Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1843: Metal ball

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin's eyes changed, because the killing intent of this python's eyes was not concealed at all. Obviously, the other party had just surrendered the treasure before and just surrendered to Pei Jun.

The reason why the python gave up the treasure before was because he couldn’t escape this chaotic area of ​​nothingness. He had to rely on Pei Junlin’s White Jade Immortal Bridge to leave. Now everything has happened and completed. There is no need for this python to be with each other. Pei Junlin is polite!

The python opened its mouth and bite towards Pei Junlin without hesitation. The tail was like a whip and drew towards Pei Junlin's lower body severely. This was to do both, and control Pei Junlin in an instant.

It's a pity that Junlin Pei is not a person waiting to be idle, he has been wary for a long time, and seeing the python attacking again at this time, Junlin Pei is very familiar with it.

The white jade fairy bridge swayed under his feet, and Pei Junlin instantly drew a light and shadow. Turning around beautifully, Pei Junlin's demon spear pierced the carbine back!

Everything was done between the electric light and flint, the gun in Pei Junlin's hand instantly became huge, and the huge python was nailed to the ground fiercely.

The python was pierced by Pei Junlin, and his body didn't seem to feel any tingling, but a pair of cold eyes flashed with bone-piercing smiles.

It seems that Pei Junlin saw the face in the mouth of the python with a mouth, but this time this face did not speak to Pei Junlin, but opened his mouth likewise, and a cloud of golden light flew out into the air. Unfolding, it turned out to be a picture scroll.

As soon as this picture was unfolded, Pei Junlin felt a nihilistic power and enveloped him.

"This book is amazing, it is definitely something extraordinary." Pei Junlin frowned, and countless thoughts sounded in his heart.

He retreated and even couldn't even take care of the magic spear of the world. The wind and thunder around him continued to shake the regular chains, and Pei Junlin could feel the surroundings of the woods, producing a specific aura.

Just as the golden scroll was unfolding, Pei Junlin saw strange words flying out of the scroll, forming an article in the air.

There was a buzzing chanting sound in the surrounding air. It seemed that after chanting these words, he saw something even more incredible in the supporting role. The top of the giant python's head actually began to slowly bulge, and soon Two pointed horns broke out of the shell.

This is not what surprised Pei Junlin the most, what made Pei Junlin feel incomprehensible, is that the python's abdomen started to burrow out of two feet.

Pei Junlin understood that this is the rhythm of becoming a dragon. It seems that this python is about to become a dragon.

Things are a little weird, ordinary pythons will never turn into dragons, but the situation in front of them makes Pei Junlin have to believe that things are real, and the reason for everything is due to the golden picture floating in the air. .

Just as Pei Junlin was watching the excitement, a violent force suddenly tore it over. A burst of power from the stars in the universe swept towards Pei Junlin.

The energy of this python is also the energy of the golden picture scroll. The two energies condensed together and almost crushed Pei Junlin in an instant.

What happened was too sudden, but it did not exceed Pei Junlin's expectations. Her body began to retreat slightly. Although it seemed to be slow, it only left a light and shadow.

Pei Junlin felt that the golden picture scroll seemed to be able to communicate a certain mysterious dimensional energy, which made this weird python send a thunderous blow to him.

Pei Junlin unavoidably blasted out a punch, which almost condensed all the power that Pei Junlin was. Even the ancient god's divine power in the middle of the eyebrows was used by Pei Junlin. This was a blow that broke the boat, and it was also a forced blow by Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's punch swept with the opponent's power, and the violent energy completely stirred the nineteen into an empty area.

Within a radius of one kilometer, all matter is gradually dying out. This place is broken into a kind of vacuum zone, and all the regular forces of matter and even the air are completely melted away.

Pei Junlin stood in this emptiness, stepping on the Baiyu Immortal Bridge, and his whole person was walking in dragons, and his eyes were filled with golden light.

The python has disappeared, and the surroundings have turned into nothingness, as if the previous battle had never existed.

"The person has gone and should have been seriously injured. This person is very mysterious, and you must be careful to get revenge by him in the future." Jin Ye's voice came into Pei Junlin's ears.

The golden light of Pei Junlin's eyes searched in the void space around, but it made Pei Junlin feel regret that such a large energy was extinguished, and in the end he did not completely destroy the opponent.

