Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1848: Golden Body Slayer

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

This is the opponent's Jedi counterattack, and it is also a demonstration of the opponent's strong strength. Pei Junlin was not surprised at first, but the more shocked he became, because his current situation has fallen into the Jedi.

The raging flames burned a ray of light cutting, Pei Junlin's body was cut into seventeen or eighteen pieces! Everything happened between electric light and flint, until Pei Junlin's body turned into dusty flesh.

"It's just a pity to kill you." The opponent saw that Pei Junlin was successfully killed, his face pale.

Because of all the magical powers he had just used, he almost exhausted his whole body's mana. He was also breaking the boat, and even took some kind of potent elixir, which caused great damage to the body.

When the opponent thought that he could take a breath, the ground meat suddenly began to condense, and Pei Junlin's figure slowly recovered in the air. In the blink of an eye, a brand new Pei Junlin appeared again.

"If you want to kill me, I'm afraid I will have to come a few more times." Pei Junlin laughed and walked towards the opponent with a stride, and the magic spear in his hand suddenly assassinated the opponent.

The opponent was completely dumbfounded. Everyone looked at Pei Junlin and didn't know what had happened. It took a long time for Pei Junlin to look at Pei Junlin in a frightening tone and said: "Could it be that you have cultivated into the legendary undead body?"

"It's not too late to understand, but today you have already offended me. It's absolutely impossible if you don't kill you." Pei Junlin strode towards the opponent, his aura getting stronger and stronger.

Now that the balance of victory has been completely reversed, the man in the cyan robe has exhausted the mana of the gods. Although he is devouring desperately, he wants to recover his strength, but at this time, Pei Junlin will no longer give his opponent too much. Much time.

The Hunshi Demon Spear came to the front, and the saint-level powerhouse rubbed his hands, grabbing the soul in Pei Junlin's hand by what spear? The magic power around him was ancient, and there was a gap between his eyebrows, and a dark light shone towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin stood there with red vinegar in circles, while the Hunshi Demon Spear in his hand was inch Jin, like a nail smashed.

What kind of gun was leaning forward in the next step when the opponent's hands were tightly held, and the head had almost pierced the opponent's eyebrows. The black light couldn't cause any harm to Pei Junlin. Instead, the surface of Pei Junlin's skin shone with silver light, and the black light was instantly reflected.

"Don't do it, let's discuss it." The man in the cyan robe finally felt scared, and he took the initiative to show weakness towards Pei Junlin: "It's called Qi Donglai, and my father's name is Qi Qiang, who is from Xuankong Mountain. An elder. What's up? I will definitely be held accountable. On the contrary, if you let me go, then the two of us will be friends in the future. If you have anything, I will never stand by."

This Qi Donglai's strength is not weak, but his courage is much weaker. When fighting Pei Junlin, he is actually not at a disadvantage.

It's just that although Qi Donglai has amazing talents and well-trained, he broke through to a saint-level powerhouse at a young age, but compared with Pei Junlin, both his fighting skills and his mind are quite different.

His strength is like muscles trained in a gym. Although it looks scary, his strength is not good.

Therefore, in the tug of war with Pei Junlin, Qi Donglai was obviously weak, and was quickly suppressed by Pei Junlin. Of course, this was not a suppression of strength, but a suppression of temperament and mentality.

In the face of Pei Junlin’s indomitable dominance, he couldn’t fight Pei Junlin at all. He soon fell into a disadvantage in his will and was on the verge of collapse. Now he is begging for mercy towards Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin has never been surprised. .

"Your father is an elder, but if it is an ordinary elder, it is of no use, I killed you, he still can't do anything to me, after all, you did it." Pei Junlin said indifferently.

Qi Donglai was already low enough, but he didn't expect that Pei Junlin still refused to let him go. His anger almost overwhelmed him in an instant. It was not that he had no temper, but he was just a little courageous, but the clay figure also had three points of anger. At this time, being humiliated by Pei Junlin's strongest, he finally couldn't sit still.

"The flames burn the sky! Burn it for me!" Qi Donglai roared, and a phoenix full of flames flew out behind him.

The Fire Phoenix gave Pei Junlin a strange feeling. It was not nothing but a real existence. Of course, it is impossible for Qi Donglai to carry a true ancient spirit with him.

Then the only possibility is that this is a kind of totem-like existence, similar to a certain agreement reached with the true spirit in the ancient times, and the new purchase continues.

In other words, this flame phoenix is ​​Qi Donglai's totem, and the two have already merged between the bloodlines. Seeing the Yuhuo phoenix shrouded in front of him, Pei Junlin didn't feel any panic.

The world is vast and the universe is boundless.

