Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1868: Suspended animation

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"It's over!"

Before losing consciousness, Pei Junlin had only such a belief in his heart. When he woke up again, Pei Junlin realized that he was in a strange place.

This is a humid environment, Pei Junlin feels slowly before he can feel that he seems to be soaked in a certain liquid, which is very warm and even beating constantly.

Gradually, Pei Junlin was a little horrified, because he felt that everything he did was not completely related to him, everything was strange, including strange auras.

Pei Junlin's undead spirit had suspended his death before. This has been destroyed by Pei Junlin himself, but the essence of it was completely recollected by Pei Junlin. Now he wants to recover his physical body, but it is only a matter of minutes.

But the most important thing in front of him was Pei Junlin, feeling that he seemed to have an extra body, this body was very small, like a fetus.

"It was not a while ago, I have been killed by someone and reincarnated by the way?" Pei Junlin's mind flashed with countless questions, and he was very confused.

Gradually, Pei Junlin found that the surrounding breath was somewhat different. For example, the primordial spirit of the fetus seemed extremely weak and was being swallowed by himself, but one of the seeds of evil had taken root in his divine consciousness.

"Don't swallow this seed of divine consciousness. This is the parasitic of the devil's fetus. They will use your soul to parasitize the devil's fetus." Jin Ye's voice passed.

Pei Junlin was taken aback. This incident was too frightening. He never expected that Xuankong Mountain would be so vicious that some people would pull out their primordial spirits and inject them into the demonic fetus.

"They can inject you into the devil's fetus, and you can slowly obliterate your consciousness. Especially the mind seed that molds the devil's fetus, once it takes root in your divine consciousness, you will soon be completely controlled. At that time, once this team of magic fetuses leaves the mother's body, they will become a bloodthirsty **** of war." Jin Ye's voice came into Pei Junlin's ears again.

Pei Junlin gradually calmed down. Although he is now pinned in the body of a magic platform, Pei Junlin is not in a hurry. With his current strength, wanting to leave is just a matter of minutes.

However, before leaving, Junlin Pei must first clarify all this. First of all, the first question is why Xuankong Mountain does this? What is the motivation before them?

It's a pity that even though Junlin Pei wants to break his head, he can't figure out the stakes of the joints, and what kind of calculations these people in Xuankong Mountain are playing.

Don't think about things that you can't figure out for now. Sooner or later, the day will come to light. Pei Junlin's divine mind is slowly withdrawn from the demon fetus, trying to break through the barrier of this layer of mother fetus.

It is a pity that Junlin Pei discovered that it is not such a simple matter. First of all, some of the runes carved here seem to have imprisoned his soul here.

Pei Junlin let out a long sigh, because he understands that the Xuankong Mountain masters are like clouds, and there are some powerful old antiques among them. These people have lived for countless years, can't they see the clues?

"Where did my undead golden body go?" Pei Junlin's face was full of horror.

He has worked so hard to cultivate into an immortal golden body. Now that Pei Junlin is taken away from him, of course he has to be anxious. It is not the spirit, not Pei Junlin's body, but some essence of the body.

Pei Junlin's current strength is even if his body is destroyed, he can regenerate his body at any time as long as there is a drop of blood, but this is not the essence of this life, but it can't live, and once it is taken away, it will be completely gone.

So at this time, Pei Junlin seemed very flustered, and his mood was a bit complicated at one time.

Without the immortal body, it would be even more difficult for Pei Junlin to restore his physical body.

Pei Junlin never thought that one day he would be in desperation. Her emotions fell into a deep passivity. Looking around, Pei Junlin was a little dazed. After all, trapped in this mother's womb, Pei Junlin felt extremely hated in her heart.

Who is behind himself, calculating himself with such a strategy.

No matter what Pei Junlin wants to break his head, he can't figure out what the meaning behind this is. Who is it that brought his soul into this magic platform?

"What should I do with the current situation? Is it because I've been eaten this time?" Pei Junlin said towards Jin Ye.

After being silent for a long time, Pei Junlin's mental breakdown was almost broken. At this time, if Jin Ye also lost contact, then he would lose his last mental support.

"You remember that you can only rely on yourself at any time, and no one else can help you." Jin Ye's voice was a little cold.

Pei Junlin just froze for a moment, and soon entered a state of rapid calculation, his brain began to rotate, and a nebula formed in his entire mind.

