Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1855: 1 thread of spirit

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

Pei Junlin's swordsmanship is Tianyun Thirteen Swords, which is the most powerful kendo core in the universe. Tianyun is the highest level of the Three Realms. It is the core secret of the universe composed of thirteen flying swords, which implies the great principle of the birth and death of the universe.

Although this sword spirit baby is on the top of the sword, climbing the peak can be described as reaching the peak, looking at the mountains, but at this time, when he encounters the Tianyun 13 swords specially arranged by Pei Junlin, he still has some strength to see, and his face turns black. Up.

If the two hadn't just bowed to their brother and drank chicken blood wine, Pei Junlin now even suspects that the sword spirit baby will immediately turn his face with him.

"It's just two of us brothers. Let's stop here. It doesn't matter whether we are winning or losing. What if we are tied this time?" Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the three flying swords immediately turned into dust in the air. Slowly disappeared into the world.

This was originally a nihilistic spiritual world, and these three flying swords Pei Junlin also used the sword spirit in it. So when Pei Junlin waved his hand, Sister Rong's formation replied as if the snow melted without a trace, and the sword spirit baby stood there with a trace of regret and guilt on his face.

"It may be a tie. I am willing to accept the bet. Although the two of us are brothers, we have to settle accounts. This time I made the mistake." The sword spirit baby behaved upright, but the grievance in his eyes could not be concealed. Not in front of Junlin Pei, even tears would roll down.

Pei Junlin knew that it was the Sword Spirit Baby that had a good face, and his heart was very strong. He didn't know the origin of the Sword Spirit Baby Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin knew the other party's character very well.

The first is that this Lingbao has a mean appearance on the surface, but the heart is extremely soft, and the eyes are extremely clear, without a trace of human affection, which shows that the sword spirit baby is kind in heart.

But the sword spirit baby also has its own personality, too strong to win, unwilling to give up, this is the character of the sword spirit baby.

Pei Junlin obviously wanted to give the sword spirit baby a step down, but I don't know why the sword spirit baby didn't want this step, instead he and Pei Junlin decided the outcome.

The reaction of the sword spirit baby made Pei Junlin silent for a while, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"You don't have to have too many thoughts and interpretations in your heart. I won't hate you. We are brothers. We have already vowed to heaven. I will never regret it, but this time I lost. If it's true, it's just that I lost, and I will catch up with it for a while." The sword spirit baby said openly.

Pei Junlin slowly got the point. The character of the sword spirit baby, it turns out that the sword spirit baby is actually not eager to compete, it is because a person has been alone for too long, no one can make him attractive. It just so happened that Pei Junlin was able to make the sword spirit baby look at him.

For a time, Pei Junlin's heart was filled with moving emotions. Although this sword spirit baby looked like a child, Pei Junlin did not. Because of this, he looked down on him.

It seems that the brotherhood between the two can withstand the test, which makes Pei Junlin's false feelings disappear in an instant, and the eyes of the sword spirit baby become hot and sincere.

"You have beaten me now. I'm going to retreat. Whenever I have something to do, come to me whenever I have something to do. Other brothers do not have the ability to pierce the sword." The sword spirit baby seems to be a little tired. Yawned.

Pei Junlin also understands that the sword spirit baby has a stiff mouth. In fact, everything just now hit the sword spirit baby very hard. It should be known that the sword spirit baby will see the above accomplishments again, but he lost to Pei in his best aspect. King's Landing, this is definitely not something anyone can bear.

However, Pei Junlin dauntedly refused to leave. First, this sword spirit baby was his great backer, and he wanted to fool around with his three-inch tongue.

It's best to say that the sword spirit baby accompanies him out of the mountain and becomes his own bodyguard for his **** fans. Of course, Junlin Pei knows that this is just his wishful thinking. I don’t know how many years the sword spirit baby has been trapped here. What trapped him is not that there is a formation that restricts him from leaving, but the sword spirit baby refuses to leave. Leave its original owner.

If you want to leave, Sword Spirit Baby would have left here long ago, not waiting until today.

The second thought is that Pei Junlin wants to inquire some secret information through the mouth of the sword spirit baby, such as where is the dark hell, this is the issue Pei Junlin cares most.

The sword spirit baby has stayed here. I don't know how long it has been, even in the prehistoric civilization. Pei Junlin has an intuition that the sword spirit baby must know where the gate of the dark **** is.

Of course, it is not convenient for Pei Junlin to say some words directly, because some words have the same meaning, but if they are said directly, the sword spirit baby will feel that he has ulterior motives.

