Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1854: Death

Text Chapter VIII

The vicissitudes in the eyes of the sword spirit baby are not fake, and Pei Junlin can feel that the sword spirit baby seems to have cultivated some supreme methods in these three thousand years. Now his whole person looks like a simple atmosphere. It feels that even the spirituality circulating around the body is a bit different.

"Your situation is not special. You have to know that what you drink is real chicken blood. You are now commonly known as chicken blood." The sword spirit baby smiled, gloating on his face.

You can hear the three words "Beat Chicken Blood". I didn't expect that the Sword Spirit Baby would be so bad and made such a mess for myself. It's just that this fight of Chicken Blood can make people excited and soaring, but Pei Junlin knew that he couldn't. It is indeed a pity to support it for too long.

The feeling of using chicken blood is very wonderful, the strength has skyrocketed, and it almost feels that the world is invincible. Pei Junlin is nostalgic for this feeling, but this feeling of helplessness cannot last too long, and drinking chicken blood is definitely a one-off.

"Don't regret that this chicken blood can not be consumed once it penetrates into your body, and it penetrates into your bone marrow and produces a mass of blood, which can continuously give birth to this chicken blood in your body. That is to say, you can use this power every time you fight, and you can experience a feeling of fighting blood in every fight." The words of the sword spirit baby shaking his head and shaking his brain made Pei Junlin stunned.

When Pei Junlin heard this, he was so excited that he was going to faint. He did not expect that the snow he drank was not a one-off, and the snow would actually generate a bone marrow in his body. You must know that bone marrow is used for blood production. Yes, after generating this mechanical bone marrow, you can continuously produce this kind of chicken blood in your body!

It's crazy, thinking of myself, every time I fight, I can use the skill of hitting the blood. The strength skyrocketed, and the opponent was crushed instantly. Pei Junlin's excited body was trembling, and his teeth were trembling.

As long as you are fighting with the opponent, you have entered a state of tug-of-war, but suddenly you have been beaten up, your strength has doubled, and the opponent is crushed crazy. Who can stand it?

"It's equivalent to saying that you have an extra magical power, just call it a chicken blood magical power. Every time you fight with an enemy, your strength suddenly soars, and you can completely scare the other party to death. "The sword spirit baby smeared the star and flew across, patted Pei Junlin's shoulder with his small hand, as if he was taking care of the younger brother.

Pei Junlin took it and completely took it. If she thought it was inappropriate for the sword spirit baby to be her own elder brother before, then Pei Junlin has now fully shown a feeling of worship for this sword spirit baby, this guy is too It's abnormal, it's too bad, it's beyond words.

My chicken blood supernatural power, it sounds a bit unsightly, I will think of a good name in the future.

"Big brother, my eldest brother! One day for the eldest brother, the eldest brother for life, the younger brother will recognize you in this life." Pei Junlin now doesn't care who this sword spirit baby offends, even the white-robed holy monarch in Xuankong Mountain is not afraid .

The sword spirit baby is simply a treasure, this guy is too bad, and there is a surprise every day with this guy.

Pei Junlin thought that Chen Jianghai was also an ancient antique. Then Chen Yang still put on a stinky face all day long, or he was put in a coffin. Compared with the baby sword spirit, it was like a sky and an underground.

The same brothers, why is the gap so big?

Even Pei Junlin knew that the brothers could not be compared, and they could not be compared with each other, but at this time he still couldn't help but compare the sword spirit baby with Chen Jianghai.

"Big brother, you've been here for a long time, do you want to go out with your little brother? See the colorful world outside." Pei Junlin's eyes rolled around and came up with a bad idea.

Of course, this is not entirely for his own benefit. On the one hand, Pei Junlin wants the Sword Spirit Baby to follow him as a bodyguard that can be used anytime, anywhere.

In addition, Pei Junlin also wanted to take the sword spirit baby to take a look outside and experience the world of flowers. After all, he can see that the sword spirit baby has been here for a long time, which is definitely calculated in units of 10,000 years.

"No, no, I can't leave here. My master is sitting here, and I promised him to guard his spirit." The sword spirit baby has always been obeying Pei Junlin, but now Pei Junlin makes this request. Ling Bao directly refused without a doubt.

Although Pei Junlin's heart was a little bit lost, he did not force him to know that everyone has his own beliefs, especially the sword spirit baby. It is really pitiful. Its owner has died. I don't know how many years. The sword spirit baby is loyally guarding here, which is really sighing.

"Then elder brother since you can't leave here, then the younger brother should come and see elder brother anytime." Pei Junlin fell in love with him a little bit, and now he is really reluctant to bear sword spirit baby.

