Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1844: Fairy fetus

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The metal ball is indeed a remarkable treasure, but it is said that every man is not guilty and he is guilty of his crime. There are many things in this world that are not completely secret. For example, if this metal ball is in your own hands, it is hard to guarantee that others will not know it. To protect such a treasure with his own current strength is simply a dream.

Therefore, after a brief excitement at this time, Pei Junlin felt a strong sense of anxiety in his heart, because he knew that he might have fallen into a huge danger and that he might become prey and be hunted.

Obtained a huge treasure, but in a short period of time, it will not bring benefits to himself, but will bring great risks. This is also the contradiction in Pei Junlin's current heart.

This time exploring the marshland had already held great hope, but afterwards, although the metal ball was obtained, Pei Junlin felt that the rest of the place was not perfect, because his main purpose this time was to refine Two flying swords.

To lose the east corner, to gain mulberry.

Sometimes people may not be able to get what they want, but God will also arrange another kind of compensation.

Pei Junlin did not continue to stay in this area, at this time he received a message.

Before, Pei Junlin had reached an agreement with Zhang Wei in the wedding hall that day. The two people formed a team and cooperated with each other, but Pei Junlin had always been half pushing and half pushing, and did not seriously promote this matter.

When Zhang Lei left, someone left a voice transmission. Trying to say that two people can communicate with each other within a certain distance in the transmission room, and what Pei Junlin received at this time was Zhang Lei's distress message.

Zhang Lei is a master of the Heavenly Soul Palace, and Pei Junlin is entering this trial site on behalf of Xuankong Mountain this time. The two should have been in an incompatible relationship, but they secretly reached an agreement. The matter was received by Zhang Lei's distress message, and Pei Junlin was actually very conflicted.

After hesitating for a while, Pei Junlin still quickly started to move, moving quickly towards the position where Zhang Lei had issued the coordinates.

Pei Junlin himself does not have a lot of favor with the Hanging Mountain. In addition, Zhang Lei and him have some kind of verbal agreement and contract. In the spirit of the contract, Pei Junlin also has to see what trouble Zhang Lei has encountered .

There are only two kinds of troubles in this underground world. The first is encountering people from hostile forces. For example, Zhang Lei is besieged by a large number of Xuankong Mountain masters. This is the first possibility.

The second possibility is that Zhang Lei has encountered a powerful underground monster, and now he has insufficient self-protection, and then sent an urgent distress message to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin hopes that the second situation is the case. After all, he doesn't want to be too stiff with Xuankong Mountain for the time being. He is now a nominal disciple of Xuankong Mountain.

Relying on the positioning function of the sound transmission stone, Pei Junlin quickly walked into an area that looked very desolate. This area was similar to the desert above the ground, and the ground was full of yellow sand, without any breath of life.

There was a sound of fighting in front of him, which was extremely fierce. When Pei Jun was approaching this area, his divine consciousness had actually seen everything happening around him clearly.

At this time, Zhang Lei was being besieged by four huge skeleton-shaped underground monsters, but the situation was not simple.

Because in addition to the four powerful monsters, Pei Junlin also saw the shadows of several Xuankong Mountain masters. Some people, Zhang Wei, stabbed a hornet's nest this time. Not only were they targeted by hostile snobs, but they also encountered powerful monsters.

Without these Xuankong Mountain disciples, then Pei Junlin would not hesitate to rush out to cooperate with Zhang Lei to eliminate these four powerful monsters, but now there are Xuankong Mountain disciples staring at Pei Junlin on the periphery. The charge of collaborating with the enemy died.

Pei Junlin could not completely break with Xuankong Mountain now, and he did not dare to do so, so Pei Junlin hesitated at this moment.

There is not much contact with Zhang Lei, and there is no affection for each other. However, Pei Junlin owed Zhang Wei a love. After all, when he was besieged before, Zhang Lei helped him at a critical moment.

But now Pei Junlin is in a dilemma. If he helps Zhang Lei further, he will most likely be completely abandoned by Xuankong Mountain.

If Zhang Lei were to give up and fail to save him, it would not completely violate Pei Junlin's philosophy, and it would even make him feel uncomfortable.

So no matter from which way Pei Junlin was shot, he should immediately go to rescue Zhang Lei, but now Pei Junlin thought of another way, that is, to hide his true identity.

Disguise this is undoubtedly a good way, but in this situation where the master is like a cloud, it is easy to be discovered. Pei Junlin's current method, the ultimate method that can be used is the mysterious earthen jar.

