Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1865: Black king

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

If the sword spirit baby is so domineering, Pei Junlin is also full of passion and passion. This kind of impassioned words at Pei Junlin sounded astonishing. Coupled with the appearance of the three-year-old child of the sword spirit baby, it is simply a huge contrast.

"Hehe, do you really think so? Are we good to bully in the dark sea? I tell you to identify the baby, be careful to play with fire." The old octopus still began to threaten the sword spirit baby.

However, the face of the sword spirit baby showed an indifferent look, and there was a sharp aura flashing in the eyes. It is obvious that the sword spirit baby really did not treat these people as a dish, and even the old octopus monster in front of the sword spirit baby’s eyes Neither is a level existence.

"You have not suffered setbacks in the Dark Sea for so many years? Black King, do you think I don't know what kind of calculations these people in the Dark Sea are doing? Don't mess with me, if you mess with me, let you know You can't find the head of the grave if you ransack your family and exterminate the clan." The sword spirit baby's utterly loud words made Pei Jun deaf.

This is what a man should look like, and the accessories of the man are displayed everywhere. Although the sword spirit baby did not have the appearance of a man, he did have a manly spirit, especially when the eyebrows were raised, the brilliance of heroism made Pei Junlin overwhelmed.

On the other side, the man who was called the Black Emperor by the sword spirit baby, his face was already trembling with anger, and under the constant shaking of his face full of savings, Pei Junlin had an extremely disgusting emotion.

"Well, since your sword spirit baby really wants to go to war with us in the dark sea, now is the time when you and I are hostile, I hope you will not regret it in the future." The ruthless words left by the black emperor, the body began to slowly disappear in place disappear.

At this moment, the sword spirit baby suddenly raised his hand with a sword light and slashed it out. The Black Emperor let out a muffled snort, and a huge tentacle fell on the ground.

You can see the huge tentacles, and the expression of disgust is also on the face, because the dark green mucus is constantly spraying on the tentacles, giving off a fishy smell, which is really unsightly.

But this time the crisis was finally over. What made Pei Junlin never expect was that the person behind the scenes who wanted to arrest him turned out to be the king of the dark sea, the Black Emperor.

After listening to the decomposition of the sword spirit baby, Pei Junlin realized that the octopus monster with a face full of savings just now turned out to be the most powerful existence on the seabed, which really made Pei Junlin a little bit stunned.

There was no way to regenerate. The king of the dark sea, the Black Emperor, knew that he could not resist the attack of the sword spirit baby, so he turned to Pei Junlin.

"I said I didn't intend to harm you from the beginning, do you believe it?" The Black Emperor looked at Pei Jun and asked.

However, Pei Junlin didn't believe the other party's statement. This guy ran the train with his mouth full, and he couldn't believe which sentence he could believe. Pei Junlin didn't know and could only choose not to believe it.

The Black Emperor is very strong, and according to Pei Junlin's estimation, it is far more than Xuantian Patriarch, and even if all characters are higher than one rank, Pei Junlin does not dare to offend easily.

"The strength of the Dark Sea Territory is very strong and very good, and your strength is also very strong, but I don't know what your Excellency is looking for. I'm just a small cultivator. Please don't embarrass me too much." Pei Junlin said A beautiful remark was made, and it was impeccable.

The Black Emperor was already a human-level character. Hearing Pei Junlin say this, he smiled coldly, turned around and planned to leave, but at this time the sword spirit baby did not agree to a flash of sword light, and he was instantly around the Black Emperor. Form a sword gas barrier.

"What are you? Are you threatening my brother? Do you think it's all about it today? You threatened my brother, shouldn't you say something?" The sword spirit baby stared at Hei with cold eyes. Emperor, the whole person is ready to go.

Although Pei Junlin wanted to calm down, but at this time, the sword spirit baby had to stand up for himself. If he was forced to be soft, it would undoubtedly chill the brother's heart.

So now for Pei Junlin, the most important thing is to remain silent. At this time, no matter what the sword spirit baby does, he must support Pei Junlin and stand firmly beside the sword spirit baby.

Although Junlin Pei also knew that the Black Emperor was very powerful, even no less than the master of the Hanging Mountain! This Black Emperor was a figure at the leader level, even if he didn't reach the leader level, he was only half way behind.

I have no scruples about Sword Spirit Baby being forced to make it to Pei Junlin. He also exposed a powerful aura, echoing the sword spirit advertisement. Although compared with the opponent's Black Emperor, Pei Junlin's strength is still too tender.

"Hehe, what do you want to do? I, the Black Emperor, come and leave as long as you want. Don't think you can hold it, Sword Spirit Baby. If you offend me, I will also make you unable to eat and walk around." He was willing to be soft, staring at the sword spirit baby coldly with his eyes, and opened his mouth to exhale a black breath.

