Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1838: Sky Soul Team

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

Standing in the valley with thousands of bug armies around, it seemed to have an overwhelming advantage.

At this time, the few Heavenly Soul Palace masters in the valley were not stage fright at this time, they stared at Pei Junlin coldly, as if staring at a dead person.

That day, the short master of the Soul Palace took out a strange instrument and began to play, and the low and solemn voice was passed over, which caused the worms in the valley who had worshipped Pei Junlin to start to feel restless.

This kind of sound wave control skill seems that these Heavenly Soul Palace masters do have a strong research foundation for the soul. For example, at this time, this kind of musical instrument can convey a kind of information through sound, which is almost the same as Pei Junlin's saving people.

What the other party has to do is similar to what Pei Junlin needs to do. It is to brainwash these worms to his own command and act as his own thug.

It is a pity that Pei Junlin uses the supremacy of Buddhism and uses Buddha nature to save these creatures, so that they will continue to develop a mood of worship towards Pei Junlin, and will not resist or rebel at all.

The sound wave brainwashing used by the master of the Heavenly Soul Hall is not another way. His style is far from the Buddhism. This is a forcible plunder and forcible control of the soul. Once controlled, it will lose its original memory and thinking ability and become a tool that only knows to kill.

"You are unlucky when you meet people like us, you should be a tester of Xuankong Mountain, hand over all the secrets of your body, we can keep you a whole corpse." The masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace coldly Looking at Pei Junlin's eyes, there was even so little pity.

A wave of murderous intent flickered in Pei Junlin's eyes. Originally, the Heavenly Soul Palace and the people who floated on the holy mountain were tit-for-tat, increasing the relationship with the Maimang.

It was originally the enemy and there was nothing to say now. As the saying goes, it is better to start first, not to mention that Pei Junlin has taken the initiative from the beginning.

"You dead cat and dog originally wanted to let you go, but it doesn't matter if you seek your own death." Pei Junlin smiled indifferently.

Opening his mouth and blowing his cheeks forward, he exhaled, and suddenly there was flying sand and rocks in the entire valley, and thousands of bugs rushed towards the five masters of the heavenly temple.

At this time, the Hunshi Demon Spear in Pei Junlin's hand turned into a tall white wolf, also mixed with these insects, and instantly slaughtered the masters of these Heavenly Soul Palace.

But Junlin Pei himself disappeared from the place, leaving only King Asura in the rear to protect Pei Junlin's mineral veins from any threat.

When Pei Junlin's figure appeared again, he had already appeared behind the short Heavenly Soul Palace master, and he grabbed the opponent's neck as soon as he stretched out his hand.

In fact, he had been observing who the leader of these people was for a year, and finally he set his sights on this short man.

After he succeeded, Jun Pei was dying and controlled the short man. The fingers of his hands pierced the man's neck, and a wave of power was injected into the opponent's body. People are paralyzed.

Pei Junlin didn't fully understand the cultivation method of the Heavenly Soul Hall, but he knew that the only thing that the Heavenly Soul Store was good at was mental attacks, because the Heavenly Soul Hall had a deep understanding of soul research.

At this time, if I only control the opponent's body, it will not have much effect at all, but at this time, when Pei Junlin was controlling the opponent's body, a powerful mental power bombarded his eyebrows.

The mental power bombarded the short man's eyebrows, and a strong mental force exploded between the two, and even an explosion of power broke out between the two.

"Formidable mental power, what is this?" Pei Junlin was a little surprised, and felt that the man who was caught in his hands showed a smile on his face.

Suddenly Pei Junlin seemed to be scalded to his hands, and suddenly threw the short man out, his face was very surprised and shocked, because at the moment he was wearing Junlin In the void, I saw a chain composed entirely of spiritual power.

When these chains shrouded him, Pei Junlin felt a headache splitting, as if his soul would be pulled out of his body by these chains.

This feeling is indeed terrifying, so at the first time, Jun Pei roared and stayed away.

Within an instant of time, Pei Junlin closed the pure land between his eyebrows and held all his spiritual power firmly, so as not to be invaded by the spirit power of these Heavenly Soul Temple masters!

Although Jun Pei was in the shadow of a violent retreat and suffered a depressing loss, the masters of the tomorrow soul shop did not intend to calm down, but once again rushed towards Pei Junlin, several people standing in a 6-pointed star position constantly rotating , A strange scene appeared after the shadows rose to the sky.

