Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1839: Memory seed

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

This huge gap makes the masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace a little unbearable. After all, in their opinion, Pei Junlin is just a lonely person and is not their opponent at all, but now Pei Junlin is rebelling against the guests, turning defeat into victory, and relying on himself. Force, suppress their entire team.

With every attack, a master of the Heavenly Soul Palace flew out. Compared with the physical power of these surging Heavenly Soul Palace disciple Pei Junlin, it was almost as invincible as a scourge.

What makes these Heavenly Soul Palace masters feel more relaxed is that the pale silver light on the surface of Pei Junlin's body can actually shield a variety of magical powers and mana attacks.

Some of the best spirit treasures could not leave any scars on Pei Junlin's body, his body was comparable to a sacred weapon.

"Who are you? The physical body is so tough that it is a freak." A master of the Heavenly Soul Palace looked ugly.

The distance could not be drawn at all, and it was directly torn apart by grasping a master of the Heavenly Soul Palace. After the body of the master of the Heavenly Soul Palace was torn, a cloud of red light flew out.

But at this moment, a black shadow flew out from behind Pei Junlin's head, showing a phantom of a heavenly demon. It was the spirit demon king Lao Wu in the soul umbrella.

The mask is the nemesis of various souls and soul lights. The masters of these heavenly soul halls usually condense their soul power, and each of them condenses their true spirits so powerfully. Even if they lose their physical support, they can stay in the air for a long time. Survive.

The disciples of the Heavenly Soul Hall are completely different from the cultivators of ordinary humans. The cultivators of ordinary people will soon dissipate between the heaven and the earth after their true spirits leave their bodies, and cannot survive independently, but these masters of the Heavenly Soul Hall Not the same, after the destruction of the body, their consciousness can survive independently of the body.

That is to say, after tomorrow’s soul hall masters are torn apart by Pei Junlin, their soul lights are suspended in the air, and they can use some mysterious secretaries to start fusion. After these scattered soul lights are merged together, they will have powerful strength.

When these red lights were about to be successfully merged, Pei Junlin's back hand also came. That day, Mo Lao Wu quacked and swallowed the red lights in the air with a smile. With a big mouth, a ball of red light was swallowed directly into his body.

All this suddenly caused the disciples of Ji Ming Tomorrow's soul store to complain. They thought that even if the body was destroyed, they could still let the soul escape, but now reality tells them that there is no possibility of survival.

Several masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace were easily destroyed, but one person was left by Pei Junlin at the time. It was the short man. Although Pei Junlin destroyed his physical body, a bunch of red light was left behind by Pei Junlin. Up.

At this moment, the red light on a white jade bridge was completely absorbed by the light emitted by the white jade bridge. Pei Junlin closed his eyes and read the memory of the master.

Pei Junlin is still very curious about the Heavenly Soul Palace, after all, if he wants to save his apprentice An Tie, he must enter the Heavenly Soul Palace to steal some of its secrets.

The position of this short man in the Heavenly Soul Hall is just an outer disciple, his status is low, but he has provided Pei Junlin with some common sense questions. When these memories are read and extracted by Pei Junlin, this Heavenly Soul Hall is pitiful. The person is completely gone.

Pei Junlin opened her eyes, and there was a hint of clarity in her eyes. Before, Pei Junlin was completely blind with both eyes of the Heavenly Soul Palace, and did not know any clues or clues.

But now it's different. Pei Junlin has completely absorbed the memory of a Heavenly Soul Palace master, and is very familiar with the entire Heavenly Soul Heaven's pattern, the entire behavior style, and some secret things.

"This memory is very important to me. In the future, there will be a Tianhong store nearby to steal the highest practice of the Soul Palace that day, and it is also handy. I did not expect that I would casually seize the memory of a Heavenly Soul Palace master. The person's identity and status are extremely special. He is the illegitimate son of an elder of the Heavenly Soul Palace. Although his status and status are not high, he knows a lot." Pei Junlin told Jin Ye everything he had just obtained.

After solving the masters of the Heavenly Soul Palace, Pei Junlin walked into the Three Kingdoms again, and the huge Asura King was guarding the valley. Pei Junlin succeeded in leveling the devil in this valley. The creature swept away, and at this moment, the door of convenience was opened to him in the valley.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly condensed a huge palm in the air, slammed into the ground fiercely, and began to dig the veins hidden underground.

The rocks here are extremely hard, completely different from some of the areas next to them. Before Pei Junlin, uncovering these lands was almost like cutting tofu, but the black rock made Pei Junlin feel like he was struggling.