Because Pei Junlin could know from the subtle information around him that the python had indeed escaped. Although it suffered some scars, it was definitely not fatal.

A battle ended in this way, Pei Junlin came to this swamp area, and the only harvest was the fruit.

After Pei Junlin found a quiet place to take out the fruit again, after a closer look, Pei Junlin realized that he had missed it before. This is not a fruit at all, but a metal ball.

Why did the python try so hard to **** the metal ball? What is the reason? And because of this metal sphere, the entire swamp was turned into a void space, which shows that this thing is definitely not trivial.

Pei Junlin took the palm-sized metal ball in his hand and felt the weight of the metal ball seem to be constantly fluctuating, and the lines on the surface of the metal ball also made Junlin Pei, the more he looked, the more he was frightened.

This thing is very mysterious, Pei Junlin can't see its origin for the time being, but Pei Junlin has an intuition that the python definitely knows how to use the energy of this metal ball.

Pei Junlin had seen the power of the python with his own eyes, and promised to definitely have something to do with the metal ball. Is it necessary to eat the metal ball in his stomach to take effect? Is this the golden core?

Pei Junlin had a lot of conjectures in his mind, but he couldn't confirm it. He had to ask Jin Ye for advice.

"You guessed right before, this thing is indeed related to the golden core, or it is a golden core." Jin Ye smiled unhurriedly and said the origin of this thing.

My metal sphere is different from ordinary Jindan in this year's statement, because this metal sphere is obviously, or possibly, it comes from a relic left by an immortal after his death.

"Is it a fairy relic?" Pei Junlin completely shook his hand, holding the metal ball to upgrade his shaking like Xeikon.

Pei Junlin had seen the fairy artifact fragments before, but at the time of parting, he said that his fairy artifact fragments were given to the **** donkey, but the power of the fairy artifact fragments, Pei Junlin was far from the mood or the strength to develop.

What Pei Junlin didn't think was that after so many years or experience so many things, he was exposed to the things of his ancestors for the second time.

"It's not an ordinary fairy relic. He produced a collection similar to memory and information after the fairy soldiers solved it. However, if you want to crack the secrets, others have no way. You have some ways!" Jin The Lord's constant hints and mentions of Pei Junlin did not make it clear.

Although it is said that Yunshan Mist is incomprehensible, Pei Junlin understands the core information. These things are not relics in the traditional sense, nor are they the kind that Pei Junlin understood before.

What Pei Junlin understood was some bone particles left after the corpse was incinerated. But now Pei Junlin understood what the golden ball in his hand was.

This thing is actually used to convey information by reincarnation, or it is simply a fetus. The difference is that this is the reincarnated fairy fetus of a fairy!

This incident is indeed a bit shocking, even if Pei Junlin was completely shocked for a while.

The fairy needs reincarnation, and the fairy's reincarnation body turned out to be a metal ball. This kind of information makes Pei Junlin not know what he is thinking. UU read www.uukānshu. com is almost like a paste.

But this year I also said that if you want to unlock the information, the thing that needs nutrition is the piece of fairy flesh and blood that Pei Junlin got before.

It is necessary to warm up the metal ball, let the two become one, blend together and even re-evolve slowly, or hatch the fetus in this metal ball.

This is indeed a treasure, but it is a treasure that Wangmei quenches thirst, and does not immediately benefit from it, but once the magical effect is developed, it can bring endless benefits to Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin finally understood why in this area, after the metal sphere was just taken away by someone, everything around him turned into phantoms and bubbles.

It's just that Pei Junlin also understands that the identity of the python is definitely not simple, because he can know the secret here, it may be a person from the Heavenly Soul Palace.

Feeling the metal sphere with his hands, Pei Junlin's heart was surging. He knew that his mission of coming to the underground world could almost be completed this time, because obtaining this treasure would benefit Pei Junlin too much.

Why does this metal ball appear here? Pei Junlin is also puzzled. Where is the fairy in the fairy world? The word fairy world has been haunting Pei Junlin since the earth age, and the mystery has not been solved until now.

"Although this thing is abnormal, it can't be eaten as a meal. If I want to make a fortune in the underground world with my current strength, I need to continuously improve my strength." Pei Junlin was excited from the beginning. After calming down now, he finally grasped the point of the whole thing.

Pei Junlin is a very calm person, often only a short period of excitement will return to calm, at this time Pei Junlin calm and terrible. ?

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