You must pay attention to the way and method to talk to people like Sword Spirit Baby, try to be tactful, try to be more secretive, just play a side-by-side kick to help fuel the flames, let Sword Spirit Baby speak out by yourself that is the best result.

But the number one problem that plagues Pei Junlin now is that the identification of the baby has indicated that he wants to thank the guests behind closed doors and has issued an order to evict guests.

Therefore, the first thing Pei Junlin put in front of him now is to delay the time, so that the sword spirit baby does not fall into a deep sleep.

"Big brother, how long have we not been together since we worshiped our brothers? Let’s have a long conversation. Cultivation is not in a hurry. After all, the life span of the elder brother is unlimited, and he can practice at any time, but his brother’s time here is not too long. Maybe it is very unlikely that the younger brother will survive if he walks out here, maybe this time parting is a farewell." Pei Junlin deliberately said these words in a tragic tone, and it really caught the attention of the sword spirit baby.

A trace of murderous aura was revealed in the eyes with raised eyebrows, and the whole body was domineering. The Da Ma Jindao stood there staring at Pei Junlin and said: "You are my brother, who dares to hit your idea? , Who bullied you, I will kill him now."

This sword spirit baby, who was originally used to kill, has already reached the pinnacle of kendo. It can be described as a killing aura, filling the entire space.

Pei Junlin could even feel that the surrounding world rules and space barriers had been cut into small pieces, a small piece of fragmentation, and the whole world was about to collapse.

Pei Junlin was shocked in his heart. He knew that he had beaten the Sword Spirit Baby by chance before, but it was like taking advantage of his mouth, but his body was beaten by the opponent.

In fact, Junlin Pei understood that he had despised the sword spirit baby before, and when he saw it, the discussion in that kind of spiritual world was actually equivalent to the front of Buddhism!

Although she was lucky enough to trap the Sword Spirit Baby, she was only relying on the 13 Heavenly Clouds. Without the theory of the Heavenly Cloud Thirteen Swords, Pei Junlin would definitely not be able to defeat the Sword Spirit Full.

It is not so much that Pei Junlin defeated the sword spirit baby, but rather the invincibility theory of the Tianyun 13 swords, which forced the sword spirit baby back.

Going to the sword spirit baby is very far away, he is clearly in the kendo, he is already in a position of inexhaustible sovereignty, but it happened that Shengyu He Shengliang met such a freak as Pei Junlin, he was carrying such a peerless secret spectrum of Tianyu Thirteen Swords.

"No one wants to kill me, but have you forgotten? You stole everything I ate before. If these two people are to be held accountable, I'm afraid I will have ten lives and one finger is not enough." Pei Junlin's face was full of grievances.

The purpose of what he said was very simple. It was to express that he was very weak, very weak, and needed protection. And Pei Junlin's direct purpose is to let the sword spirit baby come out of the mountain to accompany him.

I don’t know that after hearing Pei Junlin’s maturity, the sword spirit baby smiled slightly, looked at Pei Junlin and shook his head: "This is nothing, just take them a jar of wine and a chicken. If it was before, UU Reading, I took away all the gold veins of the Earth Mother from the Xuankong Mountain, and they didn't take me to anything."

The sword spirit baby had an indifferent expression. He seriously told Pei Junlin that he would never be angered in this matter, nor would there be any oppression at all, so that Pei Junlin would be relieved.

Pei Junlin didn't want this kind of answer. What he wanted most was actually the sword spirit baby going out with him.

This Pei Junlin is not a fool either. He knows through observing his words and appearances and analyzing some situations that it is impossible for the Sword Spirit Baby to go out of the mountain with him. This matter has ended this belief as early as possible.

If you continue to talk over and over again here, it is likely to arouse the anger of the sword spirit baby, but it will be hard to say at that time.

Pei Junlin was very wise, and immediately changed the subject and started the second thing, but this second thing Pei Junlin said very simply and neatly, completely not planning as he did before.

"I need you to help me do something. I really want to know where the gate of the dark **** is? I want to find him and enter." Pei Junlin looked straight at the sword spirit baby.

There was no expected shock, nor any surprise. The Sword Spirit Baby just glanced at Pei Junlin indifferently, and said in an indisputable tone: "What are you doing with the two major sects this time? The purpose is actually I found the entrance to this dark hell, but in fact I tell you now that even if you find the entrance, can you go in? The entrance door has been locked for many years."

However, the sword spirit baby quickly sighed: "Who made the two of us be brothers and drank blood wine together. In fact, the dark **** was also very dangerous. Back then, there was a big villain who saw this dark hell. Being a neighbor with me, I was still bullied by him."?

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