After the gray aura enveloped, Pei Junlin's whole person became a shadow. A gray and silver shadow can only see an outline, but he can't see his facial features or any breath.

When a silver ray rushed into the field, a tall skeleton waved the chain in his hand towards Pei Junlin, but the chain was instantly caught by Pei Junlin.

A person stood still, and he wrestled with a skeleton that was more than ten meters tall at the river. The tight chain between the two broke at the last one, but Pei Junlin did not stop, and the chain in his hand pulled up. Stubbornly pumped in the street, on the legs of a huge monster.

And just as Pei Junlin rushed into the field and was fighting side by side with Zhang Lei, dozens of monsters on the other side also rushed in. These monsters were essentially different from the underground monsters.

You monsters were summoned by Junlin Pei from the gate of the devil, in order to muddy the water, so that the masters of the hanging mountain would not have the opportunity to watch the show.

It was Pei Junlin's back hand again, both hands must be grasped, both hands must be hard, and both methods are thunderbolt methods, and the problem was solved in an instant.

Although Zhang Lei couldn't recognize the silver figure in front of him, he could sense that his partner who should be asking for help was coming, it was Junlin Pei.

The two teamed up to fight again quickly, and the four tall skeletons were destroyed. Zhang Lei breathed a sigh of relief and gave a grateful glance at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin looked back at the few people in Xuankong Mountain. The strength of these people was also not trivial. Dozens of demons were actually suppressed by them, and the war was coming to an end.

It is estimated that the boss's gaze is projected over, probably because he does not want to give up Zhang Lei's fat. Because Zhang Lei had killed a lot of points from demons before, many of them were stared at by these people in the air because of his points.

"Leave here." Pei Junlin said hello to Zhang Lei, and fled away in the distance.

Zhang Lei was followed by others. The two behind Pei Junlin rushed toward the depths of the desert. They easily lost their direction in this yellow sand-filled area, but Zhang Lei followed Pei Junlin very closely.

"Thank you if you can come to save me. I couldn't do anything about the situation just now." Zhang Lei showed his original face in a rare way. It turned out to be a very ordinary-looking young man with a little honest temperament.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that Zhang Lei was so gloomy from the outside that it really surprised him.

"You helped me before, and I also helped you once. Let's clean up the two. Let's look at the opportunities for cooperation." Pei Junlin said some unfeeling words, leaving Zhang Lei stunned.

At the moment Zhang Lei was stunned, Pei Junlin had disappeared into the vast desert. Pei Junlin didn't want to stay in this area for long, and his previous methods might not be able to hide those people from Xuankong Mountain.

Pei Junlin soon discovered that he still looked down upon the people like Xuankong Mountain. He thought he could leave without knowing it, but shortly after he entered the depths of the desert, he encountered a mysterious sniper.

The unfamiliar person is a small team in Xuankong Mountain, UU Reading and it is the same group of people who were going to hunt Zhang Lei before.

"Friend, you hide your breath, hide it very secretly, but your identity is not difficult to guess. The person who can be an upright opponent with our Xuankong Mountain in this place is the Heavenly Soul Palace, but if you hide your head and show your tail, it means you It must be our people from Xuankong Mountain." Several disciples of Xuankong Mountain surrounded Pei Junlin, and even blocked the surrounding space.

If it is normal, Pei Junlin is not afraid of these people, although they are crowded. But with a lot of people at this time, Pei Junlin couldn't guarantee his complete victory. Once someone took the news out, then he would undoubtedly break with Xuankong Mountain from then on, without any connection.

"I don't understand what you are saying. I am from the Heavenly Soul Palace. If you want to do it, do it." Pei Junlin did not reveal his true face.

The disciples of Xuankong Mountain didn't want to be held accountable either. Besides, they looked like Pei Junlin was already a dead person. No matter who was hiding their breath in front of them, they had to kill this person.

A big battle is inevitable, Pei Junlin's face also showed a cold smile. At this time, his whole person looked hazy and he couldn't see the appearance of his body, but Pei Junlin's physical body was floating on the surface. Layer of silver barrier.

A person stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a big golden hand suddenly grabbed it, and that piece of space was instantly compressed by Pei Junlin. Before the masters of the hanging mountain had time to escape, their bodies were shrinking rapidly.

Pei Junlin used his own means to directly compress this space, and in a short moment he caught a few people in this space into a ball. Several experts in the realm of True Kings didn't even have time to scream, they were pinched by Pei Junlin with his hands and crushed into flesh. ?

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