Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1837: Demon Swarm

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

At this time, when the rightful Patriarch Xuantian in the hall was confused, Pei Junlin's dimmed name suddenly flashed again.

At the same time, almost everyone discovered this unusual sight, because after the name dimmed, it meant that the owner was dead, but the name lit up again almost never happened.

This thing was too weird, so almost everyone in the entire hall held their breath, with expressions of astonishment all over their faces, even the look on the face of Grand Master Xuantian was somewhat fresh.

"It's very likely that this person went to an extremely sinister place." Patriarch Xuantian spoke, deciding the matter.

And the old ancestor Golden breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and finally passed the danger. If Patriarch Xuantian is really watching, then things are dangerous.

At the same time, another group of people became nervous, after all, they had previously awarded those people in the test site to forcibly kill Pei Junlin.

So at this time Pei Junlin’s name flashed again, making these people feel uneasy. If Pei Junlin really walked out of the trial ground and succeeded in getting the ranking, then it is likely that they will be hurt in the end. Interests.

The hustle and bustle of the world is all for the benefit of Pei Junlin's current points. Although he is still being narrowed by others, Pei Junlin's points are still very high.

When you are in full view, Pei Junlin’s points are still increasing, and he jumped up with 10,000 points at a time. It’s a bit shocking. Now many people’s hearts are beating wildly. I don’t know if Pei Junlin is hitting the trial ground. What kind of creatures were killed.

At this time, Pei Junlin is fighting fiercely with a monster-level creature in the underground field. Although this monster-level creature is far from Pei Junlin’s opponent, this monster-level creature has many minions. .

It is a huge creature resembling a centipede, but with a thick cuticle on its body. Although Pei Junlin has merged the mineral veins, the strength of the new body has become extremely powerful, but it is still somewhat difficult to rush into the lair in a short time and kill all the ruthless bugs.

Pei Junlin's body was shining with silver metal light, which made him look like an invulnerable strange human being. The moment he rushed into this gorge, the overwhelming insects drowned towards Pei Junlin.

At this time, a huge figure flew out from behind Pei Junlin, the body was also shining with silver light, it was King Asura.

These insects are not the same, not only the rhythm of the body surface, it is very suggestive, and the defensive ability is amazing, and the mouth of this insect is very big, and after it is split, it can almost be much larger than its own body!

One or two bugs are not enough to see in front of Pei Junlin, but thousands of worms like the tide can still cause a lot of trouble to Pei Junlin.

Capture the thief first, capture the king Pei Junlin, who has already taken a fancy to the insect king, but facing the tide of insects, Pei Junlin still has to rely on the power of King Shura.

The strength of this King Shura was originally close to that of a saint-level powerhouse, and Pei Junlin deliberately blended several veins into his body, making King Shura's power doubled.

My King Shura was instantly overwhelmed by the bug, but the thousands of bugs did not cause any damage to King Shura. After all, these monsters have a layer of fine scales on the surface of their bodies. Naturally the same is true for King Asura.

The demon race’s defensive ability is inherently higher than that of humans. Therefore, in the face of such hordes of insects, the Great Asura King is not afraid, and the wings instigate a silver light to sweep down, and there are thousands of insects. , Directly cut in half.

And Pei Junlin took advantage of this opportunity to wrap himself in the flames, and instantly rushed into the pile of bugs, rushing towards the core.


The road Pei Junlin walked was full of corpses piled up by insects. The surface of these insects was very hard. Under the squeeze of Pei Junlin's feet, there were unpleasant noises between them.

"There seems to be a battle in the canyon. Let's go over and see who it is." Several people suddenly appeared at the mouth of the canyon. These people were covered in black mist, and each of them had a special mark on their eyebrows.

The appearance of these people is very recognizable, almost exactly the same as Zhang Lei whom Pei Junlin knew before, and they must be masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace.

As soon as the master of the Heavenly Soul Palace entered the valley, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. A huge King of Asura was fighting with a worm like tide, while a young man in the distance was charged in flames. Enter the core of the bug and fight a huge bug.

"Who is this person? The strength is so strong, and that King Asura is a little wrong, he actually helped the human being." The alliance between the masters of the soul hall tomorrow is a battle team, just see Pei Junlin and The fighting of these insects is also shocking.

