Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1849: Another batch

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin is very happy, which means that his position in the Xuankong Mountain will be more stable. With Qi Donglai, his right-hand man, he will be directly more powerful.

The previous ancestors of the golden ancestors were ranked in the Hanging Mountain and were not ranked at all. This was an outsider's general manager, just like a big housekeeper. Although he had some rights, he still didn't ask for a thorough understanding of some news about Zhongshu. .

But now it’s different. Pei Junlin punched and kicked directly into the hours of Xuankong Mountain. As long as Qi Donglai was firmly grasped in the palm of his hand, it would be equivalent to paving a road to the upper level of Xuankong Mountain. .

At this time, the hidden dangers left before will no longer exist, and the killing of two saint-level powerhouses will also end the blind date.

So it was recovered at this time, Qi Donglai, this guy Pei Junlin was still very happy, he knew that Qi Donglai did not tell the truth. The Qi family is also a big mountain in the entire Xuankong Mountain, especially the Lao Tzu from Qi Donglai, who is the top elder Taishang.

When the water is clear, there are no fish, and Pei Junlin can't ask Qi Dong to come. Just as soon as he takes refuge in himself, he is completely honest to himself. Lying just shows that Qi Donglai is mindful and scheming, not a fool.

"Very well, you will follow me in the future. I will definitely give you some soup when I eat meat. As long as you assist me with all your heart and effort, it will be just around the corner." Regardless of true or false, Pei Junlin said a little too long.

Although using the Bi'an Hall, the start-up has been completely transformed, and now Qi Donglai is like a kitten lying under his feet.

But Pei Junlin was ashamed in his heart. As the saying goes, a young hero like Qi Donglai who kills but nods his head is surprisingly talented and has a terrifying background. It really shouldn't have such an end.

But the blame is Qi Donglai's poor eyesight, choosing the wrong enemy, and finally hitting himself on the iron plate, stepping on the iron nail, and he will have such a miserable end.

"From now on, I must be the leader of the master." Qi Donglai was very on the road, immediately stood up from the ground, swore to Pei Junlin, and swear.

Pei Junlin didn’t believe this. He was just carefully observing Qi Donglai with his eyes. There must be a process for the transformation of a person. Now Qi Donglai obviously still has some independent will, which is not like that gold. How about the ancestor or King Shura, he was 100% obedience to Pei Junlin.

If there must be a data, then the data Pei Junlin painted for Qi Donglai is nine layers.

"By the way, my helpers are coming right away. The master must be careful. Although I have followed the master, the helpers may not do this." Qi Donglai hurriedly said to Pei Junlin.

When Pei Jun arrived, he didn't think that Qi Dong had to do things with courtesy. If he didn't make a quick decision by himself and disrupted his overall plan, it would really be possible to catch the kid dug in the pit.

There is nothing more to say now, Pei Junlin's inner guilt is also eliminated in an instant. As the saying goes, the enemy must be ruthless in the autumn wind. If he is blindly kind, it is to dig his own grave.

Pei Junlin also clearly understood his previous guilt, and he didn't know where he came from. Qi Donglai was already in his grasp, and he laid a vicious trap to wait for him to step in.

"Is there anyone who can listen to you? If you listen to you, let them wait outside, don't come in and delay my business." Pei Junlin's expression was very unhappy.

This place is a treasure place, everywhere is full of sword aura, and those flying sword Pei Junlin suspected that it was not forged by man, but was the birth of the idea of ​​heaven and earth.

In other words, Pei Junlin suspected that there was once a mighty buried here, and they became physically in this area after death. In other words, there used to be an extremely Daoist sword repairman who died unexpectedly here. After his death, the sword intent of his whole body turned into the flying swords in this area. This was formed by his mind.

The flowers, the grass, the mountains and the rocks here contain the supreme kendo controversy, and even the nicks on the rocks contain some deep understanding of kendo. Pei Junlin does not want to miss this kind of place, and he really wants to be here. Two flying swords were built here.

But the success of refining those two flying swords is so undoubted that Pei Junlin's current strength will skyrocket. By then, he can walk sideways in the entire trial site, and no one is his enemy.

"No, those people shouldn't listen to me. Zhang Yufeng and the others also have their own ideas, and they have a relationship with me." To Pei Junlin's surprise, Qi Donglai did not follow his own words, and Weiwei Nuonuo instead. Different opinions were put forward.

