Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1867: Seeds of consciousness

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

Qi Donglai turned back at the critical moment, which Pei Junlin had never expected. He never expected that Qi Donglai could make a comeback with only a seed of consciousness.

It is worthy to have a father of the Supreme Elder. It seems that Qi Donglai is born with the protagonist's aura. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to survive in such a desperate situation. A spiritual seed must be like a wildfire in a prairie fire. It seems that it is tantamount to finding two pieces of the same sand in the universe.

But this kind of impossible thing happened, which challenged Pei Junlin's bottom line and made Pei Junlin have a special expectation for Qi Donglai's mysterious father.

The battle continues to prove that the saint-level powerhouse has been chasing Pei Junlin fiercely, and the suppression of strong pressure has made Pei Junlin a little rushed.

After all, this place is inside the Xuankong Mountain, inside this giant sect, Pei Junlin knows that if someone really wants to keep himself, those masters can suppress themselves firmly with just one finger. Under Wuzhi Mountain.

From the beginning of the matter to the present, only two or three kittens have come forward. At this point in the battle, even though Pei Junlin had killed several people in a row, he had never seen some top masters take action, which made Pei Junlin feel a little confused and expectant.

The development of some things does not depend on people's will. For example, this time Pei Junlin's assault was something he had never expected. Now Qi Donglai is a huge variable, it was hidden deep at the beginning, until this time it suddenly exploded, giving General Pei Junlin an army.

Rumble, infinite power is spinning around Pei Junlin, as if the sky is moving, after a force bursts out, Pei Junlin's body will explode, and the sound like a bean burst directly explodes the surrounding air.

The saint-level powerhouse became riddled with defects in an instant, because although Pei Junlin's strength was not obvious, at the moment it broke out, it was extremely astonishing.

Pei Junlin is now also a powerhouse at the saint level, and with your body strength far surpassing the average cultivator, Pei Junlin's current undead spirit and physical strength are beyond the sacred weapon.

Even if it is a physical fight, Pei Junlin can directly kill the opponent, but Pei Junlin did not do so. Instead, he agitated the whole body's mana and exploded the surrounding air, shooting it at the opponent like bullets.

In this way, it can show the mountains and dews and show part of the strength, and it can also make the opponent jealous and can't guess his real hole card. This is the main purpose of Pei Junlin.

"You are fighting with people now, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at you secretly." Jin Ye began to speak to remind Pei Junlin.

Even if Jin Ye didn't remind Pei Junlin himself, he felt a lot of different auras, and he could sense that this was a scam from the beginning. Maybe Qi Donglai was a chess piece arranged by someone.

Pei Junlin carefully recalled some things that happened these days, and his face showed a faint look of horror. If he was calculated from the beginning, then this matter is too terrifying, then what is the reason? Let the high-levels of the entire Xuankong Mountain work together to calculate such an unknown person?

Pei Junlin's brain is spinning rapidly, and at the same time he is also engaged in a fierce battle with the saint-level powerhouse in front of him. However, at this time, Pei Junlin had become more and more proficient in starting, neither allowing the opponent to defeat, nor directly causing a critical attack on the opponent, and the two were in a stalemate.

Pei Junlin's brain quickly rotates to calculate some information, which has been summed together to outline a rough outline. Pei Junlin gradually understands that some things may have been destined to happen long ago.

From the very beginning, this group of people focused on themselves, maybe the one-eyed Taoist had been spotted long ago, but the one-eyed Taoist might not have felt it.

The so-called hustle and bustle of the world has found the root of the matter for Liwang Pei Junlin, which is the dark hell. The Anhui region is a huge fat. The legendary Anhui region is the only treasure left by the prehistoric villain!

It is also said that in the dark era of prehistoric civilization, the big villain robbed and plundered countless treasures on the horizontal and horizontal continents, and they were all placed in this dark hell. Therefore, after so many years, generations of people have not been in the dust of history. However, some people always remember that the big villain of the year left an indelible mark in this world.

Before the big villain was like a legendary pirate, very popular, so his treasure has become the legendary Solomon treasure, a place that countless people yearn for.

Perhaps after countless years of tracking and research, Xuankong Mountain has already learned some news and secrets about the dark hell, so when the mysterious one-eyed Taoist appeared and Pei Junlin came to this area, the entire Xuankong Mountain might have been discovered immediately. Clues.

