Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1850: Sword spirit

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The heavy snow covered everything, and Pei Junlin was covered by snow like an ice sculpture, so these people did not find the existence of Pei Junlin, but felt that the snowman standing here was a bit strange.

"Did you find out? This area is full of fierce sword aura. Since we entered here, it can be called a step-by-step crisis, but fortunately, someone thundered for us, and there were surprises along the way." Another said.

Pei Junlin's spirit has been completely immersed in a world of nothingness, in this world of nothingness there is only one sword, and Junlin Pei has been observing this sword confronting this sword.

This sword is not hostile to Pei Junlin, but it is definitely not goodwill. The various tricks and sharp sword intent that this sword has been constantly wielding in Pei Junlin’s year have almost completely defeated Pei Junlin’s spirit. Chopped.

I felt that although Pei Junlin could feel everything, he didn't care too much. These people didn't notice him for the time being, and he continued to be able to immerse himself in the world of this sword.

"This is a dividing line. If you want to enter it, you must beat me. Otherwise, even if it is the king of heaven, Lao Tzu will not come here, and a person of power level cannot go further." This sword suddenly became a sword. The baby, but the baby is old-fashioned, looking at Pei Junlin with his hands on his back and said.

Pei Junlin observed carefully and found that the doll in front of him was not so much a baby as a three-year-old doll. It was very cute and pink, but it was old-fashioned when speaking, and its eyes were extremely delicate.

The most distinctive feature is not the baby's appearance, but the baby's eyebrows. That eyebrow is like two flying swords, a fierce aura that simply oppresses people's hearts.

Pei Junlin's heart was overwhelmed. This flying sword was simply the highest peak he picked up. If he wanted to climb this mountain, it would be easy, Pei Junlin had no confidence at all.

At this time, outside of Pei Junlin's spiritual world, everyone finally discovered that this stone sculpture was a bit unusual, but a human being.

If they discover Pei Junlin at the same time, these people have also discovered the stone stele. They are the first to be attracted by the uneven patterns on the stone stele. They are the same as Pei Junlin, and are also immersed in it. Soon Pei Junlin’s spiritual world will be more numerous. A few young geniuses from Xuankong Mountain.

It’s just that the treatment of these people is worse than Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin has received preferential treatment and is on the same level as the sword spirit, and these people are like rubbish, and there is no dialogue with Pei Junlin. right.

The moment these people's mental thoughts entered this world, their spirits were instantly frozen. This infant-looking sword spirit didn't do anything to these people, but looked at Pei Junlin with an old-fashioned look: "Did you really care about the things you just said? If you don't see you as a manufacturable, do you think I and you will talk more nonsense?"

Pei Junlin sighed. He knew that this weapon spirit was very difficult to defeat, because the opponent was the peak of kendo, and that was a master of the era, using his lifelong beliefs to condense the spirit.

If you want to defeat the opposite sword spirit who looks like a baby, then you need Pei Junlin's attainments in kendo to surpass the opponent. In Pei Junlin's view, it is impossible to be completely foolish.

"Let me try, if you fail, will you kill me directly?" Pei Junlin looked at each other curiously.

"Do good deeds, don't ask about your future. If you are in trouble, you will not be able to climb the peak of kendo at all, so I advise you to put aside life and death, put down yourself, and reach the point where there is no self, no self, no life and no death." The sword spirit is still there. Old-fashioned teaching Pei Junlin.

The remarks are not rough, although these remarks are a bit of suspicion of standing without backache, but in the view of Pei Junlin, there is still some truth.

Invincible, no self, no life, no death, ordinary people can't do it at all, unless it is that kind of desperation or seeing crazy.

The reason why the sword spirit I agreed to try with him is not because Pei Junlin is confident that he can surpass the sword spirit in his swordsmanship, but because Pei Junlin has cultivated the Tianyun thirteen swords.

Tianyun Thirteen Swords is Pei Junlin’s biggest trump card, and it is also the hope in his heart to come back. Tianyu’s thirteen pieces come from the strongest mental method in this universe, and they are also the strongest kendo magical powers, although the sword spirit in front of them can also Swordsmanship with the highest stability, but Pei Junlin did not believe that Qingyun Thirteen Swords would lose to the opponent.

With Pei Junlin's current strength, it is impossible to play any strength of Tianyun Thirteen Swords, so Pei Junlin said that there is a prerequisite for this competition, which is the little nine in Pei Junlin's heart.