After these Heavenly Soul Temple masters slightly observed some of the surrounding areas of the battlefield, one of them said with a cold smile: "Don't do anything for the time being. When the person and the bug are both injured, you will suddenly kill him. Pick one cheaper."

"Oh, this is the best and the most labor-saving and safest way. Let's block this valley completely, so that he can't escape at all, and that Shura can extract his muscles and bones and refine them into treasures. Good harvest." Several people said they were happy, with a smile on their faces.

Although the distance is in the fierce battle, he has already noticed the situation here. When he saw the team of the Heavenly Soul Palace, Pei Junlin's heart was not very nervous, because the battle against Pei Junlin Said that he did not pay much effort.

Even if the people in the Heavenly Soul Palace had to do something at this time, Pei Junlin was sure to completely block these people, and it would be easy to even kill them.

Therefore, Pei Junlin did not choose to go to war. The fight in this valley was not because this bug was difficult to deal with, but because Pei Junlin carefully protected some of the spiritual flowers and grasses in the valley.

After the soul is invaded by the devil qi, there will be mud and not stained, bursting out a strong breath of life, there is no doubt that these things are the medicinal materials for alchemy!

If there is a fierce battle in this valley at this time, the fluctuation of the battle will destroy all the vegetation in this valley, and then it can cause huge losses.

At this time, Pei Junlin was not unable to help this insect king, but because of his careful suppression of his power, trying not to cause too much damage.

It was Pei Junlin who cautiously looked at those people in the soul shop that day that they believed that Pei Junlin's strength was not enough at all, and they all commented on Pei Junlin's fighting skills and every move.

"Look at how good this guy's chances are that he slipped away. The opportunity just now can hit Huang Long, and he cut this head in half from this body at once, but this guy dumbfounded missed such an opportunity." The face of the master of Ming Tianhun Hall was sneered and sarcasm.

Several other people nodded their heads, and they were deeply impressed by the opinions put forward by this expert. One of them was a short man who said in a hoarse tone: "Don't kill the bug later, I will use soul lock. Taming him is also a good mount here, and it can be useful in some battle situations."

Although the short man had a low voice and was extremely unpleasant, the other few nodded their heads after hearing it, and felt that they did not dare to provoke him.

Obviously the status of this small man may be due to his strong background or his own strength. In short, in this team, this short man occupies the core leadership position.

Pei Junlin is still fighting the bug, but the battle is not fierce. There was a chasing battle between the two, not Pei Junlin chasing the big bug, but the big bug chasing Pei Junlin~www.mtlnovel. com~ The huge mouthparts are opening and closing, like a huge scissors making a clicking sound.

"Those people in Taniguchi, what do you want to do? Give you three breathing time, if you don't roll, I will take care of you." Pei Junlin's indifferent voice came from the valley.

When the masters of the Heavenly Soul Hall came back to their senses, they found that the huge worm, which was strong and stretched for hundreds of meters, was cleverly crawling under Pei Junlin's feet.

Like the worm before, there was a savage beast's style, but at this time it succumbed to Pei Junlin's feet, like a docile sheep, and the chaotic worm in the valley was also right under the command of the insect king. Pei Jun came back.

"What I was after was even preempted by him. It seems that this person has also attracted some jade Qiongzhishu, otherwise this bug can't be tame at all." The short stature of the man in the Heavenly Soul Hall looked ugly, and fisted. Holding tightly, there is a killing intent in the air.

The other masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace took the initiative to disperse, and looked towards Pei Junlin coldly. They also had the same killing intent as a needle. Seeing that the area where Pei Junlin was located was shrouded, it was obvious that these people did not Pei Junlin's ultimatum is in sight.

In their opinion, Pei Junlin is simply seeking his own death, and the toad has a big tone.

The huge worm crawled under Pei Junlin's feet, his body squirmed slightly, and his eyes were staring coldly at the few people at the mouth of the valley.

The huge bug was also tamed by Junlin Pei, and used by Junlin Pei, and the salvation in the Great Palace of the other side was completely brainwashed.

At this time, the Great Asura King was suspended behind Pei Junlin, flapping his wings as if Pei Junlin was a loyal guard, and Pei Junlin's current shape was not even mentioned. ?

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