The black breath changed in the wind, and turned into a wolf smoke, directly rushing into the sky, and at this moment, Pei Junlin felt that there seemed to be a corrosive force around him to decrease.

The Black Emperor took the lead, and Pei Junlin had no other way of retreating, and the sword light flashed in front of the sword spirit baby, and Pei Junlin immediately saw that one of the Black Emperor's arms was cut off.

"If you talked to me like this ten years ago or a few days ago, I might let you go, but don’t forget that you will be admired for three days. I am definitely not what you can challenge in the Dark Sea. If you Dare to say another word in front of me, I will immediately kill all the creatures in this dark sea!" The sword spirit baby said coldly, his tone was full of incredible killing intent.

Crazy is crazy, possessing the strength of the leader, but facing the sword spirit baby, he still dare not say a word. Although his face has an angry look, he glances at the underground broken arm gradually. Disappeared.

Pei Junlin's gaze stayed on the broken arm left by the Black Emperor. It was originally an arm, but after slowly squirming on the ground, it turned into a huge tentacle.

You must know that this is an arm of a leader-level creature, used to refine treasures, and can even surpass the devil's claws, so Pei Junlin couldn't help but feel a little jealous! This thing is actually the credit of the sword spirit baby, so the sword spirit baby did not speak, and Pei Junlin did not dare to act rashly.

"This is a good thing, you take it. This Black Emperor is also a great character. I have driven her to a desperate situation today, and it is my skill." The sword spirit baby smiled, with a smug look on his face.

Pei Junlin hurriedly jumped over and put the first item that was squirming into his pocket. A breath was injected into it. When Pei Junlin flicked his backhand and then shot it, he whirled in mid-air. Pei Junlin opened his mouth and sprayed it up. The spirit and will that the splendor remained below was swept away.

If this tentacle is used for sacrifice and practice with time, it is definitely a weapon that will never be disadvantaged if it is made into a whip.

There is nothing to say at this time. Residents can only save this tentacle first, and then slowly practice this kind of treasure when they have time. Once it is trained, it will be a sacred weapon.

"Now I'll **** you out of here. I will continue to practice in retreat. The Black Emperor's strength is also increasing day by day. If I don't improve my strength as soon as possible, his strength will surpass mine soon. Then my There will be no place to stand in this area." After the Sword Spirit baby calmed down, his face was sad.

Pei Junlin was a little guilty. If he hadn't caused trouble by himself, it would not have caused such a huge trouble to the sword spirit baby, but at this time, everything was unnecessary. Pei Junlin just silently nodded and didn't say anything.

A sword light wrapped it down and completely wrapped Pei Junlin's whole person. Then there was a very gray sky. Pei Junlin only felt the whistling wind in his ear. It was a few breaths. Pei Junlin saw the huge beam of light.

This beam of light is the point of return, UU reading www. As long as stands in the light, once it reaches the last moment of the countdown, the portal will be opened, and everyone standing in the light beam will immediately be teleported out of here.

"Here. Sending you a thousand miles away, you must say goodbye, eldest brother will send me here." Pei Junlin said toward the sword spirit baby.

This eldest brother Pei Junlin gave a sincere feeling, this is Pei Junlin's heartfelt feeling, the sword spirit baby also felt Pei Junlin's sincere emotions, just smiled faintly.

The sword light disappeared into the sky. When Pei Junlin turned to look, the sword spirit baby had already left. At this time, Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the beam of light. At this time, there were three men and one woman standing in the beam of light.

These people are all disciples of Xuankong Mountain, but these people have weird eyes when they see Pei Junlin. This kind of look in Pei Junlin's eyes is very strange, both like jealousy and admiration, with a hint of anger.

However, Pei Junlin didn't care about the eyes of these people. He instantly jumped into the beam of light, and immediately felt that his body was enveloped by a force of power, but for the time being, the power in the beam of light had not started to run.

"You are Pei Junlin, this is your top score, it seems you are going to make a fortune." One of the men looked at Pei Junlin strangely and said.

The other party's tone was full of maliciousness, so Pei Junlin heard it as a breeze, and did not respond to the other party's meaning at all. He stood there with eyes open and closed, waiting for the moment of the final transmission.

Pei Junlin turned a blind eye to him, and the man also showed an angry look. The thought of Pei Junlin's powerful strength was a little scared, so in the end he could only stand aside and swallow his breath, not dare to say a word of nonsense.

Pei Junlin also didn't bother to care about this kind of people, she watched her nose and nose, and was wholeheartedly communicating with Qi Dong in the chaotic golden bucket. ?

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