The energy that the condensed divine power palm was exhausted in an instant, was still unable to completely penetrate this piece of rock. In the end, Pei Junlin sacrificed the Hunshi Magic Spear and slammed it towards the ground.

Along with Pei Junlin’s bombardment, large pits appeared on the ground. This hard black rock was blasted out of cavities by Pei Junlin. When the entire valley was a mess, Pei Junlin smoothly moved towards the ground. Turn it over and grab a vein.

However, this vein is not compatible with the veins that Pei Junlin dug in the ground before. This vein has a hint of spirituality. When Pei Junlin withdrew this vein, he even felt that this vein was entering the cave, and there was another one. The feeling of wanting to escape.

It is a pity that this mineral vein does not possess the ability of human thinking, nor does it possess a kind of consciousness like some creatures, but only has a preliminary feeling, just like a simple single-celled creature.

This is enough to surprise Pei Junlin. After all, the underground mineral veins are inanimate matter. The thing that can breed this kind of Lexus is simply beyond the ordinary. This also means that the mineral veins are dug here, far more than before. There seems to be a lot of mineral veins.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin used the Ancient God Training Technique again to integrate these mineral veins into his body.

This vein is stronger than those previously swallowed by Junlin Pei, so after a vein is swallowed by Junlin Pei, Junlin feels his body is as if he has taken a huge tonic, and there is a surging power around the body. Collision.

"There is still some distance from the undead golden body. You still need to swallow some top mineral veins. Unfortunately, although the mineral veins in this valley are very good, they cannot be called the top mineral veins. I can seize the lair of a lord-level creature. Able to dig out the top mineral veins, then you will be promoted to the undead gold body in one fell swoop." Jin Ye whispered in Pei Junlin's ear to plan for the next thing.

It's a pity that Pei Junlin knows very well that a lord-level monster is difficult to deal with. With his current strength, once encountering a lord-level creature, it will be crushed instantly like an ant.

Pei Junlin showed no sign of stopping, and then he pulled out dozens of mineral veins from this valley. Pei Junlin did not hesitate, and all merged into his body. Unfortunately, in the later stage, Pei Junlin found that his body could no longer hold such a strong metal power.

The human body is like a reservoir. If the capacity cannot be expanded, it will overflow once it is full. For example, the silver light that erupts from Pei Junlin's current pores is some excess energy.

No matter how hard Pei Junlin tried to get his cells and body to absorb these energy, he was still unable to completely lock and integrate these energies. That was because Pei Junlin's whole body cells and muscles had completely appeared in a state of saturation.

"It seems that this time I have to find a way to get a top-grade mineral vein, otherwise I want to be promoted to the undead gold body, it is simply a dream." Pei Junlin muttered to himself while looking at this messy valley.

After hollowing out the veins under this valley, Pei Junlin did not hesitate and left here soon. Just after Pei Junlin left with his forefoot, a master of the Heavenly Soul Palace, who was covered in the cold and black mist, descended. Arrived in this area It is a pity that the entire valley is in a mess. The flesh and bones of the previous Heavenly Soul Palace masters have already turned into dust, dissipated between the sky and the earth, leaving no traces.

However, the master of the Heavenly Soul Palace had obviously received some information before that he had come here to rescue him, but he was only a step late.

"It's a pity that I came a step late and caused the young master to suffer a bad hand. I will definitely be punished when I go back this time." The master in the hidden black mist muttered to himself, but there was not much regret in his tone. .

A dark whirlpool appeared on the spot with both hands jabbing fiercely, and the whirlpool began to disperse, slowly forming a mysterious formation around.

Tomorrow, the master of the soul hall will sit alone in the whirlpool, and a bright light appears on the center of his eyebrows. It seems that there is a soul who wants to get out of the sheath and draw some sort of news of the collapse between the surrounding world.

"Even if the disciples of my Heavenly Soul Palace are killed by someone, their soul shots will leave some seeds of memory in this void." The master muttered to himself, constantly moving from the void. Grab the seeds of memory.

These are the suicide notes left by the previous Heavenly Soul Palace masters after their deaths. They left a memory capsule, which is equivalent to the information remaining in this area, read one by one after being captured by this master.

After reading the information in these memories, this master basically understood what had happened here before. He was a master of Xuankong Mountain who would destroy the entire Heavenly Soul Palace team here.

"I have never heard of a physical cultivator in Xuankong Mountain. I thought that such a character would appear in the past four years. With the power of the physical body, a small team in my Heavenly Soul Palace can be destroyed. This is incredible." This expert Muttered to himself. ?

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