Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1842: Chaotic region

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

With a punch, a flash of lightning flashed, and a purple lightning condensed into a bucket of thunder, which instantly blasted the back of the python.

Obviously, the python did not expect that Pei Junlin would make a sudden move. So there was no time to react, but after this thick beam of light bombarded his back, it had already burned out a burnt smell, and a big hole of flesh and blood appeared deep in the bone.

A blood mist exploded, and the pure blood power in it made Pei Junlin feel a little surprised. It seems that the previous genes are also expected to have some deviations. The strength of this python is not as weak as Jin Ye said.

The blood mist floating in the air is extremely dense, even if a drop of it melts away, it might turn several rivers red.

If this python creature came to the earth once, even he alone could destroy a star.

"You find that the surrounding environment seems to be undergoing a certain change, especially the rule power here is closing, it is very likely that this swamp land has begun to produce terrible changes." Jin Ye's voice came again, only But the tone was a little anxious during these times.

Several hours have passed since the fierce battle between Pei Junlin and this giant python, but the winner has not yet been determined. This is when Pei Junlin feels his own strength and is somewhat unsustainable. He desperately shakes his eyebrows. The tree of life wants to draw energy from the void.

But this time before Pei Junlin found out that he had failed, as long as he shakes the tree of life on his eyebrows to extract energy, it will instantly resurrect with a full blood, but now no matter how the tree of life shakes, one by one roots plunge into the void. Among them, it is always unable to absorb any energy.

The rules of the space around them are as if they were taken away out of thin air. This place has become a place of nothingness. Except for Pei Junlin and this python, some of the surrounding scenery and even the soil under his feet have begun to become nothingness.

"How? That's what I wanted to talk about before. There is no need for the two of us to fight anymore. Even if you kill me or I kill you, what will happen in the end? It's not dead here." The python opened the head of the brigade this time, and was wrapped around the snake letter, speaking towards Pei Junlin.

This creature is really too weird. It makes Pei Junlin feel an extremely uncomfortable feeling in his heart. The python seems to feel Pei Junlin’s emotions, his head shakes suddenly, and the huge snake head turns into a human one. Skull.

"Humans, you should rest assured this time, I didn't want to harm you, or say that with my current strength, I didn't plan to fight you to death or death. You humans are not the most profitable creatures. Why? Why are you still in a decisive battle with me at this time?" This monster with a human head and a snake body actually spoke to Pei Junlin calmly.

At first, Pei Junlin believed some words of this year, and didn't care about him very much about this python. He thought that he could make a quick battle and solve the opponent in a very short time.

But now everything has proved that Jin Ye's judgment is a bit wrong, and this python is not as weak as Jin Ye said. Instead, a lot of Pei Junlin's time was wasted, and even the surrounding world had some subtle changes, Pei Junlin did not notice, so that he was trapped here.

"It was true that I was a little misguided before, but my judgment was not wrong. Just after I judged, it should be this python that noticed your powerful threat, and he started to swallow her in his stomach and the thing began to melt. , Began to use it. The reason why he can become so powerful now is because it swallows the thing in the abdomen, you have to speed up, otherwise it is completely digested and absorbed by him, then it will be a big loss." Jin Ye didn't feel embarrassed because of a misjudgment, but urged Pei Jun to make a quick decision.

Hearing a long talk by Jin Ye, Pei Junlin finally understood the cause and effect. It turned out that Jin Ye’s judgment was nothing at first, but it changed later. This python should have absorbed some of the treasures that he swallowed. .

Based on the speculation, Pei Junlin suspects that this kind of python must have swallowed the most important things in this area before this kind of big change that hasn't happened in a thousand years.

Maybe that kind of thing is like a Dinghai Shenzhen. Once this thing is moved, the whole area will turn into chaos.

Moreover, the surrounding world and the Huayu Chaos have not yet fully progressed to the final step. If a quick fight is made, this hairy snake can be killed, and the treasures from him can be robbed, and perhaps you can leave calmly.

Pei Junlin knew that he was wrong, and he was wrong from the beginning. If he used thunder means to kill this python from the beginning, there would not be so many winding stories later.

Now this python actually wants to make peace again, which far exceeds Pei Junlin's loneliness.