A huge dark vortex appeared above Pei Junlin's head. In this vortex, huge strange spirit beasts flickered in it.

The appearance of this weird creature would definitely not be recognized by ordinary people, but when Pei Junlin saw the appearance of this weird creature, he immediately broke down in cold sweat. This creature looks like a dog, belonging to a kind of slender dog. . But his mouth was very long, like a beast, without eyes, and his whole body shone with black light.

It was not an ordinary creature, but the soul eater in the soul vortex, but what Pei Junlin did not expect was that these Heavenly Soul Palace masters actually condensed this intention.

The phantom of the Soul Eater escaped from the formation. Although it was only a phantom, it still caused a huge threat to Pei Junlin. With a sudden inhalation of his long mouth, Pei Junlin felt that his brain was in chaos. Almost half of the soul was pulled out of the body.

That feeling was very strange, as if someone was forced to pull himself out of his body completely. A hurricane wanted to peel off Pei Junlin's spirit and soul from the body, the kind of abrupt and torn pain, Pei Junlin did not want to experience the second time in his life.

At this moment of crisis, Pei Junlin immediately activated the mind of Buddhism, and golden rays of light lit up all over his body, and the light in that whirling pure land was suppressed, causing Pei Junlin to defend his true spirit in an instant.

The ghost of the Soul Eater suddenly sucked at Pei Junlin again, seeming to increase its intensity, but this time Pei Junlin was not affected in any way. Instead, the palm of his hand was pressed, a golden phantom, fiercely 'S grabbed towards the Soul Eater.

This move is not only Buddhism, but also the power of the ancient gods gathered in it is the palm of the ancient gods.

When the golden palm of Pei Junlin condensed and grabbed it fiercely, it was that the soul beast seemed to have felt a crisis and made a bad sound to escape, but Pei Junlin would not give him this opportunity.

This is not a real soul eater, but a creature visualized by the Jining Tianhong electronic address, or a projection that descends from another dimension.

Even so, when Pei Junlin's golden palm needed to touch this Soul Eater, a collision of dimensional power immediately occurred.

All kinds of completely incompatible mysterious particles collided together to produce a huge explosion, and a black sphere appeared in the air. These spheres were like liquid appearing on lotus leaves.

The Heavenly Soul Palace is indeed superior. Although the strengths of these masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace are mediocre, they are gathered together, and the means of uniting together is indeed a bit shocking, especially for Pei Junlin who has no defense. The cultivator simply has a certain advantage.

At this time, Pei Junlin turned defeat into victory. He had mastered the other party’s routines. Naturally, he would no longer let the other party take advantage of the emptiness. He had to completely guard the light of his soul. Then these people in the Heavenly Soul Palace are The lamb to be slaughtered is just a chicken and But if you want to completely guard your soul light, you need to lock up, the pores of the whole body are weak, and the body cannot be exposed, which means Pei Junlin Unable to use magical powers, if not, the disciples of the Heavenly Soul Palace will find some breakthroughs.

Completely solidified the mana of her whole body, and now she completely relies on the power of the flesh, the silver flesh exudes an amazing light, Pei Junlin is like a metal person.

At this time, a disciple from the Heavenly Soul Store flicked a chain and entangled Pei Junlin's neck. Pei Junlin simply stood still, letting this chain wrap his neck.

When the chain was tightened, Pei Junlin shook suddenly, and the chain instantly turned into powder.

At the moment when Pei Junlin broke free of the chains, he felt that there was a burst of force above his head suppressed, and these rotating forces formed a huge disc to crush, wanting to completely grind Pei Junlin.

A punching method, but it is like a chaotic grinding disc, which can completely crush the opponent and evolve into a bone ball.

Pei Junlin stood in the same place and raised his head coldly, punched and slammed the grinding plate to pieces in an instant, and tomorrow the master of the soul shop was grabbed by Pei Junlin, his arm suddenly died, and the entire arm was instantly dead.

With your physical strength, the team that forcibly shakes the entire Heavenly Soul Palace, his strength can be said to be like entering the realm of no one. A long knife slashed towards Pei Junlin, but was grabbed by Pei Junlin casually, and this superb spirit weapon was instantly broken.

The masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace looked horrified. They didn't expect Pei Junlin to have such a powerful physical body. Even if they didn't use any magical powers and any magic power, they could crush them with the power of the physical body alone. ?

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