Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1830: Polar vein

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

On the other side, Zhang Lei found that he could not find Pei Junlin's trace, which made the look on his face ugly. Recalling the words that Pei Junlin vowed to form an alliance with him before, Zhang Lei's face looked very ugly.

"It seems that there are a lot of mineral veins underground. You can integrate these mineral veins into your body, which can make your celestial body sublime again." The voice of Lord Jin passed over and reminded Pei Junlin not to miss this excellent one. opportunity.

There are many magical mineral veins in the great world, but these mineral veins often hide some very mysterious places, such as under the crust of Shenzhen or some places that are distorted in time and space. Common mineral veins have already been excavated.

Because there are a large number of demons guarding this underground world, the mineral veins here can completely preserve some precious mineral veins, which is beyond Pei Junlin's imagination.

The mineral veins are integrated into the body to increase the strength of the body. Pei Junlin also thought about this plan before. In particular, the ancient gods refining technique records also recorded some cultivation methods, the methods of integrating mineral veins into the body, etc., these are the methods of the ancient gods.

So at this time, Pei Junlin followed the good. These adopted this year’s opinions and began to search for mineral veins in this underground world. Some of the nests with powerful lords and their habitats, Pei Junlin often went directly around.

"There should be a Shura's lair, and there should be a big Asura." Pei Junlin stood in the valley of two mountains, looking at the flat ground in front of him.

Asura’s lair is different from ordinary demons. Asura’s lair is not simply Chao Xueer, it is a beautiful palace, and its architectural aesthetics far exceed that of humans.

Although some creatures are dark creatures, extremely bloodthirsty, cruel, and cunning, they have a better understanding of aesthetics than human beings. Asura not only looks beautiful, but also has some artistic flavor.

The lair palace built by them can be taken casually, and the ground is full of creative art that can shock the world. But Junlin Pei didn't have much mood to appreciate these Asura's Taoist palaces, because Junlin Pei saw countless powerful auras.

The Asura’s lair in Changping is not difficult for Pei Junlin, and the breath of one of the big asuras also makes Pei Junlin feel the different flavor contained in it.

"Asura is not an ordinary thing, it is a pity to kill it, especially the power of that big Asura is almost equivalent to a saint-level powerhouse. After transforming him, he is also a good helper for you." Pei Junlin now Obviously at a disadvantage, so this year has already begun to advise him.

Pei Junlin nodded and let out a long scream in an instant, rushing towards the building in front of him. When the person was in the air, Pei Junlin took a big handprint, and the golden craftsmanship mixed into the red dragon’s flat push. The entire plain, the valley sank half a meter.

Pei Junlin's methods were not unbelievable, it could be said to be shocking to the world. Suddenly taking action immediately caused these Shuramon's fierce reactions.

Countless handsome-looking Shura screamed from the lair, constantly provoking Pei Junlin, and some even attacked Pei Jun.

But at this time, Pei Junlin did not hesitate at all, and began to mercilessly slaughter these asuras. The devilish energy that the mixed world magic spear in Pei Junlin's hand originally infected was very bloodthirsty.

At this time, under the blessing of Pei Junlin's means, a piece of blood shrouded, and the entire canyon became almost a sea of ​​blood. In the world of Shura, the ranks are strict. The lowest Shura does not have wings and can only attack Pei Junlin with a spear, but their bodies are also fragile, and the fluctuations of the battle can make these Shura instantly crushed.

The higher level Shura will have silver wings, and they will fly into the sky and be besieged by groups. Although their individual strength is not enough, thousands of them add up to be a force that cannot be underestimated.

Pei Junlin's palm was very early, it was the moment of Buddhism's magical powers, and the golden palm prints were photographed one by one, and the sky was like a golden raindrop.

Numerous big handprints directly patted some non-Tian Shura into fleshy mud and stuck them firmly on the ground. And at this time, just as Jun Pei was slaughtering the Quartet, a powerful aura suddenly came down. It was a huge asura with a tall stature.

This Asura's body is almost like a hill, and there is no eyes. Facing King Asura, their eyes will gradually degenerate, and powerful magical energy will be born.

Take this Asura, for example, there are three black spheres on his head, which are constantly rotating, and there is a chaos-destroying force in it.

Finally spurred this asura, Wang Pei Junlin is ready for the ultimate battle, but the battle here is very fluctuating. Will it attract the attention of the three saint-level powerhouses? Pei Junlin is not sure. , So he must have a quick fight.

"Do human beings have to rush to kill like this?" Pei Junlin looked at King Ashura.