Although there is no physical body, there is only a soul, but Pei Junlin now looks like a golden transparent person. At the location Pei Junlin hit, there was a golden nebula continuously rotating, and it seemed that the entire universe had fallen into reincarnation.

It may be a moment or a long time. In short, Junlin Pei has done a lot of calculations, and he can't figure out how to get out of here, because no matter what he thinks, this is a desperate situation. If Junlin Pei wants to have all the tails. , It is almost impossible to go out alive from here.

Pei Junlin did not believe that there were no loopholes in everything here, so he wanted to continue research and development and continue to use his brain to calculate, but at this time Pei Junlin found that his strength seemed to be unable to keep up.

It was the tree of life swaying, a stream of pure energy input into Pei Junlin's primitive, and it also made Pei Junlin a pleasant surprise. He didn't expect that after falling into this field, the tree of life at the center of his forehead could take root in the void again and absorb energy.

However, the more the brain works, the more calculation Pei Junlin is, the more desperate it is, because everything here is so thorough, as if a thorough king has no logic at all, to calculate the loopholes in it, not only takes a lot of time, but also It also costs a lot of energy.

Pei Junlin calculates the energy consumed in one minute, which will be the total energy consumed by a medium sect throughout the year. And the energy Pei Junlin can use the tree of life to continuously draw from the void, it can be described as no business, but you can't delay the time.

My current customer of Junlin Pei needs at least ten years to calculate a preliminary model, and there is no guarantee that he can go out of here.

In ten years, the day lily was cold, Pei Junlin couldn’t wait, but soon Pei Junlin thought of another way, that is, the time capsule. She had received a three thousand year time capsule before, and took ten years to treat Pei. King's Landing is simple.

With the time capsule, Pei Junlin naturally entered an ethereal state. The flow of time seemed to be inconspicuous to him, surrounded by a kind of light of quicksand, this is the long river of time and space, gradually in front of Pei Junlin Froze.

Pei Junlin is like a rock standing in the middle of a big river. It is wrapped by river water and washed away by the long river of time and space, but its position has never moved.

Ten years' time was just a flick of a finger. Soon Pei Junlin gradually opened his eyes, and there was a hint of vicissitudes in his eyes, but there was also a hint of surprise.

It took ten years to calculate and a lot of energy to calculate a conclusion. Pei Junlin was exhausted, but the energy returned in the end also gave Pei Junlin information, because he finally calculated some loopholes in this magic tire. .

If Junlin Pei wants to escape now, he can leave here quietly in minutes, but Junlin Pei did not leave. He has another plan. It will take fifty time to fix the loopholes in the magic table. It is completely calculated.

If you can use this demon fetus to parasitize, but find out the black hand behind it, then it is also a good thing for Pei Junlin, so at this time Pei Junlin is not in a hurry to leave here, he took out the time capsule again, this time Pei Junlin chose fifty years.

In the long river of time and space, fifty years is still very long, but in these fifty years, Pei Junlin has always closed his eyes like a sculpture. Most of the time, his eyebrows will be shining with a phantom of the tree of life constantly shaking, drawing energy from the void and providing it to Pei Junlin.

Although the time in the long river of time and space has passed for fifty years, when Pei Junlin picked out the time capsule, it was only a moment, but this time Pei Junlin did calculate the data he wanted. UU Reading

There are endless mysteries in this magic tire, but Pei Junlin has calculated every detail!

At this time, Pei Junlin was already holding the winning ticket. His soul gradually merged into Maotai. Soon the demon fetus opened his eyes. Although it looked like a baby, there was an evil smile on his face. .

A few years passed in the blink of an eye, and soon Pei Junlin found that things seemed to be changing. When he opened his eyes, there was a void around him, and nine different suns were floating above the void.

The nine-wheeled golden sun is suspended in the void, but the light is not dazzling. Sitting in the sun is a figure of great majesty, only the outline can be seen, not the details of itself.

Pei Junlin knew in an instant that these people should be the Supreme Elders of Xuankong Mountain, hiding in the endless time and space for long-term cultivation.

However, the reincarnation of the modal attracted the attention of the nine elders at the same time. Pei Junlin immediately felt that the hot divine mind was entangled on him, and he would almost check the entire magic table from top to bottom. Fan.

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