Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1866: This is my big brother

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In fact, at this time, Pei Junlin knew very well that Qi Donglai was actually very important. Even Qi Donglai is related to whether he can settle down again in Xuankong Mountain.

What Pei Junlin observes is the progress of Qi Donglai’s Du Hua, but what makes Pei Junlin regret is that even though there is a pious look on Qi Donglai’s face like the other side hall, Pei Junlin can still feel Qi Dong There seemed to be a sense of autonomy in his heart.

Of course, Qi Donglai's remaining will is very weak, almost negligible, but any spark may cause a prairie fire, so Pei Junlin had to be vigilant.

Now Qi Donglai has been completely brainwashed by Pei Junlin 90%, and only admires and admires Pei Junlin in his heart. But Pei Junlin can keenly perceive that deep in Qi Donglai’s heart, there is a stubborn seed in the seed. Although it is gradually hidden and lurking deep, Pei Junlin knows that this is Qi Donglai’s autonomy. awareness.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, as long as it is activated to leave any seed of consciousness, then one day Qi Donglai may regain consistency, so Pei Junlin had to guard against it.

In an instant, Pei Junlin turned many plans in his mind, such as directly erasing Qi Donglai's soul. But in the end Pei Junlin also rejected all these plans, because at this time he can only retain the sage that activated him, so as to be able to hide it from everyone. If there is no voluntary will to Qi Donglai at all, then it will make people doubt.

The time is too late, Pei Junlin has no time to continue Qidong to save, so at this time Pei Junlin can only take a bold risk.

After a while, a white light flickered, and there was one more person in this beam of light, Qi Donglai. Seeing Qi Donglai's sudden appearance of the beam of light, the other men and women were very excited, because Qi Donglai was of high authority and Qi Donglailai's position in the entire Hanging Mountain was very high.

When these young men and women saw Qi Dong's arrival, their eyes lit up and immediately surrounded them. The girl even wanted to stick to the body of the starter, she didn't know the shame at all, and several men licked their faces and kept complimenting them.

Pei Junlin rolled his eyes, these people are too shameless, seeing this noble son Qi Donglai is so shameless.

"Young Master Dong, when you didn't come before, this person was crazy."

"Dong Shao, you don't know, this person is He De and how can he win the first place, let's go back and check if he cheated."

"Dong Shao, I think a few of us will take this Pei Junlin together and review it carefully. In order to deny any military orders from abroad, if this person is really suspected of having a gap, we can directly kill him afterwards. Isn’t it beautiful that all these points are dedicated to Dong Shao?"

These young men and women rushed to offer ideas and suggestions, all aimed at Pei Junlin.

But at this time, Pei Junlin, who was standing aside, had a cold face, with a sneer in his eyes. And Qi Donglai was also standing there, with a dull expression on his face, and the expression on his face was extremely strange.

After all these people had spoken all the words, Qi Donglai suddenly said: "This Jun Pei will not talk nonsense when he comes to you. He is my elder brother. If anyone dares to offend her, I will not agree first. , I will wipe out all the eighteenth generations of his ancestors and even dig up his ancestral grave.

Qi Donglai's words were incomparably stiff, but after speaking out, the world suddenly became quiet for those young people, and the men and women immediately stayed where they were as if they had been fixed.

Several other people also had incredible expressions on their faces. They were all surprised to see Pei Junlin, because they never thought that Pei Junlin's status would be so high when Qi Dong came here.

"Have you heard those few? He just said that if anyone dares to offend me, he will run away from the ancestral grave. You guys just scolded me and tried to count on me. Your ancestral grave can't be kept." King's Landing laughed, with a smirking look on his face.

Sure enough, each of these people looked very ugly. They looked at Pei Junlin and then at Qi Donglai, they couldn't believe that all this was true.

However, Pei Junlin did not talk nonsense with these people, but stared at them coldly, and finally looked at Qi Donglai.

"My eldest brother is right, I will dig out all of your ancestral graves." Qi Donglai said coldly.

The remaining young men and women were dumbfounded. They got the personal promise from the start-up that they wanted to dig out their ancestral graves, and they applied wonderfully one by one.

"Well, I have to dig your ancestral grave as you like." One of the young men jumped and knelt on the ground.

Although the expressions of the other few people were complicated, the expressions on their faces gradually became more exciting. They looked at Qi Donglai one by one, and they did not dare to show any resistance.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt that the surrounding energy seemed to change, the white beam of light began to rotate, and a hot energy covered everyone.

