary Wangpin Lingshi. This is nothing short of fighting rabbits on the grass floor. An unexpected gain, such a vein was discovered during the battle.

Although the three saint-level powerhouses were suppressed by Pei Junlin, they did not appear to be one-sided, so despite Pei Junlin's means, Zhang Lei was beside him, constantly using various methods. But with two people's means, it is difficult to completely suppress the three powerful saints.

As soon as the mineral vein was discovered, the three sage-level powerhouses stopped their hands at the same time, and pulsed toward the mine like a vicious dog, wanting to split the mineral vein instantly, and then claim it for themselves.

Pei Junlin has no special concept of the value of wealth, but these saint-level powerhouses are different, they have a particularly keen perception of wealth.

In fact, like this kind of top-level mineral vein, it is bound to breed the spiritual stone of the celestial rank. Once one is obtained, it is simply the value of one step to the sky, and it can even be exchanged for a holy artifact.

Therefore, at this time, a melee turned into a treasure hunt. The three saint-level powerhouses first reacted, and it can be said that they are the first to take the lead. However, Pei Junlin and Zhang Lei were slow to react, and they were instantly caught by the three saints. The strongest level looted half of the mineral vein.

Pei Junlin saw this scene but was unmoved, but Zhang Lei showed an angry look. Obviously Zhang Lei, like these sage-level powerhouses, is also very poor, and Pei Junlin will never be so rich now.

So Zhang Lei rushed up in an instant, grabbed the remaining half of the vein, and took it directly into his storage space. In one sentence, you watched with cold eyes and saw all this, until the three saints were fighting fiercely for the level, Pei Junlin suddenly launched the hand of the demon, and slammed toward the bottom of the mountain range.

But the entire mountain range that collapsed was split directly in front of Pei Junlin, and a spar the size of a pebble was caught by Pei Junlin's palm.

This spar shows a multicolored light, UU Reading even has an orange light shrouded in it, giving people a very holy breath.

This should be the Celestial Spirit Stone, Pei Junlin didn't hesitate at all, so he put away the Spirit Stone. Several other people saw that Pei Junlin had obtained such a good treasure, and suddenly became mad with jealousy. In addition to Zhang Lei, the other three powerful saints began to insult Pei Junlin.

With Zhang Lei, this light bulb didn't want to use some bottom-line methods in Pei Junlin, so it was simply unrealistic to kill three powerful saints here.

These three people don't have to be killed. If you insist on fighting with these three people to the end, I am afraid it will be the result of losing both sides, so Jun Pei chose to leave at this time.

Seeing Zhang Lei and these three saint-level powerhouses fighting together, Pei Junlin suddenly slapped a palm, and the big golden handprint fell from the sky dragon, instantly illuminating the dark underground world.

After Pei Junlin was a long time, the entire battlefield was instantly disturbed by the smoke and miasma, and the river was cut off. At this time, Pei Junlin turned into a light and shadow, and instantly followed this gorge through the mountain range and disappeared.

When Pei Junlin ran away, Zhang Lei no longer had to fight the three saint-level powerhouses. He also learned the appearance of Pei Junlin and turned into a circle of ripples directly in place, and disappeared in a few blinks. Trace.

The three saint-level powerhouses found that they had lost the target a little frustrated, but at this time there was no way. They continued to unfold their minds and wanted to search for Pei Junlin's location, but unfortunately Pei Junlin suddenly disappeared like a needle in a haystack.

This time, Pei Junlin had a mysterious earthen jar on his head, and his body was enveloped in gray aura. Almost his whole person's aura completely disappeared in this world. ?

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