"There is no problem with you, but I have a requirement here, that is, you must give me a sword before we start. If you don't see it, how can I compare with you?" Pei Junlin's eyes flickered. The big eyes shone cunningly like a fox.

The sword spirit was pure and flawless, like a baby, except for the cultivation of swordsmanship, there was no distraction at all, so after Pei Junlin made this request, he almost immediately agreed.

A white jade flawless flying sword came and made a buzzing sound in front of Pei Junlin. This was a peerless sword, in Pei Junlin's eyes, it was no less than that innate flying sword.

The sword is very strong, but Pei Junlin is not interested, because it is someone else's sword, and it is sealed with other people's brand. Pei Junlin believes that this sword should be something left by the previous top swordsman.

"This is not my thing, I don't want it, I want to forge a sword of my own. No, I need two." Pei Junlin has already begun to play tricks.

Poor Sword Spirit, didn't know how dirty Pei Junlin's heart was. After Pei Junlin made the request, he agreed almost immediately without any hesitation.

"Even my master does cast a cheap slave here. Although it can't be called the best, it is the most suitable. If you have any needs, please follow me." The sword spirit did not hesitate at all, directly With Pei Junlin flying out of the spiritual world.

At this time, Pei Junlin discovered that there were five more people around, standing there like a stone sculpture, his body was covered with snow.

These people should be the reinforcements mentioned by the start-up, they should also be some of the dudes of Xuankong Mountain, the leader of the second generation, Pei Junlin is not interested in these people, a Qidong will be enough, if you are around Too many people will cause others to doubt.

So Pei Junlin didn't do anything to these people, but quickly followed the sword spirit to the core of this area. Except for the introduction of many large formations in the sword spirit, it is completely invalid for Pei Junlin.

Some formations that seemed impossible to cross, Pei Junlin soon came under the lead of the sword spirit, and Pei Junlin finally saw the most shocking scene in the center of this area.

The flying swords flying in the sky are flying freely in this world like birds. Pei Junlin can feel that these swords have spirituality, even life, they are free, and there is no master to restrain them. In this world They can fly freely and do what they want to do.

There are whizzing sounds from the sky. These are the sounds of flying swords passing through the air. Pei Junlin can see the sky and the earth, at least hundreds of thousands. Seeing these are different in shape, there are various colors and colors. Various materials are made of different grades, but each sword is the best.

These swords flew in the sky like birds, choosing around this area, and at the core of the replacement Pei Junlin saw a huge furnace, which is the deepest flame in the underground communicating under a furnace dedicated for refining. .

The flickering light of this flame made Pei Junlin feel frightened, because this was definitely not an ordinary flame but a strange fire. At this moment, Pei Junlin felt that the mysterious blue flame in his body seemed a little frightened. Could it be that the rating of this abnormal fire exceeds that of his own?

Pei Junlin can’t take care of too many worries. UU reading will accomplish all his life’s dreams when he comes here. It is called a holy place for swordsmanship. If you take out those materials, you will definitely Here forged a peerless flying sword.

Pei Junlin’s cultivation of the Tianyun Thirteen Swords has strict requirements for each flying sword. Different materials and different refining methods will produce different flying swords, and this flying sword is for Pei Junlin. It is also very precious, but it is not applicable.

"Lend the field here for you first. When will you practice your two swords, and when will we try? I have time waiting for you." The sword spirit seemed in no rush, and disappeared as soon as he turned around.

You can find that there is a supreme formation around you. If you want to get out of here, you must crack the formation here. With Pei Junlin's strength already completely trapped, it is impossible to leave this area.

I shook his head for you. He knew that it was temporarily unrealistic to want to leave here, but another advantage was that it was impossible for outsiders to come in. Pei Junlin was completely isolated and hiding in this area was completely safe.

Looking at the huge burning furnace in the center, Pei Junlin's heart was surging, and his heart was fierce. This huge furnace is definitely a top-notch treasure.

Back then, the owner didn't know how extravagant he was. He actually spent so much energy here to create an excellent place for training equipment. It seems that the opponent is not only a sword idiot, but also a master refining.

The deepest Gengjin murderous aura among the earth veins connected by mountains and waters, Pei Junlin knew that this was the most suitable place for training. However, at this time, Pei Junlin's film did not have the first time to refine his flying sword, instead he took out the mixed world magic spear. Although this mixed world magic spear is the best spirit treasure, it is already useless in front of Pei Junlin. ?

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