The four true spirits of the ancient Hongmeng pioneered the world to suppress the heaven and earth's luck. Whether it is the phoenix or the true dragon, the Suzaku, and the Xuanwu, each of these ancient true spirits is an extremely powerful existence on the ancient land, which once stirred up the ancient path.

At this time, Pei Junlin faced the coercion of this totem. He stood there like a pillar between heaven and earth, standing upright on the ground.

This scorching temperature seems to melt the heavens and the earth, and the universe is in Paul. Among them, Pei Junlin has felt that the entire underground test site has been strongly impacted.

There is no doubt that Qi Donglai has two brushes, and it is very likely that he is the strongest person to enter this trial site. The power of this totem burned the sky and the earth, even the stars and universe could not escape the poisonous hand, but at this moment Pei Junlin was not panicked.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a wave of strength was directly drawn by him from the void. The power is not ordinary power, but the countless water spirits that Pei Junlin grabbed from other dimensions.

At the moment when Pei Junlin became an undead body, the tree of life at the center of his eyebrows has actually been completely integrated with Pei Junlin. Today's Pei Junlin is like the main body of the tree of life, and he can communicate the power of the dimension with the touch of a hand.

A stream of pure water elemental power shrouded, forming a planet around Pei Junlin, constantly rotating the pure power to shroud Pei Junlin, frozen for thousands of miles.

At the same time, in the depths of Pei Junlin's body, the mysterious blue flame suddenly moved, rushing out of Pei Junlin's eyebrows, and instantly forming a barrier around Pei Jun.

The moment the fire phoenix totem impacted, the blue flame rose to the sky instead, entwined with the blue fire phoenix.

Qi Donglai, who was originally triumphant, suddenly let out a terrifying roar, because he suddenly felt that his totem power was weakening.

Qi Donglai was mobilizing the power of his whole body, even burning his blood. He can feel that when you see it, if you can't stand it at this time, then I won't have the ability to resist.

This is a game that determines life and death, so at this moment, Qi Donglai almost took out his ability to press the bottom of the box. Under the vertical eyes of her eyebrows, a dark light was once again opened, before starting to come. A magical shield appeared!

Then Qi Donglai's head starts to smoke. It is not ordinary smoke, but **** smoke. This is Qi Donglai's evaporation, burning his own blood.

At this moment, the Hunshi Magic Spear finally broke through Qi Donglai’s square defense line, and slammed on the shield, bursting with great power. The Hunshi Magic Spear pierced the shield like a heavy hammer hitting the cowhide. There was a shaking sound from the drum.

Above the two of them, Pei Junlin's strange fire and mysterious blue flame finally completely enveloped the totem of the fire phoenix.

The blue flame turned into an eagle soaring in the sky, spreading its wings and sharp claws and piercing the fire phoenix's back fiercely. The fire phoenix kept wailing, seeming to be approaching Qi Dong for help.

The battle between the two caused strong fluctuations, and the surrounding mountains began to collapse, and even the ground began to crack deep trenches, and flames burst into the sky and volcanic eruptions.

There was a sign of apocalyptic destruction in the surrounding area, and the fight between the two UU Reading also caused changes in the entire surrounding sword formation. At this moment, Qi Donglai was on the verge of collapse, and under the battle with Pei Junlin, he was completely defeated.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die, you will save me life for everything you want." Qi Donglai burst into tears.

It is humiliating to beg for mercy, but he does not want to die, at this moment he has to give up his dignity.

Pei Junlin actually did not intend to kill this person from the beginning. Seeing Qi Donglai's mental will completely collapsed, Pei Junlin was already prepared. Promises are unreliable, and oaths are even more bullshit, and Pei Junlin's Behind the Shore Palace is the ultimate destination for Qi Donglai in front of him.

A ray of light illuminates his body, and Qi Donglai wakes up from the hazy tears, seeing a tall palace in front of him, he can hardly believe his eyes.

The sound of chanting scriptures came from the palace, making Qi Donglai seem to be in a dream. After hearing these scriptures, Donglai's eyes became more and more confused.

"As long as you take refuge in me, you will never treat you badly in the future." Pei Junlin's voice sounded like a natural one, giving Qi Donglai a feeling of worship.

One of his strength far exceeds Pei Junlin, but at this moment he has to worship Pei Junlin, and he has a feeling of respect and fear towards Pei Junlin from his heart.

The humiliation in his heart was slowly weakened and reduced until it disappeared completely. At this time, Qi Donglai had no grievances anymore. He knelt at Pei Junlin's feet, praying silently in his heart like respecting a god.

"It's my fault against you today. Everything now is the punishment I deserve. From now on I will atone for my sins." Qi Donglai prostrated under Pei Junlin's feet in a convincing tone. ?

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