King Asura, who had no eyes, had a crystal that looked like sunglasses. This was the look of King Ashura, who was covered in silver light, with a hint of fashion in his holiness.

"Hell is the devil here. For us humans, it is inconsistent with your demon. The crazy slaughter of these **** demons will not cause any damage to our practice, but will have infinite benefits to our practice." Pei Junlin said a few more words and explained the reason to this King Shura.

Because from the very beginning, Pei Junlin didn't intend to kill you, especially the Asura King in front of him, he was also a powerful opponent in Pei Junlin's eyes.

The sharp teeth of King Asura's opened mouth exuded silver light, and circles of sound waves instantly enveloped Pei Junlin.

The surrounding mountains all instantly turned into dust under this powerful sonic energy. Even with this terrifying energy, Pei Junlin felt that his internal organs were overwhelmed and his body almost disintegrated.

Pei Junlin, who had gathered some strength, suddenly punched out of the palace, and the air seemed to explode. With the reverse impact of the energy ripples, Pei Junlin in the past felt the pressure greatly reduced, and his body gradually returned to normal.

"Humans, you are too arrogant." King Shura suddenly looked in the direction of Pei Junlin, a hole appeared for the new location, and a dark light shrouded Pei Junlin by surprise.

At the moment this breath enveloped, Pei Junlin felt that his whole body was falling apart, and the energy in his body was quickly evacuated.

"This trick is called Infinite Void. This is a lesson for you such a stupid human being." The Great Asura King seemed to deal with anger.

The energy in the body was instantly evacuated, which only caused Pei Junlin to have a feeling of fear, but at this time he had no new tree of life shook suddenly, and a tentacle-like branch was inserted into the void and began to extract the world. energy.

. The pure devil energy poured into Pei Junlin's body, making Pei Junlin and instantly feel that the surface of his body was covered with a layer of scales, and he was slowly demonizing.

After seeing this situation, the Great Asura King let out a long howl, and suddenly blasted towards Pei Junlin with a punch, trying to destroy Pei Junlin while Pei Junlin's body was mutated.

His wishful thinking was crackling, thinking that Pei Junlin could not use the tacit understanding, but at this time, Pei Junlin suddenly circulated a sense of immortality, which is the original Nirvana Sutra in the legend.

My Pei Junlin's body was circulating, the scales on the surface of the skin disappeared in an instant, and the absorbed energy was also instantly full, which filled the mind of this great Shura with incredible.

"It's impossible, impossible, how did you do it, how can you extract energy from the void? Neither humans nor demons are plants, and they cannot directly absorb this energy from the surrounding environment. How did you do it? Arrived?" This big Asura was surprised, his voice questioning Pei Junlin like a thunderbolt.

But at this time, Pei Junlin would not be too nonsense at all, he had already controlled the initiative, those pure devil qi, by the Yuanshi Nirvana Sutra, turned into pure mana in an instant.

Old Pei Junlin became full of mana in an instant, and his vitality was full, and the big Asura was full of disbelief and despair. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Pei Junlin made a circle of fists with runes flashing, and the hot light illuminates the entire underground world, and there is more electric light creaking around, covering the great Shura completely.

Just now, Pei Junlin was beaten and couldn't fight back, but in the blink of an eye he occupied the absolute upper hand, and the power of a punch made the big Asura directly kneel on the ground.

You are about to hit this big Asura with your fist, but Pei Junlin actually knows that if this group of pure energy is bombarded out, then this big Asura King, even if he has nine lives, is not enough to die.

Therefore, at a critical moment, Pei Junlin changed his fist into a palm and stretched out his hand to grab it, and suddenly grabbed the wings of the Great King Asura. After abruptly turning, King Asura let out a scream, half of the wings were directly torn off by King Pei. Up.

"You are a strong human being, I surrender to you, I hope you spare my life." Big Asura was torn half of his wings by Pei Junlin, and he started begging for mercy.

Regarding this result, Pei Junlin is still very satisfied. After all, it is still very difficult to directly transform into a monster like this, but if this is some monster, it is very simple if it is willing to take refuge in the heart.

A mysterious portal appeared in the air, with the words Bi'an Hall written on it. The Scripture of Saving People rang into a golden rune in the air, covering the Great King of Asura.

In less than a moment, the great Asura King stood up again, but appeared in the Pei Junlin's Great Hall of the Other Side, and at this time he was worshipping and worshipping the statue of Pei Junlin above.

"Yes, yes, you will be my servant after you are very sincere. To take care of me, then it is my responsibility to help you improve your strength." Pei Junlin laughed, and was full of ambition. ?

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