"Then let it die together, I don't care if we fight you to death, don't you live or not?" Pei Junlin once again displayed his magical powers and slammed at the python.

You are just the python that Acer fought. The body is constantly breaking down, a large cloud of blood mist is constantly floating out of his body, and the python is getting weaker and weaker.

"Madman, you are a madman, can't you just walk out of here alive, why do you have to die with me? What good is it for you to kill me?" The python roared at Pei Junlin hysterically, his tone was full A kind of horror and anger.

But Pei Junlin kept beating this python with his hands constantly shaking. Several times the python planned to escape, but it was re-transmitted by Pei Junlin. Seeing that the surrounding world became more and more chaotic and void, the snake's tone began to gradually Becomes impatient and extreme.

"There is only one way for you to survive and me to survive, and that is to teach you the treasures you swallowed before. That should be the most important and precious thing in this swamp. Your answer will not be until you leave. Caused drastic changes in this world, don't tell me that you are innocent." Pei Junlin is in negotiations with the other party.

The conditions that I put forward in Pei Junlin before were unacceptable to Fang. The war was still going on, but what surprised Pei Junlin was that the python was quickly surrendered, and his abdomen began to bulge and tighten. Then he spit out a weird object.

After this thing fell into Pei Junlin's hands, Pei Junlin felt extremely surprised, because the shape of this thing looked like a strange fruit.

It's just that this fruit has been absorbed by the python, and although it is very rare, it also makes Pei Junlin feel suspicious in his heart.

"Now that you have this thing, leave here as soon as possible. Don't hesitate. Maybe after you have this thing, you don't need top-level madness at all to be promoted to the Immortal Golden Body, and your cultivation realm can also be promoted directly to Saint!" Jin Ye desperately urged towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin also knew that any hesitation at this time would cause a major change in his own destiny, so he did not hesitate, his body rose from the ground and turned into a silver long rainbow, and began to move towards the remaining regular forces in the swamp area. The area escaped.

Pei Junlin is not greedy, he wants to find some treasures from those cautious areas, he is only because of the areas where the rules are relatively complete, it should be said that the collapse is not so severe.

When Pei Junlin came to these complete areas of this life, his heart suddenly became cold, because although these areas still exist, they have become isolated islands of life, and they will not last long in this area.

Escape is important, Pei Junlin can't take care of too much, he drove the Bai Yuxian Bridge, and instantly built a bridge between the two plates that had not disappeared.

At this time, even the UFO No. 7 can't take Pei Junlin or take it away from this area. Only this white jade fairy bridge has an amazing effect. There is a feeling of a big ship on the other shore in this void with Joe, UU Although Pei Junlin swayed in the ocean of nothingness, he was not swallowed by the rules of the surrounding emptiness.

This began to become dark, and Pei Junlin couldn't see the direction of the way forward. A candle appeared in the palm of that Pei Junlin, it was the fire of the wild, and the area illuminated by this candle illuminates the direction of Pei Junlin forward.

Finally, Junlin Pei saw a high mountain in the distance where there was a boundary between reality and nothingness. As long as he crossed that boundary, Junlin Pei was saved, and Junlin Pei also saw the previous python in the distance. The strength of the python also surprised Pei Junlin, because in this void environment, the python was not corroded unexpectedly.

"This brother, I gave you all the treasures before, can't it save my life? The most difficult area to cross is the boundary between virtual and real. Only your white jade fairy bridge can pass through completely Here." The python spit out again and asked for help from Junlin Pei.

It is true that the python gave the treasure to itself, but it is easy to tell whether the other party is willing or forced to do so. If the other party is saved at this time, will it be another story between the farmer and the snake?

My surname Pei Junlin can't think much anymore. At the moment when the White Jade Immortal Bridge broke through the place between the real and the imaginary, Pei Junlin suddenly reached out and grabbed the giant python by Pei Junlin. The two passed this piece together. area.

This python was thrown hundreds of meters away by Pei Junlin, and hundreds of towering ancient trees in a forest were completely broken by this python!

"I said, brother, are you so afraid of snakes? You threw me so far and almost killed my old bones." The python showed a huge investment from the woods, and his eyes revealed a few Funny look. ?

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