Pei Junlin only felt that a great spatial force enveloped himself in front of him, flashing a white light, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared on the main hall inside the suspended mountain.

Pei Junlin's mood is a little nervous. If he is not nervous, it is false. Although he won the first point this time, his name is not right, and as a new disciple, his results are too dazzling.

Pei Junlin knows very well that the tree attracts the wind, and some things are really difficult to define.

When Pei Junlin's gaze fell on Qi Donglai's body, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. As long as Qi Donglai’s trump card is in his hand, these people will not be able to turn over any waves. Pei Junlin’s gaze falls on Patriarch Xuantian. This old guy is watching his nose and nose, as if nothing happened. same.

The ancestor Golden appeared behind Pei Junlin, his face was a bit ugly, and Junlin Pei was a bit weird. He asked the ancestor Golden in a low voice, and the two were communicating spiritually.

Soon Pei Junlin's face changed. He did not expect that the situation would deteriorate to such an extent. In fact, before he teleported out, the entire Xuankong Mountain had passed a resolution, that is, the moment Pei Jun came out, he would be arrested.

Pei Junlin is now hard to fly even if he wants to escape. He is surrounded by high numbers of suspended stations. He is covered in iron by himself, and he can hit a few nails.

Pei Junlin passed on for a while and passed some information to Qi Donglai. Qi Donglai's identity is very special. Pei Junlin knows that some things must be done by Qi Dong, and Qidong must be mobilized to come around, this decision can make Xuankong Mountain accept himself again.

"Do you think you really controlled me? Pei Junlin, you are too naive. You don't want to think about who my father is." Qi Donglai suddenly raised his head, his face full of **** and arrogant expressions.

Jun Pei was embarrassed, and he didn't expect that the last hole card was also discarded. It seems that this time he must rush out of the world. Pei Junlin immediately used his spiritual consciousness brand to wake up the sword spirit baby, but unfortunately the sword spirit baby has entered a deep sleep, no matter how Pei Junlin's divine mind wakes it up, the sword spirit baby remains motionless. Nothing happens.

Baby Sword Spirit can't count on it anymore, and now he can only escape for his life by relying on himself, taking advantage of the activation, he was caught by King Lin and grabbed Qi Donglai directly into his arms.

"You cooperate with me to get out of here alive. If you don't, I will destroy you. Although you are not completely controlled by me now, it is easy if I want to destroy you." Pei Junlin spoke with Qi Dong in a low voice. In terms of conditions.

But at this time, Qi Donglai made a frantic laughter, and at this moment a force suddenly passed, making Pei Junlin's body numb. Although Pei Junlin recovered in a very short time, he took advantage of it. This opportunity Qi Donglai still has a good time.

The last hole card also completely lost Pei Jun's face as ashes. He suddenly rose from a young age and directly broke through boldly, enveloped in a layer of huge power.

The energy of Pei Jun's body was terrifying, some aura and mana were compressed into a small capsule. If Pei Junlin throws these small capsules out, there will be a violent explosion in an instant, and the force generated is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

This is Pei Junlin's life-saving means at a critical moment. There are masters in the entire Xuankong Mountain, but although Pei Junlin seems to be unable to escape with wings, there is still a trace of life in general.

Several masters rushed towards Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin just waved his palm, grabbed the golden palm forward, and one master was caught by Pei Pei Junlin squeezed hard. , This name is the realm of the king, the later masters were directly squeezed by him and turned into a cloud of blood mist, without even having time to scream.

This piece of blood mist was caught by Pei Junlin's hand. The impurities in it were completely removed from the pure **** aura. It was directly refined by Pei Junlin and turned into a blood bag, thrown into the soul umbrella to feed the blood demon.

Pei Junlin's performance was extremely fierce and several other masters showed a hesitating look. Only a moment of hesitation allowed Pei Junlin to get a gap and rush out of the hall in an instant.

The top masters like Patriarch Xuantian looked at the heart as if nothing had happened.

"What do you think this place is, Xiaoxue? Is it the place where you are allowed to go wild? Have you ever wanted to ask me?" The breath of a saint-level powerhouse rushed towards Pei Junlin, and a light and shadow shrouded in an instant.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. By the time the others found out, Pei Junlin had already fought the opponent tens of thousands of times. The brief contact seemed extremely short-lived, but a lot of things happened in it. The saint-level powerhouse had a distorted face and looked at Pei Junlin with horror on his face.

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