Now that this step is reached, the giant crocodiles hiding under the water can't hold back the action, which means that this matter is definitely due to something in it, which also makes Pei Junlin more vigilant.

In fact, there are some things that don't need to be reminded by Lord Jin, and I feel like being King. The entire Hanging Mountain is like a huge conspiracy. This conspiracy is aimed at herself. There are some things about dark **** and some other things. In short, the feeling of being king is very keen, and her brain is very sensitive Calculations and the design of various models can also feel something unusual.

Obviously, the main reason for this incident was not because of the existence of Dark Hell. There are many secrets to the existence of Dark Hell, but it is not completely impossible to solve, and it does not necessarily require Pei Junlin as a key figure.

Now that the entire sect of Xuankong Mountain can calculate an unknown person, this makes Pei Junlin questionable. After figuring out all the joints, Pei Junlin felt that his hair was standing upright in an instant.

Pei Junlin knew that his only chance now was to escape from here and escape directly from this Beiju Luzhou. Unconsciously, Junlin Pei had fallen into a huge whirlpool, and this huge whirlpool made Junlin unable to extricate himself from it.

Therefore, at this time, the thirty-six strategy is the best strategy, using the simplest means to directly break the opponent's strategy, but now the most dangerous way before Pei Junlin is inside is how to escape here.

With a hum, Pei Junlin directly transformed into a cloud of golden light, his body exploded directly in the air.

Like a group of gorgeous fireworks, powerful energy erupted in a very short time, and the hot light enveloped the entire hanging mountain.

At this time, almost the entire Xuankong Mountain was shocked by powerful divine thoughts. After checking out from the midair, they were all shocked by this amazing scene.

There are countless divine thoughts in the void space, intertwined with each other, and in a moment of communication, there are countless pieces of information above the entire hanging mountain, shuttled to each other.

"How can we die? We have been laying out for so long, have we achieved such a result?" Someone was unwilling to growl.

Even if some mighty level figures came over, they couldn’t find Pei Junlin’s traces, because Pei Junlin actually revealed himself just now. In the presence of all the top powerhouses on the Xuankong Mountain, Pei Junlin’s body directly exploded into dust.

No one suspects that Pei Junlin's death is just a pity, after all, this period of time has been suspended on Pei Junlin's body, and a lot of time and energy have been devoted to Pei Junlin.

It's a pity that no one thought that it would turn out to be nothing in the end.

"No, this fate has not been cut off, and there is still a lot of luck in it, this person is not dead." A great power opened his eyes, and shot a golden light from the vertical eye of her brow, directly in the void. In the form of a figure.

That figure is exactly the prototype of Pei Junlin, hidden in the void, with a mysterious earthen jar on his head. Pei Junlin was lurking in the deep void. He wanted to wait until the limelight passed and everything was calm, and UU reading would leave quietly by himself, but all this became an illusion, and his trail was discovered.

However, in an extremely short period of time, the moment of that crock pot exuded a grayish aura, covering Pei Junlin's primordial spirit, even if it was the light of Nadal who could barely face, he could not see where Pei Junlin was.

The exposure of a moment's whereabouts is tantamount to a disaster for Pei Junlin. At this time, it is too late for Pei Junlin to move his position, because the powerful level master directly blocked this area completely.

Pei Junlin's body was broken, and he could use the undead golden body to recover. But once Pei Junlin's body was captured in this fight, and his soul was captured, then there was no room for turning over again.

So at the moment of being arrested at this moment, Pei Junlin's body was enveloped with a powerful force, it was a group of golden light, it was the divine light of the undead golden body.

Pei Junlin’s primordial spirit turned into a golden glow, and circles of Buddha light enveloped Pei Junlin’s primordial spirit, and the greyish breath of the mysterious earthen jar shrouded, suddenly shattering the void and impacting on a deeper dimensional world. Past.

In this world, in addition to the world barriers and some space barriers, there are countless dimensional worlds hidden in it.

The so-called one flower, one world, one leaf and one bodhi, Pei Junlin is breaking through the void and can enter a dimensional world at will, but it is easy to get in, and once you want to get out, it is even more difficult.

At this time, in order to survive, Pei Junlin can't take care of too much, his body turned into a slender light, and he wanted to break the imprisonment and leave here.

But all this was nothing but a good wish of Pei Junlin. At this moment, a ray of light shrouded and firmly controlled Pei Junlin's entire soul. ?

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