In this way, it can be proved from the side that everything about this startup is the truth. He doesn't want to fool himself. Pei Junlin nodded: "This matter is not easy to say, but you will be my helper later. They are. If you look at your face, then that’s fine. If you’re obsessed with walking to the dark, then send them to reincarnation."

There was also a trace of killing intent on Pei Junlin's face. His face was tense, showing a look of not being ruthless, which seemed to be even more frightened in Qi Donglai's eyes.

Pei Junlin’s methods have already been learned since it was activated. Real people don’t say much, and Pei Junlin has a characteristic, that is, the strength of the body is different from ordinary people. It is not like a monk at all, but like a legend. Physical training in China.

Originally, Qi Donglai's strength was not bad, and he even had to stabilize Pei Junlin's side. It was because he did not expect that Pei Junlin was a physical training, so he suffered a big loss. In the end, he fell short, and was defeated by Pei Junlin. , Became a slave.

Now that he heard that Pei Junlin was going to kill the Quartet, he was a little excited when he started. He and those who are in competition by himself are also at odds with each other. They are in a competitive relationship. Now that he has the opportunity to kill people with the knife, how happy he is Why not?

"Yes, yes, yes, if these little boys are not obedient, they will chop off his head. Anyway, in this underground trial site, they will die if they die. No one will doubt." Qi Donglai nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. There was a fierce gleam on his face.

Pei Junlin saw all Qi Donglai's reaction in his eyes. What the kid said was really sincere. It is very likely that those reinforcements and him were not in the same mind, they were some dudes who made a lot of trouble.

But the more this kind of person is, the more alert Pei Junlin will be, because no matter where he is, people have a circle. People like Qi Donglai must belong to the circle of dudes.

There must be a variety of small circles in Xuankong Mountain. Qi Donglai has the strength and family. The people he knows are definitely not bad. He should belong to the second-generation noble son of the same powerful faction.

Can such people be killed, of course, can't be killed, if these people are destroyed on impulse, Pei Junlin believes that the moment he walks out of here is his end.

If it can neither be killed nor hardened, then thirty-six counts are the best count. There is no impermeable wall in this world. If it really kills all these people, as Qi Dong said, then it may be the beginning of trouble.

What did Qi Donglai think? Pei Junlin didn't know, because Qi Donglai hadn't been completely saved yet, there were some things Pei Junlin still couldn't know, so at this time, Qi Donglai had complete trust.

"It's not that they can come in if they want to come in. It's very strange that you can come here, but I don't know if other people can enter here." With a weird smile, he reached out and grabbed Qi Donglai and was shut down by Pei Junlin. Now, in the Great Hall of the Other Shore.

At this time, Qi Donglai, who was in the Great Hall of the Other Shore, looked in a trance. She looked at the huge statue, almost waiting for Pei Junlin. The details of the production were very vivid. Looking up at such a huge statue, Qi Donglai's heart turned out to be true. There is an urge to worship.

"I can't do this, I am me, and I absolutely can't succumb to anyone." Looking at the statue in front of him, Qi Donglai said softly.

He was talking to himself and admonishing himself, UU Reading seemed to remind himself to start and sit down, trying his best to resist the erosion of his spiritual thoughts by the man.

From Pei Junlin's point of view, all this is nothing more than a stubborn resistance. Qi Donglai is now completely surrendered. There is not a long distance. Pei Junlin does not pay attention to this person at all. He continues to move towards this area as soon as he flashes. Take the core away.

Pei Junlin is now only shivering from the final promotion, he is not in a hurry. However, what Pei Junlin is most concerned about and anxious now is the refining of two flying swords. This is a place full of opportunities. Pei Junlin speculates that an ancient swordsman fell here, so that this area was born. A slight change.

This swordsman is either a powerful character or a super evolutionary body specializing in kendo, which can be called a sword idiot.

When Pei Junlin continued to walk forward, he saw a stone tablet. There was nothing on this stone tablet, only the messy sword marks. After seeing these marks, Pei Junlin's eyes gradually turned into horror, as if he stood in place. Like stone carvings.

I don't know when this Fang Tiandi actually started to snow, but this is the underground world, how can there be heavy snow without the sky, but Pei Junlin has no intention to pursue these things. He stood in the ice and snow and was slowly covered by snow, the whole person was like an ice sculpture.

I don't know how long it has passed, a group of young people came here, all of them are amazing, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and they are also very handsome, and they all reveal the aura of a solemn noble boy.

"The dog from Qi Donglai disappeared without a trace after sending out a distress message, which made us rambling in this area." Someone complained loudly. ?

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