Although the two have not known each other for a long time, Pei Junlin feels that the sword spirit baby really takes care of himself like a big brother, and is simply a real-life big brother.

In fact, there are two kinds of meeting gifts given by Baby Sword Spirit, one is the supernatural power of chicken blood, and the other is the dream of drunken life.

No matter whether the two things are taken out, it is a good treasure that is difficult to buy with a million dollars. Even some powerful saints, I am afraid that you can't dream of such a good thing.

"Although the two of us are now brothers, we still have to learn from each other. It's just that I can control the strength so that it won't hurt you. You should start playing with me." The sword spirit baby hehe, smiled Pei Junlin The economy, feeling a scorching heat between his eyebrows, unexpectedly entered the spiritual world again.

The sword spirit baby’s mental power is very strong. You can directly pull Pei Junlin into a spiritual illusory world without the consent of Pei Junlin, because fighting here does not hurt yourself. This is the best result, just like two People play a kind of virtual game outside, although the game is dark, but it will not harm the deity.

Pei Junlin also knows the thoughts of the sword spirit baby. He has been trapped here for many years. It is really lonely. He urgently needs a person to play games with him. This kendo learning is a game.

A person secretly warned himself that he must accompany this big brother well and make him happy.

Pei Junlin raised his head and looked at the cloudless blue sky. There were three flying swords descending from the sky, seeming to have come here from the emptiness.

Three flying swords descended in front of Pei Junlin, making a buzzing sound, one sword was shining with golden light, and the other sword was shining with blood.

The three swords were connected end to end and revolved around Pei Junlin, forming a ring. Pei Junlin stood in the center as if he saw a god.

The sword spirit baby stood opposite Pei Junlin, and the whole person was enveloped in a layer of milky white light. Seeing Pei Junlin’s appearance, the sword spirit baby nodded with a cute little face with a serious look: you can now Show your greatest strength, don't keep your hands, and don't be afraid of hurting me. Let's learn from each other. "

Pei Junlin naturally did not hesitate. Facing the worshiping brother in front of him, Sword Spirit Baby naturally had no reservations, and he stretched out his hand to be Tianyun Thirteen Swords.

Tianyun Thirteen Swords have their own sword moves every week. For example, at this stage of Pei Jun’s arrival, these three swords form a testimony when he stretches out his hand.

The formation formed by these three swords can’t even be understood by Pei Junlin. There are complicated mathematics in it, and even Pei Junlin can see some rules. Among them, the sword formation is very good, and the sword must be moved instantly. Ling Bao was trapped in it.

Pei Junlin was also a little surprised to see this scene, because she didn't expect this sword formation to be so sharp that even Jianming Baby was trapped.

Pei Junlin had already promised Sword Spirit Baby to go all out and absolutely not be able to release the water, so at this time Pei Junlin was extremely serious, and he kept calculating some of the essence of the cloud thirteen swords that day in his mind.

The Thirteen Swords of Tianyun are still running, Pei Junlin can feel the engulfing power around him, the cloud group formed by UU Reading, the sword spirit baby is completely trapped in the formation and bears it. The supreme air of killing.

There seems to be another world in the sword formation, a world of killing, a world of killing, there is blood everywhere, killing everywhere, fierce killing breath, destroying the world, can make the world shattered. collapse.

There is a palace above the surging blood river. It is not an ordinary palace, but a supreme institution. There is a loud reading in the institution.

The sword spirit baby was trapped in this world, with a look of horror and fear on his face, because although he was very strong in kendo, he still felt unable to shoot when he encountered this formation.

"The sky does not give birth to you, Pei Jun is in the sword, eternal like a long night, you are indeed a peerless genius, it is a match made in heaven to get this peerless." The sword spirit baby muttered to himself, a pair of extremely shiny eyes, like the stars of the Milky Way. same.

After all, he didn't move his face when he heard these words, and continued to control the formation with all his strength, the baby Nebula also showed a sneer on his face. Immediately after that, Pei Junlin felt that the world was hanging upside down and an unspeakable force began to cut the entire world, and his carefully arranged formation began to fall apart at this moment.

Of course, Pei Junlin would not let the formation collapse easily, and the formation he personally arranged could not just collapse. There are a lot of mysteries in the thirteen swords of your cloud, which seem to be easy to collapse, but there are many reasons to attract each other.

Although this formation is beginning to collapse, it is connected end to end with each other. The sword spirit baby is very strong, and it seems that he has the chance to win, but slowly his smile freezes.

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